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Emma's life has been hell since she moved from sunny California to a remote Alaskan town. Abandoned by her father and living with the guilt of causing her mother's death, she makes a desperate dash for freedom from her abusive stepfather. But when her car skids off the icy road, her planned escape leads to further captivity in a world beyond her imagining. Dragged across the tundra by an evil mountain man and his enormous black wolf, she learns that love can be found in the most unexpected places.

Amarok, as she's nicknamed the wolf, is a young man from the gold-rush era enslaved by an ancient shaman. Emma's gentle touch and kind heart win his love and devotion. When a vicious madman, trapped in bear form by the same Shaman, attacks the travelers and injures Amarok, Emma must find the strength to face her fears and free the wolf she's come to love. But that means she must face down the evil shaman, a Siberian mammoth hunter from the ice age, and he has no intention of giving up his power to her.

181 pages, Paperback

First published November 20, 2012

About the author

Angela J. Townsend

23 books360 followers
Angela J. Townsend is a filmmaker and a traditionally published, award-winning author.

please visit her blog at https://angelatownsendbooks.blogspot.com







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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Francis.
231 reviews4 followers
February 20, 2013
Ever feel responsible for something you love dearly, and have it taken away forever. For Emma losing her mother was just the start of it, she had to now deal with her step-father swinging punches every so often, life isn't all that great, for Emma its hell. Of course leaving isn't always so easy, his keys are there its just getting out of the house undetected. Once outside and on the rode everything seems on course unless of course your driving down a icy paved rode. The next Emma knows is she is hoisted outside of the car and put on the shoulders of a man that smells like last years socks. You life is just not getting any easier escaping one prick only to be captured by another, it must be thursday. What Emma doesn't know is that her captive has a wolf who seems to understand her, she even gives him a name Amarok, who turns out a young man trapped inside.

Amarok loves his new name and of course knows she will soon turn out like the others that his master takes. His thoughts are his own, he can think freely, he just wishes for an escape and soon. This girl is different though he feels he needs to protect her from his master, even if it means going up against the Shaman who trapped him so long ago. Emma can see that the wolf is mistreated and always seems to run when she shows even a little kindness. Its until Emma realizes that the wolf is a young man who she has grown to love and even though it can never be possible a man in a wolf's body, Emma puts everything aside and ventures to end his capture. But going against a Shaman with so much power isn't going to easy. When is anything in life easy, Emma of course has to find out if she can and sees if she has the power in herself to move forward in life.

This was a beautiful story, even had me in tears and yelling for Emma to continue. Being inside both Emma's and Amarok head was awesome because you needed to feel those feelings that had build for each of them. Angela took me Alaska and left me wanting more after the last word. Emma's courage really shined through and you saw her grow up in this. You also saw that she was willing to put herself and help the one she loves. Even when it seemed that like time was against them. This is such an amazing story, I feel in love with both POV and even felt an attachment to both the wolf and the young man.
Profile Image for Darby Karchut.
Author 20 books258 followers
September 4, 2012
AMAROK by Angela J. Townsend is another wonderful paranormal romance from Spencer Hill Press. I really enjoyed the world building – Angela Townsend did a terrific job making me feel the cold and dampness of Alaska, as well as its vastness and isolation. And her use of legends from both the Old World and the New World gave AMAROK a delightful twist to the same old werewolf legend. (And I learned what Amarok means!)

While I had a little trouble getting into the character of Emma, I really liked the other protagonist, Amarok. And I really, really enjoyed Jock. For a secondary character, he was actually more interesting than the others because of the mix of good guy and oops-I-screwed-up. I wanted more scenes of him and Amarok.

For readers who enjoy a fresh twist on paranormal romances, this is a book for you! And here’s hoping there will be a sequel.
Five Stars: Highly recommend
Profile Image for Sherry Ficklin.
Author 47 books673 followers
September 8, 2012
Loved, loved this book! It's not often I come across something totaly new in ya, but this book took me somewehre I'd never gone before. It's a unique and beautiful love story. Emma isn't just any shrinking voilte, but she's also not the steryotypical sassy-ass heroine I'm seeing in most teen novels today. She has a quiet strength that really drew me to her.

All in all a wonderful read. My only nit pick is that I wish it was longer! I would have loved to spend more time in the story. A great book for the teen readers in your life!
1 review
September 2, 2012
I really enjoyed reading Amarok from beginning to end it held my attention with its twists and turns not just a love story cant wait for the sequeal to be written and released.
Profile Image for Tee Loves Books.
945 reviews
August 17, 2012
I haven't read a great deal of werewolf series yet, but it seems this year I've gotten more into them for some reason. When I saw the blurb for Amarok, it intrigued me and I was excited to get my hands on it. A huge thank you to Spencer Hill Press for sending me an ARC for review, because I very much enjoyed this beautiful story!!

Amarok is the story of a 17-year-old girl named Emma who is fleeing from the abusive home she lives in with her stepfather. Scared, with no one else to turn to, she rushes out into the frigid snow and drives away, hopefully never to see her old life again. But when the icy conditions cause her to lose control of her car and crash, she finds herself in the hands of a sinister man. When he forces her to join him on the arduous trek to his cabin in the mountains, Emma finds her only comfort in the man's companion, a wolf who seems to somehow understand her pain. What Emma doesn't realize is that the wolf she's lovingly named Amarok is actually a boy trapped in wolf form. Amarok, desperate to hold on to the human side of him that remains, is thrilled by the feelings that Emma stirs inside him. He's determined to protect her from both her captor and the vengeful creature that lurks in the woods with them, even if it means his own death. But he underestimated Emma's feelings for him and her own desperation to free him from his curse, and soon they both find themselves within the grasp of the cruel shaman that cursed him.

This was such a unique story, and it was just beautifully written. The descriptive way Townsend writes made it so easy to get sucked into Emma and Amarok's journey and feel like I was experiencing it all with them. They were both such tortured souls, and you can't help but wish they find a way to find freedom. Emma basically went from one captor to another, and the crushing reality of her life threatens to pull her under once and for all. Amarok truly saves her, not just physically but also in her will to live. And clearly she does the same for him, because if anyone has the right to wish for death, it's this tortured boy. But Emma sparks something back to life in him, and I just loved the tender relationship that grows between them. There are a lot of twists in the second half of the book that change everything for both Amarok and Emma, and I was glued to the book for the last few chapters as I waited to see if they'd finally get the happiness they deserved!!

I very much enjoyed this story, and when the end came I couldn't help but wish it could keep going so I could see farther into their future! It was a sweet, heartwarming, suspenseful journey that kept me captivated until the very end. Townsend has herself a new fan, and I look forward to reading more of her work in the future!
Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,480 reviews175 followers
October 3, 2012
A huge THANK YOU to Spencer Hill for allowing me to read and review this ARC of Amarok. I have to say that everything and I mean everything I have read from Spencer Hill has been FANTASTIC! Amarok is no different and I have to say I was hooked right from the very first page.

Amarok is a story about love and survival and over coming the odds. Emma just wants to start a new life. She has moved from Sunny Cali to Alaska with her step father. She is not happy because her father ignores her and her mother is dead and her step father is a jerk. What is a girl to do when everyone around you hates you? Well Emma decides she is going to run away and as she is driving her car skids off the road and she crashes. Dang that girl has such bad luck!

As she gets out she realizes she has company in the form of a crazy mountain man and a wolf. She is instantly intrigued by the wolf but scared of the evil mountain man. What is a girl to do? Follow run away again no way because crazy mountain man looks like he would kill her and she feels something for this wolf and she can't explain it. Emma decides she is going to call the wolf Amarok and she loves him with everything within her and that love is what reveals the truth about the wolf.

Soon Emma and the wolf find themselves in danger from a bear that has gone mad. Emma will have to face down the evil Shaman who has enslaved the bear and the wolf. What will she do when she finds him? Will she be able to defeat him? What will happen to Amorak? Will they be together? All she knows is that she must defeat the evil Shaman in order to free her Amarok. Will she win or will she lose........
Profile Image for Keshia Swaim.
Author 5 books66 followers
September 5, 2012
Spencer Hill Press has a knack for putting out stories with unique characters and plots. Amarok was no exception. I'll post a full review closer to the release date, but for now I'll say I've never read a story quite like this one, and I probably won't be looking at seemingly intelligent animals the same way for a long time. :)
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
November 5, 2012
Emma wants nothing more to escape the bitterness of Alaska and her abusive step-father and go back to California where she use to belong before her mothers death. But on her desperate attempt, her car skids off the icy road and her rescuer is no other then a crazed kidnapper who captures Emma and takes her deep into the Alaska wilds with a savage wolf she affectionately calls Amarok-her only comfort.
Amarok use to have a human name, he was once called Tok, a seventeen year old boy who was on the brink of death before a monstrous Shamen cursed him, transforming him from man to wolf. Enslaved and tortured by his cold-blooded masters he has no choice but to do their biding. But just when his frozen soul thought that it can no longer be saved and death was the only answer, this young and courageous girl, Emma gives him the strength and motive to go on. If only to breath to protect her from this nightmare he's all to familiar with.

Wow, what an incredibly beautiful and cruel story!
This is the kind of story that breaks your heart into little pieces and lifts it up at the same time. It's the kind of story that will ignite strong and raw emotions for these characters and commands you to hear their tale and feel their pain and hope with ever fiber of your being that goodness will conquer and happily ever after can be achieved.

Angela J.Townsend's writing is simply breathtaking. The plot is unique and intriguing. It's surrounded by a native legend, cursed lands and sinister magic. Blended with the harsh endless winter background and the gradual pace the story was measured in, it truly compliments what these characters had to endure emotionally and physically. A slow ache, a needless suffer and blazing hope. It was also romantic in a different way then most stories. It wasn't filled with heated passion or desirable needs. It was formed with kindness and affection and what one tender touch can mean to a broken and shattered heart.

Your heart will undoubtedly go out Amarok and Emma. These are two people who were brought together by madness and monsters and who find comfort in simply knowing they aren't alone in this nightmare.
Emma isn't like your average protagonist. She's no stranger when it comes to abuse or being treated with such hatred. Her guilt welcomes it, but apart of her still wants to live. One would normally expect her to be weak, scared and powerless given her situation, but she proves to be a fearless and unflinching character who's a fighter and a survivor. I adored her bravery and courage and her fierce determination and loving heart.
Amarok is such a gentle and kind soul. I had a hard time reading some of the more painful scenes, wanting nothing more then to reach into the pages and protect him from such horrific cruelty. I loved his loyalty and the way he would protect Emma with his very life. Such a gorgeously written being.
Weasel Tale (such a fitting name) was pure evil and probably one of the easiest characters to loath in all my reading existence. I wanted nothing but a slow unkind death for him and believe me, when you meet him you will to. I never did understand why he chose to kidnap Emma. For a deeper purpose or just cause he could, it wasn't ever really brought up. I also liked what Ben and Jock brought into the story as well, even though they had a small role it still made all the difference.

All in all, I really enjoyed this story. It's vicious and gripping but also lovely and touching. I'm not sure if a sequel is in the works, but it's perfect as a stand alone. It ends on a hopeful note and that's good enough for me.
My only advise is to wait to read this for when your in a quiet and sentimental mood for the story to really soak in just right. It's not meant to be rushed but savored.

Beautifully done!

(Arc provided by SpencerHill Press in exchange for an honest review)

You can see this review and more at; WinterHaven Books!

winter haven books
Profile Image for Sandra .
160 reviews375 followers
December 27, 2012
Emma's life is a walking disaster since her mothers tragic death. Her stepfather is abusing her and is drunk most of the time. Then one night, a big opportunity for escape appears, and Emma snatches it. But her freedom is short lived, because she has a car accident and some very strange and scary man kidnaps her. Along with him, comes a sad and lonely wolf. The wolf for some reason protects Emma from her kidnapper. She soon learns that the kidnapper is a Shaman and that Amarok, as she have nicknamed the wolf, is a young man from the gold-rush era enslaved by the shaman. Emma's gentle touch and kind heart win his love and devotion, and she discovers that love can be found in the most unexpected places. Can she save the wolf that she has began to love from the curse and danger that awaits them?

The beginning was very emotional for me. It was so sad how Emma's stepfather and the shaman were treating her and Amarok. I just wanted to rip their damn heads off!

The characters weren't very well described in my opinion, but they were well developed and were realistic enough. I loved how Emma kept on being a rebel and very strong character. She had a good heart. I adored Emma and the wolf, and i deeply cared for them both.

Damn, i dont know what else to write without giving any spoilers away.

Lets get on to the bad things first.
I absolutely HATED the ending. It was so stupid! The author didn't even say if they ended up together or not! It was well annoying. I was so curious if they would be together after all, and then 'booom' - the end of the book. And where the hell are the answers? Errm... NO WHERE!

There was this other thing that i just despised! The main characters that are supposedly 'in love' with each other, never freaking kissed!!!! One gave the other a kiss on the freaking CHEEK, and the other gave the one a small PECK on the lips. WHAT.THE.HELL?

On to good things then.
There were many entertaining and intriguing moments in Amarok that just kept me turning the pages.

I love that there was a curse and that the second main character was a wolf. I dont know why, but there is something that always pulls me to them.

Overall, Amarok was a delightful small read. I enjoyed it and it hooked me in from the first page. The only issue i have is the ending. :)
Profile Image for Moonlight Gleam.
60 reviews53 followers
September 19, 2012
What if you were trapped inside the body of a wolf, and as the years pass, you desperately cling to any humanity that is left within you as it all slowly begins to slip away? How would you hold on to it, and keep from forgetting all that you knew before enslavement?

After running away from an abusive household, Emma is captured by a sinister man and dragged to his cabin deep in the woods. The man is accompanied by a wolf that Emma comes to nickname Amarok. Emotions stir within Amarok when he meets Emma, and as they befriend one another, Amarok discovers that she makes him feel human again. Amarok decides then that he must do everything in his power to protect her from his master. When the tables turn and Emma realizes that Amarok is also in need of help, what will she do?

My favorite aspect of Amarok was that it was written in alternating point of views. This gives readers the whole picture surrounding the main characters as well as it gives readers a sense of all the emotions that each character experiences. The characters had depth and there was a perfect amount of background revealed within the story. I also appreciated that the book cover reflected what was described within the novel, in addition to being attractive.

Amarok is a beautifully written Young Adult novel with a unique Paranormal Romance twist. The characters were engaging and although the novel was short, there was a lot packed into those few pages. I am definitely looking forward to reading more by Angela Townsend, and I am personally hoping that there will be a sequel to Amarok *hint hint Angela!* :).

I definitely recommend Amarok, Young Adult and Paranormal Romance lovers won’t want to miss this!
Profile Image for Candy .
626 reviews44 followers
October 1, 2012
Angela Townsend shares a delightful, engaging story. Amarok is immediately gripping and escalates in action as the hero and heroine fight the force of evil. Emma's soul, so battered with guilt, reaches out to find solace in the wolf, Tok, with whom she has an undeniable connection. Their story is unique, haunting, and tinged with paranormal mystery.

Amarok is highly descriptive and exudes an imagery that takes you right to the very Alaskan wilderness in which the novel is set. It may be a cold, daunting, and remote place but the characters Townsend introduces will warm you up and melt your heart! Emma may have some unhealed emotional scars, but her care of the wolf despite her own imminent demise gives her an admirable strength. Any female lead character that forms a bond with an animal, as Emma does, is a super-heroine in my book! She really makes this novel enjoyable with her selfless actions and headstrong personality.

Beyond Amarok's eye-catching cover, the story inside is beautiful, entrancing, and mysterious. The mystery surrounding Amarok, the wolf's, entrapment is unique and fascinating. The Native mythological and historical aspects are deep and add suspense because of the rare topic. I see myself reading this story over and over and never losing love for it because it has a timeless feel to it. Amarok could never lose interest or fall out of style.

Originally posted on Lovey Dovey Books
*ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Michelle Pickett.
Author 10 books897 followers
September 22, 2012
It doesn't matter what Spencer Hill Press publishes it's going to be great, and Amarok by Angela Townsend is no exception.

The book follows the journey of Emma, a strong female lead, physically and mentally, and Tok/Amarok, a...well, you have to read the book to understand exactly what role he plays. Both are troubled souls held hostage literally and figuratively, who rely on each other for support, love and hope. Fiercely loyal to each other, they have the sweetest relationship.

Townsend starts off with a bang from the very first page and she doesn't let up until the last sentence. The book has it all, suspense, drama, heartfelt emotion and a little bit of magic.

Amarok is a definite must read and Angela Townsend is an author to watch.
Profile Image for Kendra Saunders.
Author 14 books116 followers
November 20, 2012
If you enjoy romance, shape-shifting and brrrrrrr, coooolllldddd atmospheres, you'll enjoy this book. Angela Townsend creates a world with fear, mystery and intrigue as a young girl is taken from her already miserable life and sent into a spiral of increasingly more frightening situations. She's kidnapped and forced to trek across sparse countryside, and must find solace in a sort of "friendship" with a wolf. The wolf turns out to be a teenage boy, trapped in animal form, and the two characters are able to take part in an unlikely love story. This book contains some heavy themes, though, so be warned (including self-harm and domestic abuse).
Profile Image for Cyle.
963 reviews141 followers
October 3, 2012
GENRE: YA Fantasy
THEME: Shifters/Magic/Romance
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/

Amarok is a book full of emotion; each character has to over come something from their past that forever changed their life. Townsend wrote a fast paced and well written journey of two young people trying to survive and protect one and other.

Emma’s life in a nutshell is horrible, her mother was taken from her at a young age after a tragic accident and she is left with an abusive stepfather. Escaping is her only goal but when she does her luck doesn’t continue. A man in the woods who is cruel and angry takes her and Emma doesn’t know what he wants. Luckily he has a wolf that seems to understand her, but as she gets closer to her wolf she realizes there are many secrets behind him and the woods she’s traveling in.

Emma is a girl that the reader will definitely root for, she really just can’t catch a break and I felt for her all the way to the end. Her story is full of sadness but she stays strong even with the cruelty of this strange man, cant compare to what she left behind. I loved her strength and connection she has with Amarok the wolf and that she wont give up helping him.

Amarok, even though he’s a wolf for most of the book Townsend digs deep into his past life and how he came to be. He too had a sad life, a Shaman who trapped him in his wolf form and he’s lived a life always thinking about the loss of his family. What I liked the most was his protectiveness for Emma, he knew that he could save her from his master and would do anything to keep her safe. His kindness to Emma was what brought her to care for him. In the end she would risk a lot to save him as well and try to help him stay human.

Overall this was a wonderful story, even with the sadness and cruelty of some of the characters, Emma and Amarok have a sweet story. There is hope for them and they will do anything to help each other. There were bits that confused me with the folklore and I would of liked to know more about Emma’s past. But I still very much enjoyed this short tale. I hope that Townsend continues with their story but in the end everything wrap up so I’m not sure if it will continue. I recommend this book for those who like sweet romance, a quick read and an emotional story.
Profile Image for Rachel (The Rest Is Still Unwritten).
1,601 reviews212 followers
October 28, 2012

Firstly, thank you to Spencer Hill Press for allowing me to be a part of the Aussie ARC tour and read and review this book!

Find my complete review here: http://rachybee-the-rest-is-still-unw...

Angela J. Townsend’s debut novel Amarok is a richly descriptive tale of one girls fight for freedom and love, told against an Alaskan backdrop that is delightfully enjoyable!

Despite it’s slow pace, this book was surprisingly addictive and I easily read it in one sitting. It was well written and the lush world of the Alaskan wilderness provided a beautiful setting for the events of this novel. While it’s certainly not the best book I’ve read, nor did it blow me away, I found Amarok to be a really nice, enjoyable read. There were a few things I was unsure of in regards to plot, and at times I did struggle with the connection between Emma and Amarok that comes on so suddenly, but as a whole I easily found myself engrossed in this story.

Townsend tells of Native American tales as well as stories of Sharman and curses as she details Emma’s journey after being kidnapped by a reclusive and evil “mountain man”. Told in dual perspective, the short chapters revert back and forth between main characters Emma and the “wolf” Amarok.

As a heroine, Emma was decent enough and fit the story well. Strong and brave, with a tortured past and painful home life, Emma never gave up and was a fighter from the very beginning. I found I really adored Amarok and loved seeing things from his eyes, especially as a wolf. Townsend had written his POV very well and you can’t deny the anguish and frustration he feels being trapped as a wolf.

Admittedly, the bond that forms between Emma and Amarok stems a lot from the fact that they both have no one. Alone and lonely, both know only cruelty and the kindness and affection they find in one another connects them as they go through their tremendous journey. Honestly, I think the “love” they feel for one another, especially on Amarok’s side, comes on very suddenly but I still believe the bond they share, if not the love.

Overall, Amarok is an exciting read, one that left me wanting more!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Will Stanford.
2 reviews
December 14, 2017
In the story Amarok a girl named Emma got in a car crash and she got captured by a man living in the forest with a wolf. They traveled all the way in the forest which is cursed to a cadin. The man's name is Weasel Tail and the wolf’s name was Tok but Emma gave him a new name and it is Amarok. Later in the book Emma has to save Amarok by finding a small totem necklace she already has one and she need to other to save his life. She finds a whole bunch in a cave wear a shaman used to live in the ice age. Amarok was once a human and so were all the other humans the shaman transformed into animals.So Emma has to find the other Torem to turn him back into a human again but the curse trapped him in the forest so he can’t leave. To go the Hospital with Emma at the end for the story.

The Amarok by Angela J. Townsend is about love and that reveals that Emma loves Amarok. “I have a friend who’s in trouble, and he needs me” said Emma. “Amarok hurried from the cabin struggling to get used to the feeling of being vertical”. “The gentleman who brought you here offered to take you in. His family is well known here. I think they would make a suitable home for you, for the school year at least. And if it doesn’t work out, we can make other arrangements. What do you think” said Dr. Reynolds.

At the end of Amarok, Emma finally made it the cave of the Shaman. She finds all the totems of all the people that the Shaman had turned into animals. Later, Emma realized that the shaman was in the cave with her. The shaman would not let Emma leave the cave so Emma inhaled deeply and let herself drift away. Every time the shaman would do something, she would ignore it.

On page 123 of the book Amarok, the narrator said “A fogbank shrouded the shoulders of the land like a widow’s shawl”. The narrator makes this a simile, to assure the reader that Amarok can not see anything because of the fogbank. On page 123 of the book Amarok the narrator said “Now everything appeared darker, more lifeless”. The narrator makes this a metaphor, to assure the reader that amarok traveled to the cabin as a wolf not a human. So everything seemed darker to him as a human.
Profile Image for Bunny.
143 reviews139 followers
February 21, 2021
good stuff.
quick read, only took a couple of hours.
Full review to come.

originally posted on www.bunnycates.com

Amarok by Angela Townsend is one of those books where you really can’t say a lot about the book – without accidentally spoiling one of the major plot points.

It is, like the synopsis states, a story about a girl who runs away from an abusive home life only to be abducted and held captive by a “mountain man”. While in captivity, she befriends a wolf, and the story progresses from there.

I loved the characters in this story. I loved Emma (I kept just wanting to step in and save her!), and thought Amarok was as human a character as any of the “people” in the book. I felt the relationship build between the girl and the wolf was very “real” as they were both being held “captive” so to speak, and they bonded to survive. If that makes sense? I’m sorry, you’ll have to read the book to know what I am talking about, I think. LOL

In Conclusion:

I really enjoyed this one! It was a fast read (read it in one night), both because it wasn’t very long AND because the action of the story and the writing style just made it whip on by. I didn’t want to put it down, and I think you guys will really enjoy it especially those of you who enjoy suspense drama/paranormal/Indian legend type books!

Mom Notes:

Contains violence (abduction, etc) and language. (I am not sure if I remember right about language. I am thinking there were a couple of cuss words, but not 100% positive. While I was reading and so into the story I didn’t stop to take notes. So to err on the side of caution, I will say language…) Due to violent subject matter this book would be a ages 13+ book, in my opinion. I wouldn't have a problem with my kids reading it, but I would want to be available to them afterwards (or even during) if they needed/wanted to discuss it.

Profile Image for June Stevens.
Author 10 books48 followers
September 23, 2012
I was lucky enough to get an ARC for Amarok. I really enjoyed it. It was a fast, sweet read I would definitely recommend to young teen readers. It isn't your typical teen werewolf book, actually I wouldn't call Amarok a "werewolf" at all. The reality is both simpler and more complicated than that, which is what makes the story so great.

I loved the fact that Emma wasn't perfect. She has had quite a few bad turns in her life and she hasn't dealt with them in the most constructive way in the past. She isn't just a poor, put-upon victim. She takes her knocks and keeps going, not giving up, even when she kind of wants to.

I could only give Amarok four stars instead of five because I felt like there was more story to be told. Intellectually I knew the bad guys are evil, but I didn't really feel it. I disliked them, but couldn't get enough emotion up to hate them, which I think, is the mark of a great villain. Also, while I rooted for Amarok and Emma to be together, I feel like there could have been more story, more romance between them.

So, while I really enjoyed Amarok, it left me wanting a little more. That is not necessarily a bad thing, though. I have been informed Angela is currently working on the sequel, so I can't wait to get my hot little hands on it and see what is next for Amarok and Emma!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
November 10, 2012
*Rating* 3-3.5

*Full Review coming shortly*

This is such an interesting story. Ok, so, I'll say it...it was a cute story with characters (Emma and Amarok) that you will come to enjoy and even love. Emma is a character that is far from perfect, yet, she doesn't allow anyone to toss her around like she was nothing more than a piece of garbage. This includes her alcoholic-abusive stepfather, and Kidnapper who holds the lease to Amarok's well being.

Amarok is a unique character in that he was cursed to walk the earth as a wolf and later becomes smitten with Emma when she falls into the hands of his controller.

The pace of this book is fast, and it's not that long of a story leaving room for more to come in this particular world. At least I hope so.

Expected publication: November 20th 2012 by Spencer Hill Press
Profile Image for Doug Solter.
Author 17 books85 followers
December 8, 2012
What a wonderful book! AMAROK exceeded my expectations. The story moves at a fast pace, yet it's deep enough to keep you immersed in the story. Ms. Townsend creates this micro-world deep in the Alaskan wilderness, a world with its own mysticism and ancient lore that plays well into the story. This novel is a great example of simple story telling done well with fascinating characters, a hostile environment, and great story threads that are woven together extremely well. For a book under 200 pages, AMAROK gives this particular reader more satisfaction than many Young Adult books that are twice as long.
Profile Image for Tyler Jolley.
Author 24 books78 followers
November 26, 2012
What a cool concept. Amarok is an original idea that combines Native American Folklore with early settlers and present day Alaska. Often times in the romance in the YA genre is a bit over the top but it's the perfect amount in this book, so it's great for a guy or a girl. The book was very descriptive and easy to get into. The ending was great and was left open for a sequel, can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Penny.
2 reviews
January 3, 2013
Amarok was an intriguing quick read that had me hooked on the very first page. I would love to get to know Emma and Amarok better and am so excited to hear there may be a sequel! I love the original and creative story line Angela created...the ending definitely left Me wanting more adventures from these interesting characters!
1 review
November 11, 2012
I really enjoyed the book from beginning to end has some romance native american culture Alaska wilds Sharman and can't wait for the 2nd book to series to be published would recommend this book to all ages.j
Profile Image for Gwenyth Love.
265 reviews90 followers
February 25, 2015
Any book that combines my two favourite subjects, shifter wolves and native story telling, can't be bad!
Profile Image for Boo Vickery.
79 reviews10 followers
December 29, 2017
I LOVED this story!
Strong story line and characters. I love the plot and idea this Author had in mind while writing. It was an amazing story.

I love how there was so much background as to what happened before the story. And thought I'm usually not much of a person who likes that sort of thing, in this book it had to be there. And Ms. Townsend wrote it very well.

Reading this book took me three days because it was so hard to put down! Without a baby being in the house it would have been read in one.

A must-read story!
Profile Image for Brandi Rose.
31 reviews6 followers
June 13, 2018
I loved this story, it took me to a completely different setting than I'm used to. I was curious about the bond the two main characters held, I was equally as curious about the small bits of information that lead up to the big BANG at the end. The animals, the totems, all of it was flawless!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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