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June First

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From the author of Still Beating comes another standalone forbidden romance turning something broken into something beautiful.

Want to know what happens to a man who barely claws his way out of a tragedy, only to fall right into the arms of the one girl in the world he isn't allowed to love? Another tragedy, that's what.

When Brant was six years old, his father made a choice that altered the course of his entire life. Because of what he did, the only girl Brant ever loved became the only girl he couldn't have.

Though in a lot of ways, he did have her...

He had her first steps, her first words, her first smile. He had her milestones, her heartbreaks, her dreams. He had her heart so woven in with his, he didn't know where she ended, and he began. Only, as the years pressed on, lines became blurred—and the blurrier the line, the easier it is to cross.

They say tragedy comes in threes. For Brant, that was true. The first one changed him, the second one broke him, and the third one healed him. But at the center of all that tragedy, there is a love story.

And at the center of that love story, there is June.

474 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 17, 2022

About the author

Jennifer Hartmann

17 books8,826 followers
Jennifer Hartmann resides in northern Illinois with her own personal romance hero and three children. When she is not writing angsty love stories, she is likely pondering all the ways she can break your heart and piece it back together again. She enjoys sunsets (because mornings are hard), bike riding, traveling, bingeing Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns, and that time of day when coffee gets replaced by wine. She loves tacos. She also really, really wants to pet your dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,635 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,232 reviews35.1k followers
June 14, 2024
5 stars
June always feels like a new beginning.

I’m so glad I found Jennifer Hartmann’s books this year. Her writing is so fantastic. June and Brant’s love story is one that spans years. Basically since June was born. I know that sounds odd, but it really isn’t. It just works for them.

Brant and June grew up together. June’s older brother Theo and Brant were the best of friends and after a tragedy in Brant’s family, the Bailey family took him in. This isn’t your typical forbidden romance. It is so much deeper than that. It’s not tawdry, but meant to be.

This is a book that truly hit me in my feels. I cried so much, but I also smiled and laughed. I fell in love with these characters and their story. This is an unforgettable and unputdownable romance. I highly recommend it!
“Nothing is impossible when two people love each other.”
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,952 followers
May 15, 2022
2e0pm6g 90ca45e7e7c6ddfa7f3d6d91a5f154bd-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 MY REVIEW AND OTHERS: can also be found on my blog:

📚 '𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 ' 📚 Is a full length stand-alone coming of age, forbidden romance book by author 'jennifer Hartmann' Spoken in 'Dual perspectives.'

Brant and June will burrow in your hearts, stealing your heart beats...

I crAzy loved this but feel like it was a wee bit too long as some chapters not a lot really happened, though it delivered exactly what this author was after, and that was the dynamics of these characters. I also feel that this is by far one of her best to date, her use of words, how it flowed, and her touch of heartbreak she threw at us completed this book perfectly, she's becoming renowned for her little achy twists she blindsides us with get me every time.

This was written so beautifully and touched me where it should. Everything this author put into this book I felt right down to my soul, the feels came at me from that very first chapter, the swoony moments were executed perfectly, and the heartbreak threw me off kilter, then throw in these characters and they were perfection.

You need to go into this one blind with a box of tissues at the ready..

Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,580 followers
June 6, 2022
4.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was better than I was expecting! I also think it wasn’t as much of a tearjerker as I was expecting either. I tried really hard not to get my hopes up with all the raving reviews, so I basically skimmed them and went in blind. I’d recommend anyone else to do the same. This has the story that covers ~30 years and how their relationship became so meant to be and controversial at the same time. I liked that. I also liked to see the mess and to know that while I liked the characters, I understand that they are not perfect — as nobody is! I also have to say that it ended amazingly!! It seems like lately I’m a broken record about how underwhelming endings are in the books I review, so I am happy to report that this gave me some great closure and an awesome epilogue! My only gripe (and the only reason for the .5 star off) is that I would’ve liked to experience them working on fixing the damage they had done with the family. This is all off page, and I think it would’ve added a ton to include that. Otherwise, I really liked this!

*Be sure to check out my trigger spoiler tag below if you’re concerned about safety*

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is June and Brant’s story. Brant faces a huge tragedy when he is six and ends up moving in with his best friend, Theo, after loosing both of his parents. Theo has a brand new little sister, June, that Brant instantly loves and finds comfort in during his traumatic time. Through the years, Brant grows up inseparable from Theo and June. When someone points out that June and Brant might feel a different kind of love for one another, it rocks Brant’s world and makes him start to see June in a different light. Feelings that were never exposed now are exposed, and after a eventful night they are forever changed. There are some sweet moments, some tragedy and sad moments, and some sexy times…and they get a HEA ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Brant (mainly) and June’s POV. There is one part that is in Theo’s POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: Kind of. Brant fell in love with June almost instantly when he first meets her. She grew up loving him.

H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Brant. I liked him. I liked how he always put the h first and was so protective of her even when he was young.

h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. June. I liked her too. I appreciated how she loved the H and how she fought for their relationship.

Sadness level: Moderate. I shed a few tears but never needed any tissues and definitely didn’t cry as much as I had expected to after reading/skimming some reviews.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes, but mild

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ends with great closure and what I would easily call a HEA ending !

Safety: This one is probably Not Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Jewel Ann.
Author 57 books9,265 followers
May 16, 2022
Jennifer Hartmann penned an exceptionally unique story with every emotion digging its claws into your heart. June First is an unforgettable masterpiece!
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,678 reviews881 followers
December 24, 2022
If slow burn had a poster child, this book would be it. I had to put down the book frequently to catch my breath and wipe my tears a lot. My utmost favourite trope - Forbidden/Tabboo, by my newest Author im obsessed with it's a perfect combination and I was giddy with excitement when the book landed on my kindle. It's the saddest-sweetest story told in the sweetest-saddest way.
Book weeps in bereavement of love so forbidden, the characters go out of their way in the opposite direction.


"Forbidden. Illicit. Scandalous.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The ache of wanting the unsaid, that resides in deepest parts of the hearts of Brant Elliott & June Bailey, where no sunshine can reach to give it growth. Their love is enveloped in darkness, becoming one with unresolved sins.
I cried bucket loads throughout. I bet the pages are soggy with my hot tears .

"I let it eat me up inside like battery acid, eroding my skin and gnawing at my bones. It felt like a disease. A cancer, rotting me from the inside out. "

I've never seen agonizing yearning so acute, it punctured a hole in my soul. Hartmann roasts them alive on a slow turning pit, enhancing and prolonging their distress tenfold.
I've never wanted the main lead to come closer and end up together, as badly as I've wanted Elliott and his Junebug.


Throughout the book, Torment is the dominant emotion. Hartmann excels at writing stories steeped in anguish and heartache like none other. But this book is pure affliction from page one to the last.
Midway through,to twist the knife even further, she turns our worlds upside down. As if we didn't have enough to cry over, she creates scenarios that elicit ugly cry of the kardashian proportions.
You've been warned. It's not pretty at all!!


To say that the book took a toll on me would be the understatement of the year.
Three unsullied, pure hearts start their life together. Bound by an invisible string of sibling Iove, Theo, June & Elliott are as innocent and godly as they come. Somewhere between childhood and adult life, the entangled lives get messy and unidentifiable. Or maybe the world isnt ready to label it, so they remain in relationship limbo.

"Lines were starting to blur. And if there’s anything in this world that can mess a man up inside and drive him to the brink of insanity, it’s a blurred line."


Hartmann makes them earn their validation. Puts them through unimaginable pain to accept their destiny and therein lies the beauty of this wholesome love story.
A standing ovation for this brilliant author who's destined to be the next B-I-G thing

"Over the Rainbow dress, where skies are blue. Where dreams come true."


5 stars for Rehabilitation Of Hearts
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Profile Image for Cali Gal’s.
1,175 reviews143 followers
May 17, 2022
It is 2am and I just turned the last page. I am laying here quietly in my bed trying to process everything I just experienced. I had to raced here to document all my feelings. My chest is tight and my eyes wet with tears. Ugh this author gets me every time. DANG HER! Her storylines are always unique and have me reeling with a variety of emotions.

I have so much to say. I am literally biting my tongue to not go into the details because after reading this book, I know everyone should go in blind. Eek. I highlighted the doo doo out of it. Coming here to write this review is my attempt to remember all the magic of this story that I know will continue to haunt me for days.

Brant and June have a meaty timeline to their story. Truthfully this book explores what could be seen as taboo elements but even at big pivotal moments, the way this story is told, it explains all and changes my perception.

Family, trauma, and of course, love all are part of this book. Its words often feel like poetry and its message is one of hope. Sigh and SWOON. This book is worthy of all five stars and more. Happy Reading Everyone! XOXO
280 reviews
May 19, 2022
I love this author’s other book, Still Beating. So, I’m not sure what happened with this book. I’m confused by all the positive reviews. My conclusion is that a lot of people think that if a book makes you cry, that means it’s good.

This book has a lot of similarities to Still Beating: In that one, the characters are overcoming trauma (being kidnaped by a serial killer) and their relationship is taboo (the hero was engaged to the heroine’s sister).

Similarly, in this book, the characters are overcoming trauma And, their relationship is taboo .

So, why did these tropes work in Still Beating, but not in this book? Because that one was so harrowing, the HEA felt hard-earned, and satisfying. The emotions didn’t feel sappy, just raw. Here, this book feels like a maudlin Lifetime movie. I like angst, but this isn’t angst, it’s cloyingly sentimental melodrama.

And, the pace is SO slow. We go through their entire lives from the heroine’s birth to when she’s 30, and we spend half the story on boring minutiae of their childhood. The main point from their younger years is that they were close, and the hero was the heroine’s protector. We don’t need 300 pages to understand that! Torment: Part One is a much darker (and better) story with a similar taboo relationship, and that one manages to capture how it changes through their childhood in a MUCH better way that doesn’t feel snail-paced.

There are also parts where the hero narrates from the future looking back on his life, saying things like “Little did I know, she’d soon have another reason to cry…” Having a sign post saying, “A BAD THING WILL SOON HAPPEN!” before the thing happens is laughably childish storytelling. And, it made the plot feel anticlimactic, since I was like, “Wait, THIS is what he dropped that ominous hint about? That’s all?”

This had a few other similarities to Still Beating, too, that worked better in that.

I’m glad this author gave us Still Beating, but I will not read any of her future works. If you’re a fan of Nicholas Sparks type stuff, you might enjoy this, but it’s a No from me.

Profile Image for SHOMPA.
471 reviews265 followers
March 8, 2023
Oh, wow. This story had too much intensity; I was kind of overwhelmed after finishing the novel. I didn't know how to deal with it, so had to go out and walk for a while. Honestly, so skillfully written that I felt all the emotions the author wanted me to feel. My heart was broken in more ways than one, and then it was remade again. Brant and his Junebug' will live with me for a very long time.

“𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚, 𝙬𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙪𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢, 𝙚𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧. 𝙁𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨. 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙚.”

However, I had to skim a bit because of the slow pace in the middle and unnecessary scene lengths. I also didn't like the idea that Theo (FMC's brother) was killed for more tragedy or to gain sympathy in the story. He had great potential as a side character. Anyway, these are the main reasons why I couldn't give it 5 stars, despite enjoying the book immensely.
Profile Image for Anne E ♡ emo + OTT Hs.
224 reviews174 followers
June 14, 2022
**SPOILERS after sexual history**

Slow-burn romance but developed well coz we get to know them from the day h was born & H was 6yo. Liked that H clear from the beginning that he was not h's brother but a close family friend. Others including h were not as clear about it. Good emo with some angst that brought some tears around 70%. Good S tension. Hot detailed bareback S scenes from 65%. H not that alpha but loved how obsessed he became with h.

Sexual history:
18yo virgin h had never been on a date but did kiss other boys in high school during parties. But none could come close to how she felt for H so 24yo H became her 1st & only lover. After they smexxed, she kissed OM once as her way of trying to move on from H but couldn't stand OM's sloppy kisses so stopped.

Very likely that h was H's only other lover, after his ex-GF who he was on-off with for 9 years since he was 12yo. He had 2 periods of celibacy due to h. First time was after he smexxed his ex-GF 1 last time, after 17yo h just kissed him due to a friend's dare that night during her Prom. He went to his ex-GF's house after to smex her to try to purge his feelings of self-disgust & great desire for h. After he & his ex-GF smexxed, his ex-GF confronted him on his feelings for h. Then, he became celibate for 2 years. But he did kiss a female coworker (OW) towards the end of that 1st celibacy. He & h was increasingly dancing around their sexual chemistry while resisting their attraction. So h encouraged him to date OW to help them get out of their taboo relationship. He went to OW's house right after & kissed her but she stopped him from going further. Soon after that, 25yo H and 19yo h finally smexxed the 1st time.

His 2nd period celibacy happened after h's Dad walked in on them naked on H's bed. Since they started smexxing, they carried on with their secret affair for weeks. Her dad demanded that she move to NYC. They all agreed (H, h, and her parents) that would be a healthy move for her so she could focus on her dance career & see if her feelings for H would change with time and distance. So, H became celibate again for the next 2 years. She was also celibate during their time apart.
Profile Image for Pam Godwin.
Author 42 books10.6k followers
May 17, 2022
A touching coming of age story that oh-so-slowly kindles, and when it ignites, hold on tight because oh baby, this forbidden love burns. The angst and steam alone will overfill your taboo-loving heart. Such a beautiful, unforgettable book.

If you loved Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas, this book is for you.
Profile Image for Lisa the book CREEP.
115 reviews1 follower
July 10, 2022
5 Over The Rainbow Stars 🖤🌈

This was such a beautiful, heart-breaking and heart-warming read. The kind of book which gives you nostalgia, the kind of book which makes you document all the moments in your life, the kind of book which breaks your heart and put it back together piece by every piece.

I loved every single second of this read, even though its not dark but surely felt heavy not to mention it circled around epic tragedy 😔

“I’m unsure which pain is worse—the shock of what happened, or the
ache for what never will.”

Story starts with two best friends making promises to protect the princess and making wishes to the clouds unfortunetly their wishes comes true in the most tragic way. They're pushed together to pursue their promises while setting up the boundaries. But every boundary crumble enventually.

"I tried to temper it.
Tried to bury it alive.
But here’s the thing about trying to bury something that isn’t dead—
Sometimes it comes back, madder than ever."

Brant, our H is just 💔 and all he wants to put June, our h first in his life. But the circumtances are cruel and brutal in his life like its always been.

I went in blind and i'm glad i did so i won't give too much away but i cried like its real when the Saver saves the day. 💔😔

"People talk about rehabilitation all the time. Broken bodies learning to
walk again. Impaired minds fighting disease, addiction, and dark
But have they ever had to rehabilitate a heart?
Hearts fall apart, too. Bodies crumble, minds fail us, and hearts turn

Writing was so beautiful 🖤 that i wanted to burn every word to my memory, i learned so much from this and books like this always makes me feel that its so much out there to learn, fight and cherish 💕

"Never underestimate a man willing to wait forever for the woman he
loves, for there is nothing he’s not capable of.
Noble to some,
A fool to many.
But to that woman?

Trigger warnings: murder/suicide.

(And its a safe read)
111 reviews13 followers
May 19, 2022
I feel claimed.
And after losing everything I love, it feels really good to belong to someone.”

i hate unnecessary/unexpected deaths still sobbing for theo he didn't deserve that ending 😭
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
May 15, 2022
June. My sweetest blessing and greatest sin.

June First was a riveting, poignant, and unforgettable blend of emotion and and a one in a lifetime love. It was one of the most unique stories I've read in a long while, and one that is likely to stay with me for quite some time.
She claimed me like the sunrise claims the morning sky with lightness and blush, promise and wonder. She claimed me like a cyclone, funneling through a quiet town, taking no prisoners.

My biggest recommendation for you is to go into this book absolutely blind. The blurb sounds vague and give you a little and nothing, but trust me, you don't want more detail.

This is a taboo/forbidden romance, but not in the predictable way. It was unique in all of the best ways. A relationship like this would be almost impossible to pull off without making it almost cringey or have an ick factor. Yet Jennifer Hartmann did it flawlessly.

The story itself is a bit lengthy in parts, with many details and pivotal moments that span years in the life of June and Brant. It spanned their highest highs and lowest lows. At times the details felt slow paced, but I can't think of one page that could have been removed, so there's that.

I laughed, I sobbed, I swooned. I fell so hard for this beautiful romance. And it was beautiful. It was imperfect and painful, and gut wrenching in parts. And it was completely unforgettable. The secondary characters who stole and broke my heart. The love that bloomed in tragedy. The story that I'll never forget.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
May 21, 2022

I feel like I just went through a long excruciating painful journey. I’m exhausted, sad and happy that I got to witness this very complicated forbidden taboo romance. Some love stories are messy and then there are others that have the power to change your entire life and this was one of them. 

 After a tragedy that cemented his future, Brant knew from that very moment that his life was never going to be the same. But with tragedy, something unexpected happened and slowly the pain became bearable because of one person. As the months turned into years, that lifeline of a person became the ultimate forbidden fruit.


I truly think that everyone needs to go into this story blindly. The blurb was vague for a reason and I know that once you start this journey, you're going to be thankful that it was done that way. I will admit that I think that this story was too long with an extremely slow burn but I can see why it was told that way. We needed to see things in different stages and feel these characters emotions for those pivotal moments and embrace the hurt. 

This was my first time reading anything from this author and I'm so happy that I chose this book to be my first. The raw emotions that were felt as you go through the pages was something that only a seasoned writer could evoke in a reader and I really liked that. If you've been looking to read an emotional forbidden romance, then you might want to give this one a try.


Profile Image for ♂️Must Have Book Boyfriends ♂️.
519 reviews2,237 followers
May 20, 2022
The awesome and talented af Jennifer Hartmann has released another angstfest! CONFESSION: I like to call her HITMANN because that's what she does, she annihilates my heart every time I read one of her stories!

If you like your love stories: angsty af with off the charts tension, a side of blueballs because HELLO slow burn (BUT SO WORTH it) forbidden, intense and emotional AF then you NEED this book! Brant and June stole my heart and soul! Everyone is yelling about this book INCLUDING ME! #SerenaFave


𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐅 𝐑 𝐄 𝐄 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝!

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/38ygDjG
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3NnrGuI
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3Mlyo4m
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/39tchug
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
Currently reading
May 16, 2023
Since so many of my GR safety friends have loved this book, I plan to read it soon.


Both the H and h remained celibate during the separation.
Thanks for the spoilers GR friends!


I need safety info/spoilers first!

Never mind.
I wanted to try this, because I love a cute coming of age romance. But this author is sexist and she only writes about doormats who remain celibate while the H goes on to fuck ow when they separate.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
May 16, 2022

‘She claimed me like the sunrise claims the morning sky with lightness and blush, promise and wonder. She claimed me like a cyclone, funnelling through a quiet town, taking no prisoners. She claimed my good and my bad, my light and my dark. She took my broken, ugly bits and moulded them into something worthy of display. She turned my agony into art. June claimed me in a way that could ultimately be defined by a single word: Inevitable.’

Tragic, forbidden, overwhelmingly emotional, and with a melancholy and sombre tone weaved through its entirety, June First had us clutching our kindles with tears in our eyes and hope in our hearts. ‘He said he’d always protect me…but he has no clue that he’s the one striking me down.’ Jennifer Hartmann began an epic love story in the most heartbreaking of ways. A mere six-year-old boy experiencing tragedy, loss, and violence of which no child should ever have to experience. Grief-stricken lost and confused, his entire life changes in what feels like seconds.

‘I know I’ve pushed her away, I know that. It’s been killing me. But I promised her I’d always protect her, and as long as I’m alive, I will. I knew it wouldn’t be easy – I knew it would be a damn hard promise to keep, but hell…I had no idea it would be this hard. I had no idea the one person I’d need to protect her from was me.’

The writing was heartfelt, vivid, and infused with harrowing passion. But not only that, it was entwined with visions of love, hope, and dreams. “Never underestimate a man willing to wait forever for the woman he loves.” This Author never fails to make us feel like the outside world has completely disappeared, as we live inside hers, our whole entire being compelled by her words and incredible characters. The story of Brant and June is quite the epic love story. From an ugly beginning morphing into something wonderful, to an emotionally confusing middle shrouded in self-condemnation, comes agonising heartbreak and beautiful honest and innocent love. It was an incredible journey, a passionate journey, where every single character counted to make this such an all-encompassing story.

‘He knows every dent and divot in my heart, and he knows how each one got there. He’s tasted my tears and silenced my fears. But he’s not mine.’

Wow, it’s no surprise really, why Jennifer Hartmann finds herself in our top ‘must read’ Authors. She is incredible, her words steal our hearts. And with pages and pages of highlighted passages, we know this is yet another story of hers that will be re-read again and again. ‘Passion is meaning. Passion is purpose. And tragedy is simply the risk we take in order to experience it.’ June First fights for family, it fights for the ones who are lost, the bruised and the battered ones. It fights for understanding, compassion, and acceptance. But ultimately…ultimately, it fights for love.

“When the day comes and you regret this, I pray you can forgive me.”
“I’ll never regret this. Never”

‘I’ll never regret you.’


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Profile Image for The Book Bee.
568 reviews279 followers
May 20, 2022
REVIEW: DNF with context...and explanation.
“It just...happened. Because that's what love does. It happens."

This is NOT a negative review, by any means. I loved this love story. Jennifer Hartmann has an amazing and beautiful writing style. To say I enjoyed Jennifer Hartmann's writing style would be an understatement. Her "voice" was so very easy to follow and understand and she has a great flow, and that is exactly what pushed me to continue reading. However, I didn't make it through without skimming a lot of it. A lot.

"We're dancing with the Devil, yet she's the purest thing I've ever savored."

To be frank: this was a story that engaged my emotions from the onset and carried me through until the "end," never once letting up. "But, Bee...you skimmed it. How can you say that?" Well, because this book was extraordinarily wordy. Beyond normal. But I kept reading it for the love that I felt was worth the effort I could give it. This book had 7400+ locations, which is just over 560 pages. Not usually a bad thing as I like a well written book. This was well written, but again - so. many. words. The first half of the book was them when they were babies/children, and while I realize she was setting the tone for this undeniable love affair born from a lifelong relationship - it was detailed a lot more than it actually had to be, which in turn somewhat pulled me from the story. Once the start and growth was established, I feel it could have progressed better with a more natural push. Instead, I got 30 years of very detailed life....of which, I don't feel was necessary for the emotional, feel-good and forbidden love story that I wanted (and got!!).

The emotions unraveled in this book weren’t simple. They weren’t easy to navigate, either - which is always a favorite of mine. It was a fascinating read but a very uncomfortable one for the first ~40% percent of it - and probably because I knew what was going to happen (they got together, obv), but it started out with them so young and continued that way for quite some time. I like when my emotions are challenged because I like to step out of my comfort zone to understand the POV of the characters lost in this quagmire of circumstance. So that? That much I got and loved.

"If there's anything in this world that can mess a man up inside and drive him to the brink of insanity, it's a blurred line."

Their love was the very definition of wrong, but with the added implication of the heart wanting a say in the matter. The validity of forbidden with a twinge of reality. It literally skirted the line between uncomfortable and silent cheerleading. Her innocence combined with his uncomfortable realization was definitely a delicious feeling. I liked that he remained the man she needed him to be, the protector, the big brother… But I also liked his struggle because it was real. How do you come to terms with that mentally and morally?? I liked that part A LOT.

There’s so much to unpack in this review, but I can only do so much without giving away a lot of the plot - so I'm sorry for being a little flighty with my words. I refuse to spoil anything beyond what the synopsis already gives, so my issues will be vague.

- It was emotional, but some of it felt manufactured - which is one of my absolute, most unfavorite things to feel while reading a book with very real actions and consequences. The first kiss felt manufactured and was not the warm fuzzy kind, which really took away from the impact it should have had and the true depth of their unfurling love. It just felt slimy, and that part sucked. It was not organic in any way....but it added that element of "drama" that was apparently needed to push for "more."

- Some of the "vivid visions" the characters had were....odd, to say the least. Those completely removed me from the story, felt manufactured for content and that irked me because they were unnecessary, again, to the outcome of the entire story.

- The future comments at the end of some of the chapters really bothered me. I wanted to stop reading them because I felt like they added more unnecessary words instead of letting me organically discover as I read, but I didn't want to miss something important. I can go back and forth on that as I'm sure this was how she wanted to tell their journey, but I don’t know. It just felt like lots of extra words for something we were about to learn.

I am not mad. This is not an angry review. This will NOT stop me from reading another book of hers. I desperately want to feel the emotions I know she can plant in a story, because I witnessed those first hand with this one. It was just over-written and extremely wordy with a few plot points that I could have done without. I loved the things Brant got to discover not only about himself, but his life growing up in a family that loved him unconditionally. It really was a great, emotional read.

I will still be giving away a copy of this because I did skim to the end to get their full story and epilogue, and I did enjoy her writing style, even though the execution wasn't my favorite. This book started as a 4, went to a 3 - and then I decided I didn't want to rate it because my rating wouldn't accurately depict how I felt about this journey (loved) but also didn't want to go lower and nitpick the layout of the story when I wasn't the one telling it. This book, this love affair, will appeal to so many. I just hope YOU love it as much as I did...with understanding.

"When you find the right person, there is no 'right time.' There's only right now because that's all we ever have."

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Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,471 reviews432 followers
May 21, 2022
3,5. I don’t like when kids seemed like adults, thinking like them. The male character did this when he was 6-7 years old. Yes the circumstances weren’t good. What a tragedy.
And the love story, I didn’t feel the feelings for them.
I don’t know what I thinking about this.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ira Bartoschyn.
147 reviews5 followers
July 14, 2024
Я напевно більше переживала за головних героїв, ніж вони самі. Дуже болюча книга, яка підкорила моє серце 💔
Стільки страждань доводиться людині перебороти, скільки болю вміють поміщати людські серця, здається що життя уміє грати злий жарт з усіма. Звісно були моменти, які мене страшно бісили, але закриємо на них сьогодні очі. 👀
Profile Image for Maddy.
260 reviews78 followers
May 17, 2022
Brant and June’s love is an epic love. Their story is one of fate and family. It spans years and is marred by tragedy but every piece of this story felt like It had to happen exactly as it did. Every moment has meaning.

We follow our two main characters from the very beginning and their love is always there. Their romance is a slow burn but the connection they have is constant.
I absolutely die for stories like this one. Ones where there’s no question of if these two people are meant to be, the only question is how they make it to their happily ever after, and how much is it going to hurt?

A lot. The answer is it’s going to hurt a lot. I shouldn’t be surprised after reading other books by this author. She loves to hurt us.

I don’t know if it’s because I have a son but what young Brant goes through absolutely broke my heart. Luckily the later family dynamics are heartwarming and we get parents that are so lovable, because I don’t know that I could have survived it otherwise.

Yes, this book definitely got some tears out of me so be prepared with the tissues.

I highly recommend this author in general but this book has to be one of my favorites by her so far. Check trigger warnings and enjoy!
Profile Image for Marilla ☘︎ (semi-hiatus).
138 reviews66 followers
March 19, 2024
To borrow one of Andrew's words-this was a remarkable read!

5 stars🌟

June first gets a permanent place in my heart. This is a taboo-age gap-slow-burn love story, where we follow our main characters Brant and June.

It was an immensely emotional read with a lot of tragedy and heartbreak. I cried more or less throughout the entire thing. But in-between the tragedies, we got to see joy, unbreakable friendships and a family with unconditional love.

It seems that Jennifer Hartmann never fails to shatter my heart into a million pieces (in the best way… Well, mostly anyway.) It truly was a phenomenal read. 💞

Favourite quotes:

" It's a good day to save someone, Peach"

"Have a remarkable day".

“I’m unsure which pain is worse—the shock of what happened, or the
ache for what never will.”
Profile Image for Raffaella.
1,550 reviews197 followers
December 1, 2022
When you say, never judge a book by its cover.
I was attracted by this cover because it shows a handsome smiling man with a happy young woman in the background and I thought it was a nice love story, something of a palate cleanser, but it was not exactly the case.
This story has more drama and tragedy than the darkest gothic novel and more deaths than an episode of Murder, she said.
It’s basically a love story between an adopted child and his sister, so there’s all the emotional drama of the forbidden fruit and all the people involved that are against their love.
I must admit that in my experience- professional more than personal- there are many marriage between foster or adoptive siblings, if there’s no blood bond between them it isn’t even so traumatic.
It depends on how those siblings perceive themselves.
In this case the hero has a traumatic loss when he’s 6, he loses both his parents, and is adopted by his bff’s family. The first part of the book was veeeery emotional and I cried basically all the time, seeing this young boy hurt so spectacularly and yet so able to appreciate life and all its gifts.
June first has a double meaning, it’s the first day of June, when the hero loses his parents and the heroine is born, and it’s the heroine’s place in the hero’s heart, since her name is June.
I must admit I loved this hero like few others.
Life’s been a bitch to him, he lost basically almost every important person in his life tragically, but he never lost his ability to love and live his life fully.
He’s the most resilient and brave man I’ve met in a long time, because all the tragedies in his life only made him stronger, not bitter or cynical.
He grows up a happy young man, with a purpose in his life and a job he loves.
The heroine pales in comparison, even if she’s not a bad or negative character the hero steals her shine with his courage and enthusiasm for life.
Their relationship is immediately special, as soon as they meet, and she’s only two week old, there’s a special feeling that bond them strongly together.
She’s his gift from his dead mother, who promised him before her death she would always protect him, and she sent the heroine to take care of him. Of course it is an emotional care and the heroine admits she has always something different for him, as if he were hers.
Where’s the kink and the forbidden? The hero was actually adopted by the heroine’s family, he was their son and has siblings, even if not by blood.
Nonetheless he never felt himself as their child and never thought of himself as a brother, he also kept his family name and refused to call his parents mum and dad.
This wasn’t because he wasn’t treated the same as the others, but because he wanted to remember who he was and where he came from. He didn’t want to forget his parents and their tragedy.
This was very interesting because adopted children often have identity issues, they feel like they don’t belong either to their original family and their adoptive family. They feel in the middle, conflicted between different people, habits and often cultures.
The hero solves this issue deciding to love and be a part of his new family while remaining the son of those parents who tragically died when he was six.
So the heroine was never his sister in his mind, even if she was by the paper and he behaved as if he was his big brother, at least until she was 16.
Then he realized with horror that his feelings for her were not really those of a brother.
Since they really loved each other unconditionally and they had this special bond between them, it is a matter of time until the heroine too realizes she loves the hero not in a sisterly way.
Of course there’s more drama and tragedy and more drama, and they will have to wait until all the people around them, especially their parents, accept their relationship.
For them it wasn’t easy because the hero was a brother and when he and the heroine had sex she was 19, and he 25, so it looked like he preyed on his innocent little sister.
And maybe many readers won’t love this fact too, because actually she was 16 when the hero started to have less than brotherly feelings to her and went celibate for years, waiting for her or maybe giving up any other woman even if he knew the heroine was forbidden to him.
But IMO the passion they felt for each other, the lust, the uncontrollable attraction that flared between them was very necessary to erase in the readers the feeling that they really could be linked by a fraternal feeling that was some kind of emotional easy co-dependency.
No, they are in love with each other, they are soul mates and destined to each other as the hero tells his parents when the things are revealed, he says he shouldn’t have lost his parents so he could have been only the boy next door who falls in love and marry the girl next door, his bffs sister, but fate gave him bad cards and he finds himself in a situation where he can’t have the only woman he will ever love. More tears for me.
There’s something I didn’t like in this book and it was the second great tragedy that imo was absolutely unnecessary to the story and was only a way to keep the story long and the lovers separated for some more time. It was hurtful and useless and I don’t like when authors are lazy and give in to such kind of tricks instead of thinking of other less painful and tragic ways to solve the story.
We could have done without.
Minus 80 pages and the book would have been still good, better IMO.
Nonetheless I liked it very much, the writer is very talented and in the end our hero has everything he wanted in life, a family with the heroine, the love of his parents and a career he loves. He’s a chef, a profession that requires dedication and commitment and passion, qualities that our hero has aplenty.
Safety squad. The hero is six years older than the heroine, he’s in a stable relationship with only one girl before he realizes his feelings for the heroine, and she’s 16 when he decides to break up with his gf, and after that he stays celibate. Not a manwhore and a very committed and faithful man.
I didn’t expect him to be a virgin and I didn’t want him to lust for the heroine when she was 13, and he thought of her as his sister. It would have been sick.
The heroine is a virgin when she has sex with him but she made out with some boyfriends before the hero.
IMO the book is safe.
Profile Image for ‎lis☾⋆˙✩.
206 reviews100 followers
June 9, 2024
alexa, play: over the rainbow - amber leigh irish

June always feels like a new beginning.

i’m still crying as i’m typing. this was an emotional one to say the least. there were 3 major tragedies and a satisfying happy ending. the parallels and synchronicities were remarkable.

You were the laughter on the other side of my tears, the solace to quell my nightmares, and the rainbow after every storm.
Profile Image for ANTC.
525 reviews64 followers
July 7, 2022
Ugh. 3.5 stars. I liked this book, but unfortunately I didn't love it like I wanted to. Jennifer Hartmann is an amazing writer and her stories just touch your heart in such a unique way...including this one.

But there was one major thing about it that is like my PET PEEVE and really ruined the story for me in a way. This is not really a spoiler, but I'll still tag it as one anyways. Soo...

Edit: Good news!!! Managed to crack the key...on the day of the release 😉. Going to savor this slowly, it's so cute so far 🥺

Currently trying to hack into jennifer hartmann's PC to get this book early, don't mind me.
Profile Image for Shelby Dallaire.
147 reviews
September 1, 2022
I’m uncomfy.

65% of this book I couldn’t tell if the author was trying to convince the reader or themselves that this wasn’t grooming.

I don’t think Brandt had any sort of malicious intent and he did let June live her life while trying to fight his feelings BUT IT JUST FELT SO GROSS 🤢

“I was born yours” perhaps an endearing thing to say to someone who WASN’T raised as your brother.

Lastly, I was deeply disturbed by the fact she saved her virginity for her “brother”.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,635 reviews

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