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The Fixer

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He wants to fix up the dilapidated building she just inherited. She’s determined to tear it down and bury unhappy memories under the rubble.

Charlie Hunnicutt never met a woman he didn’t like—until Joy Holiday, his high-flying new client. While he’s committed to restoring his mountain hometown brick by historic brick, she’s a big city girl who can’t wait to shake off the old mining town’s dust and leave its quirky characters in her BMW’s rearview mirror. What should be a collaborative effort between the two looks more like a demolition derby.

But there’s an undercurrent of supercharged attraction flowing just below the surface tension. Can they survive the fireworks, or will the explosives simply turn them to ash?

401 pages, Kindle Edition

Expected publication September 30, 2024

About the author

G.K. Brady

15 books284 followers
G.K. Brady was born in Japan and grew up in Vietnam and Singapore—and many would argue she has yet to grow up.

Since childhood, all sorts of stories and characters have lived in her imagination, elbowing one another for attention, so she’s finally giving them their voice on the written page.

A writer of contemporary romance, she loves telling tales of the less-than-perfect hero or heroine who transforms with each turn of a page.

G.K. is the proud mom of three grown sons. When she’s not writing, she might be reading, traveling, drinking wine, listening to music, or gardening—sometimes all at once! She currently resides in Colorado with her very patient husband.

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473 reviews1 follower
September 24, 2024
"The crazy urge to crash his mouth down on hers and show her control seized him.

“Woman, someday someone is going to tame that mouth of yours, and I hope I’m around to see it.”

It has been a while since reading a GK Brady book, and I was ecstatic to get to read an ARC of this one. Ms. Brady is a skilled writer. The story flows effortlessly, and the character development is gratifying.

The journey that Charlie and Joy travel to reach their happily ever after is a rollercoaster full of ups and downs. The way they clashed to the way the air charged when they were around each other was electrifying. The slow burn was so gratifying that when the first kiss takes place, it is nothing but hot. Don't even get me started with all "come heres." I about swooned every time Charlie used that phrase and crooked his finger. Joy's story is one of heartbreak, and I'm glad she had Charlie to help her process and heal from the trauma.

Overall, you'll love their story. Their bantering, their chemistry, their story.

I received a free copy of this book, and I voluntarily reviewed it.
Profile Image for G.K. Brady.
Author 15 books284 followers
September 29, 2024
Finally, release day is here! The paperback is available now, and the eBook launches tomorrow, September 30. Phew! One last snippet:

“What about what I want?” She tried to inject her squeaky voice with bravado.
“I know what you want, and it’s this, so climb aboard and take it.”
Want more? Get your copy here at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D4MWN8G7

On to Book 3 in the series!
14.7k reviews81 followers
September 19, 2024
They have two very different ideas for the hose, he wants to fix it up. She wants to tear it down, hoping to bury all the memories it holds. They will butt heads over what to do? There is also an attraction between them. What will happen? What will happen to the house? Will she leave it all behind her? See how they get on
I received an advance copy from hidden gems and I want to review
793 reviews28 followers
September 29, 2024
Charlie’s story, the second in never-disappoints author G. K. Brady’s Fall River series, is amazing. Charlie was kind of overlooked by me when I read the first book, The Keeper. Just the contractor/carpenter guy who can fix anything and who loves restoring historical everything to its past glory. With his long hair and what seemed like a quiet personality I almost felt a loner, mountain man vibe coming off him. A love ‘em and leave ‘em ladies’ man – he is a handsome Hunnicutt brother, after all – but not in a cruel or disrespectful way. He just sometimes enjoyed casual dating and never lacked for willing partners. A good guy, but I didn’t really think about what might lie underneath.

Well, let me tell you, there are many layers to Charlie. And they are all good and swoon worthy. He has big dreams and big passions. He isn’t just a contractor and carpenter. He’s a man with his own remodeling company who has the dream – and the vision and skill – to restore the entire town and have it declared a historical landmark. He has ideas for the big train project that could increase his company’s potential and visibility and draw tourists from all over to Fall River. Lone mountain man? No way. He’s a fixture in town, a very popular man with a large circle of friends. He is upbeat, positive, always looking on the bright side, full of joy. Until he meets the “Joy” that takes that away: Joy Holiday. The minute she slinks out of her fancy car and stalks over to him, he starts gnashing his teeth almost to nubs. She is rude, abrupt, disdainful, and worst of all, she wants to tear down the dilapidated building that begs for restoration and would be a historical treasure. But not only does she not care a bit about this town and its historical buildings, this particular building – her late mother’s store, Crystal Harmony Haven – brings back painful memories from her childhood, memories of being rejected, tormented, unwanted. She plans to do the bare minimum necessary to sell this hated reminder of her past, split the profit with her sister, and never think of or return to Fall River again.

Golden Retriever Charlie not only convinces Grumpy Joy to hire him to restore Crystal Harmony Haven but that rather than bare bones she should opt for the best possible restoration in order to secure a better selling price. They agree, become partners, and warily circle each other. He just wants to avoid her, except – he can’t also be attracted to her, can he? Nope, not possible, not someone so cold, edgy, just plain awful, not that rich, snooty, thoughtless woman. She just wants this to all be over so she can leave town and return to her real life, except – what is it about that Golden Retriever man? She refuses to be attracted to a man who is just probably one more dummy in a town full of dummies.

Except first impressions aren’t always necessarily right, are they? Charlie and Joy have so much to learn about each other: their dreams, their backgrounds, who they really are, and it’s so much fun watching them make these discoveries. It’s especially fun to watch the sparring.

Turns out Charlie isn’t just a dreamer with a hammer; he’s intelligent, ambitious and cares about family and the town and the people in it. And popular? Whoa – everywhere Charlie goes another branch of the Charlie Hunnicutt Fan Club pops up. And you’ll have to read The Fixer to learn the steamy, scorching, sweet details of how and why Joy starts to think of him as sometimes Golden Retriever and sometimes Wolf.

Joy isn’t just what she seems at first look, either. She wasn’t born with a silver spoon and has worked hard for her success. She has intentionally erected that ice wall to protect herself from more rejection and hurt. But cold on the inside? Guess who writes very sexy, very successful romance books on the side? And speaking of which – guess what formerly long-haired, now short-haired, still devastatingly handsome guy was a cover model?

Fall River is another G. K. Brady masterpiece. Serious topics, real feelings, surprises and pretty big reveals, a bit of danger and characters with depth all wrapped up in a well-plotted, smoothly moving story that not only has all of the above but is also heart-breaking and heart-warming, with redemption and forgiveness, and full of some of the funniest, wittiest, most amusing dialogue you would ever want to read. (And when this book comes out in audio run for your earbuds, because Brady’s books are meant to be listened to. I have listened to so many of Brady’s books I could happily hear it in my head. And I already have my favorite narrator picked out.)

Fall River is the perfect next story in this satisfying series. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it without hesitation. In fact, I recommend all of Brady’s books. Whatever one pops up for me, everything else in my TBR stack drops down a notch, and The Fixer was no exception. Thanks to the author for providing an advance copy of The Fixer as part of her review team. I cannot wait for the next book in the series. I was under no obligation and voluntarily leave this review; all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Caitie.
7 reviews
September 28, 2024
The fixer is book 2 of the Fall River Series by G. K. Brady. This book start off where the first one ends, with the Hunnicutt boys trying their best to restore the town of Fall River to its original glory. In book 2 we meet Charlie and Joy, who couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. Right off the bat, Joy rubbed me the wrong way, she was judgmental, petty and just mean. Charlie on the other hand is charming, sweet and sexy. As their relationship develops, so do their characters. When Charlie and Joy eventually find their way to each other their chemistry was HOTT-O-GO, you could take them hot to go (🎶🎤). Though Joy is not one of my favourite characters, we do eventually learn why she is the way she is. I was happy to see that through all the ups and downs Charlie and Joy eventually made it work and found their HEA.

I give this book a 3.5/5. It was a light and easy read. The sex scenes were hot, and there were a couple of adorable dogs! I am looking forward to book 3.

I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rebmay.
2,128 reviews35 followers
September 29, 2024
Charlie and Joy are both fascinating characters. She is definitely the grumpier of the two as well as rather abrasive and standoffish, at least at first. It takes a bit, but the reasons for her behaviour eventually come to light. The building and all the memories attached to it are part of Joy’s painful past with her mother. Coming back to Fall River is torturous for her, not that she wants anyone else to know that. Charlie is a good man, dedicated to his job and passionate about saving old buildings and bringing them back to their former glory. Working with Joy tests his usual easy-going nature and patience. Gradually, he starts to see that under that brusque facade is a vulnerable woman dealing with demons from her past and he wants to help her her do so.

I liked the slow-burn romance, the snark and the banter between them as well as the twists and turns in their story. Both Charlie and Joy have so many layers to them that are slowly revealed as their story continues. Their story was engaging, sometimes emotional and well crafted.

I will happily recommend this book.

Profile Image for World Of Books 65.
2,737 reviews49 followers
September 29, 2024
GK Grady delivers a romance packed with tension and heart in *The Fixer*, the second book in the *Fall River* series. Joy and Charlie take center stage in this captivating slow-burn that keeps you hooked from start to finish. Their undeniable chemistry builds with every page, making their first kiss electrifying.

The story begins when Joy inherits an old house steeped in painful memories, and she’s determined to tear it down. Enter Charlie, the man she hires for the job—except he has other ideas. Charlie sees potential in the house and is equally determined to persuade Joy to restore it instead. As they clash over the future of the house, their simmering attraction and stubborn personalities make for an explosive dynamic.

GK Grady expertly crafts a slow-burn romance full of emotional depth and conflict, weaving together the personal stakes of the house with the undeniable pull between Joy and Charlie. *The Fixer* is an emotional rollercoaster, blending passion, tension, and heart, leaving readers completely enthralled with this intense, beautifully layered romance.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,112 reviews11 followers
September 29, 2024
Fall River #2

Charlie Hunnicutt lives in the small town of Fall River and his business is Past Perfect Restoration. He is very much invested in restoring his hometown.

When Joy Holiday blows into town as the executor of Crystal Harmony Haven that belonged to her late mother all she wants to do is sell it and get out of there. She can't sell without bringing it up to code and she can't tear it down since it's a historic building.
The memories for Joy are not happy ones and this building only brings them up, not that she is willing to share this with anyone. So a quick finish to this would be great but of course that doesn't happen.

She is told Charlie Hunnicutt is the best and the one to trust with the job except all they seem to do is butt heads over this project.
Charlie is a great guy and the more time they spend together the attraction builds and he wants her to stay. Being here has been great for Joy but she has a business in Chicago to run.

There are some twists as well. Buckle up!

4 stars
204 reviews5 followers
September 29, 2024
The second Fall River book gives us Charlie Hunnicitt and his newest Past Perfect Restoration project. When Joy’s mother passes, she must travel from her busy corporate centered life in Chicago to slow moving Fall River to take care of the business and Building left behind. Enter the best contractor in town and soon her and Charlie are squaring off. Despite their friction, we can all see that there is underlying sexual tension that is going to break them both.
Great story of Joy facing the past and letting go, a little mystery around Charlie’s business and a whole lot of spice!
The Hunnicitt brothers are all dreamy and don’t enter into relationships lightly. So glad to see Charlie find his perfect someone. Joy is closed off and still reeling from how she grew up but she finds safety and security in Charlie’s arms.
Great read and looking forward to more from this quirky little mountain town.
7 reviews
September 29, 2024
Oh. My. Goodness. The only thing that could have made this book better for me would have been for me to read the first one first (I am an ARC reader so I didn't even realize there WAS a first book but believe me, I'm on to that one now!) I am in love with the characters, as GK Brady brings them all to life in such a wonderful way. The cast, the situations they find themselves in, and the descriptions of each locale is so spot on and it leads me to perfectly formed images in my head.

I couldn't put it down and both started and finished it today! For those that want a fun, and hilarious, read from start to finish? This is for you! Note to readers though! -If you do not like a love interest where they completely battle things out on the day to day, this is not for you. It's perfectly depicted and made me laugh, so I still recommend!!
Profile Image for Patricia Baxes.
2,807 reviews22 followers
September 25, 2024
As far as I’m concerned, ‘The Fixer’ sure needed a little more fixing to make it worth more than four stars. As much as I wanted to really like this book…it really just never clicked either me. Although the storyline had merit, the characters were just lacking in their presentation; the plot twists and turns were pretty interesting; and the HEA was the book’s saving grace. While I wasn’t overly thrilled with this one, I think you should give it a read and decide for yourself. (I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book and found it okay.)
Profile Image for Brandireadsbooks.
24 reviews13 followers
September 28, 2024
I liked this book a lot! Joy made me mad a few times because she just couldn’t see what was in front of her for a long time. And Charlie, oh my! Hubba Hubba! I really enjoyed the context of this story and how each character peeled back their layers and learned to let go of their pasts and their hang ups. This is a great city girls meets small town trope. It was well written and executed. I would definitely recommend it to anyone!
1,434 reviews8 followers
September 29, 2024
The Fixer is a great addition to this series. Charlie and Joy were complete opposites but the chemistry between these two was HOT! They butt heads so many times! Charlie was sexy, sweet, and just a well-rounded guy. Joy was grumpy and not easy to get to know. As the story progresses you begin to understand why. I loved this book, and I am really looking forward to the next book in this series. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,324 reviews19 followers
September 28, 2024
Joy and Charlie were a joy to read. I loved their dynamic. Charlie is sunshine and Joy is prickly. I liked the way their relationship developed. The bit of mystery added to the story too. Joy's backstory was a bit heartbreaking but I loved the way Charlie supported her. Overall this was a good read.
1,077 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2024
Charlie and Joy start out on the wrong foot -plenty of sparks, but not the good kind. But what if this small town with this dilapidated building is just what Joy needs to bring some joy to her life? Loved these two together and how they each grew as their story unfolded. I’ve really enjoyed the Fall River series so far and am very much looking forward to Reece and Neve’s story next.
4 reviews
September 29, 2024
Such a good book! I didn't want to stop reading. Did not expect the twist with Joy at all! I was a little disappointed that there wasn't another twist, but maybe the 3rd book will give me what I am missing. Very well written and definitely not just a sweet romance. Looking forward to reading more from G.K. Brady.
Profile Image for Nevaeh Wilker.
37 reviews
September 25, 2024
the story was a slow start for me, but the slow burn romance between the two MC’s was redemption. I loved the little town of Fall River, and how accurately G.K. captured how scary it can be to dive fully into a relationship. Overall, I loved this book, and can’t wait to read the next one!
3,276 reviews30 followers
September 23, 2024
Omg. Crazy good book with likeable characters. Storyline was entertaining and moved at a good pace. Many lol moments. Banter was entertaining. Read in one sitting. Five stars.
Profile Image for Vanessa Hilario  Mata.
402 reviews15 followers
September 28, 2024
Amazing opposites attraction romance! Joy inherit the family home and she wants to knock it down with all the bad memories. Charlie is a contractor who wants to rebuild Joy historic house. Enjoyed reading this story of banter and them bumping heads.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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