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Torn #2


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Trista Stevens

Things went quickly sour with the already married Harry when she found out their affair had a bigger repercussion. Heartbroken, she had to do what was best for everyone.

Just as planned, she and Lindsey went to visit Emma in Greece. Trista thought this vacation was going to be a way for her to heal and come to terms with of the gargantuan mistakes she’s made in the past.

Taylor Montgomery thought himself a rational man, but meeting the fiery Trista made him think twice. Yet, her mask slips once in awhile. She carried pain and secrets hidden from within. Her fire and vulnerability made him want to protect her all the more. But Trista wouldn’t have any of it.

One thing Trista should know about the indispensable man though. He's not the kind who gives up easily.

Come what may.

294 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 22, 2013

About the author

Pamela Ann

105 books2,736 followers
is a New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author. She studied Fashion Marketing in United Kingdom and a degree in Business. She has a penchant for pastries, dogs, renaissance paintings, angst-filled novels, travelling and is fascinated with the Italian language and culture.

Web: www.PamelaAnnBooks.com


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews
Profile Image for Farah.
367 reviews496 followers
April 22, 2013
"Life had a twisted and weird sense of humor. It makes you yearn for things, makes you fall in love, but it’s diabolical because it never fails to betray you. It stabs you in the back when you’re not anticipating it. Love kills. The love of surfing killed Tristan. Love killed me— inside . Death gnawed inside me, until there was nothing left except emptiness."


I loved loved loved this book!!

So after reading Scornfully yours I decided to read this for more of Emma and Bass and I admit I got a lot more than I expected!

There is a bit of everyone in here which is great and Trista's story is so heartbreaking at first and turns out to be even sweeter than expected.

Trista has suffered the biggest heartbreak of all, words possibly cannot describe that this poor girl has been through and Harry.. He is a fcuking scumbag and I wish I could scratch his eyes out!!!!

Going to Greece for the summer where Emma is filming with Bass, Trista goes with Lindsay to get away and to pick up the pieces, overwhelmed with grief, guilt and heartbreak. What better way to move on than spending time with her two best friends Emma and Lindsay??

That's where she meets Bass's best friend...

Taylor is soooo handsome and him and Trista are cocky and mean to each other but it turns out Taylor is exactly what Trista needs..

He saves her... From literally dying and starts spiralling...

"I may understand the full capacity of your situation, Trista, but you must see how cowardly your actions were. If a person gives up every time shit is thrown their way, the human race wouldn’t have survived. You have to learn how to fight—physically, emotionally, mentally. Face it bravely, even if the pain is too great, the consequences too frightening. At the end of the day, the only thing that counts is how much you’ve made a difference—progress. Fighting it is progressive. Fighting is reason.”

Random men... That's the way or so she thought..?
But again Taylor saves her...
Agrees that if she wants someone to fcuk to make her feel better he should be the one...

After spending time together and feelings things she never felt Trista starts moving on with what happened with Harry and falls more into Taylor's arms.

They have an amazing time exploring Greece and each other...

Is Taylor enough to win Trisa or is her heart with Harry?

"I only have one heart, though. Sadly, it holds two men in it. One I want to keep, the other, I want to set free. How do I let the other free when he securely locked himself in, throwing away the key?”

When Trista is confused she looses Taylor and he leaves for Paris.

How will Trista cope? Will she choose Harry or Taylor?

This book is so amazing, steaming HOTTTT and it gives you the fix of every one of these characters that we've come to love!

5 swooooon worthy stars!

Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
August 28, 2013
5 stars
“I’ll sleep in the dark with you, my love… I’ll stay by your side. You’ll always have me there… with you.”

Trista is living in the dark, believing that everything that is happening to her, she deserves.
"Because I was rotten, filthy, despicable, deplorable, but most of all, I was completely abominable—a sinner with the large, scarlet letter."

Nursing a broken heart is never easy but her love for Harry just killed. Trista changed everything she was to spend a few moments with Harry and for what, pain and loss

Trista goes to visit their friend Emma while she is filming in Greece, thinking that one month in paradise with a couple friends should help get her in the land of the living; to be free and to forget. Taylor is a friend of Bass, and he sees the pain that she tries to hide behind. He’s not buying it and after seeing the destruction she can do to herself, he vows to be there to watch over her
“I’m still watching you, Trista. Think of it like I’m your own personal guardian angel; a dark one.”

Trista realizes that Taylor is more than a pretty face, he is smart, caring and has a wicked dirty mind. Finally giving into the tension between them, Trista takes Taylor up on his offer to be the man she needs. Taylor knows her heart is with someone else, but he believes no man is worthy of a love like hers if he threw it away in the first place.
"I wanted her to fight me and, yet, I wanted her to give in to me. She was a raging hellcat to the highest order —beautiful, fiery, passionate and very much uncontainable—but I was drawn to that beautiful, feistiness."

My heart broke for Trista, there was one monologue she had that had me in tears, it was so painful to read. Taylor was amazing, he was right there with her every step of the way, he knew what she needed even before she did, he was her shoulder to cry on and her play toy when she wanted to forget. Trista’s past comes back to haunt her and secrets are revealed that were too painful to admit. This was a great addition to the Torn series, I wish it was longer, I wanted more time with Trista and Taylor, I know they will be in the upcoming books, but not as the MC’s.
Profile Image for ~Kimberly.
204 reviews30 followers
April 25, 2013
OMG!!!! Pamela Ann....I LOVE YOU ;). You are an AMAZING author! I've read 4 of your books so far & they're all 5 Star books!!! You pull me in right from the start & you keep me on edge until the very end & you leave me hanging sometimes!! I LOVED FRAYED & I now LOVE TAYLOR!!! Should of known he would be AWESOME because he's friends with my BOOK BOYFRIEND BASS :D. Who is 100% HOTTNESS & deserves to have EMMA's heart completely. Carter does not deserve her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That six-some he had is unforgivable in my opinion! If he loved her that would NOT have happened! He likes the chase! I'm scared of what's going to happen in Blasphemous because of the way Carter showed up in London. He DOES NOT DESERVE EMMA!!!! She DESERVES BASS!!!

Taylor & Trista are AMAZING together. I hadn't connected really with Trista until she was introduced to Taylor! I knew they would be AWESOME together!! :D. They SIZZLE!! Well, Taylor sizzles ;). Thank you for introducing Taylor!! I really enjoyed this book. Emotional, Intense...but so worth it!!

Profile Image for Cami.
38 reviews8 followers
March 31, 2013
Aaahhh!!! I LOVED it!!! You are going to DEVOUR this book!!! (Yes, clear your schedule for this one!) Especially if you liked Scornfully Yours, the first book in the Torn series.This is Trista and Taylor's story(which is AMAZING!!)...BUT, there is a whole lot and I mean a WHOLE LOT of interaction (to feed our addiction) with Bass, Emma and Carter!!!!!!! Talk about jaw dropping moments!! OMG!! This book had me crying,laughing and wanting to punch someone all in the span of a couple of hours! The men are HOT, the women are feisty, and the drama is a bit controversial. I could not put it down!!!! May cannot come soon enough (for Blasphemous)! I NEED MORE!!!!!!!! Thanks for the ARC Pam! ;)
351 reviews13 followers
April 5, 2013

And yes I am jumping around my room retardedly. This moment definitely happened. Seriously in a giddy mood after that ending. I WANT A GUY LIKE TAYLOR. FIND ME A TAYLOR. At the start of the book I felt so inexplicably sad for Trista. I will admit though, that I had not exactly "warmed" to her character knowing how she could so willing ruin her cousins marriage (even if she is a bitch) even knowing her cousin was due to have a baby with Harry. How a woman can ruin a marriage and lose her heart to a married man is beyond me.. How do women not understand that your relationship never began well, it all began on lies, and will inevitably ruin the lives of so many people around them... that poor baby. And how she got rid of her own, well my heart literally tore in two for her.. how she could not live with what she had done and how she felt so alone.

I think I started to like Trista's character the moment Taylor came into the picture.. Taylor that hunkity hunk of a man.. delicious. Here we see how a a hate relationship screaming with sexual tension, becomes one of the most romantic loves in the world.

Now for some spoilers

GREAT BOOK. Thank goodness for all those Carter, Bass scenes ;) can not wait for the next one. TEAM BASS FTW!
Profile Image for Kim.
361 reviews8 followers
June 18, 2013
2.5 stars

I find that I am very conflicted with this book. I really like this series and the writing was good. The hotness factor was off the charts and I REALLY loved Taylor, my problem is with Trista. As hard as I tried I just could not find it in me to like her. I don't love cheating in books but I'm not one of those people who is unrealistic or unforgiving, especially with characters in their early twenties. I didn't like the cheating with Carter and Emma in Scandalous but since Emma was the main character and she dumped the cheating jerk it didn't effect my overall enjoyment of the book. Trista's situation was different though and try as I might I couldn't feel anything for her but disgust. She cheated with a married man and not just any married man but her pregnant cousin's husband!! If I read one more time that her cousin was actually a bitch I was going to scream. I don't care how much of a bitch she might be-no one deserves to be betrayed by not only their spouse but their family member as well. And as if that wasn't enough her friends, although they didn't approve, supported her if the cheating bastard made her happy. What??? A good friend would have smacked her across the head, pointed out the fact that she was acting like an immoral slut and hounded her until she finally left him. And after the loser dumps her and she's devastated, (was I supposed to feel bad for her?), how is she punished for her awful behavior? She meets and hooks up with an alpha god who cares deeply for her and she does not deserve at all. Ugh-thoroughly frustrating! Where is the karma?

I'm actually afraid to read the next book. I hear Emma becomes an idiot and contemplates getting back with the cheating Carter. I think the final book in this series should be all about how Bass, Taylor & Dimitrios dump the stupid, fickle women in their lives and find themselves some wonderful, loyal women who deserve them.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
732 reviews29 followers
April 9, 2013
I can't fully describe the emotions I am experiencing right now. Pamela Ann sure knows how to torture her readers.

I gotta say though, if I ever had the life of Emma, Trista, Lindsey or Amber; I will definitely go crazy. Sure, the hot guys I won't deny I will definitely enjoy but the fact that sometimes those guys are the reason why life goes haywire, WOW! Major migraine.

When I first read about Trista being a mistress in Torn, I hated her somehow because I am not a fan of cheating but I knew deep down that there was something more to her. She's actually very strong and I admire her for that. The only thing I don't like about her is that she tends to be really stupid. I'm glad that she came to her senses though. I wanted to kill Harry. I was secretly hoping that he dies or something like that. But I liked what happened to him nonetheless.

Taylor Montgomery, hell yes! The knight in shining armor. I actually like how their story didn't rush. They took their time to know each other at Greece and soon they find out their true feelings. You can really feel that he loves Trista, that he'll do anything to heal all her wounds. And he did all that, he became the light in a dark tunnel for Trista.

I really can't wait for the next one! I'm dying to know more about the love triangle between Emma, Bass and Carter! Plus, I wanna know more about the other characters are as well. Pamela Ann created such likeable characters in this series! I am addicted! ;)
Profile Image for Kirstie.
264 reviews20 followers
March 9, 2013
When I first started reading this book and realised it was Trista's story, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it....Ok if you haven't read Scornfully Yours, then spoiler alert....

I am not a fan of adultery, and when I started reading Frayed I was worried that I would have to read about Trista's romance with a married man.

Well, Ms Ann surprised me with this story.

Trista's story begins with the reality of her relationship finally hitting home and literally crashing down on her. Trista has to face some serious challenges and this story allows the reader to go on this journey with Trista as she slowly becomes aware of her real self worth. Trista grows dramatically throughout this story. She doesn't do any of it the easy way either.

Trista takes an opportunity to move forward away from her past by sharing a 4 week holiday with her best friends. The holiday isn't all fun and games either. Some hard lessons are learned.

Trista learns so much about herself that the transformation is admirable.

This story brings hope after heartbreak, love after loss, and true friendship after holding on to secrets.

Frayed is Pamela Ann's best work to date, her writing is smooth and soulful. Ms Ann is showing the promise of a very talented writer. I look forward to reading more of her work!
Profile Image for Melissa.
106 reviews10 followers
April 4, 2013

So I couldnt put this book down. It was really great. I loved that not only was this Trista and Taylor story but she updated us on Emma, Bass and Carter, as well as Lindsay. I cant wait to see what happens with E, B and C in the next book and Lindsay's story is interesting to me, I cant think of what will happen with her. Will she be with the Greek God or with Brody...hmm I will just have to wait and see:)

Back to Frayed...Trista and Taylor...
Wow Taylor was HOT! He was intense yet very sweet.
Trista man I just wanted to hug her when everything went down with Harry (what a jacka**). No one should ever have to go through that alone.

Trista and Taylor...HOT HOT HOT. the fighting and bickering scenes were really great. THey had such great chemistry together. I loved how Pamela did this story, it wasnt just a love story but a story of someone finding out who they are and what they really need in their life.

GREAT JOB Pamela! Cant wait for more from you :)
Profile Image for Felicia Hamilton.
145 reviews8 followers
April 6, 2013

I adored this book!! It made me so happy!!

Even tho Trista almost gave me a heart attack I was screaming "NOOOOO how you get um is how you lose um girl, DON'T DO IT!!"

But, everything just came together so perfectly. I have no complaints what so ever... But now I am craving Blasphemy, May 31th needs to get here asap!!


Books like this make me wanna dance

::twerks away from kindle::
Profile Image for Crs2005.
144 reviews6 followers
April 10, 2013
I enjoyed Trista and Taylor;s Story. Trista irritated me at times, seriously what did she expect from Harry, he was married to her cousin, the fact that she expected more from him drove me cray cray. Taylor was all kinds of yummy. He was a gentlemen, sweet, loving and overall good guy but he still had that BAD ASS Alpha Maleness vibe about him. I liked him for Trista and the their sex scenes where HOT. He told her off and kept it real but also was loving and considerate. It was nice catching up with Emma and Bass also. The thing I like about this series is that it reminds me of a Soap Opera, highly entertaining but a bit unrealistic, Pamela Ann is one of my favorites because of this. Sometimes is nice to get out of your head and fantasize:)
Profile Image for Denise Smithson.
796 reviews12 followers
April 4, 2013
This is another great book in the series that I love! I have re-read the first book several times and I will be doing to same with this one. I love Trista and Taylor's story and watching the love grow from where there was so much heartache before. I want more Emma and Bass and I can't wait for Blasphemous to come out! Another great job Pamela!
Profile Image for Angela.
739 reviews36 followers
July 2, 2016
These girls are killing me! Why would you consider going back with these guys?! All in all I loved the story and Taylor (swoon..please fan me)
Carter needs to go away...Harry needs to go away. And Brody needs to go away!
Profile Image for Roberta.
86 reviews
April 7, 2013
This book was amazing. I love Pamela's writing style. The story flow so well. I didn't want it to end.

The book starts off with Trisha going through a terrible time in her life with Harry, (who is a selfish bastard). But the problem is she loves him even thou she knows it's wrong and what her family would do to her if they found out. She is at a tug of war within her self and thinks she deserves the bad karma that comes from it. It's a sad time for her to go through this part alone.

Weeks latter after Harry and her are over she goes on vacation with her friend Lindsey to see Emma in Greece. There she meets Mr. Mchottie Taylor, He is the total package but at first she is still reeling from the pain and loss and no sleep from the long flights that she doesn't see it. He is Bass's Best Friend and is also on vacation and they're all staying at Bass and Emma's cottage on the island.

Taylor's meets Trista right from the start he has a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. You just know he is into her but she is oblivious. Latter there is a turn of events that he has made himself Trist's personal guardian angel. There she see's him for the first time.

(Holy fuck, this guy was hot. I mean, I knew he was. But now, I'm really noticing it, blatantly noticing it, BIG TIME).

The sparks start to fly....

Then Taylor saves her from this guy and she is pissed off at him. I think she secretly enjoys it and is turned on by it but she doesn't want a relationship she wants a one night stand with a nameless man because she is still in love with Harry. She might run into Taylor back home and she can't let herself get involved with anyone.

I could go on and on about the book but don't want to give anymore so you will have to read it yourself.

The two of them together are so hot. There is many twist and turns in the story and you see that Taylor is so much more than a hot sex god. He is smart, deep and has a huge heart. He is just about perfect.

I love the ending. This book has everything you want in a book. The writing style and banter between the friendships makes for a great story that you can't put down. I can't wait for the next book.

Thanks Pamela Ann for the free copy it was such an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,349 followers
April 13, 2013
If you have read and enjoyed Scornfully Yours and are awaiting the sequel Blasphemous then Frayed book 1.5 is a must read.

Why you may ask? Well, Emma, Bass and Carter are in the whole book and things happen with their storyline that a reader of Scornfully Yours will want to know. This is not a short novella it was 485 pages on my nook.

Frayed is though the story of Emma’s friend Trista. Do you remember her? She was the girl who was having an affair with her cousin’s husband, Harry.

From the start of this book, Trista explains that she knows her feelings for Harry are wrong but she can’t stay away from him because she is in love. Well, when Trista finds herself pregnant Harry’s reaction and actions destroys her.

Trista and Lindsey set out to Greece where Emma is shooting a multimillion dollar movie. Before the two leave for Greece, Carter (Emma’s sexy soccer player boyfriend) gives a gift for Trista to deliver to Emma. Carter is hell bent on getting Emma back.

When the girls arrive in Greece, they are greeted by Emma, Bass and Taylor Montgomery . Taylor is an Armani ad underwear model and a law student who is instantly attracted to Trista and saves her in several ways. Taylor and Trista have an intense sexual relationship as well as a blossoming friendship. A reader is treated to both characters povs.

Taylor falls for Trista but when a visitor shows up with an ultimatum Trista pushes happiness and hotness away.

Trista does a lot of growing up as well as healing but will it be too late?

On an Emma/Bass/Carter Note: Emma is happy with Bass but their relationship may not be strong enough to survive outside of Greece. So readers beware Carter is going BIG to get his girl and make up for his past sins.

Profile Image for Jules.
32 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2013
Thank you Pamela for a fantabulous:) follow-up to Scornfully Yours. I knew Trista’s history with Harry from Scornfully Yours and was not sympathetic to her plight … at first. As the story progressed, I began to feel her torment. This was hard as I have little tolerance for cheaters, especially the scorned mistress. Trista’s pain oozed from the pages and with each chapter, you connect with her thoughts and find that she has many redeeming qualities that overshadow her poor decisions.

This book may be short but it has everything … angst, witty banter, passion, gorgeous men ...TAYLOR MONTGOMERY! Damn - my new book boyfriend (sigh). He is amazing in every way possible. I really questioned Trista's worthiness of him but he made Trista's character evolve on so many levels ... I forgave her. I loved the Epilogue and so look forward to more Taylor and his monster in future Torn books!

The absolutely best aspect of Frayed was getting an update on Bass and Emma. I have been patiently waiting for the release of Blasphemous and was thrilled that their romance is still hot and heavy! Their chemistry sizzles even though they are not the focus in Frayed. Lindsay is still awesome..she deserves a HEA with her story.

Frayed set up the inevitable turmoil for Bass and Emma ...CARTER. He's back and ready to fight to win Emma back. It already hurts knowing there's going to be trouble in paradise.

Frayed is definitely an aphrodisiac to Blasphemous! I look forward to the release - May 31st!
153 reviews84 followers
April 13, 2013

Let me start with the good stuff.

What I DID LIKE in this book, was reading more about Bass and Emma. I miss them so much! I can barely wait until the next book is released.

And yeah. The sex was beyond hot. I don't even know if there's a word to describe it how hot it was...hot doesn't really cut it.

But, this is not one of my favorite books.
I LOVE Pamela Ann's books; eveything about them. From the characters to the descriptions. But something about this book, just wasn't IT for me.

I hated the main female character; she was annoying as all hell and most of the chapters in this book she spent pinning over someone who clearly didn't give a flying fuck about her.
I just liked the main male character. He was sweet and super hot, but again, something was missing...I guess they just didn't have chemistry.

From what I read in Scornfully yours, I expected more. Not some stupid woman, trying to forget a fucking asshole, and making herself miserable in the process.
Profile Image for Hbeebti.
2,039 reviews50 followers
August 31, 2013
I enjoyed this one so much more than the first. I have to say that there is an issue a bad situation that happens and when demands are made and Trista folds to those demands I thought that she should have grown a pair. In fact that kinda pissed me off. I get that in the end she thought about what would happen not just to her but to everyone involved. I just hated the way it all went down. Harry is a waste, a complete and utter waste. Taylor was demanding and straight forward. He didn't mince words to spare your feelings. But in the end he was what Trista needed. I enjoy the gang getting back together and having good times. There even some great quotes that I had to highlight. Cant wait to see what happens next with Emma, Carter and Bass.
Profile Image for ~Melissa~.
216 reviews3 followers
August 31, 2016
Star rating disclaimer - it would have been 4 stars but Carter kept showing up which brought it down a whole star. I hate him :(
Color me shocked after the bomb of the first book and the half novella (IMO) ~ I was surprised at how much I liked this book and how much I ended up liking Trista and Taylor. Also, thanks to the author for not drawing out their story into several books. I don't condone adultery ..... nor do I like cheaters ... that said I did enjoy this book after we get through the first part.
Profile Image for Anna.
309 reviews12 followers
April 5, 2013
Great series! Thanks Pamela Ann! I can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Kara.
1,364 reviews24 followers
April 9, 2013
I'm so freaking happy. This series rocks!
The characters are great (not annoying). Writing is fun. Not too short - not too long! Great book.
Profile Image for Helena.
115 reviews56 followers
April 10, 2013

HOLY CRAP!!!! Okay give me a second here, Pamela Ann, you are freakng amazing!!

**Deep Breath** Okay now my review... If you have read Scornfully Yours ( Torn 1) then you are already familiar with Trista and her situation, but if not to put it simply she is a mistress...and to top it all off it's not just some random married man (not that it would make it any better) but it's with her cousins husband Harry....dun dun dun!

Frayed starts off and we instantly find out that Trista and Harry are going to be in for some problems in their little secret romance. Scared and confused Trista turns to Harry and he shows just what a duchebag he truly is and basically tells and shows Trista that no matter what he is not leaving his wife and cushy life to be with her.....surprise surprise....NOT

"If it comes down to it, I will choose my marriage over this. I never wanted this to end, but it's inevitable now"

Weeks later broken, and still in love with Harry, Trista is looking forward to getting away with Lindsay and visiting Emma in Greece for a month long vacation. Believing that she is a horrible person for all the wrongs she has done her plan for Greece is just to forget and what better way than partying it up with her two best friends, and snagging herself some Greek Gods in the process. But as has been the way with Trista's life the past little bit her plans are spoiled when they arrive in Greece and meet Bass Cole's friend Taylor Montgomery...

OH. MY. GOD. before I get into Taylor I have one thing to say....COCKBLOCKER! That's exactly what he was, now I'm not saying that it was a bad thing, but still. Trista and Taylor develop this like/hate relationship with crazy insane sexual tension. Taylor thinks that he has Trista figured out and doesn't hold back in laying into her multiple times but whenever they're out and Trista is about to hit it off with someone else....CB Taylor steps in.

I let out a gasp when a large hand tightly grasped my arm.
"I don't think so. Sorry bud, but you can't leave with her"
.... An angry growl erupted from within me as I violently shook his hand off.
"You stupid shit! I'm so sick of this idiotic, damsel in distress, rescue protocol you've been exhibiting!...You have no right to get into my business. It's my life. My right if I want to fuck it up or not."

I also had a like/hate relationship with Taylor throughout the book, he infuriated me so many times and just when I thought okay this guy is really pushing it we get his POV and all his thoughts, actions and feelings are put into perspective and by the end he not only won me over completely but I'm gonna put it out there...If there were to be a competition between Bass, Carter and Taylor...I would choose Taylor McHottie 100% (and get your mind out of the gutter ladies it's not just because he's got the monster boss)

As for Trista she broke my heart. I wanted to not like her I wanted to be pissed and say yeah karma is a bitch but I couldn't....I just couldn't. Even though what she did was beyond horrible, what she went through was even worse. The way she was feeling about herself and thinking that she deserved to live unhappily because of her royal fuck-up....I don't know I guess I just felt for her, and understood where she was coming from. I didn't find her annoying or weak but the opposite actually. I felt like she was dealing the best way she could and in the end came out a stronger better person, one that was ready to move forward from her guilt and see that past transgressions don't have to dictate the rest of her life.

"  photo Trista-Taylorquotepic_zps7a8e3634.jpg "

My overall thoughts this book BLEW. ME. AWAY. I knew what to expect but it was nothing like I had imagined...if that makes any sense at all. The first words of the first chapter totally shocked me and from there I was literally kept at the edge of my seat. I wouldn't say it's a light read, far from it, it deals with real life issues and shows that all our decisions and actions come with consequences some harder to bare than others and I believe that Ms. Ann did a beyond amazing job showing that through Trista's character. So yet again Pamela Ann rocked my world, I cannot get enough of these characters.

On an end note I also have to mention that throughout Frayed we get our fair share of Bass, Emma and Carter and I just have to say that the route Carter is going Blasphemous (torn 2) is going to be out of this world! Poor Emma o_o

"  photo Taylor-Trista_zpscc3b1b47.jpg "

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**Copy kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Shelley.
1,135 reviews10 followers
May 31, 2013
Okay I have to admit that there was just something about the first book in this series that I just didn't love or really care for. Not sure what it was I mostly liked the characters and the circumstances that surrounded them but the voice just didn't sound right in the book. I will say that I did not have this problem with the second one. It just seemed to read better and not be so forced.

This is the story of Taylor and Trista. We get some of the other characters to update us one what is going one but it is mostly about these two. Trista is getting over her affair with her cousins husband, Harry, who is a really douche. The first part of the book is a tear jerker in what Trista goes through, which kind of makes you think she is nuts for not getting over Harry. Taylor escapes to visit Emma in Greece during her filming and meets Taylor, Bass's best friend. Taylor becomes Trista's lifeline. They realize they really enjoy each other.

Then Harry shows up, I feel like Pamela Ann tries to make Harry a little more sympathetic in the end and make him more likable but it is just not possible, he is a scumbag. Maybe it is written that way so that it will make sense that it is a hard decision for Trista in deciding between Taylor and Trista. Will she choose the right one and if she does will it be too late?

This book is really about personal growth and personal forgiveness. Trista has to learn to live with her actions and decisions and forgive herself for her mistakes.
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,435 reviews
April 9, 2013
Book was given to me by the Author for an honest review.

While there is a warning about strong subject matter, the one subject that is left out. Be warned, if you are sensitive to more than what is listed . . . it might not be the book for you.

Trista has every possible "bad" thing happen to her! Poor girl makes the horrible choice to fall in love with not only a married man, but her cousin's husband.

Trista along with Lindsey go off to Greece to visit Emma on an island for the movie she is filming, leads to her meeting Taylor (Bass' BFF).

The book than goes off to their love affair . . . she trying to come to terms with Horrible Harry while Taylor shows her the affection she is craving. Of course, Harry doesn't leave her alone - texts and emails and eventually a VISIT! Ugh, that man is a selfish awful badword. BADWORD!

I really enjoyed a bit of insight into what will happen in Part 2 (this is considered 1.5 when to me it is really a part 2! So much is revealed!) in the TORN series that will have more of Emma & Bass' story since we see annoying-as-heck Carter in this one (that I will not spoil).

There were a few editing issues: spacing issues especially, and few times a quotation marker was missed so it took me a minute to realize what was said out loud, or what was in her head.
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1,096 reviews
June 9, 2013
I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into when I started reading Frayed. After reading Scornfully Yours, I was mainly hoping to get a little more insight into Emma & Bass's relationship and wasn't really interested in Trista's adulterous affair with her cousin's douchebag of a husband, Harry. I was so pleased to read that it was so much more than that.

My heart broke for Trista Stevens and all she had to endure as a result of her poor decision to fall for a man that was truly unavailable. She was utterly broken but hid all her pain behind a mask when she was first introduced to Taylor Montgomery. Although she tried to remain strong in front of her friends, it was ultimately Taylor who wound up seeing past the façade she hid behind and broke down those barriers to allow her to finally heal. Taylor is so positively swoon-worthy you can't help but envision he & Trista together for the rest of their days, but I have to admit that about 85%, I was seriously worried whether these two would be able to work things out. Ultimately, my concerns were unfounded, but I was left a bit bereft and wanting more. I hope this is not the last we'll see of these two!
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