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Midnight Matings #15

Stripes and Twin Horns

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[Menage Amour Erotic Alternative Paranormal Menage a Trois Romance, M/M/M, shape-shifters, HEA] The Gathering is called. The spell is cast. There is no escaping the Midnight Matings. The chaos of the Midnight Matings continues. Everyone attending the UPAC Conference has twenty-four hours to claim a mate of a different species or risk being without one forever. After this announcement, Blake and Drake see a man offering himself up and decide they want him for their own. Blake and Drake Collier are ancient unicorn shifters used to keeping to themselves. Mating Gilbert gives them a chance for true love and happiness if they can learn to put his needs before theirs. Gilbert Quinby is a raccoon shifter who has been sexually abused due to the traditions of his shifter community. Blake and Drake may be his ticket to freedom and to love. Will Blake, Drake, and Gilbert’s attendance at the UPAC Conference be a blessing for them all, or will the trauma caused by Gilbert’s horrible past be a stumbling block they may not be able to overcome? There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings. ** A Siren Erotic Romance

116 pages, ebook

First published February 4, 2012

About the author

Joyee Flynn

104 books657 followers
also writes under Flynn Eire and Erin R. Flynn.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,206 reviews304 followers
April 4, 2021
Spoiler Ahead This was book 15 in the "Midnight Matings " series and one of my favorites in this series. After the Elder's spiked the champagne to induce the mating heat at the UPAC Conference the paranormal's have 24 hours to claim a mate of a different species or the will go feral twin unicorn shifters Blake and Drake Collier see a man offering himself up and they want him. Raccoon shifter Gilbert Quinby didn't drink the champagne he came to the conference to find a mate he doesn't want to go back to his kit because he was being abused by the leader Chuck so his mom got him a ticket to the conference so he can find a mate and leave his home. This was a really good book full of emotions. Blake and Drake are clueless when it comes to their mate they know that he must have suffered some kind of abuse at home but they don't know what because he won't talk to them. Gilbert is used to being used for sex he was his Kit's doxy a person in the kit used for sex a whore. As these three struggle to find ways of making this mating work Chuck Gilbert former kit leader shows up but the twin's are not having it. As the twins struggle to learn more about Gilbert they realize that he is more messed up then they thought so after calling his mother they try to make him happy. This book also had some funny moments in it as well like when Gilbert found out he can get pregnant he passes out. This book was well written like the rest of the books in this series with no errors in grammar or spelling. I like this series because each book is a stand a lone. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Profile Image for Phaney.
1,248 reviews22 followers
November 18, 2014
2012 Review:


For a threesome, and especially one involving twins and by this author, this started out surprisingly well. O.o
I can’t say I ever really followed Gilbert’s logic even then, but our narrator during the first three chapters (yes, first person again) was fairly reasonably tempered and even made his harsher brother understandable and thus endearing.

Sadly once we switched to Gilbert’s perspective we had another whiny narrator. Hate that. Way to ruin something that was genuinely going well, author.

Also, sadly, when Drake finally got his turn he was being whiny, unreasonable and selfish too. “Why me? Why not the others? Wah, wah, wah.”

How can the author ever think that kind of stuff is appealing? Go back and look at the Blake chapters! That was a good hero! Issues there, too, but he was willing to work things out instead of flying into a fit of “poor me” every time anything goes wrong. Of course later on, during Drake’s narrative, Blake turned stupid as well.

Meh. Such a disappointment for something that began so nicely. For a while it seemed as though the “abused, broken waif” storyline would be working out. Pity Gilbert had to turn out to be the same self-centred jerk as every other character this author comes up with lately.
Why is that, really? I can’t fathom it. Everyone always takes everything someone else says in the worst possible ways and flies into fits over things that can’t be changed anyway, playing the blame game to the fullest without any justification.

I want to growl. But instead I will go back to the book I was going to read originally. Since it’s part of the same multi-author series and referred to our triad here in the beginning, I became curious and decided to get this one done first. Oh well. :3

Wish me luck! At least it’s another author. Can’t recall if she’s all into male pregnancy too but at the very least we won’t have whiny, self-absorbed multiple first-person!

Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
February 7, 2012
Stripes and Two Horns, despite the quite serious background of the raccoon mate, is actually quite a fun read, like many of the other volumes of the Midnight Matings series. The idea of having twin unicorns, both ancient and set in their ways, suddenly having to deal with a quirky little raccoon shifter who needs more emotional support than a normal man could give, never mind two fairly reclusive guys, was bound to lead to some misunderstandings at the very least.

Gilbert, a raccoon shifter who has only known emotional physical abuse due to some obscure rules raccoon shifters apparently live by, cannot believe he has two gorgeous mates. While the twin unicorns are not mated to each other, they are definitely more than interested in him. Only Gilbert has such low self-esteem that he doesn’t believe them and it takes him quite a while to open up and admit the possibility it isn’t just a dream.

Drake and Blake, having lived pretty much on their own for hundreds of years, aren’t ready for such a challenging personality. Not that they’re easy to live with or don’t have emotional baggage, but we don’t find out a lot about their past. Luckily, they have more patience than any three normal men and they manage to slowly gain Gilbert’s trust. One of their fix-alls is sex, which leads to some interesting scenes in the bedroom, and the process of how they ‘unlearn’ those habits was fun to read about.

Add a great mother, her new boyfriend and a disgusting villain to this mix and you can see why the resulting ride might be interesting. If you like unusual shifter stories with a few secrets that pop out as you read, if a mate who needs protection so he can learn to stand on his own feet is your thing, and if you have enjoyed the other books in this series, then you may like this one as well.
October 27, 2014
Review after I stop giggling.....hehhehe!! Its not me thats shallow its Raccoon and Unicorn combo making me giggle and on top Mpreg.lol
Okay so I stopped giggling enough to find pictures......yeah I don't intend to hurt anyone just wanted to find some fun in a emotion filled story of a poor abused Racoon and twin unicorn mates.
So Introducing Gilbert Quinby the abused Racoon shifter with lots of issues...

Who kept offering himself at Midnight Matings but was refused or taunted by everyone when he catches eyes of Blake and Drake Collier the ancient unicorn shifters

And they mate forever but the story doesn't end there but begins......emotions
flow,secrets comes out and with it the culprit of Gilberts distress.......tada
A Racoon leader of the kit.........another racoon

Who threatens Gilbert's happiness and attacks Unicorns all by himself and gets killed by Gilbert mind it not the Unicorns.So size really doesn't matter in this tale......hehe
I know,I know I hardly makes any sense but if you are really looking for sense you wont be reading this story....lol
Oh did I mention its a Menage,don't wriggle your nose the two brothers doesn't even touch each other in that way they only share racoon and it has got mpreg and Gilbert will carry seven baby inside him...now I can't stop laughing.
Profile Image for Jude.
943 reviews4 followers
December 5, 2023
I had forgotten until I got to this one that some are not that good - or maybe it is me. I have an issue with this type of character. I do not mind and even enjoy, male characters who like to present as feminine in many ways. I do not enjoy the male character who is bemoaning being mistaken for female while enhancing the qualities that make him seem 'feminine'. Own who you are. (Name-calling and using gender as a put-down are never right.)
Combine this with overly dramatic behaviours and stupid behaviour and -- yep - not my cup-of-tea.
Profile Image for Kelly (Maybedog).
3,020 reviews233 followers
February 13, 2017
I'm sorry, but whether the siblings touch or not, if they're both in bed having sex with the same person, it's incest. Regardless of your views on that, IMHO that's pretty obvious.

My review is in spoiler tags because it is merely my raw notes which haven't been edited. I do most of my note taking on my phone which makes for some creative wording due to the spellchecker and my fat fingers and impatience. This review probable has too much negative stuff as that's what I tend to get riled up about enough to stop reading and jot down. If I'm enjoying myself, I don't want to stop reading!

If there are any real spoilers, I put them in nested spoiler tags, so don't worry about that.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews118 followers
March 29, 2017
I swear I think this is the saddest installment of the series. Not that I didn't like it, because I did! It's just Gilbert's life has pretty much sucked and he has no self-esteem. Meeting and mating Blake and Drake is the best thing that could happen to all of them. It was still heart breaking to see how badly Gilbert was treated before the mating.

This was a very sweet and loving story that I enjoyed!
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
August 26, 2022

Oh my! Embarrassed how many of this series I bought, way back when. Naive, optimistic me saw potential in the series premise, then got caught up in the in morbid fascination at just how bad the books are.

They are bad.
One review for all, then - Cull, cull, cull

I recall this being the worst of the lot. Awful. Did even the author hate the character? Sexual abuse means nothing. Plus a selective definition of incest. Bad enough the impression stayed with me.
Profile Image for Ada.
1,966 reviews35 followers
August 27, 2022
***zaterdag 27 augustus 2022***
I know I've read this series before because once upon a time I was on binge and read almost everything by these authors. Like everything.

But I also didn't logged it back then and that is bugging me now so I'm adding them based on the one review I did wrote:Fur And Flightless by Joyee Flynn
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,471 reviews107 followers
November 19, 2014
I can't imagine why I like this series, but I do! These books are so bizarre that they are actually fun to read. There's no hope of taking them seriously so I always read them with the object of having a few hours of fun escapism.

In this pairing, twin unicorns Blake and Drake are at the conference where the toast is spiked and they are forced to choose a mate. They spot Gilbert, raccoon shifter, baring his cute, jiggly ass and it's love at first sight, so to speak. He's the mate for them.

Gilbert has been treated badly by his kit his whole life and was forced to be the kit's doxy, aka whore. He finds it hard to accept love and kindness from his mates, a fact which creates most of the conflict in the story. Add to that, the kit's alpha who wants Gilbert back for himself, and attempts a kidnapping, and it's a fun adventure.

All three eventually settle in their love and as the story ends, as expected, Gilbert is pregnant and expecting a surprising number of babies. Which dad is going to pass out first?

If you want to pick up a fun book, that will not tax your mental capacities, this is it.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
April 23, 2012
Charnel's review posted on Guilty Pleasures

Another sexy Midnight Matings installment.

Blake and Drake Collier are unicorn shifter twins, and a raccoon shifter mate named Gilbert. LOL Need I say more?? Okay, I don’t know what it says about me but I just LOVE these Midnight Matings shifter stories. I understand some readers may think the concept is unusual but I can’t get enough of this series, I also know that unicorns and raccoon shifters are not the sexiest shifters BUT the men behind the animals are fun, loving and make for a really good story.

There’s an instant mating, an ex-lover/tormenter who doesn’t want to let go of Gilbert, and an m/m/m mating like no other.

If you like m/m and shifters you will enjoy Stripes and Twin Horns.
Profile Image for CB.
3,182 reviews6 followers
December 9, 2014
Such a fun series! There are currently 20 books in the series, each book is written by either Joyee Flynn, Gabrielle Evans or Stormy Glenn. They could keep writing more as long as they continue creating interesting characters who shift into all kinds of wonderful and different animals/mythical beings and coming up with unique stories full of romance, crazy drama, angst and let's not forget the very hot sex!

You don't have to read them in order, very rarely are other characters mentioned, but each story is very different and engaging and together they make for a fun few weeks of entertainment.

There is a spin-off series by Joyee Flynn with 8 books out so far called "Unmated by Midnight." I have not read those yet but they are on my to-be-read list next.
Profile Image for Pamela Su.
1,168 reviews30 followers
September 21, 2014
Blake and Drake are twin unicorn shifters who mate with a raccoon shifter, Gilbert. Unicorns mate with raccoon...

Look, seriously, if you were expecting some stellar story-writing and deep, complex plot, you are in for a horrible wake-up call.

The plot is ridiculous and Gilbert is this poor guy who has been treated like crap all his life. It's quite sad really. Even the way he ended up mated to the unicorn shifters at the start of the book was really sad when you think about it. I wanted to put Gilbert into some heavy-duty therapy sessions. Poor lil dude.

Still, it was nice to see a happy ending for all three of them. Also, I like that there's a lot of love for the less firm-bodied gay men in this story.
Profile Image for Sarah.
523 reviews9 followers
September 21, 2015
Total fluff book, but that is what I wanted. The entire series is about supernaturals going to a conference and getting drugged. They have a day to find and claim a mate of a different species or they will go feral.

Twin unicorns claim a raccoon. The raccoon (Gilbert) has had a horrible life as his kit's doxy (whore). It was a position he was born into, so becoming a mate to two loving unicorns was a difficult transition. All Drake and Blake want to do is love their mate, but 2 millenniums hasn't taught them anything on how to handle this little raccoon.

Gilbert kept pissing me off with his constant misunderstandings. I actually felt bad for Blake and Drake. Overall though a cute story.
Profile Image for Tamela.
1,825 reviews26 followers
October 26, 2016
I felt so bad for Gilbert but he got lucky with Blake and Drake. Though sometimes I wondered if Drake might be missing a few brain cells, or if he would ever learn to be a little more careful about what he said.

Later though, when he said how he felt bad because he was always the one apologizing even when he didn't know what for, and was always walking on eggshells, I saw what he had been dealing with. Yep, Gilbert had been laying the guilt trip on a bit thick for Drake.

So glad they finally cleared the air, and I did love Gilbert's kick butt mom :)

1st read - Jun 24, 2012
2nd read - Oct 25, 2016

Profile Image for Kallunnah.
50 reviews
March 22, 2012
To take such a troublesome premise and make it so shallow is infuriating. I have no idea why I read this authors entries to the series, I can never get into them. I usually like the series for short fun reads but this was annoying and frustrating.

A lifelong rape and abuse victim has no issues with sex. Right. And no problem with being tied up. His mother, also a lifelong victim of abuse is perfectly well adjusted and the perfect mom. Who snubs a gift car. So many ridiculous points to this book. Also, how does a raccoon kill a healthy human being?

Did I mention bad editing?
Profile Image for Angel.
6 reviews
April 12, 2012
I Love this book series and I couldn't put this story down. It has it's up's and down's. I cried for Gilbert and his Mom's past. I laughed so hard I thought I couldn't breathe during Gilbert's realization of a few advantages to being mated to unicorns, and I cheered when Gilbert got his revenge and his mother got a good man. I have always loved unicorns so I really loved and appreciated how Mrs. Flynn described their majestic shift and the depiction of their other form, it really made me feel as though I had seen the, myself.
Thank you and BRAVA to Mrs. Flynn
Profile Image for Hey Hey.
1,031 reviews4 followers
November 5, 2014
This series is so much fun. I love the odd shifter pairings.

I wasn't sure at first with all the bickering and misunderstandings. But 1/2 through I decided that, those things are what make this MMM them. They fight, make mistakes and make up.

I have to admit that Blake and Drake are way too close of names for identical shifter brothers in a MMM. It was really hard to tell exactly who was who within the book. They didn't really gave a personality that stood out among the other.

Of course, it had a raccoon unicorn Mpreg involved. It always fascinates me.
Profile Image for Janelle.
81 reviews
February 7, 2012
I read this book and loved every minute of it! I knew from the very beginning that this was going to be interesting. With the way Gilbert was just out there looking for a mate and Drake(my son's name by the way) and Blake accepting him regardless of his background it made for a very good read. By the end I was laughing so much my family was looking at me like I had gone nuts (ok, maybe a little...lol), but it was a book I will be reading again.
Profile Image for Gwengwel.
524 reviews21 followers
February 6, 2012
Shut, I don't want anybody to know that I have absolutely no will of my own and that I buy it. Shut! Keep it for yourself!

Gilbert: Talk like the village idiot, think like the village idiot, had the personality of the village idiot. Hooo, he is the village idiot!

Even if it's about 3 persons it's not a 3some but 2*2some. So no twincest tag and not mmm-rom tag.

Magical Mpreg. Beark!
Profile Image for Lakeisha.
320 reviews4 followers
April 8, 2012
Gilbert pissed me off...plus i was getting whiplash from the characters constant changes in emotions, happy then sad, then happy then angry, hurt sad...blah blah blahhhhhh (should have stuck with my opinion not to read this one) oh well hopeful the next one is better, these whiny characters are so annoying...sigh
Profile Image for Jane (PS).
2,657 reviews93 followers
October 8, 2015
Cute and short. Othen than the fact that we have twin unicorn shifters mating with a racoon shifter, there's nothing unusual in the story. Yes, OK - those two shifter types ARE pretty unusual, so it's just as well the rest of the story isn't too 'out there' ;) Apart from the MPreg. And the forced mating. Ok - so this IS an unusual story...
Profile Image for Lisa.
3,087 reviews124 followers
November 9, 2015
I am beginning to really like this shifter world. 2 different species jhaving to mate under UPAC.
This book is about Blake and Drake, 2 Unicorn twins and Gilbert, a Raccoon.
Very funny in parts and I was really hoping that when Drake and Blake had upset stomachs they were pregnant but it was not to be.
An enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Angela.
143 reviews6 followers
February 5, 2013
I didn't really see the connection between the characters. The love seemed sudden and not developed. I also got tired of the constant talking about how he was chubby, fat, jiggly and whatever other description she wanted to use. I found it a bit insulting.
Profile Image for Minerva.
667 reviews3 followers
April 27, 2015
So lust at first sight. The majority of the book is this threesome clearing up misunderstandings and learning to communicate with each other. Then of course we have the bad guy scene and our HEA. The epilogue was quite cute.
6 reviews
March 22, 2012
Love the book, except at times I felt that Blake and Drake should have given Gilbert a good spanking instead of forgiveness all the time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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