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Once upon a time, Nora and Søren made a fateful deal—if he gave her everything, she would give him forever. 

The time has finally come to keep their promises. 

Out of money and out of options after her year-long exile, Eleanor Schreiber agrees to join forces with Kingsley Edge, the king of kink. After her first taste of power as a Dominant, Eleanor buries her old submissive self and transforms into Mistress Nora, the Red Queen. With the help of a mysterious young man with a job even more illicit than her own, Nora squares off against a cunning rival in her quest to become the most respected, the most feared Dominatrix in the Underground. 

While new lovers and the sweet taste of freedom intoxicate Nora, she is tempted time and time again by Søren, her only love and the one man who refuses to bow to her. But when Søren accepts a new church assignment in a dangerous country, she must make an agonizing choice—will the queen keep her throne and let her lover go, or trade in her crown for Søren's collar? 

With a shattering final confession, the last link in the chain is forged in The Original Sinners saga. It's the closing chapter in a story of salvation, sacrifice and the multitude of scars we collect in the name of ecstasy—and love.

448 pages, Paperback

First published October 27, 2015

About the author

Tiffany Reisz

155 books9,156 followers
Tiffany Reisz is the USA Today-bestselling author. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and two cats. Find her online at TiffanyReisz.com.

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,349 followers
September 24, 2015
"I've created a monster."
"You didn't create a monster,"
"You just let her off her leash."

[image error]

In this last novel, Tiffany Reisz fills fans in on the events that occurred during the time period when Nora walked away from Søren and became Mistress Nora. With the help of a great King, Nora conquers New York's heartless dominatrix and comes into her own.

"I want my own money, my own house, Freedom. Money is Freedom."

Make no mistake, Søren is heavily in this story (Can I get a HELL YEAH?!) and Nora struggles with the love she has for him and the freedom she has from wearing her crown.


The story shows Eleanor coming to terms with her desires to top and the fact that her heart will always be with Søren.


One minor thing that I struggle with in this series is Nico. He's not in this book but is mentioned and I'm simply not sold on him. I haven’t been shown enough about him to care or feel he deserves any sort of spot with Nora. I mean how many Nico fans are there? Truthfully, if Tiffany Reisz gave him a novella perhaps fans can warm up to the idea that he’s here to stay.

This is a series not to be missed! The writing is fantastic and the characters are unforgettable. Step outside your box and let The Original Sinners show how kinky and heartwarming their love can be!

"This was how they were faithful to each other, by letting each other be faithful to their own hearts."

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
October 8, 2015

4.5 Jabberwocky Stars!

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Well, I waited as long as I could before I read this final installment within The Original Sinners series. I knew the end of this book would be the end of seriously my FAVORITE taboo BDSM series. Reisz has constructed so much more than a simple cast of characters here. She gave us a community of men and women that come from all backgrounds, some histories were ugly and heart-wrenching but within their playground stories I fell wholeheartedly in love with each of them for so many reasons. Even more so, this series is constructed in such a way that nothing, NOTHING compares- in its originality, dry wit, depth of character development and overall plot. Everything is just...fresh, different from current BDSM erotica. And, let's face it, a sadist priest? I'll give her an A+ for originality and the balls to "go there."

So I'm going to go a bit unconventional to my normal review style and introduce The Original Sinners family and who they are to me...

SOREN (Father Marcus Stearns)-

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This sadistic priest is the star of the show for me. Reisz constructed such a complex character within him, even within the final pages of this last book, I was still learning all that embodies this man. He's more than a man. So much more. When I first started the series years ago, I didn't know if I could stretch my boundaries enough for this taboo sadist clergyman. In the end, my heart was wrenched from my chest with every four word sentence he repeated to Nora...

"Come back to me."

NORA (Eleanor, Elle, Mistress Nora, Little One, The Queen)-

Nora was a hard nut to crack with me. In the end, her humor was my demise. How could I not love the feisty ex-con teenager that brought this priest to his knees...that brought ALL men to their knees. Reisz has brought us back and forth in time within all the books and I found myself most captured by her once I learned her history with Soren. What made her the person she is. But her humor was so contagious. Within this book, she teaches a creative writing class and I can just imagine the looks on the student's faces. Her banter with Griffin was also laugh-out-loud funny.

"The clit." Elle sighed. "The only organ on the human body designed solely for pleasure. Proof God is a woman."

KINGSLEY (King, King of the Underground)-

I do have to admit, my favorite book within the series was The Prince. I absolutely fell in love with Kingsley and Soren's love story. Two scarred souls with very specific kinks finding themselves within Jesuit boarding school so many years ago. Their interactions could be graphic yet King always had an underscore of humor that seemed to lessen the sting. The three of them- Soren, Nora, and Kingsley were a force to be reckoned with be it in the underground or their commitment to each other. But, again, the banter was so endearing.

"I've always wanted to use a whip," Nora said. "I think I saw too many Indiana Jones movies as a kid. Do you think he was kinky?"

"French Vanilla," Kingsley said.

"What's that?"

"Vanilla with a strong libido and a taste for anal."

Secondary characters such as Griffin, Michael, Alfred, Wesley, Juliette, Claire, Grace, and Zach added that extra bulk to the story. Each having their own crosses to bear, but finding strength within this tight group of people. I would've killed for more time with Griffin and his butler, Alfred. Proof that Ms. Reisz has some kind of humorous side to her.

Tiffany Reisz managed to wrap up The Original Sinners series in a beautiful red riding crop bow for me in The Queen . She had me on the edge of my seat until the very end as the bulk of this book is, again, flashbacks to the past. The flashbacks occur from the time Nora returns from the convent (the events during The Siren or just prior to that). That 3-4 year span where she has left Soren behind. She's testing the waters at being a Dominatrix, writes her book, buys her house, and meets Wesley while teaching a creative writing class. Then we move back to the present - and only until the last 15% do we get that. Their conclusion...their HEA as only The Original Sinners can capture.

I'll miss this kinky, humorous, loyal-to-a-fault crew. Ms Reisz has a big pair of shoes to fill in her next book series but I have all the faith in her to deliver for us again!

"I'll come home," Soren said. "I promise."

"Please," she said. "You take my heart with you."

He kissed her forehead. "Little One, you are my heart."

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Advanced copy received by Harlequin Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review...

Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,034 followers
August 20, 2015
✿•*¨`*•✿ THE QUEEN REIGNS! ✿•*¨`*•✿

My journey with this crew started a little over two years ago. I noticed this series at the bookstore and was intrigued by the title and the compelling book cover. My curiosity was piqued when I checked goodreads and saw lots of friends LOVED IT. I had to READ IT. The ‘shock and awe’ feeling I got in The Siren when we meet Soren is still one of my most fun SHOCK-moments in reading.

You may be wondering what the whole Original Sinners Craze is all about. Father Mike’s answer to Nora, ”Don’t you think it’s a little weird, priests preaching about love when they’re not allowed to feel it?”, was the epitome of the series as a whole.
”Oh, priest know everything there is to know about love. Don’t confuse love with romance, young lady.
I gave up marriage and children and sex and the comforts of family, because I love my Lord, and I would take a bullet for anyone in this church, including you, young lady. Now you tell me I don’t know what love is.”

The Original Sinners series is the love story among a bunch of unlikely characters who cross boundaries to be with each others. All the characters are interconnected in a way that they’ve formed one big family. The forks in the roads that ultimately leads each one on a path towards their HAPPY ENDING was a meticulously worked throughout the whole series.

In this final installment we get glimpses into all the characters we’ve come to love throughout the series. Seeing them join together for this final time brought closure to the series. Even though I'm sad it's over I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and picked up this book.

A great read for my 100th book of 2015.

The Original Sinners series is broken into 2 parts: The Red Years Quartet (The adventures of Nora Sutherlin, Dominant and erotica writer) and The White Years Quartet (The adventures of Eleanor Schreiber, submissive). Recommended you read The Red Years Quartet first.

Reading order between the two quartets:
{#1 Red} The Siren | My review
{#2 Red} The Angel | My review
{#3 Red} The Prince | My review
{#4 Red} The Mistress | My review
{#1 White} The Saint | My review
{#2 White} The King My review
{#3 White} The Virgin | My review
{#4 White} The Queen

The White Years Quartet (The adventures of Eleanor Schreiber, submissive)
The Saint (The Original Sinners White Years, #1) by Tiffany Reisz The King (The Original Sinners White Years, #2) by Tiffany Reisz The Virgin (The Original Sinners White Years, #3) by Tiffany Reisz The Queen (The Original Sinners White Years, #4) by Tiffany Reisz

RELEASE DATE: 10/27/2015
Pre-order | order: http://amzn.to/1IC9wMB

**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,070 followers
October 28, 2015
It’s LIVE! * Amazon US * Amazon Uk *

★When I read a book from this series it's like visiting old friends. A STUNNING end to an EPIC series!' ★

The propensity of each story from this series to make me feel deeply is immense simply because of the history ingrained in my mind and heart. I'm in love with every single character. There are so many layers with so much depth. Their lives are firmly and forever entwined. The Original Sinners Series is a must read for fans of forbidden romance with lashings of BDSM and a love so deep it takes ones breath away.

THE QUEEN begins where The Virgin ends and throughout showcases the past and the present time with flawless writing and seamless transitions. It's about grasping every moment, speaking to others as if they'll be your last words and an abundance of forbidden deep, deep love steeped in kink and taboo. The main players, Nora, Soren and Kingsley, have been together for a period spanning over twenty three years and this series covers much of their history in one way or another.

“One tiny twist of fate.” I love the deep, thought provoking nuances placed in the prose. It’s about destiny, a destiny where there may have been multiple choices and possibilities but all paths would have surely resulted in the same destination. The way The Queen is peppered with earlier memories throughout the telling is engaging and, at times revealing. A couple of chapters left me with an OH-MY-GOODNESS hanging in my thoughts. At times the story gave me goose bumps. The level of Soren's devotion is awe inspiring, especially towards Nora and Kingsley. His selflessness and love evoked tears of emotion from me. His character is complex and intrinsic to the level of intensity felt whilst reading this story.

The manner in which the story arc plays out in THE QUEEN, tying together all aspects of the Original Sinners series, both the Red and White years is just incredible and stunning. Most of the main players whom I've loved throughout the series make an appearance enhancing the story and helping to bring everything full circle with just the right amount of sentimentality and a perfect level of depth and beauty. I LOVED every KINKY, POIGNANT moment.

The Queen depicts Nora’s transformation into a dominatrix and Queen of the Underground World. She's her normal self, which maybe makes her appear selfish at times but ultimately her behaviour is explained with the exploration of why it’s simply the way it is between Nora and Soren. It explores what could have happened and comes full circle so the reader comprehensively understanding all the whys. Every thought, every question mark I’ve experienced is addressed. My many deep conversations with other readers that this series has evoked, especially THE SAINT, have been comprehensively addressed. As a reader, I totally bought into the way the leading protagonists, the people who matter to her, understood her qualities and the lifestyle choices made by them all. Their access-all-area friendships and the dynamic between the main players exude beauty. So many friendships that feel so much deeper than simply just friends. I'm truly happy that I also saw a selfless side to Nora, a side that is borne from love and it was the most beautiful and emotional aspect of this story.

The Original Sinners is a series of epic proportions and The Queen, slated as the last-in-the-series-for-the-moment, offers stunning closure. Each story within the series is perfectly crafted with characters, prose and dialogue that are intelligently developed and carry the dynamic of the story forward. It’s overflowing with an abundance of meaning and kink wrapped in the most wonderfully epic forbidden love story that has grown in stature with each new release from the series. In turn, with each book I have gained a deeper level of understanding into the lives of the three protagonists and their story. This series will remain a forever favourite and is one I will always HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

The following is the order I read and fell in love with The Original Sinners series. (Including the eight essential full length books and the optional novellas)
The Siren (The Original Sinners, #1) by Tiffany ReiszSeven Day Loan (The Original Sinners, #0.5) by Tiffany ReiszDaniel Part Two (The Original Sinners, #3.1) by Tiffany ReiszThe Angel (The Original Sinners, #2) by Tiffany ReiszLittle Red Riding Crop (The Original Sinners, #0.6) by Tiffany ReiszSubmit to Desire (The Original Sinners, #0.7) by Tiffany ReiszThe Prince (The Original Sinners, #3) by Tiffany ReiszThe Mistress (The Original Sinners, #4) by Tiffany ReiszScars and Stripes (The Last Good Knight, #1) by Tiffany ReiszSore Spots (The Last Good Knight, #2) by Tiffany ReiszThe Games Destiny Plays (The Last Good Knight, #3) by Tiffany ReiszFit to Be Tied (The Last Good Knight, #4) by Tiffany ReiszThe Last Good Night (The Last Good Knight, #5) by Tiffany ReiszThe Saint (The Original Sinners The White Years - Book 1) by Tiffany ReiszThe King (The Original Sinners White Years, #2) by Tiffany ReiszThe Virgin (The Original Sinners White Years, #3) by Tiffany ReiszThe Queen (The Original Sinners White Years, #4) by Tiffany Reisz
(The five novellas of THE LAST GOOD KNIGHT can now be purchased as one book)

I recommend reading THE RED years prior to THE WHITE YEARS.

Arc received from the publisher Harlequin, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
October 27, 2015
5++++ Everything Stars

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The beauty of an exceptional writer is the ability to bring everything home. Tiffany Reisz captured an unconventional story and turned it into a meaningful erotic sensual mix of emotions. While this entire series started out as a shock factor for me, it was the writing that won me over. The subject matter required an author with religious sensitivity and extremely erotic creativity and Tiffany Reisz did it BRILLIANTLY!!!

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Do you want to know what this book is about- NO!! You want to experience the story first hand, without any bias. It's beautiful, it's funny (cause Nora and Søren and Kingsley do sarcasm as its finest), it’s erotic, it's meaningful, it truly PERFECTION!! The story came full circle, pure and simple. The sheer genuine of the author captured the entire Original Sinners and brought them home. The Queen made me feel made me cry, made me happy and made me love. The emotional depth of the words that Nora and Søren and Kingsley have is truly remarkable. Their relationship is deep, longing and is really all about accepting each other with no reservation because when you truly love, you have EVERYTHING.

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As you can already tell, I loved every minute......I Loved Søren and his heart, I Loved Nora and her growth and her strength and most of all her undying love for those in her heart and soul, and I Loved Kingsley because well, those of you who know Kingsley, need no explanation!!!

Tiffany Reisz will always be an automatic read for me!! I just hope and pray that from time to time, the TOS crew will make appearances in novellas because they are truly embedded in my mind and soul forever.

I will leave you with a few of my favorite quotes just because……

Søren moved down her body, kissing her sides, her stomach. Heat radiated from his mouth all through her. There would be no escape. He held her down with his hands but she stayed there because of her heart.

“To her lover, a woman is a delight. To a monk she is a distraction. To a mosquito she is a good meal.’ With him, my priest, I was all of the above—a delight, a distraction and dinner. He lost a lot when he lost me.”

She let him swallow her cries of pain because it was her pain he fed on, her pain that sustained him. Oh, but it fed her, too. And every cruel and beautiful thing he did to her, the gifts he gave her at once merciless and merciful, left her starving for him.

Nora loved Søren. This was an incontrovertible fact of the universe, strong as gravity, inevitable as sunrise.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
October 27, 2015
All hail the Queen


A must read, so do that ASAP!


The end is toooo close.

Just got my ARC!!!!
So excited, yet feeling so miserable. Its the end. I don't think I can handle it.

Søren forever and always.


I'll die. No jokes :(
With a shattering final confession, the last link in the chain is forged in The Original Sinners saga. It's the closing chapter in a story of salvation, sacrifice and the multitude of scars we collect in the name of ecstasy—and love.
Just thinking about the end of my favorite series and the best story I've ever read is giving me palpitation.
I don't know wether to sob my ass off because its the end or celebrate because we get to read the end.

Søren forever and always.

Dreading and eagerly awaiting the release of this book.

Tiffany Reisz,
I am a sapio-slut for your brain!
Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
October 2, 2015
5 STARS!! ★★★★★

"There are, in fact, only three ways to become a queen. Signing up isn't one of them."

**SPOILER FREE REVIEW (but involves major gushing of the entire series)**

It breaks my heart to write this review because it feels like I'm officially saying goodbye to a series I've come to love so much. This alluring world that Tiffany Reisz has created, these complex characters that I've admired; we've reached the final chapter of an amazing saga. The Queen marks the epic conclusion to the entire Original Sinners series that we've all been holding our breath for. And our Queen, the one and only Tiffany Reisz has delivered and brought this entire journey back to a full circle.

The final instalment picks up from where we left off with The Virgin, the beautiful wedding that finally takes place for one very lucky couple. All our beloved characters have come together for one last time, reminiscence of the past begins. But one crucial piece of the puzzle still remains throughout the entire series...the year that Eleanor became Mistress Nora. The rise of the Red Queen in the Underground.

And so it begins. With a confession from Nora to her beloved Soren in the present day.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” she began her confession.

I'm not gonna lie, this was the story I've been WAITING for. Ever since picking up the very first book, The Siren, Nora has captivated me with her dominatrix ways. So to be able to finally witness the transformation of Eleanor to Mistress Nora, I couldn't ask for a better way to end this saga and our Queen delivered it in spades. Eventhough it may seemed that this book will focus primarily on Nora, more importantly we got to explore more in depth between the dynamics that make up Nora, Soren and Kingsley. Book after book, there's always still so much more that we've yet to learn. That is the absolute beauty of this series and the writing perfection to be expected from TR.

The level of respect and love that Nora, Soren and Kingsley have for each other is one that astounds me and one that I will probably never encounter in any other books I'll read. Underneath all that kink and unconventional taboo relationship lies the greatest devotion you'll ever see shared between three people. This is the book that will piece all the bits together and fill in all the gaps in the past, to finally understand what defines these characters and made them who they are.

“This was how they were faithful to each other, by letting each other be faithful to their own hearts."

Everything comes back to one full circle but what really took the cake for me in this entire read was the last portion of it. Tiffany Reisz stripped down the final layer of Soren and bare to us this unmasked version of the powerful man we've never seen before. Needless to say, I weeped my way through that scene and goddamnit was it beautiful. I've never doubted his love for Nora and Kingsley but that final scene right there...it just solidifies everything I've come to love and admire in that man.

You know the saying where great stories will live on forever? That rings true here with the Original Sinners. Even with the final chapter sealing the fate of this saga, I know for a fact that the series will stay on with me forever. Tiffany Reisz is a world-class storyteller and with every read she puts out, I can only expect greatness and never once has she failed on me yet. She doesn't even need to put out a heart-stopping read as a finale to win me over, she just needs to do what she does best: writing one helluva read.

“My endgame is the same endgame as in every game of chess."

The only thing that I could probably do without in this series was the introduction of Nico. He was probably the only character that hardly stuck with me and dare I say, quite forgettable. Regardless, this series was still perfect in my eyes.

In a true TR fashion and right down to the VERY LAST LINE, that woman never fails to surprise you. What a perfect brilliant way to end this amazing saga with just that final word. I bow down to you, my Queen. And thank you for giving us an unforgettable journey with the Sinners.

The Queen is the final book in The White Year series and the conclusion to The Original Sinners series. It should be read in order and is also recommended to only read this series after finishing The Red Year series (Book 1 -4).

ARC kindly provided by Harlequin via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,160 followers
November 21, 2015
Genre: Erotica
Type: Book 4 of 4 from The Original Sinners: White Years series (The Original Sinners #8)
POV: Third Person

Coming back after a year of hiding, Eleanor Schreiber was desperate for a new start. With the help of King of the Underground, Kingsley Edge, she reinvented herself as Nora Sutherlin and became the most sought after Dominatrix. But newfound freedom didn’t mean she was emotionally free from Søren who will always find a way to weasel into her heart.

I have been dreading this final book for a long time. I’m happy with how everything turned out, but at the same time I also wish I haven’t read it yet so I can savor the characters longer lol!

How could she ever truly break free of him when obeying him was as simple as breathing and running from him left her as breathless as choking?

Nora has been my most favorite female character of all time since I first met her in The Siren. In this book we got to see the pivotal moment of her life – her transformation from Elle to Nora – which came packaged with both pleasure and pain.

Even though The Queen is mainly about Nora, Søren and Kingsley played a huge role in her path of self discovery.

I know Søren is a lot of people’s favorite, but strangely enough he was never high on my list. In previous books, some parts I like him while other parts I was indifferent. Now, I’m finally falling in love with him because he revealed a different side of him that he rarely showed.

“But you know what they call a sociopath with a conscience? They call her ‘Mistress.’”

I don’t think I need to say much about King. If you read the series, you know how special he is.

“Like a hawthorn bush you’re a little dangerous to be around, but you are very lovely to look at.”

There were a few new characters in this one and I love them all including the villain.

What I love the most about the books in The White Years, is even though we already know where the characters ended up in The Red Years, there were still a lot of things to learn about their journey getting there.

“How did it all go by so fast? And what if it’s all gone tomorrow?”

The Queen wrapped up everything beautifully. Every question that has popped in my mind in the past was answered. I love how the old characters were brought together again and how the new ones were weaved into it.

The Original Sinners series is hands down my favorite series ever. The stories are unique and the characters are mesmerizing and throughout 8 books I feel like I’ve been part of their lives watching them grow, evolving while still staying true to who they really are. There’s only one word to describe the series as a whole: Perfection.

Books in the series:
(Must be read in order)

The Red Years:
The Siren (The Original Sinners, #1) by Tiffany Reisz The Angel (The Original Sinners, #2) by Tiffany Reisz The Prince (The Original Sinners, #3) by Tiffany Reisz The Mistress (The Original Sinners, #4) by Tiffany Reisz

The White Years:
The Saint (The Original Sinners White Years, #1) by Tiffany Reisz The King (The Original Sinners White Years, #2) by Tiffany Reisz The Virgin (The Original Sinners White Years, #3) by Tiffany Reisz The Queen (The Original Sinners White Years, #4) by Tiffany Reisz

★ ★ ★ (F)BR with my Javigina Twin CC ★ ★ ★
I'm so glad we have each other to swoon/laugh/mourn over the unforgettable Sinners :D

For more reviews/reveals/giveaways visit:

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,730 followers
November 3, 2015
A Fitting Conclusion

'The Queen' brings everything full-circle. Going from the present-day wedding of Griffin and Michael, then jumping back in time to re-tell parts of Nora's story during her time apart from Soren, I am amazed by the complexity of this story. Even though the content had all been covered, loosely, in earlier books in the series, reading Nora's account added a new perspective. Like another piece in a complicated puzzle, each book in this series unveils details and truths that were previously hidden. Little by little, it all comes together.

This book covers multiple time periods, but focuses predominantly on Nora's time training and working as a dominatrix. Nora's emotional state and motivations for leaving Soren are explored more closely this time around. Surprisingly, she maintained a closer, albeit strained, relationship with Soren than I had imagined during their estrangement.

As with earlier books in this series, I continue to be awed by the dynamics of the relationships between the multiple characters. Soren, Nora and Kingsley are especially intriguing. The love, trust and intimacy is almost tangible between all of them. I've never read another story where the author was actually able to pull off a storyline based on polyamory in a believable, sincere manner. Yet, time and again, Ms. Reisz makes it work.

This time around, I did find myself a little vague on some of the details from previous books. It'd been awhile, so I had to refresh myself on some of the details surrounding the supporting characters. With a little skimming of the other books, it all came back though.

Ultimately, everything didn't end the way I had hoped or envisioned. However, I understood why things worked out the way they did and accepted it, even if I wish I could change some of the details. Still, this is a great series and one of my favorites.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,022 reviews2,447 followers
November 2, 2015
4 stars!

Well this is it. The end of the Sinners. At least until TR writes some more right? The Queen is the story of Nora and Soren in their time "apart", broken up with each other and all around broken. Soren wants his Eleanor back, and Nora wishes to be accepted for who she is now, Mistress Nora. Both are at a stalemate as they cannot change their wants and needs. This book details the years before the beginning of The Siren.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this final book. Perhaps what I loved the most was the insight it provided me with on the events that took place before The Siren. I feel like I need a reread of that book because my views of all of the dynamics would change immensely.

I loved Tiffany's writing as always, and I really did enjoy this book, but I didn't love it. With these books the focus is so much on one or two characters only, that we lost side characters I love such as Griffin, Michael, and more that got shifted aside. It's what I loved so much about the first 4 books was the character dynamics on a wide spectrum instead of focused.

Having said that I am so glad TR wrote this spinoff/prequel series and I enjoyed every single minute of it!

arc kindly provided in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Kirsten.
382 reviews172 followers
January 1, 2016
4.5 -I can't believe it's over- stars!

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"I'm still Elle Schreiber. No matter which end of the whip I'm on, I'm still Elle Schreiber."

We've come full circle with the story of these sinners. Although it's sad to see them go, I take comfort in the fact that I have an amazing 8 book series that I can go to whenever I want, and still cherish the lives of these amazing characters.

In The Virgin we learned what happened that year. The year that Elle left Søren. In The Queen, pieces are put together in the following years that lead up to events that took place in The Siren.

When Elle comes back from hiding out, she not only found her talent and passion in writing, but Kinglsey wants her dominant side to flourish. Since she has broken away from Søren, now is the time to make her the Queen of the Underground.

The 8th Circle will always know Elle as Søren's submissive, so a new identity must be made.

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As Nora deals with her new role, she still has heated moments with Søren. The guilt of missing him, yet giving up her freedom, is the main conflict she endures.

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Meanwhile, Søren misses his Little One. Even though he has mind games to try to win her back, it's not easy to persuade his switch to give it up.

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Through it all, we get a little deeper into the inner workings of Søren and his undeniable love for his Eleanor.

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Through obstacles that could ruin certain sinners, these hurdles may also kill relationships that are meant to be forever.
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Through all eight books, I'm still in awe of the talent that Tiffany Reisz has. I always find myself highlighting so many wonderful passages. Her skills also make your feelings run deep for all characters.

The best part about this book, was even though the main pair was separated, I felt we were able to get heartfelt emotions and more interactions from them together. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like we got a lot of one on one moments with Nora and others, but we didn't have a ton of moments when her and Søren were together (in the biblical sense).

Some new side characters were also introduced. Milady, was a real threat when it came to trying to take Nora down. I loved to hate her evil mind. And I freaking loved Thorny. I was even hoping for a possible spin-off of his character.

The series of events that took place either had me on the edge of me seat (even knowing the outcome in earlier books), and also falling harder for a priest who had already captured my heart.

I will miss everything about these characters who seem so real, who all have a multitude of layers. The conversations and the family bond they have will stay with me forever. It's definitely a tough pill to swallow, but knowing it all came full circle and missing parts were filled, made this an excellent read.

Overall it was an amazing ride, and I'd consider these my all-time favorites. The reason for the half deduction was even though I loved the journey, some things felt anticlimactic. This being the last book, I was expecting more...feels. I think higher emotions were had by me in earlier portions of this tale.

I'm looking forward to anything new from this author. I'm expecting great things.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
October 27, 2015

This is by far one of my favorite series of all time and I am so sad to see it end, but I think Reisz wrapped up this series perfectly. Throughout The White Years Reisz has taken us on a journey of the past, so that we can understand how our “nonnegotiables” became who they are.

“You’ve always been a queen in my eyes. Especially now.”

We have watched Eleanor in all the facets and time periods in her life and The Queen focuses on her becoming a known as The Queen of The Eighth Circle, her time as a dominatrix. The story picks up with Nora returning to Kingsley after her time at the Convent. She is still not speaking to Søren, something both King and her have in common. King begins training her and brings in an expert: Søren.

Let me tell you my heart stopped when Nora saw Søren again. If you follow the series, it isn’t a spoiler to know they do not immediately rekindle. However, I absolutely loved seeing the love, sacrifice and devotion these two have for each other. It was never more evident than in The Queen.

Søren and Nora have never been your typical couple, but it works for them. When I was first introduced to them I was at a lost for just how unique this story line is and their connection, but now I can’t imagine a different world for them. Regardless, I love seeing these special moments were you just know their love is more, it’s not easy, it’s more than sexual, it’s real, unwavering love!

I think Reisz is one of the most talented writers and so freaking intelligent. I love the symbolism and how all her words have meaning and substance. So of course in perfect fashion, The Queen brings us all the way back to the beginning with Nora meeting Wes. When it was all over, I tiered up and then wanted to immediately jump right back into the beginning with The Siren.

If you have not read this series I cannot recommend it enough. Yes, it’s not your typical love story, so it’s not for everyone and I get that. However, if you love stories about real, unconditional love, with lots of sexiness and BDSM this is for you. This series is original, sexy, humorous and full of heart. I know I am probably over emotional, but even as I write this review I want to cry. I never want to say goodbye to Søren, Kingsley and Nora they are some of my favorite characters ever written!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
March 24, 2017
The Original Sinners series is concluded with the final installment of the White Years, The Queen. We got to know the cast of characters via the Red Years, the time where Nora Sutherland ruled the world of Kink as the most desired domme, but in the White Years all the gaps are filled as we meet Eleanor, the submissive.

The Queen gives us the period of time after Nora returns from the convent and is brought into to King’s world and trained to become the most sought after Domme. A time where she has given up Soren and embraced the desire to top after years of being his little one.

Saying goodbye to this series is going to be impossible. When I started this journey last year, I had no idea that I would love it this much. All I could think about as I read the closing pages of this book was that I was not ready to say goodbye to these characters. That I needed more. An epi. Anything. But what I realized was that in away, The White years was sort of like this extended epilogue. Although we got the past with each installment, the story still progressed into the future. We received closure with each character along the way. Still. That does not take the full sting away that it’s time to bid farewell to this series.

Tiffany Reisz created this amazing world with this series. And although some may look at this series on the surface and feel a bit squeamish about a romance that focuses on a priest that is not only a sadist, but also loves both Kingsley and Nora. She handled this story with respect and never once did she minimize the theme by creating just a taboo romance. If the only thing that has held you back from reading this series is the fear of the role that Soren plays as both lover and Father Sterns, have no fear.

I can only hope that we’ll still get a few bonus stories offered up time to time on Ms. Riesz website because I can’t even think about having to honestly say goodbye to this series. I don’t think a hundred books on this cast of characters could be enough.

Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,125 followers
November 1, 2015
"You have a conscience. But you know what they call a sociopath with a conscience?"
It sounded like a the setup to a joke so Elle took the bait. "No, what do they call a sociopath with a conscience?"
"They call her 'Mistress.'"

And that's all she wrote.

This was the perfect bittersweet ending to a series that have personality captivated me. Why must all good things come to an end?

Well done, Ms. Reisz!

Full review to come!

ARC provided by Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,093 reviews1,034 followers
August 13, 2015
“You know what they call a sociopath with a conscience?”
… “They call her ‘Mistress’”

4.5 stars and a very satisfying finale to an amazing series

More than just a fascinating, heart-pounding and engrossing read, The Original Sinners series has been an experience. Reading these books is like entering a different world and I have loved every moment that I’ve spent with these incredible characters - the dynamics are some of the best and most intriguing I’ve read. I’m devastated that it’s over, but Tiffany Reisz has finally revealed the last remaining secrets from the lives of Nora, Søren and Kingsley, taking us full circle and showing us just how deeply complicated, intense and interwoven these three are. And OMG, I loved it!

The book picks up right where The Virgin finishes – everybody is gathered in Scotland for a wedding. We get to see that wedding, which is pure gold and which I read with a huge smile on my face, and after the big event is over, Nora and Søren escape quietly and open up to each other about the only parts of their lives they have yet to share.

No more secrets. No more lies. Nothing between them anymore and never again.
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” she began her confession.

Yes, this is where we get to see the transformation of Eleanor the sub to Nora the dominatrix. With her King by her side guiding her, Nora comes to discover who she truly is, and he shows her how to embrace it.

“The real you. I’ve seen her.”
“What does she look like?”
Kingsley sighed and smiled. “She’s beautiful. Dangerous. All eyes are on her when she walks into a room. Men fear her but not because she’s the enemy. They fear her because she alone can show them who they really are. They fear this knowledge but will pay any price for it.”
“Is she happy?” Elle asked.
“She’s powerful. She can make her own happiness when she wants it.”

And even knowing what she is sacrificing by following this new path, she embraces her new life, and I loved watching her take charge and become the ball-busting smartass that we know she is.

Her hotline rang.
“Mistress Nora’s House of Ill Repute. How may I direct your cock?”
“You aren’t cute,” Kingsley said.
“I beg to differ. I’m fucking precious.”

I love the continued exploration of the Nora/Kingsley relationship. Again, they go through a lot in this book, with their dynamic constantly shifting, and I absolutely love the deeply emotional yet dirty and playful relationship that they have.

“I hate you,” Kingsley said.
“That hurts, King. That stings.”
“Do you know what hurts? Having an erection and being two seconds from coming and your domme stops sucking you off.”
“That is a very sad story. Tell me more.”
“I’ve created a monster.”

Following Nora through her training, and the establishment of ‘Mistress Nora’ onto the scene, we see her take on not only her dangerous competition, but also new and old friends and lovers as she creates the life for herself that she has always wanted. But there is still a gaping hole in her heart, for accepting her new life means losing the biggest part of her old life – Søren.

Nora cannot let go of the man who owns her heart, and as devastating as that is for her, seeing Søren so broken and devastated without the woman he loves in his life is heartbreaking.

“I didn’t leave you to hurt you,” she whispered.
“But it did.”
“I spent seven years on the receiving end of pain. I’m ready to be on the giving end.”
“Did you have to start with me?”

The intensity of the relationship between Nora and Søren never ceases to amaze me. They love each other so deeply, but they have reached a point where neither of them are able to compromise who they are and what they want in order to be together, yet at the same time neither of them are able to let go. And even though I knew what was going to happen and where they were going to end up, watching them go through all that they do to get to that point was painful yet beautiful.

“Come back to me,” he said against her lips.
“I can’t.”
“Come back to me,” he said against her neck.
“I won’t.”
“Come back to me,” he said, lifting her skirt to her hips.
“I don’t…”
“You can’t say you don’t want to come back to me because we both know you do.”
“Not enough to do it.”
“Not yet. But you will.”

This book is very much Nora’s, but the presence of Kingsley and Søren in her life continues to build upon the dynamic between the trio, and every moment between them is something very special. We learn more about their turbulent past, and how it shapes who they are in the present – both individually and as a group - and I thought it was brilliantly done.

The story of their past takes us right up to Nora meeting a young College student – a moment which changed her life in ways she could never have imagined. And in the present, we see our beloved characters all happy and content in their lives, and we even get to see a great reunion and a very special meeting that, I will admit, had me tearing up .

Full of all of the drama, intensity, kink-a-licious steaminess and laugh-out-loud sarcastic humour that I have come to expect from Tiffany Reisz, this is another wonderful exploration into the lives and relationships of three amazing characters - the Queen, the King, and their God (and the ones that they love) - set against the dark and dirty underworld of kink, where anything can and does happen.

The writing is brilliant as always, and this is a great ending to an amazing series. I love the way that Reisz has revealed her story to us, and now that all has finally been revealed, I look forward to rereading this series all over again and experiencing it in a completely different way.

I loved it – 4.5 stars.

An Advanced Reader Copy was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Quotes used in this review may differ from the final version.
Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,368 reviews439 followers
October 21, 2015

**The Queen generously provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

5 "You've always been a queen in my eyes." Stars

A perfectly fitting end to a series I will hold close forever. These characters have come to mean so much to us as readers it's bittersweet to bid them farewell even though Tiffany Reisz sends us off beautifully. When you follow a series such as Reisz’s The Original Sinners the characters become people to you as the reader, people for whom you feel connected, people for whom you adore. This series has been character driven from the very beginning – way back to The Siren – and has maintained a high level of intimacy through the many stories of their lives.

We’ve followed these diverse, unique characters through many triumphs and travesties, highs and lows, pains and joys, strengths and vulnerabilities. Juliette, Griffin, Michael, Zach, Grace, Marie-Laure, Wesley, and countless other characters have embedded themselves in my reading heart because they each humanize the story in a way imperative to our understanding of the deeper meaning intended. So calculated their presence to open our minds to things we may not understand. These secondary characters and relationships have molded the series into what it is while intertwining the unbreakable bonds of the three main characters while making them stronger as a unit. And to me, that’s what The Queen really is all about – a culmination of eight books with many short stories and novellas to prove to us the lasting, beautiful tether of unyielding, existential love between a God, His king, and His queen.

Soren, Kingsley, and Nora. Just as their love for each other knows no bounds my love for these characters holds the same weight. These three people are our focal points of the series, our guiding lights. Each good, bad, and ugly aspect of everyone’s lives has revolved around the love story of these three. So much stems from their love story. So many contradictions: freedom and imprisonments, love and hate, pain and pleasure, perverse and innocent. So many other love stories cultivated thanks to their faith in each other even during the roughest of times. Miracles born from trust and deep understanding. I relish the time I’ve spend with all three of them. We could all stand to show the same amount support opening our hearts the way they have through tricky mind games, desperate manipulations, brutal honesty, and scorching no-holds-barred passion. The vast amount of living they each did, and the great trust they have in each other sets a very high standard. And all along, wouldn’t you know, staying true to themselves has kept them true to each other. The courage to do what each of them needed to do, not matter how they had to achieve it, shines so bright in this final installment it’s glorious.

As Tiffany Reisz travels us through memories reliving the missing pieces of Soren and Nora’s separation she brings the series full circle. A great understanding unveils itself to the reader, a deep appreciation for who these characters truly are inside. Forbidden love, taboo relationships, intense erotic passion, and second chances move the plot throughout the entire series arcing here at the end with The Queen thanks to the puzzle pieces Reisz uncovers.

Through her witty, dramatic, smart, poignant, and reverent storytelling, Reisz captivates once again, just like every other story in the The Original Sinners saga, throughout the entire story of The Queen. With foreshadows of what we already know from The Red Years, Reisz completes the tale of Soren and Nora finding their way back to each other in the past while sealing their fate in the present and for the future. There is no other series like The Original Sinners out there. For fans of exquisitely written erotica with brilliant depth and soul go back to the beginning and experience the Sinners in all their glory – you don’t want to miss it.

Awesome BR with my bestie PinkLady's, Deanna and Jxxx! We LOVE Soren, Kingsley, and Nora - and the whole sinners crew - forever!

My 5+ star reviews for previous books in TOS - The White Years:
The Saint
The King
The Virgin

Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
October 23, 2015

The stars in the skies are not enough for this book and series

‘The world didn’t often reward those who loved outside the lines.’

I want to reach into my chest and rip out the overwhelmed and beating part of my heart that belongs to Søren, Nora and Kingsley. Then I want to fly thousands of miles and personally show it and hand it over to Tiffany Reisz on bended knees for her to understand just how much I truly feel. What an incredible series – what a passionate journey it’s been.

“I need all of you. Your heart, your soul, your strength, your guts. All of you.”

I wish I’d kept my tears in jars from the first one shed to the last – a sobering realisation of how the written word truly affects the mind, soul and heart. The words making small continuous incisions – making me bleed – making me cry. I don’t know if this was the intention but I can only speak for myself and my exhausted yet devastatingly fulfilled heart.

‘When witnessing a miracle, one should never hurry it along, for it’ll be gone all too soon and who knows when one will see another miracle in one’s lifetime?’

And that readers – is how I feel about this series! I’ve never taken so long to read a book before as I did with The Queen. Knowing this is the end frightened me as well as made me incredibly emotional – consequently – I needed to take several pauses; not wanting to rush nor wanting it to end. However - C’est la fin - Så er enden nået.

‘Forever and Everything’

Every time I log on to write a review for a book in this series, I struggle. It’s never been an easy feat to do this series any justice nor adequately convey how intense my emotions run whilst reading about my favourite people in the world. It is what it is – simply put – my favourite series written by an astoundingly brilliant and intelligent Author.

‘Søren was a man of quiet depth, as if he kept a secret second heart locked away in a glass case. It would explain how much he felt and how strongly and yet how rarely such feelings were allowed to escape captivity.'

The ranges of emotions run wild in every which direction the characters demand of me – every single time - without fail. My heart has been wholly involved in this journey from the beginning – a journey which must be followed meticulously in the order as intended by its Author.

“I’ll come home, I promise.”

“Please…You take my heart with you.”

“Little One, you are my heart.”

The Queen is yet another master piece where puzzle pieces are revealed with the usual intelligence, wit, sarcasm and passion as its predecessors. These pieces are then nudged into position through evocative and powerful writing making the overall picture complete with the final piece – ultimately rendering me speechless and breathless at its all-encompassing beauty. It’s stunning. It’s commanding. It’s exquisitely haunting. It’s perfection. This series is a masterpiece.

“How much pain do you want?”

“Hurt me until I forget how much I hurt.”


Arc received with thanks from Harlequin

♥ ♥ ♥


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Profile Image for CC.
1,167 reviews695 followers
December 7, 2015

In the Queen we learn how Eleanor became Mistress Nora. The book starts in the present, then the narration goes back to the time when Eleanor returns to Kingsley’s townhouse in NY. Eleanor is broke without any prospects but Kingsley has a plan. From the first day Kingsley saw Eleanor, he knew they shared a common bond and Kingsley is determined to have Eleanor reach her full potential. So, during this time, Eleanor - or rather Mistress Nora’s training begins as a Dominatrix. As always, Kingsley is the ever charming and kinky rogue Frenchman who is like Nora’s clone but just in a man’s body. Their time together while training is precious and an endearing reflection of their deep friendship.


During this time, Nora is evolving on many levels - professionally and personally. While Nora is determined to be independent and fight the magnetic pull toward Søren, they are both failing miserably from being apart from each other. However, it is so important to Nora that Søren recognizes her new role and until he does, Eleanor cannot submit to Søren. As such, this period between Nora and Søren is powerfully written and so true to the their characters.


Nora’s journey is requires soul searching and the ability to recognize her strengths and weaknesses. On the surface, Nora appears to have it all together, but rather than wallow in her shortcomings, Nora embraces her hand and forges forward. I’ve always loved how she is able to live in the moment and say or do exactly what she wanted. Of course, there were repercussions, but again she accepted it all. To many, the relationship between Nora and Søren is a losing proposition, but this is how it works for them and it could not be any other way.

The ending certainly leaves us with one big question. Without saying a spoiler-ish word about it, I must say that I loved it. It gave us just the right amount of detail and the reasons made sense for the characters. So, you’ll have to read the book to find out more!

This series was monumental to me and there just aren’t enough words to describe my emotions and opinions with this ending. I truly feel like I know these characters and this is because of Tiffany Reisz’s ability to analyze and develop her characters over time. Her writing is so intelligent and poignant, that you are just immersed in her world of words. If only I could be transported to the 8th Circle! lol! The love and friendship between Søren, Nora and Kingsley has always rang special to me and I continue to respect their dynamic. I will miss this kinky trinity, but I couldn’t be more pleased with how this story ended.

I highly recommend this series!! Nora will always be my favorite heroine and her men are unforgettable! Thank you, Tiffany Reisz, for an incredible reading experience!
Profile Image for ☾ Dαɴιyα ☽.
457 reviews72 followers
January 4, 2019

Book eight. The end. This is the moment I've been both dreading and looking forward to for a long time. I hate having to say goodbye to another series this year, especially one with so many characters who've become dear to me over the few years I've been reading about them, but it's time. I'll miss the series, I'll miss the Sinners, I already miss Kingsley, but it's time to let them put the past behind and enjoy their happy endings. That's what The White Years have been about. Each book showed us the main characters living happily, giving us info on what's new in their lives, and what's to come, and in between we had a few hundred pages of confessions about times long gone. This, the last confession was Nora's.

The Queen was another Nora's story, and this time it really was Nora's story. Not Eleanor's, or Elle's. Nora's. It was the last important untold part of the Sinners history: how Eleanor Schreiber became Nora Sutherlin, the erotica writer and the famous Dominatrix we met a long time ago in the book that started it all, The Siren.

Both in the present and the past The Queen picked up right where The Virgin left off: in their present time the big wedding was happening, and Nora was delighted; in the past she was sitting in Kingsley's office, and her life was about to change forever. When you like a series as much as I like The Original Sinners, in the anticipation of a new book, you can't help but imagine what will happen in it based on the bits and pieces you know about it. Sometimes your imagination goes overboard, so when you actually read the story, you're surprised by how simple it all was. That's sort of what happened to me here. It's not a bad thing. Just different. I liked the addition of Thorny and Milady, one there to help and the other to hinder Nora's future as a Dominatrix, though I did think they would be the cause of bigger drama.

The Queen gave us insight into how Eleanor/Elle became Nora, how she trained to be a dominant, then later in the book how her life was going working for Kingsley, but if I had to pick one aspect of the story that stood out to me, it would the complicated relationship between Nora and Søren, and how hard it was for her to not come back to him. Having the freedom to do anything and anyone felt amazing to Nora, but there was always Søren tempting her to go back in his cage. Always Søren. Even I felt emotionally exhausted. I used to think this would be a Nora book, but given all the scenes with her and Søren, especially the end, I'm calling this a Nora & Søren book.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I've spent some time thinking about what I might read in The Queen. I thought it would be cool to have it end at the point where The Siren started. That didn't happen, but it was close enough. The cause of Søren's unusual nervousness, this I nailed. But of course, a few parts I could never have guessed. And the end, the very end, ah, it was so happy it brought tears to my eyes.

In the end, just a few thoughts about The Original Sinners. I've enjoyed reading each and every part of the series, be it a full-length novel, novella or a short story. However, I do have to admit that while I've loved reading the tales from the Sinners' past, both unknown, and the ones we heard about before, I loved The Red Years more. In The White Years I missed having those different POVs (The King excluded; Kingsley's POV only was a dream come true!), when one or more of them were of the characters outside that main group, and learning new information about the Sinners through the eyes of people who were, like me, only getting to know them. It was a magical time, getting to know Nora, Søren, Griffin, Michael, Zach, and others and learning about all the ties that bind them. The best was, of course, getting to know Kingsley. That man, I will miss reading about him so much...

I don't know what else to say at the moment, except if you haven't already, pick up The Siren, and as Goodreads says: "Meet your next favorite book."

May 29, 2015

Dear Queen,

we are all anxiously awaiting your arrival.


Come to us soon!

The Siren, The Angel, The Prince, The Mistress, The Saint, The King, The Virgin, and The Danija

P.S. I hope you'll be one big, fat book, the longest in the series. :)
June 7, 2018

There were so many favorite moments for me in this book, but this moment in particular was EPIC! Go Nora!

“Off with her head.”

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And to my beautiful King:

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“Don’t call the painting perfect even if you see it that way. The painting didn’t create itself. Call the artist perfect. If she was perfect it was only because He was perfect first.”

And when a book is perfect, you say the author who wrote is perfect too. That’s what Tiffany is to me! I’ve obsessed about this series for almost two years and I’m pretty sure I’m ruined for any other books from now on. Of course, I’ll love other books, and other characters, and other authors, but Tiffany and The Original Sinners will always be on top! Because EVERYTHING about this series is PERFECTION!

I was so excited about The Queen , but I was so sad too, because this will be the end of the series, the end of an era, the end of the most amazing story I’ve ever read! And when we were approved to the ARC for the blog, my other blogger partners, who also love the series, and I were so thrilled about it and literally dropped everything we were reading at the moment in order to read this book, and we kinda were competing who would finish it first, and I wanted to win, I wanted to be the first in reading it, but I couldn’t. I started reading and I stopped because I couldn't help but thinking it was the end of the series, and I didn't want it to end, but I finished eventually. I cried, I laughed, I was excited - in every way you can imagine - and I was smiling like an idiot with every word of The Queen. I’m happy, so very happy with how the series ended, but I’m also sad, and despite I’m rereading the series, I would totally start it all over, because… well, I already said it: THIS IS THE BEST SERIES EVER WRITTEN, PERIOD!
“Queen Eleanor.”
“I’m not really a queen.”
“You’ve always been a queen in my eyes. Especially now.”

This book starts right after The Virgin ends, Griffin and Michael are getting married, and during the party, Nora decides to tell Søren about how she became The Queen of the Underground right after she returned from that year in the convent. Those 3 years were decisive for their story, the decisions they made were so painful but at the same time everything was necessary for their future. I cried every time they were together, Nora and Søren, Kingsley and Nora, Kingsley and Søren. But I also was happy and understood so many things from the previous books.
“If I knew I would die tomorrow I’d spend all night telling you and Kingsley how much I love you both, and I wouldn’t let God take me until I was certain you knew I meant every word.”

Lots of the sinners are in this book: Griffin *sigh* - I love him so effing much- , Michael, Juliette, Irina, and other not so kinky characters too: Grace, Zach and one particular person I’m not going to say, because I don't want to ruin the surprise. It was a huge surprise for me, I was crying in the moment he was there and I cried harder, with a grin in my face, not only for having him again in the story, but also because he was so needed to it. I was so happy.

The little parts with Juliette made me love her even more. She’s so wise and an excellent partner for Kingsley.
“You break him down,” Juliette said, pointing at Elle. “And I—” she pointed at herself  “—I will build him up so he’ll be ready when you break him again. Between the two of us he should be a very happy man. It’s a good plan, non?”

This book was the best ending for the series. Knowing how their unique relationship finally worked out so well was heart warming, especially after hearing how much Søren loves Nora and Kingsley. It’s beautiful and it is EVERYTHING.
“‘Do not ask me to leave you or forsake you for wherever you go I will go, wherever you stay I will stay, your people shall be my people and your God my God. Wherever you die, there I will be buried. May the Lord do so and more beside if anything but death separates us.’”

There were so many favorite moments for me in this book, but this moment in particular was EPIC! Go Nora!

“Off with her head.”


If you haven’t read the series, go read it, like RIGHT NOW! Everybody has to read everything Tiffany writes, because every word she writes is meaningful, touches your heart, your soul in ways you can’t imagine an erotica book can, and you won’t ever be the same.

Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,062 followers
September 3, 2016
The End : Part Two

I think this is the end for real this time, but future short stories or cameos wouldn't surprise me.

3.5 stars. I debated too much whether to go 3 or 4. My personal feelings were closer to a 3, but I believe the book deserves a 4.

Strangely enough, I could copy/paste a good portion of my review for The Mistress (which was The End : Part One) into this review. Much of my thoughts are still the same.

Full circle, and all that.

I'm in the middle of Thanksgiving pre-prep and don't really have the time or inclination to do a proper series wrap-up. So here's what I do have, down-and-dirty with no quotes or witty reflections :

Reisz is brilliant at keeping track of her characters' timelines. She always goes back and fills in those little gaps of mystery that she left you hanging with several books prior. I don't know if she keeps a flow chart or what, but it's something that impresses me.

Having said that (uh oh...), I found myself somewhat weary with how thin the story had worn by the time we got to the end of everything. Even when the little details are new and you're finding out parts that you didn't know before, everything is always tied back in to the main story. So it's almost as if you're reading the same story over and over told with a slightly different perspective each time. Dare I say that I might have been somewhat bored with parts of the last few books?

I have had the strangest love/hate/love thing (yes, that's an extra love) with The Original Sinners.

This is one of my favorite erotic series of all time. Period. No argument. When I first picked up book 1 and wasn't sure if I even liked the thing, I would have never guessed that the characters would worm their way into my heart. Even Nora has grown on me (a little...and it took a long while to get to that point).

Reisz brings more to the table than good mind-blowing sex. She always has. When I read her stories, I feel like I'm taking a course study on sexuality with a side of history and philosophy. It's easy to tell that this woman could write in other genres outside of romance and would have absolutely no trouble selling her work, but she chooses to write here because here is where she's happy.

She is a Damn Good Writer. And this book is no exception. I love her style of writing, I love her sense of humor, I love her characters (mostly), and I love the meaningful, quiet reflections.

Oh, and I love the sex. No, that wasn't an afterthought. But the sex is a given.

The series end was satisfying but not outstanding. There were emotional moments, but those weren't as powerful as I was hoping for (we'd been building up to much of it for a while, after all). But since everyone's going to go get their life now, it's all good.

Don't let my somewhat muddied thoughts of book 1 (The Siren) and the final book (this one) sway you. If you've never read non-fluff erotica, put these books on your list because they will change the way you read erotica going forward.
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
October 27, 2015




...the same dark and stormy night....


It's 2015 and Søren, Nora, Kingsley and the rest, are still busy with that wedding at the scottish castle - just like in the last book ☺

But this time - after the wedding happened - Nora tells Søren the one story she's never told him before.
They have until 9pm to talk about the past, because in just a few hours, something will happen - and we have NO IDEA WHAT!!!!!!

And then we're back in 2005.
She just left the convent and is now asking Kingsley for help.
And he wants to help her - in turning her into the most famous dominatrix in New York.
Nora always thought she's only submissive. She loves being Søren's sub.
But secretly she enjoys being dominant - with Kingsley for example.
And King - he always knew that his Priest's little girl wasn't a submissive.
And then he begins to train her.....
But the training is not the only challenge they face.

There's the reigning Queen - Milady - to fight. And the Priest... he still wants Nora back...

What will happen to the Priest & the King & Nora?
Will this last secret destroy everything?
What will happen at 9pm???
Will everybody survive this book?
Will there be a Cliffhanger?


Nope - I'm not telling you anything!!! ☺







I was soooo HAPPY to find THE QUEEN on my kindle weeeeks (months) before the official release - I might have broken out into a spontaneous Carlton-Banks-Dance again!!!


I couldn't wait to get started ... I missed Nora, Søren and Kingsley.
Even though I'm horribly anti-religious - I'm a tiiiiiny bit of a #Fangirl ☺


But then I didn't want to start reading, because once THE QUEEN has been read, the series will be OVER ...


But of course you cannot NOT read a Tiffany Reisz book that just arrived on your kindle.

But I took my time - spaced it out over a few days - slowly saying good-bye to my darlings.

Dawson and I cried a LOT!!!! I think I cried all through the book - but don't worry - that doesn't mean that somebody dies. (But it also doesn't mean that nobody dies ☺)

I loved and ejoyed and treasured every single word of this last Sinners book.

I wish this series would never end. Maybe one day somebody will turn it a TV-Show, so that we can stare at Kings & Priests all day long ☺ (preferably naked!)





Thank you for giving us this amazing - best-ever - series!!!!! ♥


No idea how we will now live without our Priests and Kings and Queens :(((

But I'm sure Tiffany will come up with something amazing!!!
BUT PLEASE HURRY - I need to read whatever you're working on ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Bj.
1,219 reviews258 followers
October 10, 2015
5 "The Birth of the Red Queen" Stars!

All hail the queen! Without a doubt Tiffany Reisz is the queen of BDSM erotica. Proving once again her incredible talent at weaving together a provocative, erotic tale, with an affinity for religious symbolism and the further development of what has become one of my favorite trio (Nora/Eleanor, Soren and Kingsley) of characters of all time, Tiffany Reisz has earned another 5 Stars in by book!

In The Queen, we finally get to see how the Red Queen and the White Queen come together. After making promises of forever, and being asked to do the one thing she could never do for Soren, Eleanor takes a backseat to join her King in ruling the Underground and for Nora, and her underlying dominant side to be born. During this transformation process, in which Nora leans heavily on Kingsley, Nora comes to resent her past and comes to realize that she has had to suppress part of who she really is in exchange for the forever she promised.

Learning to let her dominant side shine through is not an easy process, particularly when she must displace the reigning queen to assume her rightful place. But if there is something that Nora flourishes under is a challenge. And we come to see how the Red Queen learns her tricks of the trade.

However, try though she might, Nora can't fully let go of the ties that bind her like no other to Soren. Even knowing that submitting to him means burying her dominant side, its a constant struggle that is made no easier by Soren's constant attempts to reclaim his "Little One." Until finally Soren counters with a life-altering decision that Nora/Eleanor is unable to allow him to undertake no matter what it costs. Who will win in this battle of the Doms, and is their possibly any way to mesh together their own different desires, sadist/dominant needs and unique love bond?

What an incredible conclusion to one of the most memorable series of all times! With an ending befit a Queen and her King and God, Ms. Reisz once again delivers a heartfelt, tantalizing, slightly wicked and taboo, one-of-a-kind read! Now Ms. Reisz, please, please write a new series for your devoted fans who can't wait to discover the next rulers of the erotic underworld!

Source: Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews321 followers
October 27, 2015
The Queen (The Original Sinners #8) by Tiffany Reisz
5 stars!!

“God said ‘Love is patient. Love is kind.’ He never said ‘Love is easy.’”

This was one bittersweet read and I have been dreading this day for such a long time. I have been reading this series for years and these characters have wheedled their way into my heart and soul and to think that I may never read about them again is heart breaking. As dysfunctional as these characters are, they are endearing in their own right. This bunch of misfits have made themselves a family and they are such a strong unit, protective of their own and would literally put their life on the line to save that of another.

Tiffany Reisz really delivers with this book, Soren, Nora and Kingsley are explored in depth, we are treated to a lot more from their past and I especially loved how Nora Sutherlin and The Queen was born. We learn so much more about Soren and of course Kingsley and while some scenes were heart breaking, they were all so incredibly uplifting too.

“There is one person stronger than the queen or the king combined…”


“The man who moves the pieces.”

To say I had tears would be an understatement, Tiffany Reisz has been a master at toying with my emotions throughout this series and who would think that a sadistic priest, a dominatrix and the King of Kink would be able to elicit such emotional pain and anguish as well as a lot of smiles, laughs and love.

“If Jane Austen had set eyes on Kingsley, she would never have written her genteel comedies of manner. She would have written porn.”

I remember when I first started this series and was so reticent about buying, but something spoke to me and thank god I took that leap of faith and trusted my reading instinct. This was so far outside my box it was unreal, yet from the first to last book I have been held emotionally captive, every word, every sentence, every paragraph and every chapter. I can honestly say that this has been my favourite series EVER and kudos to Tiffany Reisz for being different, for taking that direction and for being a master at the written word. The woman is a genius.

This book centres around the time when Nora came back and how she became Mistress Nora. After a year in the convent Nora goes to the only person that she can trust, the only other person that she loves…Kingsley. She has no home and no money but as we know Nora is fiercely independent and to take advantage of Kingsley’s hospitality is not at the top of her agenda. Kingsley knows that Nora will not accept money from him so his only other alternative is for her to work it off and earn her own money and so training begins, this little waif of a woman trains and trains hard.

“I’ve created a monster.”

“You didn’t create a monster…you just let her off her leash.”

Nora is really on a voyage of self-discovery in this book, her flair and penchant as a domme and her realisation that she is a switch. Her realisations with regards to her relationship with Soren and the fact that even though she wants and needs her freedom, she cannot live without him, or Kingsley.

“…I will walk again, and I won’t come back this time.”

“You will walk the circumference of the entire globe and find yourself right where you started. Here.”

Soren still features heavily within these pages and he too has realisations of his own. Even though he has always been so mature and ahead of his years, when it comes to Nora he seems to regress. He has always had the “sensible” head and as much as he tries to take the right path, he knows that there is no Soren without Nora. We have compromises and that is something that I never thought would be said in the same sentence as Soren and Nora. We really see a tender side to Soren too and it is this that really gets the tear ducts secreting. However, I will say that there was one scene with Nora and Kingsley and this literally decimated me. My heart stopped, the tears flowed, my soul ached, and I was emotionally spent. Tiffany Reisz literally ripped out my heart…stomped on it and chopped it up for good measure and for those people that witnessed my emotional breakdown in the supermarket when I hit this scene…I apologise.

“How much pain do you want?”

“Hurt me until I forget how much I hurt.”

This truly is one unforgettable series and one that I will be reading time and time again. I cannot see a book life without these characters so will have to revisit this motley crew frequently. As much as I am sad and upset that this series is over though I am also excited…what does Tiffany Reisz have in store for us next? I for one will be at the front of the queue waiting.

Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,022 reviews1,252 followers
January 30, 2018
One of the best series I've ever read... It was so, so good! :)

“I’ll come home,” Søren said. “I promise.” “Please,” she said. “You take my heart with you.”
He kissed her forehead. “Little One, you are my heart.”

Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,804 reviews6,711 followers
January 6, 2016
The Queen is part of Tiffany Reisz's erotica/BDSM series titled Original Sinners. It is book #8 in the series as a whole and book #4 in the prequel series distinguished as The White Years. The Queen picks up right where the last book The Virgin leaves off and continues to offer readers flashback scenes which has come to be expected of the The White Years installments. Readers will see what happens after Søren, Kingsley, and Nora's year apart, and how Eleanor becomes Mistress Nora and earns her place as queen of the underworld.

Every book in this series makes reference to Nora and Søren's vows to each other: She promised him forever and he promised her everything. The Queen shows these two treasured characters make good on their vows to each other in their very own way. I ended The Queen on the most satisfying and beautiful sigh. If this is the finale of the series then I can honestly end it happy. Of course if it's not the end, I will be even happier because I love these books and characters so much I don't want it to stop. I'm considering making a "favorite series" shelf just so I can add this one! Thank you Tiffany Reisz for some serious quality entertainment these last few months. BTW, I loved Nora's perspective about her attachment to the characters she writes (Nora's character is an author of erotica). You can't fool us though...we know that was your little love note to your very own original sinners ♥

My favorite quote:
“Romance is beautiful, it's a gesture, it's a walk in a park with a pretty girl. Romance whispers sweet nothings. Romance gives an engagement ring. Love is ugly sometimes. It crawls into a war zone to save a friend. Love tells painful truths. Love takes a bullet.”

The following is the recommended reading order for this series:
The Red Years: 
1) The Siren 2) The Angel 3) The Prince 4) The Mistress
The White Years: 
5) The Saint 6) The King 7) The Virgin 8) The Queen

The Original Sinners series includes the following installments as of December 2015:
0.5-Seven Day Loan
0.6-Little Red Riding Crop
0.7-Submit to Desire
1-The Siren
2-The Angel
3-The Prince
3.1-Daniel Part Two
3.2-A Christmas Maggie
3.5-The Mistress Files
3.6-Everything They Wanted
4-The Mistress
5-The Saint (White Years #1)
6-The King (White Years #2)
6.1-Christmas in Suite 37A (White Years #2.1)
7-The Virgin (White Years #3)
8-The Queen (White Years #4)
Note: Ms. Reisz offers a number of short stories associated with this series for free on her website. Click HERE for more information.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
December 27, 2017
"We made a deal remember? You gave me forever and I would give you everything. I fully intend to hold up my end of the deal, no matter what it costs me."


"I have given you my heart, my body and every secret about me you would ever want to know. I have put my priesthood on the line for you. My work, my reputation, my happiness and quite often my own sanity. What more do you want from me?"


"Eleanor, I had to take a leave of absence after you left. I couldn't work. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't pray. Everything I've gone through in my life, with my father, my sister, being separated from my mother for thirteen years. In a heartbeat, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, I would have happily gone through that again before I went through the hell you put me through when you left me. I consoled a parishioner recently whose wife just died, and when I told him I was a widower and could sympathize with his agony, I wasn't speaking about Marie Laure. I meant you."


"I can be bought but not with money.... If it meant your happiness, Eleanor. If it meant bringing you home to me. I'd sell my own soul."


"I always need you."
Profile Image for AH.
2,005 reviews384 followers
October 26, 2015
Initial Thoughts:It's really hard to review this book without spoiling the rest of the series so...here goes....
If you've ever wondered how our lovely Little One became the Red Queen, then this is the book to read. Lots of our favorite characters in The Queen - Griffin, Michael, Kingsley, Juliette, and of course, Soren. We meet a few new characters and some loose ends are tied up (not literally) with a few old characters.

This is one of my favorite series and I love how each book gives the reader a new perspective on the main characters. Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about a character, the author throws the reader another juicy tidbit. This is why I keep reading the series and am looking forward to more books by Ms. Reisz.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin MIRA for a review copy of this book.

Angie and I discuss The Queen on Badass Book Reviews. Check it out!
Profile Image for La-Lionne.
484 reviews821 followers
December 11, 2015
I could fangirl for days about how much I love the Sinners series, but I have nothing to say that hasn't been said by those who read and loved it as well. All I have to say that my reading year wouldn't have been the same without it. I'm going to church this Christmas. No joke. Who would've thought that of all the books in the world, it would be the Sinners series that got me there. What a mindfucking journey! Loved it. Every single sentence of it of every book in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 545 reviews

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