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Torn #1

Scornfully Yours

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♥This book is intended for readers who has a serious fixation for hotshot actors and playboy athletes♥

“The best kind of revenge is to let him see how strong and beautiful you are, with or without him.”

When Emma realized that she fell in love with the notorious womanizer, Carter Mason–the badass Soccer athlete—she bailed and jumped ship, knowing quite well how this will turn out if Carter ever finds out about how she felt about him.

Newly single, Emma parties in Hollywood amongst her friends—determined to enjoy her new status.

Enter Hollywood’s sexy heartthrob and sought out actor, Bass Cole.
Bass was clearly smitten when his eyes captured the raving beauty that is Emma Anderson. Without ado, he pursues her.

Being with Bass opened a lot of doors for Emma. But as much as she was attracted to Bass Cole, could she simply put her feelings towards Carter Mason aside?

♥Contains adult language and situation intended for readers 18 and above♥

362 pages, ebook

First published January 30, 2013

About the author

Pamela Ann

105 books2,736 followers
is a New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author. She studied Fashion Marketing in United Kingdom and a degree in Business. She has a penchant for pastries, dogs, renaissance paintings, angst-filled novels, travelling and is fascinated with the Italian language and culture.

Web: www.PamelaAnnBooks.com


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Profile Image for Jenny Levine.
99 reviews735 followers
December 4, 2013
“The man who will wholeheartedly deserve your love is the man who will be there at your lowest, the one who loves you in all your shades—the light, the hued and the dark.”

Emma Anderson's life revolves around one guy, a guy she fell in love with after months of dating. The problem is, she doesn't know if he feels the same way.

Meet the guy ,
Carter Mason--
[image error]
Their university's soccer team star player. Tall, dark, and handsome, plus, a monster between the sheets. What's not to love?
Well, he's also a certified playboy and loathes the idea of love.

So, when Em realized that their relationship isn't going anywhere, he broke up with him...

On a night of partying in Hollywood, her life changed...Because of another guy...

Enter Bass Cole--

THE Bass Cole. Hollywood's most sought after movie star and hearthrob. Blonde. Gorgeous blue eyes. YUMMY.

He became instantly attracted the first time he saw Em.

“One thing I do know—is that your pure beauty compelled me to you. You’re honesty and depth bounded me even further. It’s frightening and at the same time fascinating. I couldn’t let you walk away knowing that.”

“What do you want from me, Bass?”
“I want to get to know you, Emma.”

But, just as she's starting to move on, Carter wants to be in her life again and refuses to let her go...

[image error]

In the end, Who will she choose?

The man she loves?
The man who makes her feel loved?

Decisions, decisions...


OH CRAZY DRAMA! First things first, I love the cover of this book. I love the story more, not to mention the quotes the author placed before each chapter. Bril.

GAH. I swear Em is a lucky bitch, always surrounded by hot guys, so, I just wanna say:

Okay, moving on.
Both guys in Em's life are hot as hell, but they're both assholes so I can't really choose between the two.

Why I don't like her to be with Carter:

After Em and made her feel like a cheap slut. UGH.


When Em thought she was OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! That's just plain cruel and I'm so disappointed in you, Carter.


Because of the above-stated incident, Carter made a terrible decision of what's worse is that Em HA. WAY TO GO CARTER! FREAKIN' A!


Now, my issues with Bass:
I thought he was the complete opposite of Carter because at first, he was passionate and the perfect gentleman and he seems very much into Em, but when she

So, I'm rethinking. Bass is practically a saint compared to Carter, so I might just choose him for Em.


Or if in the second book, he redeems himself, I might give him another chance. But, I doubt it. Oh crap. I hope I can make decisions for Em because sometimes, she's being stupid.

Also, I think a new guy would be good for her. I mean, our heroine deserves better. A decent one. . and please, NOT a womanizer. I'm sick and tired of that shit.

Anyway, while I'm reading this book, I keep on internally blurting out things/scenes I want to happen on the next chapters, and it's like Pamela's some kind of a mind reader or something because they all happened. LOL. So I guess at some parts, it becomes predictable.

My complaint? Bass Cole's eye color is REPEATEDLY mentioned in this book (12 times to be exact), which I find somewhat annoying. Yeah, I get it, it's azure blue.

But despite of everything, the angst, my patience being tested and all the drama that squeezed my heart, I enjoyed reading this book. I LOVED IT!

I'm looking forward to reading the second book, Blasphemous, and I really hope Emma becomes tougher, makes better decision, and chooses wisely.

For now, TEAM BASS!

Note: This has a happy-for-now ending.
Thank you Pamela for not giving us a cliffhanger :)

*Copy provided by the author, Pamela Ann, in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Farah.
367 reviews496 followers
April 20, 2013

5 smoking hot stars!!!

"When feelings of abandonment and betrayal arise with a soul mate, they do not last. Once soul mates achieve an ultimate level of symbiosis and serenity with each other, it remains forever."

Emma Anderson isn't stupid- Being in a sex only relationship isn't going to work especially since Emma realises she has fallen in love with Bad boy Carter Mason.

She realises she needs to end things because Carter has made it evident that he doesn't DO the love thing..

"I don’t do any of the hearts and butterflies shit, Em. I don’t do love the happily ever after shit either"

Emma gives Carter an excuse and breaks up with him...

On a night out on the town with her girls.....

Emma meets Hollywood actor Bass Cole. Bass is sMoKiNg hott and is every girls fantasy! But Bass has eyes for Emma.

After getting to know each other Emma tells him she has just been through a break up and instead of taking advantage of Emma he is a gentleman.

Emma finds herself liking Bass who wants more than a one night stand with her..
Bass is amazzzzingly sweet, charming and totally different than the tabloids say he is.

But Emma can't give him her heart right now because it belongs to someone else.

When Carter hears Emma was with Bass he freaks out and realizes he doesn't want to loose Emma.
Turns out he is in Love with Emma.

Funny how when you loose someone then you want them back?

Emma is confused? She is in love with one and in lust with the other..

"Love is not a force between a mind and a body, but a force between two hearts. Your mind and eyes will never tell you when you feel true love, for only your heart can receive the true love that another heart sends directly to it.”

Don't get me wrong, this is not love triangle.. Well sort of... Emma does make her choice and the boy in her heart wins her.. Carter

Bass carries on with his life leaving Emma and Carter to be.

Can the player Carter ever change? How much does he really love her?

With so much chemistry there is bound to be an Explosion!!

"MOTHER FUCKER" I screamed like a banshee halting their movements. My eyes misted and I was seeing red....
"Emma Baby!" Carter started
Baby my ass! I thought before I stomped on his crown jewels with good force....
"Here you go, now you wont be fucking anyone tonight! We are through!"

"Love totally sucks. Not only does it make you feel powerless, but it makes you stupid too."

I want to rip his throat out!!!
What an ass hole stupid stipid idiot!!!
get caught without your pants is a definite no go.

No excuse is going to cut it this time for Emma to forgive him!

Emma is given an opportunity of a lifetime! Discovered while out with Bass she is offered a role to star opposite him in a movie..

Now few months later Carter will stop at nothing to win Emma back and Emma is starting her new career.

"have you ever felt that strong pull towards someone without the need for explanation? Like having them around you…you just feel complete. Like that Twin Souls crap that I read online. He’s your soul mate but so much more. The more you fight with your feelings, the energy becomes stronger. It said that no matter how much you try to cut that tie with the person, your Twin Soul, it would never happen because it’s impossible. He will always be a part of you and you will always be a part of him."

What will happen with Emma and hunky Bass?
Will Emma forgive her college Playboy ex or will she get together with Hollywoods ultimate player??
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.”

Seeing Bass again, Emma is as attracted to his as ever.
The sexual chemistry is exploding!!!!!!! OMG!

"I will fuck you on one condition, Emma.”
"I stilled. “What condition?”"
"You give me your body the entire time we are here, day and night . I want it available at all times. No one else get to touch it but me. Allow me to fuck my addiction of you, in your mouth and in your sweet cunt. I want sole ownership, Emma.”

This book has great friendship, hot guys, steamy sex, OMG steam and great friendship and there is only one way to describe this... Awesome!

Cannot wait for Blasphemous!!
In the meantime I'm filling my time up with Frayed :D
Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
May 3, 2015
Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. This person is one you could forever talk to. They understand you in a way that no one else does or even could. This person is your soulmate, your best friend. Don't ever let them go, for they're your guardian angel sent from heaven above.

Huh? What just happened? It was the strangest book. I'm still not sure what happened. Did it have a happy ending? Is it a cliffhanger? The next book is her friend's story, but will this love story continue? Did I see that we will get the continuation with her POV in book 5?

Apart from that, I really enjoyed this book. I wanted to jump around and cheer. It made me read in a reading slump!

But the heroine was very passive. Everything happened to her, and she reacted to it. There was no pro-active actions taken whatsoever. It is a fairy tale. It truly is. But not a very happy one. Kinda happy one.

Who would you pick? Sexy athlete asshole Carter?

"I don't do any of the hearts and butterfly shit, Em. I don't do love or the happily ever after shit either."

Or super sweet also sexy movie star Bass?

We were lying down, face to face and I watched his azure eyes sparkle. "I really like you, Emma", he declared.

It was fun and sexy and flirty.

"So, actors...you don't have a thing for?" he asked, his eyes peeked at me through his lashes - smoldering like the hot man he was!
"No, not yet." I pressed my lips together, hiding a smile.

And well, it's still free in kindle store 5/6/13.

Note: If you have a problem with cheating this book is not for you. Everyone is cheating. Basically.
Profile Image for Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~.
497 reviews186 followers
February 14, 2013
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I wish I could be more eloquent, but this is all I've got. I finished it. I suspect I am perverse enough to want to know what ends up happening, so I guess I'll end up reading the next book, but it's going to be under protest. I don't really like Emma. She often sounds like Malibu Barbie, and her decision making abilities are seriously suspect. Carter is the definition if man-whore douche bag. And Bass, well, he would be the saving grace, except the way he is written is so weirdly formal, I keep expecting it to come out that he's British, or has somehow time-traveled here from the 1800's. The book could use some serious editing help, all over. Lots of grammatical errors, strange sentences that make no sense, etc.

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,349 followers
February 7, 2013
”What is it about sexy bad boys that were just hard to resist?”

This book grabbed my attention from the start! It was sexy, funny and addicting.

Emma realizes that she is in love with her impossible, hot, soccer star boyfriend. So she does what any girl would do when they face this truth...she dumps him.

Now don’t get me wrong she knows what she's doing and Carter realizes quick that he feels the same way. Problem is that she has met movie star Bass Cole and he is all sorts of sweet and sexy and totally into her as well.

I’m not going to give any of the story away, but let’s just say that Emma is pretty terrific. She is funny, confident and all sorts of tough.

I spent about 75 percent of this book torn between which hot guy I liked better…I know book problems right! When BAM!! My balloon was popped and I pouted like a little kid.

Once I got back into the story, I followed Emma onto the next stage of her life, a new career as a million dollar lead actress. Oh and the film will be shot in Greece where she will be spending several months with you betcha...Bass Cole. P.S. there’s also a Greek God actor who she meets named Demetris. Yep these things happen!

I’ll be awaiting Blasphemous, to see what happens on the set of this film as well as with my Carter. Yep he is… how did Emma put it…on yeah...“One determined mother fucker.”

Game on boys!!!
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews315 followers
August 12, 2016
My inner grammar snob had a complete mental breakdown so I'm marking this as DNF. I can overlook a few typos, but terrible grammar makes me cringe! I found the writing to be messy and disjointed.

I instantly scrambled to my feet and searched for the restroom to which, I had no clue where it was located.
Urrrgh, the sentence structure!!!! *Bangs head against brick wall*

On one page the writer goes into detail about the characters severe depression and then, a few pages later it said 'I suppose you could say I was a bit depressed.' as if depression hadn't even been spoken about. ???

Sorry, but I can't get into a plot and connect with the characters when I'm constantly wincing at the grammatical errors.
153 reviews84 followers
March 1, 2013

Girls and boys, you better hold your pants in place, because they will want to fly!

I'm not kidding.

Not in a million freaking years would I have imagined that this book would be this amazing. What a GREAT surprise!!!

"Scornfully Yours" is all about Emma, a young lady that is in college and unfortunetly fell in love with the biggest playboy EVER, who also happens to be her best friend's older brother--Carter. During her back and forth relationship with Carter-the asshole, Emma met Bass, a Hollywood hearthrob (ok,playboy too) and a super-mother-fucking-sexy-piece-of-incredible-ass. I'm telling you, that man is sin.

Emma is such an enigma for me...

I don't know if I absolutely adore her sometimes or just hate her in others. She is kind of indecisive (this is the understatement of the whole year...ah,whatever)about her relationship with Bass and Carter. She feels lust and some kind of out of this world connection with Bass, but her heart is with Carter. And then she goes over and over in her mind about who she should be with...I don't even know why she bothers. That's a no brainer to me: BASS ALL THE WAY.

Read this only if you have already read the book.
And Carter

Of course I couldn't forget about Bass...My lungs better work, I'm out of breath already.


If you could't guess by all my fuss, this guy is perrrrfect. Hotness?Check. Money?Check. Good in bed? DOUBLE check.

I just didn't like him when he started to sleep around...Well it was necessary. I just hope that we don't have any surprises about him in the other books.

And what that man can do with candy...

Anyways, I loved that the story is not solelly focused on Emma. Her friends always get some space in the whole drama, which is great.

This book won't let you take a brake! It's absolutely addicting. Enjoy it as much as I did!

P.S.: I WANT THE SECOND BOOK!!! My mind is going crazy! I have to WAIT until May to have my dear book...?

Argh!Blasphemouswill be great! I feel it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
August 28, 2013
4 stars
"The man who will wholeheartedly deserve your love is the man who will be there at your lowest, the one who loves you in all your shades— the light, the hued and the dark."


"Don’t we have to kiss tons of frogs before we end up with the prince?"

Emma was over being the party girl, who was out for fun, her fuck buddy relationship with Carter is not giving her what she needs, there is no denying it she was stupid enough to fall in love with the playboy, but it’s time to move on. So why can’t her body understand, she wants Carter to love her as much as she loves him, but in order to find out she has to speak up first but she decides to take the easy way out and just cut ties with him, thinking it was her only solution to getting out of this mess she created only to find herself jumping into a bigger mess.


It was just sex and more sex, so why can’t Carter let her go? He doesn’t do hearts and flowers , doesn’t believe in the good that love brings. College Super Star on the Soccer Field, Carter has no problem getting someone to fill his bed, could it be he finally met someone to bring him to his knees. Emma is everything to him, and when she decided to leave, it became blatantly clear that he’s not ready to give her up.
“When you get back, I’ll be waiting for you. I don’t care if you’re with Bass by then. I will fight for you, Em, and I won’t stop until your mine again. You may believe that we’re over, but you and I will never be over… even if you want us to be.”


The moment Bass sees Emma at the club, he is enchanted, this sexy bombshell is nothing like the girls he usually goes for, but it’s her sexy-innocence that gets him, hook line and sinker. It doesn’t even matter to her that he happens to be Hollywood’s bad-boy. It’s clear that Emma’s heart is taken, but it doesn’t stop him from getting to know her, bidding his time until he can make his move.
“You like me. You’re even attracted to me,” his finger pointed at my heart, “but this is taken. As much as I want to take you and your exquisite body, I don’t think I could bear it if you were imagining another man buried inside you. Even if the only thing I can think of lately is… you. There is no other woman in my mind, no one else but you, Emma.”

Her heart and mind are torn in two, who does she choose, who can keep her heart safe ???
"What happened with Carter taught me that playboys couldn’t be trusted. Bass was one too. If I thought Carter had an army of sluts in Los Angeles, Bass Cole had an army in every country."

Scornfully Yours was a great surprise, I’ve read love triangles in the past and each time I always had a team I stuck to, there was no going back and forth between the love interests and I thought this was going to be the same, but I was so wrong, I was team jumping all over the place. I also loved how there were secondary story lines to follow. All the characters are filthy rich and live life to the fullest, their actions and decisions, although frustrating, make sense since they are in their early to mid-twenties. Emma, Carter and Bass’s book continues on, in Blasphemous (Torn, #3) by Pamela Ann but we get some treats in between such as
Scornfully Hers (Torn Series # 1.5) by Pamela Ann & Frayed (Torn, #2) by Pamela Ann . I am actually really enjoying how this is all put together, having read three of the books so far.
Profile Image for Cami.
38 reviews8 followers
January 27, 2013
To say that I loved this book would be an understatement!! Obviously, I got a chance to read it early. Thank you Pam!!! The storyline pulled me in right away and kept me hooked. Carter and Bass will have you begging for more! Seriously!! Both want Emma, but Emma can't decide ( and believe me, I was right there with her!) Get ready for movie stars, globe trotting, alpha males, angst, jealousy and a fierce heroine! This book is so freaking fantastic!! To quote Buddy the ELF, "I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!" :p
Profile Image for ~Kimberly.
204 reviews30 followers
February 2, 2013
OMG!!!! OMG!!!! BASS! BASS! BASS! I'm in love with this book...Heck, I'm in LOVE with Bass!! Another book boyfriend to add to my list! What a FANTASTIC read!!! But, of course, Emma who was torn between Carter(Soccer Star) & Bass(GORGEOUS Movie Star Heart Throb), couldn't make up her mind who she wanted to be with!!! I wanted to pull my hair out...NO, I wanted to YANK her hair out because she chose WRONG!!! I was like "OH NO SHE DIDN'T"...but she did!!! I did feel for her at times but mostly I wanted to jump right in to this book & shake some sense into her!!! In my opinion...it was a no-brainer ;) But, by the end, I feel she was making it right because she finally(hopefully) saw what had actually been staring her right in her face!! But, all the drama & emotional moments that makes the reader feel what the characters are experiencing is what makes an AMAZING book! Ms. Pamela Ann has written another AMAZING book! This has made my 3rd book of hers that I've read & one Novella & she again DID NOT DISAPPOINT! My only gripe would be if I have to wait weeks or months for the 2nd book of this Trilogy!!! PLEASE don't make us wait!! I need it like NOW!! No pressure ;)

I Definitely Recommend this book!!!

5 STARS!!!!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
230 reviews
February 3, 2013

"Do you want a hard suctioned vacuum with a side of teabag action? Or a wet, sloppy, nasty deep throat with a side of tongue action?"

Helloooo Bass Cole!! RAWR! I am so pleasantly surprised at how much I loved this book! It started off a little shaky and there are some typos but they don't destroy the story. AND holy hell was it a hot one!

Emma has just realized that she is in love with her "well known for being a womanizer" boyfriend and douchebag, Carter. She fully understands that she is only temporary as Carter has a revolving door of short term, sex fueled relationships. She decides she must end things before she ends up crushed when Carter decides her time is up. Carter doesn't take being the "dumped" well.

Emma's girlfriends, determined not to let her sit around and mope, take Emma out to Hollywood for drinks and dancing. While dancing in the club, Emma is approached by A-list celebrity and super playboy Bass Cole. Bass makes it clear that he wants Emma. She is still reeling from her break-up and tries to pawn Bass off onto slutty Cece. Bass refuses to be sidelined and talks Emma into a first date. Emma spends a pg-13 night with Bass as he refuses to even kiss Emma while her heart belongs to Carter.

Agreeing to be strictly friends, for now, Bass takes Emma to a dinner hosted by a well known director who will be directing Bass' next film. Emma's world is rocked when she is offered to play the part of Bass' love interest in his upcoming film. Of course she agrees and signs on the dotted line. In six months time, she will be off to Greece to film erotic scenes with Bass. Bass swoons Emma with his chivalrous words and appears to be the utmost gentleman. Feelings are growing but Bass maintains his "distance".

Meanwhile, Carter, while getting a blowjob from some slut, realizes that he loves Emma and can't live without her. He makes his move to get Emma back and finally breaks down and professes his love for her. Emma, relieved that he feels the same as she does, reluctantly takes him back. BUT, Bass is never too far off in her mind. He is set to leave to film in Canada and will be out of Emma's life for six months. Even though she belongs to Carter, Bass asks her to spend his last night in L.A. with him.

Emma has a lot of choices to make. Her emotions are being pulled between two men, each with tumultuous reputations for being a ladies man. Can Emma make it work with Carter or will she give in to Bass? What will happen once Emma is alone with Bass in the sexy islands of Greece?

I need more ASAP!! The sex scenes were so steamy and damn do I love pillow talk! Bass is a panty wrecker! I cannot wait to see what happens in Blasphemous (Torn #2)! Impatiently waiting...
Profile Image for Catherine.
336 reviews59 followers
September 27, 2013
Scornfully Yours (Torn, #1) I pretty much hate this book.
There is no reason for Emma to be in love with Carter. Carter is an overbearing, immature, possessive, bordering on violent personality. Emma was mistaking good sex for love and she pretty much admitted that.
Emma was hard to empathize with. She and her friends were spoiled little rich girls and at times I pictured the girls from The Hills and their dramatic night-club spats. *boring*
The writing was immature and the dialogue didn't fit the characters. Carter, the womanizing jerk-off soccer star is really going to use the word 'luminous' to describe Emma's eyes? And Bass' dialogue was just horrible. I also didn't like how he went from 'I won't compromise our friendship' guy to domineering 'bend over while I put my thumb up your butt' guy. Whiplash!
All-in-all a half-star star read for me. Some out-of-place dialogue, not very polished or consistent writing, and not one likable character in the bunch! Not one! I see each book in the series is about a different girl in the group. I don't think I care enough about these gals to continue on.
Oh well. It was free!
Profile Image for Lisa.
899 reviews
February 17, 2013
5+++ Amazing, Fabulous, Wonderful......ALL OF THE ABOVE!!

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This book just did it for me. It pulled me in on the first page, and did not let up until the very last word, on the very last page. This was just my kind of book. I love to read about love triangles. I guess I'm just glutting for punishment, but those types of books are just my thing, and Scornfully Yours had everything I was looking for and then some.

Emma was a college student. She seems to have it all. She is popular, beautiful, lots of good friends and comes from a good family. She is also dating Carter Mason.

Carter Mason is the resident bad boy, soccer star, man whore who has a major commitment phobia.

Bass "Freakin" Cole is the "Hollywood IT guy". He is gorgeous, great in bed, sensitive, romantic, knows what he wants. He is also a playboy, and borderline man whore.

Emma and Carter have been f**k buddies for about three months. The reason I say f**k buddies is because Carter has made it very clear to Emma that he doesn't do relationships and "love and commitment" are not in his vocabulary. There is only one little problem with this arrangement...Emma has fallen in love with Carter. She knows what type of man Carter is though, and she knows the longer she continues to let him use her (and the sex is amazing), the more pieces of her heart will be broken. Although it kills her, she decides to end it with Carter, and let me just say, he is one kind of jackass when she tries to walk away.

Emma's friends rally around her after her breakup and talk her in to going to a club so she doesn't sit at home and cry over Carter. While dancing with her friends, Bass Cole introduces himself to Emma. Although she is somewhat "star struck", she doesn't fall all over herself for Bass. I think this is why Bass is so mesmerized by her and can't seem to just walk away from her. He talks her into leaving with him, and takes her to his home. Emma makes it very clear to Bass that she is in love with someone else, even though they are no longer together. She also tells him she has no intentions of sleeping with him.

"I haven't loved a woman before. It's not that I'm hiding from it, but it just hasn't happened. But I do know that once I do, this woman will consume me, and I would gladly surrender to it, to her. I would be enslaved to it, and love her wholeheartedly, no holds barred."

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Bass and Emma start spending some time together and he quickly becomes smitten with Emma and tries to bring her into his world. He knows her heart belongs to Carter though, and he doesn't try to push her for more than she is ready for.

"Your not ready for my kiss yet, my darling Emma. And when I do kiss you-I will be the only one you can think of, the only one that can possess you, and no one else. You, Madame, certainly are not ready for that kind of possession."
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Even though the chemistry is blazing hot between Emma and Bass, her heart still belongs to Carter and somehow he worms his way back into her good graces. It seems that Carter can't stand the thought of another man touching "his Emma" so he endlessly pursues her and convinces her that he loves her and will be a changed man.

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Well, as you already know, a zebra doesn't change his stipes. It doesn't take Carter too long to royally screw up--and I do mean ROYALLY!

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book. It had it all for me. Two really hot guys, very high on the steam, great secondary characters, a dash of romance, lots on angst, jealousy and turmoil. There is just one little tiny thing that has my blood boiling.....

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Yes....consider yourself warned. It has a freakin cliffhanger.

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As I got closer to the end of this book, I was already feeling somewhat depressed,simply because I didn't want this wonderful book journey to end. I became attached to all of my new book friends, and didn't want to say goodbye, so as you can well imagine when I discovered that I was not even going to get my beloved and well deserved HEA, I was pissed! Then after a little detective work, I found out that "Blasphemous" doesn't come out until May, 2013. I can only tell you with the utmost and sincere honesty that "I am emotionally devastated"!!

So, Ms. Pamela Ann, if you read this, I beg of you, PLEASE have mercy on me and release this book early. I desperately need to find out what happens, who she picks, how it ends, does she get to bitch slap CeCe, does Lindsey pick Brody or Cooper, what about Amber....OMG....So many questions. Don't leave me hanging for months, I beg of you..........

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
February 7, 2013
3.5 Maybe 4 Stars!

Hmm...what to say, what to say. Honestly, I LOVED the first half of the book. It was great--I was glued to my Ipad! The fist half earned 5 Stars easily.

The story begins with Emma dating Carter Mason--the University soccer stud and resident player. He doesn't do love. But oops, Emma finds herself in love with Carter. So what does she do? What any normal person would do...she breaks up with him! Ha! The following night Emma meets Bass Cole--Hollywood heartthrob. He begins to persue Emma relentlessly. I LOVED Bass Cole--he oozed sex appeal. He was sweet, charming, sexy...he was perfect. BUT....Emma's in love with Carter. So begins the love triangle.

I normally hate love triangles, but this one didn't bother me (yet). I constantly found myself torn between Bass and Carter. Bass and Emma really remain friends but have a strong attraction to one another. Bass ends up helping Emma land the career opportunity of a lifetime.

This brings us to the second half of the book. The second half of the book felt like a completely different book. This is when all of the drama started to unfold. And I can't say too much without giving anything away but there were things I didn't like about all of the characters behavior. Carter ends up making a big uh-oh which took him out of the game for me.

And when Bass and Emma are finally reunited it was like Bass was a completely different person. What happened to the sweet, sexy Bass from the beginning? Who is this rough, alpha Bass? The anal play kind of threw me off too...I also really thought they would discuss what went down in the six months they were apart.

I don't know....I am invested enough that I will definitely read the sequel to see what happens. But with that being said I am a little afraid of where the author will take the love triangle.

Team Bass!

Profile Image for Melissa.
106 reviews10 followers
February 1, 2013
okay so I got to read the first 19 chapters thanks to Pamela...WOW is not even an accurate word to use for what I got to read so far. once I finish reading the book I will give a full review! all I can say right now is WOW ;)

NOW that I have read all of the book I can definetly say that this book is amazing. I am not sure which guy I would like Emma to be with but Pamela you did amazing making me want her to be with both!!! Not sure that has ever happend in a book, normally I choose 1 guy for the girl to be with but in this case it seems that both men have the same flaws and both men love her

Cant wait for the next one!!!
Profile Image for Denise Smithson.
796 reviews12 followers
February 1, 2013
I absolutely loved this book and the characters are amazing! Pamela you ROCK! I didn't want it to end and I'm looking forward to the second book and see where they go from here. I am so TEAM BASS!
Profile Image for Tia.
Author 7 books138 followers
February 16, 2013
I was given the most amazing gift of reading quite a few chapters from this novel. This review will most definitely be incomplete until the novel is edited and published as I absolutely refuse to give away anything from this wonderful novel.

I need to be honest and say I was absolutely astounded that Pamela blessed me with a peek into this novel and her world. She is full of talent and in this novel it really shows.

If you've fallen in love with her Chasing Beautiful series or any of her other published books, you will be DESPERATE for this one. It is the best one I've read from her. It is the best one I've read all this year and last year comparing it to other novels of its genre. This is also only me commenting on the chapters I was blessed with reading.

As soon as this novel is out, I will be buying it and reading it all over again. I loved it so much! This is definitely going to be the best series yet!
Now for the actual review. written Feb 16th, 2013.

I love Pam's characters and she is an amazing author. Of course I need to state that I'm team Bass and was really eager to read more about him. I felt horribly sad for Emma, Carter really fucked her over but Emma is such a kick ass heroine, she didn't take it laying down. As a person that was allowed to put in her input and make a mark in the novel, I felt blessed.

I've heard that people think Bass's character is similar to characters in the 1800's but I must admit that it's what attracted to me to him. He is such an old soul, which made his character stand out. He will most definitely be one of my favorite characters ever.

I love how Pamela made this a series and from what I've heard Pam talk about, the second novel in the series will be just as good. All together I was impressed with the storyline and characters. I can only look forward to more novels from Pam. She's the best! Plus I'm waiting for Carter to be a whore again and get stomped in the nuts again. ;) Wicked!
Profile Image for LDJ.
56 reviews
June 1, 2013
Got this as a recommendation for a "sexy" romance and I will just say if you're thinking of reading this book, don't.

My biggest issue was the editing. I think this book had a great premise but the execution was horrendous. I don't know much about the author but I actually have a suspicion that English may not be her first language, it was that bad. The dialogue was so ridiculous, I imagine that this is what someone THINKS young people sound like.

Examples: When Emma thinks to herself

"The sexual charge was loaded with alacrity."

"I remained silent not knowing what to say. For I do not know how to respond to a man who is far too handsome and rather determined to have a piece of me."

"Even if I wanted to ‘enjoy Bass and all his glorified scrumptious body’..."

There were too many of these to make me care about Emma. Plus with the speed at which Bass chases her it was beyond ludicrous that he even refused to kiss her FOR SO LONG. I didn't get any hint of chemistry between any of the main characters. All the other characters seem to be having issues as well, issues I could also care less about. All of a sudden one of Emma's best friends, Amber I think?, is doing drugs (using her AmEx card) because of her father's cheating? At that point I was done. I gave this book a chance, it was completely underwhelming and BORING. Cannot believe all the great reviews here. WOW.
Profile Image for Lauren.
36 reviews
February 16, 2013
I am so upset and frustrated right now. This book had so much potential, such a good story line. I forced myself to read the whole thing, but I found myself skipping lines and sometimes pages just to make it to the end. If this writer just had a good editor, instead of a two star review this would have been at least a great four. The writing style was just so off and confusing at times that I had to go over some of the sentences more than once just to make some kind of since. I think the author really tried to, but it just didn't flow. Also another thing that really got to me was the way everything the characters said was so prime and almost 18th century. I think i would have even liked it a little better if it had been based in England, because I have never read a novel that's suppose to be set American read like that. The use of "Miss"and "Darling" we're so awkward sounding, and sentences would be repeated more than once in some way through the same paragraph. Again with a good editor I would be willing to buy the next installment , but until then readers beware!!!!!!
Profile Image for Erica Alyson.
829 reviews82 followers
February 4, 2013
LOVE LOVE LOVED this book!!!!

From page 1 I was hooked. Emma was in a relationship with soccer star and player Carter. She knew their relationship was not for love because Carter doesn't do that. When she realizes she is in love with Carter she has to end it. Carter doesn't do emotional relationship so he doesn't treat her well when she ends it. Carter's past doesn't allow for him to do love.

That night Emma goes out with her friends. Her best friend and roommate Lindsey is Carter's sister. She is an awesome and amazing friend to Emma and I just loved her! Trista and Amber are two more friends of Emma who I also adored. They both have personal issues of their own but they are very likable.

While out in LA Emma is dancing and Bass Cole comes to dance with her. Bass is a hot new actor and everyone wants him. Emma doesn't want to admit that she does because she is in love with Carter. She hangs out with Bass as friends but she really likes him and is torn.

There is then a triangle between Bass, Emma, and Carter. What I loved about this triangle is Emma. She is not just cheating she is honest with all players involved every step of the way.

Though this book does have some typos it is not enough to ruin the book. What I loved about the writing was the story. In most love triangles it is very clear from the beginning who I want the main character to end up with. In this book I was just as torn as Emma so it was believable. I LOVED Bass and Carter. They were both bad boys in their own way and they both had characteristics I liked a lot.

I really don't want to give anything away because I highly recommend this. I can not wait for book 2 Blasphemous to come out.When it does I will be buying it and reading it that same day!!!! LOVE

Below is a spoiler for me to read before the next book come out so don't read unless you want to spoil the book which you shouldn't because it is AWESOME!!!!

Profile Image for Megan.
579 reviews46 followers
February 14, 2013
Please PLEASE let me tell you how much I loved Scornfully Yours.

I totally have book hangover right now, you fellow readers must know what that means. This book was spectacular!!!!

I took a shot at this book, it popped up on Amazon and I said hey why not, And wow I was wonderfully surprised by an awesome scorching red hot, sweet, sultry, angsty book.

It's is a bit of a love triangle which normally I always have a front runner in my pick for the guy but this one, nope no way!!! Pamela made me love BOTH guys at the same time. But by the end I do have a favorite.

I can not wait until book 2 to see how this story plays out. If the first one was this good have mercy i'll be holding on for the second!!!

" That's the difference, my darling Emma. A kiss with you will never be considered 'one of many' and never ordinary."

"Exquisite, so lush and pure
Will you taste as sweet as I have dreamt you to be?"

"Bass-boy, Bass-kill, Bass-hole, Bass-tard"
Profile Image for Reanell Tisdale.
534 reviews183 followers
February 4, 2013
Holy freaking hell! I devoured this book!!!! I could not put it down until I was finished. But now I'm dying to know what happens next. I give this one 5 fantastic stars!!
Profile Image for Crystal.
24 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2013
DFN @ 50%. Baffles me that this has a 4.26 average! Started off at a 4 and then slowly but surely rolled downhill to a 1. Gah.
Profile Image for Helena.
115 reviews56 followers
February 3, 2013
★★★★1/2 STARS!!

" I am one confused woman loving one man and lusting/caring for another"

Emma Anderson I know how you feel....

College student Emma Anderson isn't stupid, so when she realizes that she's fallen in love with the campus player Carter Mason she knows she has to call it quits before she gets any deeper. After a somewhat successful breakup with Carter, Emma and her girlfriends head to Hollywood for girls night. But when sexy sweet talking Bass Cole enters into her stratosphere a night meant to get away and forget about Carter turns into a night that will change her life in more ways than one.

This book isn't really a love triangle, Emma isn't stupid but she is.....confused.....maybe a bit, but I liked her and God help me she drove me mad at times! When she meets Bass having just broken up with Carter they actually hit it off they talk get to know each other, and she's honest telling him about the just broken up status and Bass is nothing but a gentleman...

Carter Mason like most guys has not taken getting dumped so easily. When he see's a video of Emma dancing the night away with Hollywood's most eligible bachelor he wants her back....go figure! And Carter is maybe the exact reason this book drove me crazy. One minute I hated him, then I loved him and then I wished I could reach into the book and rip him to shreds. He is relentless he knows that Emma loves him and stops at nothing to get her back. Emma is confused knowing what she feels for Carter and at the same time having feelings for Bass, she has a choice to make and she decides to go with her heart and choose love...Carter.

Bass Cole is an enigma to me. You get to know him but you don't. He's an open book living in Hollywood, and having his life displayed for the world to see but he's not. There's SOMETHING and I need to know what that something is about him. He's super attracted to Emma from the moment he see's her, and being a man of many means hes not afraid to go after what he wants. Emma and Bass defiantly have chemistry they get to know each other and hit it off but knowing that her heart belongs to someone else they end whatever may be happening between them and Bass Cole goes back to his life as Hollywood's bad boy and Emma goes to... Carter Mason.

So like I said it wasn't a love triangle and Emma is kinda a confused girl at times but the one thing that this book did was make me actually like BOTH guys, and dislike both too (one more than the other but still)I liked Bass right off the start, but at the same time I couldn't help think to myself is he really any better than Carter? He's a smooth talking heartthrob that can have any female he wants and he knows it. He has feelings for Emma no doubt but something is just off, different the way he treats her. And Carter I didn't like him like at ALL and then at about the 71% mark I couldn't help but like him. Pamela Ann did great exposing Carter showing his weaknesses and making it seem like he does love Emma and maybe has a heart. But can a player EVER truly change...well I must say that Carter Mason definitely takes man-whore to a WHOLE. NEW. LEVEL. And at that point I am 100% a Emma Anderson fan all the way.

"MOTHER FUCKER" I screamed like a banshee halting their movements. My eyes misted and I was seeing red....
"Emma Baby!" Carter started
Baby my ass! I thought before I stomped on his crown jewels with good force....
"Here you go, now you wont be fucking anyone tonight! We are through!"

I really enjoyed reading this book. When I started reading it and didn't want to put it down, I wanted Emma to make the right decision so badly but at the same time I understood totally where she was coming from because I was feeling the same way like a yo-yo of mixed emotions, and was one man truly better than the other or are they just the same but with different social status'? And if so whats worse a college guy who can't keep it in his pants or the mysterious Bass Cole who's Hollywood sexcapades are far from secret?

"I want him to distraction. But I am hesitant and cautious.
I just don't know how to go about it...But... At the same time I was euphoric. What is it about sexy bad boys that were just hard to resist? The heart pounding chase, the frustrating game and the cataclysmic surrender...it was like no other"

Having been given an opportunity of a lifetime while having her fling with Bass, Emma is about to begin her new career, one that puts her right next to Bass. What will happen when they meet again will he finally make his move and claim Emma as his? And if so is it because of the love Emma so craves to have, and is he the man that's deserving of her love? Has Carter given up or will someone unexpected finally take Emma's heart and give her- her happily ever after?

"The man who will wholeheartedly deserve your love is the man who will be there at your lowest, the one who loves you in all your shades-the light, the hues and the dark"

Pamela Ann did an amazing job with this book and I am definitely anticipating the next book in this series Blasphemous (Torn #2)!!!!

This was my first Pamela Ann read and I have become an instant fan I can't wait to read more of her work!!!! You've got me hooked! :)


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**Copy kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,547 reviews109 followers
May 13, 2013
Lots of torn hearts and decisions to be made…where do I start with this review????

I finished this book some days ago and still cannot put my thoughts into words. Let me start with what is important and then I will go through some other stuff.

I love Pamela Ann. I think her writing and stories are awesome. I felt so many emotions with this book. Some I could see where Emma was coming from, some I thought “NO.”

Emma is not “dumb”, even though she may make wrong decisions here and there. She follows her heart. I also did not find her weak, but so torn at times. She knows when she has made a bad decision, but she is young and I think we can all relate since we probably have made poor decisions in one relationship or another in our lives.

Carter is tall, dark, handsome and the star soccer player in their college. However, Carter has commitment issues. Emma loves Carter but knows that he cannot commit and give her what she wants.

“I think you’re too caught up with your emotions and you can’t see the truth behind the façade. I think you should talk to him and clear the air. But once you do, a set of forbidding forces will be working against you. Another man or two-will see you for your love and attention. Be prepared, I am warning you. Your heart’s pure. But know that this world sets out to taint the purest ones. Be strong and remember never to lose faith in yourself once it happens.”

Then we meet Bass Cole. Bass is described as “a hot piece of handsomeness.” He is also a famous actor that has women chasing after him, but he wants Emma. Bass is kind and does not want to play games, even though I think he has a very naughty side. I am so nervous and anxious to read book #2.

Emma is not sure what to do. She is leery of both. One (I won’t say who) pissed me off with what he did!! To the degree that I was ready to throw the Kindle at the wall. UGH. So mad at him. Not sure how he will redeem himself in the second book. I want that book now.

“The man who will wholeheartedly deserve your love is the man who will be there at your lowest, the one who loves you in all your shades-the light, the hued and the dark.”

There were quotes before each chapter. They were my favorite parts of the book and set the pace for each chapter.

My favorite one was:

“Love is not a force between a mind and a body, but a force between two hearts. Your mind and eyes will never tell you when you feel true love, for only your heart can receive the true love that another heart sends directly to it.” – Dr. Lawrence J. Peter

Did I skim? No

Did I feel connected to the characters? Yes

Pace of the Story: Good

Positives: The writing, the characters. I thought this love triangle would be hard to read since it would be too intense with Emma trying to decide which man she should love, but it was written well.

Negatives: My only “UGH” was the one thing one of the men in Emma’s life did. That is my only negative thought about this book. Pamela Ann is a great writer and storyteller so I was never going “ugh” at her writing or pace.

Do I recommend? Yes.

Book Format Read: A copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Jodie.
223 reviews27 followers
February 19, 2013
This book just grabbed me and rocked my book world. It took me on a ride like I wasn't expecting! This was a twist on a love triangle that I haven't experienced.

Emma is a college student who is dating her best friends brother, Carter, Mr. I don't do I love you hearts and flowers and I definitely don't commitment. But what he does do is HOT and Sexy.

"The man didn't even try to look hot. He just is. Like air equals breathing water equals drinking. Carter Mason equals SEXY-ing."

Emma finally decides she has had enough with Mr. Sexy and decides she can't do it any longer. One night of clubbing and one chance encounter in comes Mr. Movie Star, Bass Coooper.

"You're not ready for my kiss yet, my darling Emma. And when I do kiss you - I will be the only one you can think of, the only one that can possess you and no one else. You, Madam, certainly are not ready for that kind of possession."

But even though Emma wants to be with Bass her heart can't let Carter go. She is torn and only she can choose who to listen to, her heart or her head. This book took my heart and my head for a ride that I was unsure I wanted to end. It was so HOT I literally felt I needed a cold shower and a therapist. I was like wait I LOVE Bass, No I love Carter wait I hate them both!!

I am so in love with Bass, Literally he just kicked some serious book boyfriend ass like I can't remember names and I can only hear his!! Is this what a book soulmate feels like because I just met mine.

"My love for you is like an alarm clock, you can hear me but you chose to ignore me until you throw me. Don't worry, maybe I am broken but surely keep ringing until you pick me up again." ~ Yvonne Urlanda
Displaying 1 - 30 of 487 reviews

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