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Newport Boys #1

Keeping Sweets

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The second-to-last thing Evan Lowry thought he’d be doing after graduation was auditioning to be the newest adult film star for Sonic Street Studios. The very last thing he thought he’d be doing was auditioning to sleep with other men. Wide-eyed and inexperienced, he isn’t ready for what he finds when he walks through the doors, but with college tuition bills looming, what other choice does he have?
For Brandon Court, the shine has worn off regular scenes, but with a contract for a reality-show style shoot at a beach house in Oregon, what should be business-as-usual suddenly becomes a whole lot more. The instant he lays eyes on Evan, Bran can’t decide if he wants him to get lost or get naked.
The chemistry is unexpected, instant, and terrifying. But after spending so long pretending, what would he give up for a shot at the real thing?

206 pages, ebook

First published March 10, 2013

About the author

Cate Ashwood

48 books507 followers
Cate discovered her love for books of all kinds early on, but romance is where her heart truly lies. She is addicted to the happily ever afters and the journey the characters take to get there. Currently residing in British Columbia, Cate loves living just a stone's throw from the water. When she's not writing, she can be found consuming coffee at an alarming rate while wrangling her children, her husband, and their two cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 227 reviews
Profile Image for Monique.
1,068 reviews377 followers
March 14, 2013
Excellent debut Novel from the very talented Cate Ashwood, a story of tortured hearts and selfless love… and I couldn't put it down 4.25 luscious stars.

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When I read the blurb on a book and it mentions gay porn… you can be assured it will end up on my reading list, and I picked this book up to read today and couldn’t put the damn thing down!  There is great character development, the sex is most definitely sizzling and cold shower worthy, the story kept me riveted and engrossed plus this is a debut novel for the talented writer Cate Ashwood and all I can say is Cate – this is an excellent start and well done, I can’t wait to see what you have to bring us next.

Phil, Evans stepfather is a drunk, the very same thing that had taken his Mother from him. Now Graduation was nearly upon Evan, Phil is ready to Kick him out of house and home to fend for himself and not soon enough in his verbally abusive opinion… Bastard!! Despite this Evan was self motivated and wanted to succeed and dreamed of being a Marine Biologist, despite the fact he had never seen the ocean, so he worked hard to gain a scholarship to university but he still needed a job to sustain himself. When he see’s an advert for Adult Modelling, Mmm… in other words porn, for a few weeks on location over the summer he applies. But even though Evan was a mature 18 year old, he was still naive and innocent, a virgin in anything intimate including sex and kissing and checking out the website leaves him more than a little afraid but also tempted by the gorgeous Noah who will be present for his interview.

Brandon Court at 27 had been in the Adult Industry for 10 years. Noah Conway was his on screen persona, one he separated himself from when not working… Jaded with the life and certainly not needing to do it for financial reasons he is thinking of retiring. When Evan and Brandon meet, it is lust at first sight for both of them, for Brandon, Evan is the perfect twink, young and innocent and the boy had an effect on him that was totally throwing him off balance and threatening his usual detachment. Evan is awkward and obviously lacking in self confidence especially when it comes to anything sexual, but he connects in such a way with Bran that he makes him feel at ease and he trusts him more than he has trusted anyone.

Evan and Bran’s first time together was perfect, they were totally consumed with each other, it was beautifully intense and slowly sensual with Bran pouring all the lust, passion and love he felt for Evan into taking the upmost care and making it special… and for Evan that is exactly what it was. Evan had lit a fire within Bran that could never be extinguished and the ice surrounding his heart had already melted. For Evan, Bran made him feel cherished and loved something he had never experienced even when his Mother had been alive… and every fibre of his being was calling out to Bran.

For all Noah’s confidence and his sexual predators charisma in front of the camera, Brandon was insecure and lonely, he thought the only thing in life that he had ever succeeded in was fucking... and that was not something you wanted on your CV! Brandon was in a hopeless puddle of lust over Evan and his body was yearning for something his mind was telling him was a big, No, No. And being impartial and distant was going to take all his strength.

These two men are broken and damaged and all they need is a little communication to find true happiness with someone they love, but it wouldn’t be a novel of any worth if we didn’t have a little misunderstanding and lack of communication!  Evan who had been starved of love and affection all his life, now craves human contact and all the feelings and emotions that have been absent in his short life… even the hand of friendship was something unfamiliar to him and he wants Bran, no one else will do, his heart will not allow it.  Unselfishly Bran doesn’t want Evan to have the stigma of firstly being with someone much older than him and secondly that the person is a washed up porn star. He feels Evan is still too young, he has his education and his whole life before him and what he feels for Bran is merely a crush. Loving Evan had shone a glaring light on the fact that his whole existence had been meaningless, sad and lonely, before he’d met him, but his conscience will not allow him to waver.

I loved both our MC’s and we also had an insight into some of the other porn stars that were on location at the house and I am wondering if Ms. Ashwood may be picking one of them up for a future novel!?! My only grumble was the conversation at the beginning felt a little uncomfortable, stilted and for me it didn’t seem to flow but later on in the book it was fine. Other than that it was an excellent read. Oh and the title of the book Keeping Sweets, if you are thinking it a little odd, Bran’s pet name for Evan was Sweets, not one of my most favourite endearments, but he was sweet.

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Profile Image for Rain.
2,108 reviews28 followers
March 2, 2023
The story reads exactly like the title says, but it’s also so much more.

Evan (18) has been so alone, in every aspect. He hasn’t even had his first kiss. He leaves home the day of graduation, and rides the bus from Idaho to Oregon for what he thinks is a summer modeling gig.

He’s soon being interviewed and does a brief but smoking introductory scene with an adult film star, Noah/Bran. He’s hired and admits he’s never had sex before, but is willing to be filmed with Bran.

Although having an audience and camera crew present for his first time wasn’t the ideal situation, having Bran as his first seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

Could you even imagine a film crew and having your first time being so public??

Noah/Bran (28) is tired. He’s been doing porn for 10 years now, he feels like an object and he’s emotionally exhausted. The minute he sees Evan, his entire soul lights up.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story, and watching these two fall in love. Evan had so much optimism and joy for one who had such a tragic childhood. His first time was written so well, and his second experience was even more explosive. Bran was the perfect partner for him. In many ways, Evan is more emotionally mature than Bran. He hasn’t had time yet to be covered up and defensive.

Bran wants so much more for Evan. He’s falling fast but all he can see are the limitations in his ability to love this sweet young man.

This life was soul-breaking and his had been broken for a long time. There was nothing he could give Evan. He had nothing to offer.

Ends with a sweet hfn for Evan and Bran, with a favorite character returning for book two.

Other than some kissing and a bj from another actor, there is surprisingly no sharing in this story!

Additional thoughts:

I found it very curious for a book centered around a porn set, there was no discussion about preparing. Things like shaving, waxing, bleaching and prep. It was as if the author wanted to use the porn set as a prop, but not actually make it a legitimate porn shoot. Doing so would have taken the story from sweet and light to gritty and much darker. I kept expecting the crew to interrupt sex scenes, to tell them to change positions, or get a light in there to make things a little brighter for the camera. But the crew was barely ever mentioned.

The fact that nothing is ever said about releasing the footage the entire book is based on was curious as well. Did the studio just eat the costs? Did Bran refuse to let them publish it? Now that would’ve made for a perfect ending.
Profile Image for Lilly [Hiatus due to School] .
938 reviews363 followers
August 22, 2023
“I’m never letting you go. I’m keeping you, Sweets. You’re mine. For always.”

We have Evan, who is kicked out of his home after graduating high school. His mother is dead, and her most recent deadbeat husband, his stepfather, has kicked him out. He’s gotten into college and is ready to escape his small town but needs money. He sees an ad for an "adult modelling" job and decides to send in his information and photo. To his surprise, he gets a callback, but it’s not your standard modelling gig.

Brandon has been in the porn industry for about a decade, an industry veteran. He’s made a name for himself, is financially secure and has enjoyed his job despite some of the negatives his career has brought into his real life. Bran is jaded regarding relationships and romance, but when Evan walks into his life, he wants this sweet innocent boy who makes him feel something for the first time in a long while.

Evan and Bran have an instant connection. Evan is inexperienced and Bran tries to keep things professional and create distance, but he quickly realizes he’s fallen for the young boy.

“If he was honest with himself, he knew that he had fallen for Evan the moment they met. He had been kidding himself thinking there was any way he could walk away from this trip unscathed.”

Evan has had a rough life. He’s only 18 but has always been on constant edge, even at home. He hasn’t had many friends and an outcast, but with Bran, he finds someone who cares and makes him feel wanted and protected.

In such a short period of time he had come to look up to Bran, to trust him with everything he had, and he chose to trust what he had been told earlier.

He wanted to dive into these brand-new feelings head first, but he wasn’t sure if what he was feeling was a product of the hormonal rush from the promise of his first sexual experience or if it was real. Either way, he needed to keep the feelings to himself.

I adored how Bran reached out to Evan and how he holds him and makes him feel so good. He never takes advantage of his naivety and inexperience and makes his first time pleasurable and so good for him. Despite the cameras, nothing about their connection and chemistry feels fake.

Whether or not Evan knew it, he belonged to Bran. The mark he had left was just one of the ways Bran would show him.

His heart swelled in his chest to see Bran looking at him like that. Bran’s eyes were wide, eyebrows knit together in concern. Evan felt cared for and cherished.

Although it was difficult to breathe, Evan recognized this moment as the happiest of his life. He lay there, still connected to the man who he felt complete with.

The sex scenes were VERY steamy and well-written; I loved them. The scenes between Bran and Evan were amazing, especially because of their chemistry and growing feelings towards one another! The second time when Bran comes in *chef kiss* I also loved the scenes between the other porn stars. I’m hoping some of them will have their own stories.

My only issue was the ending. While it was a sweet HEA an epilogue would have made it perfect. The ending was too abrupt.

Overall I really enjoyed this book! If you love age gap, first times, high steam, and sweet romance, I recommend it. I am not a huge fan of stories surrounding the porn industry I really loved Keeping Sweets. I also liked the fact that Bran and Evan did not sleep not with anyone else.

Side Note: I was hit with some major nostalgia while reading this book. The writing style and story reminded me of the MM novels I used to read in the mid-2000s and early 2010s, and seeing the date it was published, no wonder.

Thank you Dan for the recommendation 💜
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
December 13, 2013
Aww...I'm just a happy pile of Mandy-goo after reading this.
Ok, full disclosure, rent-boy and porn industry stories are hard for me to resist, add in poor Evan, mistreated and ignored, neglected and alone most of his young life and I am melting.
Evan is 18 finally ready to start a life, since up until now he has been biding his time and studying hard so he can make a good life for himself. He has a scholarship but he needs money to live on, so when he sees an ad for male models he decides to give it a try.
Well, Evan is a little naive but he gets the picture pretty quickly when Brandon aka Noah, a veteran porn star jerks him off in front of the camera as his interview for the job.
Now, I'm pretty sure there was very little realism as to the porn industry in this story, but that is fine with me, I was happy with the love, the sex ( and for a book about a porn movie, it was actually pretty tame) the crush of feelings, the fear and insecurities.
Everyone has always left Evan, no one has cared about him or loved him, his mom only remembered his 8 th birthday, seriously, my heart was breaking for the poor baby. He doesn't think he's lovable. And Brandon, has been on his own most of his life and in the porn business since before he was legal, he thinks he's damaged goods and will only taint the bright future Evan has ahead of him.
Normally I am pretty impatient with the 'he's better off without me- I love him -so I must let him go' storyline, but in this case I actually understood where Brandon was coming from. I didn't agree with him, but I got it.
I love it when a book makes me 'feel' the emotions the characters are going through, and this one did it.
I mean this quote:
“I brought this back for you,” Bran said. “It reminds me of you. So fragile and perfect, but withstanding everything life has thrown at you to come out the other side just as perfect.”

*sniff* someone needs to come mop me up. :)
Anyway I am sure to reread this one eventually and I would love for Cole and Snickers to get their HEA! ( well, not to each other obviously since Snickers is his puppy! )
August 9, 2016
Buddy read with Jennifer.

We were scared to start this one because....PORN.

Porn is not happy. It means lack of butterflies and rainbows.

But this book managed surprisingly well.

There was a real connection between Evan and Brandon (known to all by his porn name, Noah). Evan is 18, having just graduated high school; he's shy and naive, but smart too. He manages to leave his abusive drunk of a stepfather and secure a scholarship to college. But he needs a summer job pronto. When Evan applies for an "adult modeling" position, he has no idea what that means.

Brandon's been in the porn business for a decade. He is now part owner in the company for which he works. He knows when he sees Evan that's he's in trouble. He tries to stay detached, but Evan's wide-eyed innocence is hard to resist.

There was something almost fairy tale like about Bran and Evan's relationship. You wouldn't expect that from a porn book, but this is not hard-core porn. There is no real grit here. In fact, I would venture that it's not a particularly realistic portrayal of the industry (cute young boys frolicking on the beach, living in five-star accommodations, getting along, and fucking as they please).

Brandon doesn't want Evan having sex with anyone else, which poses a problem for the video they're filming. This is basically brushed aside, though. Porn becomes almost invisible as we get more of Evan and Bran's relationship.

The main issue is that Bran doesn't feel like he's good enough for Evan. Yes, this is a standby trope, but it worked here. Bran think he's old (he's 28 to Evan's 18) and jaded, and pushes Evan away, thinking he needs to protect Evan. Of course, this doesn't work...for either of them.

There are plenty of smexy scenes, mostly between Bran/Evan but some with the other boys in the house filming scenes (including a threesome); there's a bit of voyeurism too. The steam factor was high.

There's also a HEA, although the ending was really rushed. I wanted to see the MCs more settled and wanted to know more about Evan's college courses and Bran's new job. An epilogue would have been ever so nice. Still, the title fits the book; it was sweet indeed.

Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,250 followers
September 17, 2013
**3.5 stars**

Addictive insta-lovey goodness! This book was like reading crack for me: I knew the quality wasn't all there but each hit just felt so freaking amazing..

The plot? Weak at best. A classic "virgin falls for the experienced older man" trope with silly "I know what is best for you" conflict. But was it crazy, crazy readable? Yes it was!! I don't know what it was about this book but I literally couldn't put it down last night. I read until my eyes watered and my vision blurred. I just needed to read more and more of this book.

This was my first read by Cate Ashwood and it most certainly piqued my interest in her writing. Can't wait to see what other addictive goodies she has come up with!
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
September 13, 2014

Man, you could just feel the love pouring out of this one! Really sweet yet sexy read!

Evan has just graduated from high school and has been pretty much kicked out of his house. After the death of his mother, he was left living with his step-dad who is an all around prick. Evan is headed for college and a new life!!

Scholarships will only cover so much of Evan's expenses so he'll need a job to cover the rest. He sees an ad for an adult model and the rest is history!

Poor Evan.....

Bless his heart! My heart broke for how alone he was in the world. So young and innocent.

Adult model translates to gay porn...where Evan meets Brandon. Evan gets picked for the latest porn film and so it all begins. Brandon is quite a bit older than Evan but there's an immediate attraction there.

Brandon really takes Evan under his wings and protects him. Evan basically has no sexual experience whatsoever. Nothing like jumping in head first.....with porn!

But Brandon really takes care of Evan and they grow closer and closer because of it. Evan doesn't want to be with any of the other guys and Brandon doesn't want to see him with other guys! Which forces Bran and Evan to tell each other how they feel.

But Evan is destined for greater things and Brandon doesn't believe he's destined for anything beyond porn! So yeah, there was a bit of drama once filming ended but nothing too dramatic and all was resolved quickly!

Overall I really enjoyed this one! It was super sweet and super HOT!
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
March 18, 2013
This is the story of a lost and lonely 18 year old named Evan who lands a job as a porn star. He falls in love with the Mack Daddy porn star, Brandon, at the porn studio he begins working for and the feeling are quickly reciprocated. It is completely far-fetched and even has a bit of Pretty Woman thrown in there, which is always fun, but if you can suspend disbelief, this is a delightful read. Me personally, I had a problem with seeing Evan as a sex object. He was so young, his mother was an alcoholic who he had longed to be close to but had died 5 years earlier, he lived with his step-father who treated him poorly, he had no friends, but through all this he was a good student and received a scholarship to attend a good collage. I wanted to let him use my guestroom and cook him my beef stew, not read about him having hot and heavy sex with Brandon. So, bummer there for me. *shrugs* But I can still recommend this book, wholeheartedly! Cate Ashwood did a fantastic job of turning a story about two porn stars in a lovely M/M romance.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,599 followers
November 17, 2014

Evan is 18 years old and he just graduated high school. He is alone in the world. He doesn’t know who his father is and his mother died a year earlier. His step-father is an asshole who wants Evan to move out now that he graduated. Evan had accepted an offer from the University of Oregon, being able to secure a scholarship. All he needs now is a job. He finds an ad in the newspaper for a job as an adult model, but what he doesn’t know is that this adult modelling is actually gay porn.

Brandon is a star porn. He’s 27 and he’s been in the porn business for 10 years. Brandon knows who he is and he’s not ashamed of anything he does for a living.


Evan and Brandon are immediately attracted to each other. Brandon is affected by Evan in every way. Evan is shy and innocent, everything is new for him, he doesn’t know if he is the right guy for the job. He doesn’t want to be with any of the other guys, he wants only Brandon. Brandon is very possessive. He doesn’t want to share Evan with anyone. Evan is his.


The problem is Brandon thinks is not good enough for Evan. He wants Evan to have a bright future and he thinks his past will affect Evan’s live.

This was such a sweet story! Even if it was predictable, it still was an enjoyable read. Both Evan and Brandon are great characters. They both are a little damage by their past, but they give each other what they need the most – love and affection. I loved how Brandon is with Evan. He is so caring and loving, patient and thoughtful, wanting from the start to protect the younger man from the entire world. I can totally see why Evan fall for him. He has a big heart,wanting for Evan to have anything in the world.

Evan was a cutie. Scrawny and a bit nerdy, he was a very lovable character.

The story is very steamy, which I really liked, of course. The sex scenes were more sweet than hot, since Evan is a little inexperienced, but I enjoyed them.

Also, I liked the drama was not overwhelming.

Overall, a very cute read!

Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews119 followers
March 29, 2013

So damn good. Will come back later with a review.


I'll just right out and say that rentboys and porn based stories are my least favourite tropes to read about. That being said, Cate Ashwood did a stellar job of making me appreciate this storyline.

We have Evan, a lonely sweet young man looking to earn some extra money for college and Bran, a lonely jaded porn star who, at 27, is getting old for the business. Bran and his business partner hire Evan as part of a summer house porn shoot but Bran is leery of getting the younger man entrenched into the business.

Reading this gave me a real sense of actual porn shoots. Which was something I've never really felt with other books with similar themes and I found that quite interesting.

I really enjoyed the chemistry that Evan and Bran had, they were so good together. I'd really enjoy to see another book in the series centered around Colt, because he needs a HEA.

While I found the story fascinating and the characters well fleshed out with natural dialogue there was one part that I have to say bothered me.

Great book though and I'm really looking for more from this author.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
August 24, 2016
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First, I'll start off by saying that I ♥ this book. Second, if you're looking for a dirty, gritty book about the porn industry: I'd say you should definitely pass on this one then. This is the story of two men who find each other at a time when both are at a crossroads in their lives. One of them has plans for his future and the other feels lost and doesn't know what he should do next. One thing they both know and feel is the immediate connection they have to one another.

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I found the story to be both entertaining and winsome. I love a book that can pull at my heartstrings and in the end leave me with a smile on my face---> this book did just that. My only criticism would be that I wish the story had an epilogue. I wanted a bit more at the end. Overall I was very statisfied and this is a book I will add to my re-read pile. 4.5 Stars ♥

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Profile Image for Heather C.
1,480 reviews218 followers
March 20, 2013
This was such a sweet story. Not at all what I expected it to be. What I expected was a pornographic sex-fest. What I got was a sweet story about a tired, lonely porn star (Bran) falling for the sweet, innocent virgin (Evan). Yes, there was a lot of sex...but there was plenty of sexual tension to go with it. I really liked all the characters...even the secondary characters. Especially Colt! He deserves a happily-ever-after...hint hint.

My few complaints:
The first chapter started off rocky, but I pushed forward and by the end of chapter 2 I was hooked...stayed up all night to finish.
I got a little tired of the I'm-not-good-enough-you-are-better-off-without-me line.
The ending was very predictable.
Hmm...now that I think about it, I don't think there were any female characters in this book. Oh, wait, there was a female doctor and a waitress or two.

I'm still giving it 4 stars because I really, really liked this story and will be looking forward to more from this author in the future.

Profile Image for Cole Riann.
1,078 reviews253 followers
March 13, 2013
Review posted at The Armchair Reader.

I can't help myself -- whenever there is a new book released about porn stars, I can't resist! I have to read it. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with these characters, it certainly doesn't come from a real-life porn star obsession. I don't need to analyze it, however, to know that it's a hot button trope for me. So, naturally, I was excited to read this book, though this author is new to me.

Told in third person close point of view and alternating between the two main characters, Evan and "Bran" (Brandon), Keeping Sweets takes a somewhat more realistic and less idolized view of porn behind the scenes. Bran is a gay porn veteran at 28, having gotten into the business by an ex boyfriend and a shady producer as a minor, and has grown jaded with the business. Though he has money to show for his work, sex for pay has taken over his life, both personally and emotionally. Even more than that, he's coming upon a turning point. At 28, he's almost ready to retire (if he wants) and find some other avenue to pursue in his life, but leaving what is comfortable is hard, especially when he doesn't really have anything to fall back on. The first step in separating himself from on screen sex, however, is stepping back from the camera. The project he's putting together with Les, his mentor, father-figure and partner in business, will bring together seven porn actors for a month long stay on the Oregon coast, with Bran as first-time director.

It is in casting that Bran and Evan first meet one another. Evan is newly 18 and being shoved out into the world. Evan's mother died several years ago and he's lucky that his step-father even let him stay until he came of age. But with high school graduation and his passage into adulthood, he has no more reasons to stay and bear the emotional abuse he's had to grow up with. Such a difficult childhood has made Evan both mature for his age and emotionally fragile. But knowing that he wouldn't have a place after graduation lit a fire under him, so that by the time he's kicked out of his childhood home, he's got a scholarship and a basic plan for the next few years. The major problem is not knowing where he'll go or survive the summer before college starts, and jobs are thin on the ground. It is with reluctance that Evan attends at audition looking for "adult models". It doesn't matter that Evan doesn't have any sexual experience -- not even has he been kissed -- he'll be starving and living on the streets if he doesn't get some kind of job, something he's close to already.

There's no choice. Evan will have to see if he can actually do gay porn. But Bran, recognizing a true innocent in a beautiful body and with keen intelligence, wants to look out for him. Bran knows, more than anyone else at the house on the beach, how this job can suck the innocence away from someone.

Ultimately, this was only a So So read for me. Part of that comes down to the plot, which offered few surprises and relied very heavily on the "I know what's best for you better than you do" plot device for romantic tension. Readers who have a hard time with characters who don't like to talk to each other and continually miscommunicate will be frustrated. Their behavior isn't arbitrary, however. It makes sense for the characters to act the way they do, annoying though it is. The rest of my reaction to the book is personal taste. The story itself is isolated and insular, with the whole group shut up in a house for the purpose of making the porn film. I was originally excited about the other guys in the film and the house, who are introduced with distinct personalities and particular quirks. Too soon though, they became relegated to background noise and the scenes reverted to only showing our two main characters.

If I'm right in thinking that this is a debut novel for this author, then there is definitely some praise to be awarded. Though I felt as if character growth and representation as overbalanced toward the main guys, those two were rather fully fleshed and well written (though Bran admittedly less so). Whether you personally like either one of them is up to you, of course, and I wavered at times in how I felt about Evan in particular. I expected the sex in the book to take center stage, as a porn flick novel, which was ultimately true to an extent. In regards to Evan, who has his very first sexual experience in front of a camera, everything is definitely center stage, and very steamy. There was less sex, though, than I expected. And there were certain scenes, some of which were the only times we ever really saw any of the other guys in the house, in which we were shown a scene being filmed that didn't include either Evan or Bran (except as directing) that seemed to add little to the story, and I wondered why exactly those were needed. Personally, I would have preferred to see Evan branch out sexually a bit more, though he didn't. That is actually a pretty important part of the story and a definite decision by the author, but it didn't really make sense to me. I couldn't really understand why Evan would feel the way he did, even as an inexperienced person. I suppose I just wanted to understand him and his decisions better.

In all, I'm intrigued by this author. While this wasn't a favorite book of mine, it was still an enjoyable read. I'm hoping that this author will continue to write and publish. And if she wants to write a sequel, I would be more than happy to read about Colt, the southern heartthrob and protector of Evan "the innocent" :) He's the secondary character we get to know best, which may be why he came across as the most interesting of the lot. I'd love to see him have his happily ever after.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
April 7, 2013
A Hearts On Fire Review

What happens when you add a jaded 27-year old veteran porn star and an 18 year old virgin kicked out of his home? Other than some sexing going on...Magic!

Cate Ashwood's debut "Keeping Sweets" is contemporary story featuring 18 Evan who's had a hard knock like. His deceased mother was a drunk, he doesn't know who his father is and his stepfather is counting down the days until Evan's graduation to finally kick Evan out of his small town home.

Evan has no friends. He is awkward in social situations and lonely. His one ticket out of that podunk town? A scholarship to the University of Eugene. But he has a few months to move to the college town. He applies for a job as an adult male model which sounds innocent enough, right?

Poor Evan did not know what was in store during his interview. Luckily, he's in good, capable hands. ;) Brandon aka "Noah" is tired of the porn life but during Evan's interview, he can't deny a spark of...something between both men. Something about this virgin intrigues Brandon and calls upon his protective side.

The chemistry between Evan (his porn name is "Jackson") and Brandon is pretty steamy and heavy. And when they finally have sex (That's right it wasn't instant sexing!), it was pretty hot. Did It really read like two porn stars in love? Eh...not really. But I really liked this story (even with the instalove). I wished Evan tried to have more interaction with the other porn stars during their month long vacation home porn shoot. He tried but int eh long run he always clung to Brandon.

Brandon as a character was believable-ish. He too had a rough start into the porn business - kicked out his home for being gay and starting underage. My favorite quality of his was his protective side. He was sexy and hardheaded at times. Reflecting back on the story, he did not disappoint through the beginning 80% of the book.

The last 12% went to Mush City. It was the obligatory "I'm not good enough for him" (Brandon/Noah) & "I love him but he's too good for me" (Evan/Jackson) argument between both men. You know how it is, the main characters can talk about everything else but their relationship and how they feel. They go through months of suffering instead of talking together and having hot make up sex...you know the drill.

Is there a HEA? Yes. (Though I kind of wish Evan was a little older because he just brings out the protective instincts in you- I don't know if his instalove was actual love, only time will tell)

Who should read it? There's no BDSM, just sweet and hot man pounding - so fans of that. (Don't worry there's NO CHEATING!)

I'd rate it 3.75 but I'll round up so FOUR STARS.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
March 19, 2013
4.5* review to follow

Evan is all alone, his mom has died his stepfather wants nothing to do with him and he's graduating with no friends or other family to help him out. So he spies an advert for male models and even though he feels he's no chance because of his stature- he's only slight and small in height- he takes a chance, sends a picture and waits, not realising till he surprisingly gets a reply accepting his request that it is in fact a gay porn site!! Not sure at all that he can go through with it, desperation gets the better of him and he meets Noah, the gorgeous guy who answered his request and after a very sexy interview to see if he's suitable ( the first of the books sizzling sex scenes) he's signed up to go on his first shoot with Noah whose real name is Bran and 5 other porn ' stars' . The setting being a reality series type porno in a house where they will film over a few weeks! By this time a strong attraction verging on love is happening between Evan and Bran and as time passes the sexual tension racks up... cue some very sexy and sensual love scenes.

Surprisingly though even though this is set around the porn industry the sex scenes are very tasteful and considering the subject matter just enough to not become boring and repetitive. Most of the story revolves round the growing romance between the older jaded Bran, who is getting to the end of his career and who has always backed away from relationships because of it and young sweet Evan who hasn't had any experience at all and who just wants to be loved. Some nicely paced angsty moments that pull the heartstrings and some hot passion makes for a very enjoyable read. I loved it, just found part of the ending a tad rushed hence the small drop in rating but overall a definite keeper. I read it all in one sitting in the early hours of the morning!! Oh what the hell I'm rounding it up to 5.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,323 reviews590 followers
July 31, 2016
4 Stars

On the day of his high school graduation, 18 year old Evan finds himself homeless with nowhere to go in the interim before he starts college in the fall. He needs money to survive and while searching for summer work he stumbles across an ad for an “adult modelling” job. Turns out, that’s a nice way of seeking gay porn participants. Who knew!?

Evan is considerate of this opportunity, mainly because he’s desperate for the money and this seems like an easy way to make some fast. Keep in mind that at this point in the tale Evan is 100% the innocent virgin, who isn’t even decided on the nature of his sexuality yet (although he assumes he’s gay). I, therefore, found it quite extreme that Evan would consider the porn industry as a suitable choice for his summer money making possibilities, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures and all that jazz.

During his interview, Evan meets seasoned pornstar Noah (aka 27 yr old Brandon Court), who is casting for a (porn) film he is directing and starring in. The two click pretty quickly, with Bran being immediately enamoured with shy and innocent Evan. Bran has long since become detached from his work, feeling like he’s two distinct characters in his own life - one being Noah, the adored and successful pornstar; the other being Bran, the real him who no one truly knows, who would rather work behind the scenes than in front of the camera, or not in the industry at all.

Bran finds himself drawn to Evan in a way that he hasn’t been drawn to anyone in a long time - if ever. But he’s also extremely mindful of how smart and innocent Evan is, what with his bright college future ahead of him and this whole porn thing most likely being a short-lived stopover to bigger and better things.

But as hard as Evan and Bran try to stay emotionally detached over the course of the shoot, the harder and faster they fall for one another.

Considering this story is about pornstars, it was surprisingly sweet and romantic. Who would have thought?! Certainly not me - in fact, I’m quite astonished that I even considered this story to begin with. I swear all my little GR cherubs have been slowly turning me to the dark side, but let’s be honest, I’m loving every minute of it!

Somehow, Ashwood was able to create a cast of porntastic male characters who were extremely likeable, and who I found myself rooting for (no pun intended). This wasn’t hardcore porny, but it was definitely steamy enough to get this gal excited. I think what made this work for me is how territorial Bran was of Evan during the shoot, not allowing him to work with any of the other guys on set. So, if you’re considering this story, but were worried there would be a lot of different things going into different holes, then never fear, because once Bran and Evan are first together, all the other pornstars have to play amongst themselves (and even that’s pretty hot – just sayin’).
Profile Image for Vero.
1,507 reviews9 followers
April 3, 2013
This read very much like a bad m/f romance: young virgin meets experienced older man (10 years age difference) and it has love at first sight (the much loathed "insta-love"...). Irrational protection insticts by the man and natural talent for all sexual acts (including deep throating) by the boy give it a lot of WTF-moments.
I liked the beginning, but as soon as the "porn-plot" started it went downhill.
And what I disliked:
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,366 reviews554 followers
May 26, 2018
3.5 stars

This was fun and enjoyable and Bran and Evan were hot together with really good chemistry. Not much happens plot wise other than Evan getting into porn and Bran, being an old pro at it, being tired of it and wanting out but thinking he doesn't know how to do anything else and no one else would hire him because all he has on his reseme is porn.

But this was fun and enjoyable and hot and Evan and Bran were cute together, and you could feel the love they had for each other.

But point off for the ending that was fairly predictable and stupid (in that Bran had stupid ass reasons for pushing Evan away) and also the amount of time that was spent apart, how long it took Bran to get his head out of his ass. And the fairly quick reunion that left the ending feeling abrupt. An epilogue would have been nice, to see them settling in to being together.

At least Bran got a punch in the face from Colt, which he totally deserved lol.

I don't know, if it were me I would have waited to forgive Bran, or at least said we were going slow if we got back together, not all back in at once.

So I enjoyed this, but the ending was super frustrating, so point off for that for me.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews438 followers
October 23, 2015
3.5 stars

This was basically fluffy porn. Very unrealistic fluffy porn, but fluffy nonetheless.

Evan has been kicked out of the house after his graduation and doesn’t know what to do to earn money. That is when he responds to a modeling add. It turns out to be porn. And even though he has no sexual experience whatsoever, he goes for it. Because yes, you would want your first time to be on camera.


Well, okay. Let’s just go with it for now.

Evan is immediately attracted to porn star Noah, or Bran, his real name. The two become close pretty quick and Evan can’t wait to lose his virginity to Bran. Of course this scene is extremely romantic which I image porn is definitely NOT.


This book reminded me of More Than Make-Believe a lot. It’s pretty low on the angst and the guys fall in love while doing porn together.

The porn itself was extremely unrealistic. It was basically just a sex scene. No pausing, no long scenes to get the perfect shot. Nope, just lots of gay sex, on camera. Okay, fine by me.


I was wondering if the guys would do scenes with other people, but that wasn’t the case. Bran does do some stuff with another guy on camera before they get together, but that was it.

I was planning on giving this a solid 4 stars, but then we got to the final part… And all of a sudden we got ANGST. It was too much, too late.

He launched himself across the room and slapped Bran as hard as he could across his already swollen face. The floodgates opened and he began to cry, hot salty tears that carried away all the pain and loathing that had built inside him since that night. He hit Bran again, beating with his fists against his chest, over and over until the fire had gone out of him.

I still enjoyed most of it.
It was a nice fluffy read with lots of sex, but not a lot of depth or realism.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,461 reviews166 followers
July 17, 2019


4.5 Stars
A very sweet and spicy love story. Two lonely (young) men find each other with porn as their backdrop. I have to say that once Evan and Bran took over this book, once they made a connection, it was very difficult to put down. Very endearing characters really helped drive this story and made it work so well. The sex is scorching and the developing main characters captivated me. I hope that the ever so protective Colt gets a story of his own because I would definitely be buying that! I believe this is a first book by the author, if so this is a very good start. Full review at http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/...
November 7, 2015
I am giving this a 3.5 star rating only because the main point of controversy between the 2 otherwise likeable MC's is the we're not going to discuss anything/I know what's best for you, which is a personal dislike of a plot device(and a reason why a lot of M/F romance books fall flat for me).

Other than that personal dislike, this is a good debut novel. Would have liked to have more involvement with the secondary characters, and have seen Evan interact a little more with them. I liked the chemistry between the jaded Bran and the naive Evan. More of a HFN ending, with potential to extend this to a series. Would like to see a Colt's or Riley & Kellan's, story and more of the other guys we were introduced to.
Profile Image for Rissa (an M/M kinda Girl!!).
971 reviews11 followers
February 12, 2014
I seen porn star and just had to read it! These kind of books do funny things to my insides...BUT if you aren't a fan of the porn star story lines I'd tell you to look past that and check this book out! You'll get so much more than your average porn star plot. You get to met 18 year old Evan who is fresh outta high school and on his own before he's even handed his diploma. Then there's 27 year old Bran who's been in the biz for a decade already and he's never once mixed business with pleasure.

This was very enjoyable, smokin hott, a tad angsty but not to much and it also was sweet. I think I fell in love with Evan the minute we meet him and I'm not the only one!

I wouldn't mind catching up with a few of the other guys that we also meet in Newport!
Profile Image for Deja Dei.
125 reviews22 followers
March 15, 2013
3.5. This book was honestly better than I expected. From the blurb, I expected nothing but a bunch of PWP plot scenes strung together like I see in a lot of "romance."

The characters are consistent if a little trite, Bran the jaded porn star who is sick of the lifestyle but doesn't feel he has much to offer to a partner, and poor naive Evan who doesn't have much a clue but latches right on. I liked these guys for the most part. It became annoying that they couldn't communicate, and the idea of Bran thinking Evan deserved better and Evan thinking Bran considered him just a porn co-star when both of them felt so much more for each other was a little frustrating, but true to human nature, I thought. I liked the protectiveness Bran felt for Evan, I only wish he hadn't resisted it so much.

I thought I was going to get a porny string of sex scenes without much plot. There is a little of that when some of the secondary characters who have no bearing on the story get busy, and even some of the scenes with Bran and Evan seem unnecessary. But there is a connection between the two MC's, and a deep one that is well portrayed. It annoyed me a bit that Bran thought of himself as such an expert on everything and could decide what was best for Evan, but Evan was a pretty strong character and I found it easy to relate to him.

The book was an enjoyable read, though not perfect. I would have liked more of the secondary characters who seem so interesting at first but are forgotten. I would have have liked the MC's to communicate, though in real life it happens as it happened here and people don't understand each other.
I honestly rolled my eyes at the last part of the book, where the MC's sort of starved and faded away as they pined for each other for months. Really? The jaded porn star had it so bad he couldn't even leave the house?

Still, much deeper and more satisfying than the PWP I expected. The characters are familiar is carried to the extreme a little. They are a little too emo at the end, IMO, especially Brandon. But it is nice to see characters experience emotion, and I did feel the connection between the protagonists. Overall, a much more character-driven and emotional story than I expected. Not perfect, but I did enjoy it and will read more from this author.
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 3 books138 followers
February 24, 2015
BR with Kaylor! Can't wait!

This was a really nice book! I will admit, I held off reading this for a long time because I was worried I wouldn't like it. I don't normally like stories where one or both of the MC's porn. It's just not something I particularly enjoy. Plus I'm not a fan of reading sex scenes between MC's an other people. But this book was different. It wasn't like some of the others I've seen and the very few I've read or read scenes from. There wasn't really much of anything (apart from one small scene) with other guys and because of that I was able to really enjoy this book. I should probably warn everyone

Evan and Bran were a really great couple! I fell in love with them almost the second they met. Sure, things weren't the easiest because of the job they were doing and because a certain character thought it was better to push the other away. But these two just made me feel all happy inside. They were a really sweet and cute couple and I was rooting for them from the beginning.

The only reason this isn't a 5 star read is because I didn't fall madly in love with the book as a whole. An epilogue would have been nice, I think. And I could see this being a 5 star read then. But I'm still really glad I finally read this because it's a very nice book. The writing was also nice. And I'm looking forward to the sequel, with one of the secondary characters in this. It should be fun.

Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews261 followers
August 13, 2014
Buddy Read with Dani!!

Alone, I would have never finished this book, actually I would have never started this book. This book came up on my feed, I made a comment and the next thing you know a buddy read with Dani was born. Born of our fear of porn. No, I don’t think we are scared of porn but scared of a romance set around it. But, we decided to go for it. I think she liked it much more than I did :) So, yes, going in I had reservations about this type of story. My reservations are personal and do not reflect on the writing or the story, they are just mine and honestly, I couldn’t get past them and actually enjoy the book. The story itself did have a lot of sweet. It was a great opposites meet, instantly connect, fall in love, I’m not good enough for him, hearts break, HEA romance. I can honestly see all that and focused on it I just well, I just couldn’t forget all the other stuff.

So, my first foray into a romance set in the porn industry will most likely be my last. All I really wanted to do was save all these boys and I don’t think that is what I was supposed to get from the book. It’s like I did it wrong or something. Instead of seeing the romance I just saw the ugly. Well, it really wasn’t ugly in this book and I know that it probably truly is. Alas, it is good to challenge yourself, try something out of your comfort zone and if you are lucky, you get to do that with a friend who gets you and you never feel alone.

Thanks Dani!!
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews474 followers
November 6, 2013
Weary veteran and the blushing ingenue fall in love.

Bran's a pinata and been hit one or twenty times too many with the stupid stick. I dislike miscommunication conflict premises or in this case, no communication. So, lost a star there. Then we've got very shiny adult film industry representation, which really does make the whole comparison to Pretty Woman even more amusing in its self-referential nature. While there are a bunch of professionals who work the industry, the fact is that it's a business that due to societal shame primarily attracts certain individuals.
He was like a puppy stuck in a dirty cage, obviously abused and hungry, but wagging his tail and licking your hand despite it all.

Finally, the possessive alpha male and virgin rehash that I despise in MF literature has made an unfortunate appearance. Those are my main disconnects, but the pacing was awkward too. Either there was no sex for chapters or it was sex scene after sex scene, and honestly, as great as hand jobs and blow jobs are--they get boring after awhile.

So, not a win for me. But for readers who like an optimistic tale and love to watch Pretty Woman then I think you'll find this much more to your liking.
Profile Image for Marina.
398 reviews464 followers
December 15, 2013
3.5 stars

Judging from the blurb, this story had all the fonts to be one of those ones that I really enjoy. Throwing together guys who don't seem to mix well to make an adult movie has worked in the past. And it did work.

The plot was very well spread and laid out. Things weren't rushed for the most part and the chemistry between Evan and Bran was just explosive.
Reading the casting scene, you'll probably feel like your bones are melting and the air has left the building.

My objections were focused on the following issues.

Firstly, Bran goes from considering Evan mostly a joke to wanting to rip his pants off.

That did make me raise an eyebrow.

Secondly, I felt like the reason for their separation was a bit forced and a tad more dramatic. And seriously people, when are you going to stop making other people's decisions?

But overall, it was a very entertaining, interesting and hot as hell read.:D
Displaying 1 - 30 of 227 reviews

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