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Winning Balance: What I've Learned So Far about Love, Faith, and Living Your Dreams

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Twenty-year-old American gymnast Shawn Johnson is a four-time Olympic gold and silver medalist; a national- and world-champion athlete. Already a popular role model to all ages, in 2009 she captured the national spotlight again when she won the widely popular Dancing with the Stars . Yet Shawn is no stranger to hard work and adversity. Her loss of the major gymnastics prize everyone expected her to win in Beijing, the all-around Olympic gold medal, was the loss of a dream she’d worked for since childhood. And later, she suffered a potentially career-ending injury in a skiing accident that forced her life to a halt and made her rethink what was really important. She wasn’t sure who she was anymore. She wasn’t sure what her goals were. And she wasn’t sure she was satisfied with where she was with her faith and God. Could she find the right kind of success in life―the kind that doesn’t involve medals or trophies, but peace, love, and lasting joy? This is the amazing true journey of how the young woman who won an Olympic gold medal on the balance beam became even more balanced.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published June 5, 2012

About the author

Shawn Johnson

31 books112 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 328 reviews
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,426 reviews7 followers
July 1, 2012
Honestly, it was just okay. Shawn Johnson seems like a lovely person, who really seems to care about giving back and being a good role model to younger gymnasts. And that's who I think this book is for, younger (teen and preteen) kids who look up to Shawn. The lessons she learns are very cliche and can be found in numerous self-help books or "change my life" memoirs, so they didn't really resonate for me. I felt like she didn't go into depth about her life or training, just doling out the barest of details. The post-gymnastics chapters about her body consciousness and DWTS delved a little deeper, which I was grateful for.

I did think she missed an opportunity to have a lesson about listening to your body. She had an injury skiing, and instead of going straightaway to a doctor, she continue to ski and run and "fight through the pain", which could have made her injuries worse. She also jumped back into gymnastics without enough rehab and reinjured herself. However, the lesson she learned from those injuries is that "everything happens for a reason". Now, I obviously don't know the whole story, but perhaps if she'd taken better care of herself, listened to her body telling her it was something bigger, the injury wouldn't have been so severe? I just think it would have been a good message for the kids.
Profile Image for Natalie Vellacott.
Author 16 books926 followers
March 26, 2016
I received this book free. As an Auto-Biography it was okay although I stopped reading it for a while as another book looked more interesting. As a Christian Auto-Biography it fell short.

Shawn Johnson describes her early childhood and experiences leading up to her winning Gold and Silver medals at the Beijing Olympic Games. A lot of the book was about her training as a gymnast which I didn't relate to but I'm sure would be of interest to other gymnasts. I liked her honesty and descriptions of her personal struggles although I felt in places that she revealed too much detail (e.g a romantic relationship with a man that broke up with his girlfriend for her) that she will wish she had kept to herself later in life. I felt sorry for her as she describes her terror on learning that she had a stalker who had been on his way to abduct her during her training for a dance competition. Also as she describes her struggles with a serious knee injury later in the book.

There are many of these "Christian" Auto-Biographies that read more like "self help" manuals for how to navigate life with the most positive attitude you can muster. God seems to then be tagged onto the end as an afterthought. There are Bible verses and secular "self-help" quotations intermingled throughout the book. After winning her Gold medal and a dance competition Shawn realises that there is more to life than winning competitions, she feels an emptiness in her life and almost turns to God to fill it, almost but not quite....it was frustrating reading at this point as I was expecting her salvation testimony especially when the chapter was entitled "How God became more real to me," but she always seems to weather the storm and then continue as before...

At the end of every chapter the author details a "Lesson I've Learned" and one of the final lessons is this;

"Don't let anything hold you back from following your heart and taking a leap of faith. Even if you're the only one who believes in the direction you want to take, you have the power to make it happen."

Most of her "life lessons" are like this and sadly they are just not Biblical. The Bible teaches that we should not follow our hearts as they are deceitful, that we should instead follow the Bible. Also that we should follow God's direction rather than our own and that we have no power apart from in Him!

Shawn is clearly a sincere young woman seeking to live a moral life and believing that God is helping her. She mentions prayer at various points. It is my hope that she will come to a personal saving faith in Jesus. The book is clean and free of bad language, violence and sexual content. If you are interested in gymnastics/Shawn Johnson you may enjoy this but I don't think it will inspire Christian readers.
Profile Image for Bethany.
218 reviews46 followers
November 5, 2012
3.5 stars. Ever since I had heard about Olympic gymnast, Shawn Johnson's new book, I looked forward to reading it. I love watching gymnastics, and Shawn's no exception as she is clearly gifted in the sport. Since I love reading memoirs, I was very eager to read this one. While their were a few things I didn't really relate to, or would have done myself, (such as her Dancing With The Stars experience, I personally would want more modest dances and attire, but that's just me) I enjoyed reading her story. Even though I'd never want such a lifestyle, as it is clearly stress-filled, I enjoyed reading about what it's like and enjoyed all the little snippets you wouldn't know otherwise.

One thing I did notice to be a bit different was how, even though Shawn claims to be a follower of Christ, she didn't go to church as a child, nor did she know the basic fact of the Bible, such as Jesus's father's name, Joseph. I just find it a bit odd that one claims to follow Christ, yet doesn't know His father's name. However she does say she attended church as an adult, and I hope that her faith has been able to grow more since her childhood. She speaks in the book about the lessons God has taught her through her experiences, which was nice to read.

I enjoyed reading about all the dedication and work that goes into becoming an Olympic medalist. I knew it was hard, but didn't quite comprehend just how much goes into such a goal. While reading the book, I could see how Shawn dearly wanted to do well in gymnastics and saw how dedicated she was to her sport. I got inspired to be dedicated to what God has gifted me with, and feel life certain goal are now more reachable having seen how Shawn has achieved much more than maybe my goal might be.

I would recommend this autobiography to any girls who like gymnastics, autobiographies, or to those who have seen Shawn perform and want to know more about her. She was very honest in the book about struggles and triumphs, and I'm very glad I was able to read this book. I enjoyed it and considered it well worth my time. I read it in a little over 24 hours, so this would probably tell you how interesting I found it to be.

I would like to thank Tyndale publishers for providing me with a free e-copy of Winning Balance by Shawn Johnson, to review. All thoughts are 100% honest, and my own.
Profile Image for Marisa.
2 reviews7 followers
August 25, 2012
A beautiful book by an Olympic gold medalist whose wisdom, joy, and inner light are every bit as awe-inspiring as her athleticism.

A real highlight is the section on her floor routine in Beijing: after glimpsing Nastia's score and calculating that the gold was no longer within her own reach, she went on to give the performance of her life, winning the all-around "in the way that meant the most to [her]." Afterward, a reporter had the gall to ask how it felt to lose. She replied, "I didn't lose. I wont the silver medal." Another later asked, "What was the worst moment of the Games for you?" She answered, "I didn't have a worst moment--it's the Olympics, after all! I gave my heart and soul out there."

At the end of each chapter, she includes a lesson, such as "Learn to find pride in your own success, even if your accomplishment isn't recognized by others. Your worth isn't determined by the color of the ribbon around your neck or anything else someone might give you. God created you in his image; that is where your worth comes from."

She went on to win the gold in beam but still views that silver medal as "the most meaningful thing [she] took away from the Games" and "wouldn't trade it for anything."

Shawn, you're a 10 out of 10.
Profile Image for Aura.
8 reviews6 followers
August 19, 2012
Being a gymnast, Shawn Johnson has become one of my biggest idols and huge inspirations. I watched her win her Olympic medals in Beijing 4 years ago, and then watched her be the youngest competitor on Dancing with the Stars and win the championship trophy with Mark Ballas. She isn’t just my idol, but is an idol to many other gymnast and people all over the world. In her new book, she describes her successes and failures in her life of being an Olympic gymnast. Her first coach told her mom that she had no potential in gymnastic; so she switched gyms and Chow became her coach. Throughout the book, Shawn explains how she was always in a dilemma: wanting to win gold and wanting to be just like everyone else. She also wrote how her parents, love, and faith had encouraged her to live her dreams. I really liked how she ended each chapter with “Lessons I learned” and included her own poems throughout the book. Winning Balance is a very moving book because it tells the life of a ordinary girl who became an amazing role model.
Profile Image for James.
534 reviews
July 26, 2012
Gets an extra star because I'm a fellow Iowan and Shawn really is one of the best ambassadors of Iowa we could ask for.

For everyone else, it's probably a 3-star book. Shawn opens up and lets us know what it was like behind the cameras during the Olympics and during "Dancing With the Stars". (Short answer: not as glamorous as the rest of the world was probably led to believe.)

She includes some of her poetry, which again gives us some perspective into her emotions and thoughts during various moments in her life, but it's also very typical of what you would expect a teenagers to write. We won't be speaking of Shawn Johnson, poet laureate any time soon.

She doesn't really get into any negatives too deeply, and I feel that it's something that's lacking in her story. She talks about the stalker that had plans to kidnap her, but it all sort of happens, then gets dropped by the side until the court date, and she mentions that she had a hard time with it, and then it drops again. She talks about how she had to have a bodyguard in LA, but there's no mention of whether a bodyguard continues to be necessary. It's something that really should shake up any young woman, but we don't really get much from her about this or any other dark moments in her life. She focuses primarily on the good stuff, and while that fits in with the title of the book, it makes this hard to call a true memoir or autobiography.
Profile Image for Emily.
166 reviews11 followers
April 4, 2013
I found this book easy to read and very enjoyable. It was great to get a glimpse into the life and mentality of a young gymnast. I remember watching and cheering for her in the Olympics - she was my favorite gymnast that year. She was very honest and open about her doubts, fears, and disappointments - both before and after the Olympics - which made you feel like you were sitting at a coffee shop talking with her. I was surprised by how much of the book was about her life after the Olympics. It was interesting to hear about the struggles and attempts to find a new purpose and balance in life after her gymnastic career was over.
Profile Image for Andrew.
715 reviews10 followers
June 5, 2012
In Winning Balance, Shawn Johnson has written about her successes and failures in her life of competing in the Olympics. Shawn started practicing gymnastics in a small town in Iowa. The first gym coach she had told her mother that her daughter had no talent in gymnastics. Eventually her mother decided to move her to another gymnasium. Shawn stepped into the place she was intended to be. Chow became her new coach and he began teaching her the proper way to handle and compete in gymnastic. Chow was an influential gymnastic teacher in China before he formed his own gym in America. God was directing both of their steps for His ultimate purpose to come to pass. This book covered the entire journey that lead to her winning a gold medal in the Beijing Olympics. She shared about her faith and how she remained in balance throughout her life. She has had to struggle with injuries, overcoming adversity, living a normal life, and life decisions. After the Olympics, she even starred on Dancing with the Stars and took home the championship trophy.

I would recommend this story to anyone who loves watching the Olympics competitions. Even if you're not fan of the Olympics you will still benefit from reading this book. The book is a magnificent example of never giving up on your dreams and settling for just enough in life. Working hard and going after her dreams proved to help Shawn achieve her best life. Difficult times may come but we have a decision to stop and quit or to keep pressing on. When she competed in the Dancing with the Stars competition fear almost got the best of her. A stalker came to the ABC studio and he crossed the fence but he was apprehended. He was planning to kidnap Shawn and make her marry him. They found a gun, a knife, a bulletproof vest, zip ties, and duct tape in his car. Reading this part of the story, I could sense the fear that she was facing. There were times she wanted to leave and quit the competition for her safety and protection. Satan tried to cause her to give into fear and run but if she did she wouldn't have won the competition. She would have also let the stalker win and control how she lived her life. I immensely enjoyed the section after each chapter entitled, "Lesson I've Learned". Living out these principles can change your life. If you're looking for an inspiration story then this one will greatly encourage you.

Tyndale House Publishers/ Tyndale Momentum has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.
September 28, 2014
Winning Balance, is written by Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson. When I first picked this book up, I don't think it ever left my hands. This book is meant for all ages because Shawn talks about chasing after your dreams and I believe that anyone can still chase after their dreams no matter what age you are, anything is possible.

Shawn takes you through her life in West Des Moines, Iowa, which includes her training practices, life at home, and life outside of the gym. As the reader, Shawn makes you feel like you are there with her every step of the way, especially when the biggest moments arrive, which for Shawn was the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where she won gold on the balance beam, and silver in the all-around team competition and all-around Individual. You get to experience what it's like repressing team USA and what it's like living in the Olympic Village. I got so into the book that when Shawn was describing her competing my heart started to pound because I was feeling the nerves for her and the amount of detail that she described, her being up on the beam and hearing the US National Anthem play, was amazing.

Life after the Olympics for Shawn wasn't all that glamorous, except for that fact that she won the coveted mirror ball trophy from winning Dancing with the Stars. Shawn experienced some scary, frightful incidents that involved a creepy stalker and an accident that faced her with the reality of maybe never being able to do gymnastics again. Did Shawn ever step back onto the beam let alone the gym? What happened with her stalker? You'll have to read and find out! Cuddle up to a warm blanket and steamy cup of hot cocoa, but before doing that make sure to punch your ticket back in time to the 2008 Beijing Olympics to join Shawn on her crazy adventure!
Profile Image for Kate.
268 reviews10 followers
June 16, 2012
The authors hope and dream is to compete professionally and then onto the Olympics in the sport of gymnastics. When she was just a tot her career began at Chow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute. At home in Iowa she was a normal girl whose life was balanced, she kept a journal, watched cartoons and had a pet named Dude. She loved every aspect of gymnastics and she possessed the dedication and fortitude to succeed.

I enjoyed reading about what a typical day was like for a gymnast and the rigorous schedule she kept. This charming book is an inspiration to other young athletes. Quite refreshing was reading her testimony and how faith has made an impact in her life. I was entertained getting to know this personable young woman through her writing and would recommend this book to others especially to young girls who need direction and encouragement on how to have winning balance in their lives.
Profile Image for Becky.
5,805 reviews260 followers
November 12, 2016
First sentence: The first score I ever received was given on January 19, 1992, at Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines.

Premise/plot: Winning Balance is an autobiography of gymnast Shawn Johnson. Most of the chapters conclude with a 'lessons learned' feature. Partially this is a spiritual autobiography as well. Johnson includes in her life story her spiritual testimony. How much is 'spiritual' and how much is plain and simple biography? I'd say the spiritual aspects of it are like the toppings on a sundae. I would say it's definitely for gymnastics fans. (She's not John Owen.)

My thoughts: I love, love, love gymnastics. I do. I've watched it since the late 80s and it's a sport I'm passionate about. So I was definitely engaged with this one. It was quite a change from the biographies I read on Mary Lou Retton and Shannon Miller. Of the three coaches, I think Shawn Johnson's comes across best.

8 reviews1 follower
October 7, 2016
“To my parents, for never leaving my side. You have always believed in me, supported me, picked me up, and brought me back down to earth when I needed it.” – Shawn Johnson. Winning Balance is a biography written by Olympic gold medalist, silver medalist, and Dancing with the Stars champion, Shawn Johnson. Winning Balance is a good quick read for gymnasts or Summer Olympic lovers. This book is about the road to the Olympics for Shawn and what she had to sacrifice to get to her main goal, the Olympics.
In the book I learned that Shawn is a unique person because she has a very strong passion for what she does. It was hard to keep up with the gym and with her public schooling, but she seems to do both just fine. Shawn says “Gymnastics taught me everything-life lessons, responsibility, discipline and respect.” I highly recommend this book to gymnasts or if you want to learn more about what it takes to become an Olympic gymnast.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Johnson.
5 reviews20 followers
December 22, 2014
Before I read this book, I had known Shawn Johnson only as the Olympic Gold Medalist. When I saw that she had written a book, I immediately wanted to read it. However, whenever I went to the bookstore, I couldn't find it. This went on for a while, and I eventually forgot about it. But just recently, I got my hands on a copy at Barnes and Nobles. So I got it. I read it in just a few days, and loved it. It's really interesting to see more than just the gymnastics side of Shawn's life. It was interesting, but never got boring.
When it came to the gymnastics competitions, I thought it was cool to see what the gymnasts were actually feeling. On a video, they look perfectly calm and composed. Not always the case. It was cool to get a behind the scenes glimpse of what's actually happening at the competitions.
I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Amy Egan .
32 reviews
February 17, 2013
It's so refreshing to read about a mid-western girl, make it to the big leagues, accomplish her goals, overcome her downfalls & still keep her mid-western, small town attitude & show her love for family & God. These are the people that deserve all they have been blessed with. This book told a story of the ups & downs if both fame & being an unknown. Shawn Johnson is truly an American role model for all kids & some adults could learn a bit too;-) Cuddos to her parents for raising such a great girl!
Profile Image for Hlyan .
153 reviews
February 9, 2014
I've never been this much inspired by a book before. This (book) is the amazing true journey of how the young woman who won an Olympic gold medal on the balance beam became even more balanced. Sometimes smiling, laughing, exciting, sometimes feeling tears in my eyes, sometimes feeling deeply inspired, I got the life lessons Shwan wants to give. Thank you to Sanntint who recommended this book to me. I'm confident that I can also recommend Winning Balance to everyone.
45 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2017
This is my third time reading this book, but I'm still as inspired by it as if it were my first time reading it. Shawn Johnson includes relatable life lessons at the end of every chapter and inspiring quotes at the beginnings. It's so amazing to think that almost everything she writes about in that book happened to her when she was younger than I am right now. The sentences sometimes were a little short or oddly strung together but that didn't take away from the message of the book.
94 reviews
July 9, 2018
I mean...this book wasn't really that great. But if you're a fan of Shawn Johnson, curious to hear about her experiences, and don't care about particularly beautiful or insightful writing...then you'll enjoy this. I did. :) However I wish we'd gotten a few more details. Most of the book was surface level description of events.
Profile Image for Wendy.
445 reviews39 followers
June 25, 2012
Before I read this I thought that Shawn Johnson was an amazing young women and I only believe that more after reading this. I am so sad she had to retire from the sport but I can certainly understand why. She is a good idol for all the young ladies to look up to.
Profile Image for  Crystal.
243 reviews14 followers
August 9, 2012
Although the insights into Shawn's training and competitions were interesting, the entire book reads like a twelve-year-old's Bible camp scrapbook, including prayer/poetry bookends and a "Lesson I've Learned" after each chapter, of which there are many.
Profile Image for Melissa Corrick.
113 reviews
August 29, 2012
I love gymnastics so I had a feeling I'd love this book. Great story about a girl who found an outlet for her energy. I love how her parents always supported her but never pushed. This is a fun and entertaining read.
Profile Image for Madz.
24 reviews
January 31, 2014
I loved that she always had a good attitude and that she pushed herself hard to follow her dream and make it come true. I loved all the good quotes in the book.
Profile Image for Erin.
963 reviews12 followers
February 9, 2014
Liked the book at first...but it got old after awhile. The book is probably better suited to the younger crowd.
Profile Image for Keryn.
204 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2014
Would give it 3.5 stars if I could. Quick read.. she seems like a sweet girl who has accomplished a lot yet remains grounded by her family and faith.
Profile Image for Kayla.
3 reviews
November 20, 2014
At the beginning, it was quite boring. I almost chose to quit reading it, but after it got to the part when she actually is in the Olympics, it got better.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jess.
549 reviews9 followers
August 21, 2021
This was just okay! I am always surprised by the amount of chapters dedicated to Dancing with the Stars in gymnasts’ memoirs. Hi I’m here for gymnastics, not a cheap reality competition show.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
175 reviews2 followers
December 28, 2022
I really enjoyed reading about her life and what she went through as a gymnast.
Profile Image for Cara Jane.
23 reviews12 followers
July 28, 2023
Inspiring and encouraging! I read it every few years and love it every time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 328 reviews

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