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The Light Blade #1

Vengeance Born

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Her lineage is both a blessing and a curse...

There is no mercy in the demon realm. No escape. In this place of desperation and conflict, anyone who is not pure bred is virtually powerless. Until an unlikely champion is born...

Annika, half-blood daughter of the Na'Reish king, longs for more than a tormented life among her father's people. Conceived in hatred and bred as a tool of retribution, she's gifted with a special talent that can heal as well as destroy...

With the Na'Reish vastly outnumbering them, Kalan, a Light Blade warrior, knows the future of humankind depends on him alone. Incursions into human territory and raids for blood-slaves by the Na'Reish horde have increased. As chosen leader, he faces the task of stopping the demons—and convincing the Council of aging Light Blade warriors that change is necessary for survival.

When Annika learns Kalan is a prisoner in her father's dungeon, her dream of escape seems within reach. She agrees to free him in exchange for his protection once they reach human territory. Now, marked for death for helping him, Annika must learn to trust Kalan as they face not only the perilous journey to the border but enemies within the Council—and discover a shocking truth that could throw the human race into a civil war...

328 pages, Paperback

First published February 7, 2012

About the author

Kylie Griffin

3 books220 followers
Kylie Griffin’s addiction to all things paranormal started at an early age when she imagined the jacaranda tree in her front yard was a spaceship or castle tower used to defend the world from hordes of invading enemies. Writing stories seemed like a natural extension.

By day she’s a primary school teacher but at night she writes paranormal romances for the Berkley Sensation line. She credits two wonderful English high school teachers, three writing organizations (RWAustralia, RWNew Zealand and RWAmerica), one supportive writing group (the BILD ladies) and the unlimited consumption of chocolate for her growth and success as a writer.

In her “spare” time Kylie’s a volunteer fire fighter, ambulance officer and member of the NSW State Emergency Service. She lives in a small rural village in outback New South Wales, Australia.

To contact or find out more about her, you can visit her website at www.kyliegriffin.com

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March 8, 2016
-I think the book was good...-She said timidly.
-Well, you don't own a brain then-Yelled the other woman, pulled out a gun, and pulled the trigger.-Obviously it was great.

So, did i like the book? I guess you could say that. Please know that i don't usually read demon books, they're too bad for my "little miss goody-shoes" image. I takes away the credibility, and i always have the power. Always.

But moving on, i did like it. The book was good, as a book. The Light Blade was well worked on, i liked it, though not some of the people in it. But the Na’Reid, i didn't really like. It's a personal taste. I felt like the author didn't put much effort into it, but hey, here i am. And the Na’Chi shouldn't just be myths. The Light Blade considered them so, but how come? It pains me to even think that there are only about 47 alive now. I really like them.

Having said that, let's move on. I feel very sorry for Annika. Poor woman/girl, or whatever she is. They have always abused her in her "home", so naturally she prefers solitude. Also, the demons hate her because she is too human, and the humans because she has too much demon in her. They feel repulsed by her.

“Very few want me to touch them once they know what I am. And those who do allow me are often too afraid to remember.”

What's that for being rejected. All her known life has been like that, and you really wish you could help a soul like hers. What has she done bad in her life? To top it of, SHE LIKES HEALING AND HELPING PEOPLE, REGARDLESS OF THEIR HUMAN-ESS She's and angel.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice was pitched so low he barely heard her. “It’s not an excuse, I know, but I’m not used to people keeping their promises to me.”

She was an outcast. Ostracized by all except the old healer. Lady of Light , it was a miracle she hadn’t become as embittered and vengeful as her father. Instead, she healed others and dreamed of freedom.

Some of her earliest memories were of tagging along behind Hesia on her rounds through the fortress. There’d been no reprimands or curses, just more softly spoken comments and, once she’d gathered enough courage to join Hesia by her side, explanations of what she was doing to heal her patients. With the knowledge of the humans’ letters and words a skill she’d been forbidden to learn by her father, Annika had memorized every scrap of information.

And Hesia, she is a darling. I mean, helping all those people, you can't just not love her!

“I don’t bite.” The corners of his mouth turned upward ever so slightly. “Not unless you want me to.”

The cliché "i don't bite unless you want me to". (Couldn't help myself.)
Profile Image for Chanel.
322 reviews56 followers
March 9, 2020
Alex: Hey Chanel. You should check out this series by Kylie Griffin. I really think you'll love it.

Me: Sure, Alex. I'll add it to my list. (i.e. put it off for some other time)


Me: Man, I'm in a slump and don't know what to read.

Alex: So yeah remember that series I told you about? Give it try! It might knock that slump out of you.

Me: Yeah, okay. I will. (I didn't)


Me: MAN! I'm not finishing anything! UGH! Hey Alex, I think I'm gonna give Vengeance Born a try for real this time.

Alex: Yeah, okay.



Alex: Bitch, I tried to tell you! But also yaaaaaay!


Moral of this story: Listen to your friends. Also she didn't really say bitch but I wish she would have because I devoured this book with my ENTIRE SOUL! I don't know why the average rating is so low but talk about an underrated treasure!

I have never read a story, especially a fantasy story that revolves around prejudice and how its treated. You are transported into a world where there are humans and Na'Reish. They are at war with each other. Its a long, slow war but a war nonetheless. Annika is Na'Chi. It's a hybrid; part human, part demon. She's also blessed by the Lady so she's able to heal people using her own energy in addition to herbs and salves. Because she's a half breed, she's been treated like trash her whole life. Her father mentally and physically abused her and since he's king, his followers do the same. Hesia is Annika's savior and when a Light Blade Warrior (human blessed by the Lady) is captured, she comes up with a plan to smuggle them both out.

Kalan is close to death and is ready to welcome it but to have a second chance at life, he must place his trust in Annika; not only to heal his physical wounds but to help him escape the prison as well as educate him on how he's been misled by myths about Na'Chi. It takes a while for him to open his eyes and see the truth but when he does it empowers him going forward.

I absolutely fell in love with both of these characters. You have Annika who has been treated horribly and has no reason to trust anybody and yet she still tries to use her skills for good. Rejection is ingrained into her psyche and trying to change that is Kalan's greatest battle. Kalan is so used to everything his heritage has taught him but Annika consistently proves him wrong in every way. They both believe in the same Lady; are gifted by the same Lady but learning to be more accepting and less judgmental not just among themselves but to channel that into their people was awe inspiring.

There are a handful of side characters that simply added extra spice to the story such as Rissa, Alek, Kymora and Varian. It all culminates into this giant reveal at the end that makes for a wild, sometimes emotional ride.

I cannot say enough good things about this story. So I'll end it here by saying give this book a chance! It's one thousand times worth it and I'm definitely diving into the remainder of the series right away.
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
June 16, 2012
What a fantastic story!!!

I haven't heard of Kylie Griffin before, this author has eluded me - but no more!!! What a wonderful story that highlights our own deficiencies as a human society, our prejudices and fears...

Annika is a halfbreed, half human and half Na'Reish, she is Na'Chi... Kalan is a Lighblade Warrior and the two meet...

Together, Annika and Kalan build this powerful story of strength, love and overcoming the prejudices of each others race...

I loved this book, it was simply breath-taking, beautiful and one that I am dying to follow, I need to follow... The story left me with mounting questions and a thirst for more... Kylie Griffin, you are a tremendous writer!!!
Profile Image for Melanie.
515 reviews153 followers
February 21, 2013
3.5 stars

This was a solid first book for a fantasy romance series. In fantasy, one of the greater challenges is world building IMO - the author has to create a completely new world filled with the unexpected but yet it still has to all make sense - and Kylie Griffin has done a truly amazing job at that.

In 'Vengeance Born' we're introduced to a grim world where two different races are at odds with each other. There is the cruel and savage blood-drinking demons, the Na'Reish, and the weaker, deity-backed, noble humans who have been embroiled in a vicious war for hundreds of years. The Na'Reish are at all appearances the aggressors and are notorious for raiding human villages and keeping human blood-slaves, while the Light Blade warriors work hard to defend their people and territory.

However, there is also a secret population that both sides aren't willing to accept or acknowledge. They are the Na'Chi - the half-demon/half human offspring resulting from (mostly unwilling) coupling of Na'reish and humans - and they hold the key to peace and prosperity for both races.

The story started off pretty strong with the unlikely alliance between Annika, a young Na'Chi woman, and Kalen, a Light Blade warrior, fleeing Na'Reish lands and grappling with their unwanted attraction to each other. But things got a bit slow for me in the middle. The humans worship a female deity and there was A LOT of Lady and She invoking that grated on my nerves a bit.

Thankfully, it really picked up again at about the 70% mark with the revelation of an astonishing historical secret for both races and I was glued to the pages from there on in.

All in all, this was imaginative, well-written and entertaining and I plan on reading the next book in this series. One small complaint I had with this book was that there was very little from the Na'Reish other than their being fearsome and brutal enemies, but I understand this is addressed in the books that follow. It should be interesting to see how things play out!

Profile Image for Alex (HEABookNerd).
2,099 reviews
May 3, 2024
VENGEANCE BORN is one of my all time favorite books and I love the world that Griffin has created; it’s the right balance of interesting world-building while still keeping the characters and their romance at the front. The simple story of two warring species – humans and demons – provided a great backdrop to Annika and Kalan’s love story and I was engaged from the very first page.

Annika was one of the best heroines I've ever read because she's the perfect mix of vulnerable and compassionate while also being tough and resilient. She’s lived a lonely existence, despised by the Na’Reish and feared by humans, but she still holds strongly to her dreams and hopes. She wasn't afraid to stand up to Kalan and the human Council and she knew she was worth more than what she's been given in life. I loved seeing her make friends with those who don’t judge her (loved little Rissa!) and it was great to see her finally find a place to call home.

I also adored our hero Kalan, who struggled to trust Annika at first but he held to his honor and his word and kept an open mind. He was a fair and just ruler for his people and he didn't shy away from being challenged. Once he understood that Annika was nothing like the ruthless Na'Reish he went all in on respecting her and accepting his attraction to her. This was a man who knew how to cherish and care for his partner. And the way he eventually coaxed Annika into accepting her demon side was beautiful.

This was a wonderfully created world with all kinds of potential for future books and I can't wait to see what happens next for the humans and their fight against the Na'Reish.

Content Warning: recounting of past parental abuse; references to rape (not MCs), blood slavery (off page)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Favorite Quotes:

Annika had tangled herself in his thoughts, wrapped herself around his soul, and slid right in next to his heart. The realization filled him with the most incredible sense of peace.
Profile Image for Feminista.
852 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2014
Rating: 2 out of 5.

I liked the whole idea behind the novel. But I didn't like the characters much. I thought Kanal was hypocritical. His excuses for his deception did not make sense. He says he didn't want to reveal who he was in case the demons killed him for it, but he had a lot of time between running from the demons to reaching his home to tell the heroine his secret, especially when he made her feel like shit for hiding her secret from him.

What made it worse was that the heroine wasn't even angry at him, she was ashamed at herself! She was ashamed because she thought herself less, after knowing who he was... I just found it so pathetic.
Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
March 27, 2012
I can't say that I read much Fantasy romance, but I was intrigued when I read the description of this book. It made it seem like the book would be full of uncertain politics and tense relations between two factions. The politics and twists and turns were one of the things I loved about the Tairen Soul series, another Fantasy Romance series I've read, so I was hoping for the same thing here.

Although I found the world idea interesting, it wasn't developed as well as I'd hoped. In the beginning we're introduced to Annika, a Na'Chi (AKA a Na'Reish/Light Blade halfbreed), Kalan, a Light Blade warrior (human), and the Na'Reish, the race of demons who captured Kalan. The plot develops from there, with Annika striking a bargain with Kalan to help him escape. They both initially distrust each other, and even occasionally fear each other, but they are forced to learn to rely on one another in order to successfully survive the escape.

Unfortunately, not much more development happens in regards to the world setup. The author developed the broad strokes of the world, like... There are demons and there are humans and they don't like each other. Halfbreeds are abominations that are rarely allowed to survive. The Na'Reish seem to have no religion, but the Light Blades believe in a goddess--who is indicated by the incessant use of italics and capitalization of the words "Her" and "She"--and their whole culture seems to be based around her, excuse me, Her influence. But that's about it for worldbuilding. At the very end more detail is given, but even then it wasn't enough. I needed more depth to the world and characters to truly become engaged.

One thing that I really enjoyed was the tension and wariness between Annika and Kalan in the beginning. Both of them took a big leap in trusting each other, but there was no other alternative. Their wariness was not cured in an instant, and they both spent a lot of time watching for betrayal. Of course, I didn't like that the heroine only proved that she was different from the other demons by showing her humanity. That seemed to translate into her showing her soft and caring side. Basically, she had to be emotional. This left the heroine feeling rather young and overly emotional, at least for me. Then again, I found the whole tone of the book flowery and overly emotional in general. Given that the Tairen Soul series reads the same way, I have to wonder, given my relative inexperience with the genre, if that's just the style of most Fantasy Romances.

The romance took its cue from the rest of the book and stayed underdeveloped. Kalan and Annika were likable characters, but their connection came too easily once they got past their initial mistrust. Love came way too quickly for both of them, and given Kalan's position and the responsibility on his shoulders, I expected more of a struggle over divided loyalties. The lack of it gave the whole Light Blade culture, and the romance, a superficial feel. Even at the end, when Annika is faced with the threat of an addiction she'd fought to avoid, we're still only given a bare minimum focus on it. It wasn't gone into at all, and I had to wonder why the author even felt the need to bring it up if she wasn't going to treat it as important.

I liked the book's focus on prejudice, and especially liked that the author wasn't afraid to play with who was to blame in the situation between the Na'Reish and the Light Blades, but I found the overall plot to be predicable and the conflict to be too easily solved. The situation lacked the intensity I was looking for and I was left feeling ho-hum about it when it ended.

Favorite Quote:
"Hesia was right. The real test of a person is whether they can see past the names and labels." His gaze was steady. "I've seen you. You laugh, you fear, you cry, you love. You're as human as me, Na'Chi."

*Review originally posted on Fiction Vixen*
Profile Image for Riverina Romantics.
427 reviews28 followers
February 26, 2012
I don’t know how many Cover God’s Kylie Griffin went down on but she must have done a damn fine job because this is one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen.

Not only was I drawn to this book on first glance but it is one of the most ‘true to story’ covers I have seen in a damn long time. After reading Vengeance Born I took another good look at the cover and loved how so much effort was put into the tiny little details.

Okay, onto the book. Vengeance Born is the debut novel from Australian author Kylie Griffin. Not only am I proud that a fellow RWAustralia member was published with one of the most prominent publishing companies, but I am proud that her debut was such a great story.

The world and its inhabitants are unique – blood drinking demons verse human Light Blade warriors and I enjoyed learning their particular characteristics. The Light Blades having a completely new spin on their supernatural abilities – I loved it.

Annika and Kalan were a match made in fantasy heaven. A sweet yet tortured heroine and Kalan was the hero that conquered her demons and showed her what love truly meant. The connection between the two is felt early on but you are left simmering for a while until they finally get their act together.

Favourite Quote:
"As much as I like you in my shirt, I'd rather see it on the floor." Kalan to Annika
Profile Image for Story_girl.
131 reviews65 followers
November 13, 2017
Annika is a Na'Chi, a half demon half human girl who has been brought up among the demons. Since the demons greatly value and pride themselves on their pure and superior bloodlines she's treated as an outcast and her existence is subject to their whims and mercies. When a powerful Light blade warrior, natural enemies of the demons is captured, Annika promises to free him in exchange for his protection for escaping into the human world.

I enjoyed the world building in this book. Though not overly complicated it's quite interesting. The plot moves at a fast pace, there's always something happening to keep the reader's attention. I felt that Kalan fell in love a little too quickly though I didn't doubt his sincerity. The side characters are well fleshed out with their own stories, though not a lot has been revealed yet. The book does not end on a cliffhanger but I did feel the ending was a bit cliché. This book is definitely not YA fantasy... it is more likely adult fantasy.

However... I'm surprised that I have to ask this.. What can the Light blades do? I get that they are very powerful. But neither a description nor an actual demonstration of their powers is given. And this is really surprising since the series is called Light blade. But don't let that deter you. It is a really fun and enjoyable read. I hope more will be revealed in the subsequent books.
Profile Image for  ♥ Rebecca ♥.
1,457 reviews471 followers
April 21, 2014
I was surprised how much I enjoyed the story in this, despite the fact that I was only reading for the romance. At first I was a bit bothered by the stiff dialogue. It sounded too formal to be natural. But it is a fantasy world and perhaps they simply speak like that there. But despite stiff dialogue, that story was captivating. It was first and foremost a romance, but it still had a large story full of larger-than-life characters, dark evils, and world shifting threats, as well as an interesting history and mythology.

Also very impressive was the way the relationship between Annika and Kalan was laid out and paced. The book wasted no time getting right into the story in the first chapter, and you see the respect and trust growing between them throughout the first half of the book. Then the strong physical attraction, then their unwavering friendship, then love. A strong, self-sacrificing love. It was incredibly real and organic. Also, they didnt love each other just because. They were both incredible people well worth loving, and I could see their reasons alive in each of them.

This is a wonderfully beautiful combination of high fantasy and adult romance for fans of both genres. If you are only a fan of high fantasy, this may not be for you due to multiple graphic sex scenes, but if you are a fan of both, or just romance, this is a must!

I am very much looking forward to reading Alliance Forged, which is Kymora and Varian's story. From the moment they met, their connection was as obvious as Annika and Kalan's. Having gotten to know their characters quite well in Vengeance Born, I am not against a switch of MC. I usually avoid such series, but Varian had several chapters from his POV in this, which acclimated me to him and Kymora. I cannot wait to learn more about those two enticing characters!
January 30, 2016

i love it, the best cover i have seen... i realllyy hope this won't be disappointing..

*Update After Reading* WARNING ADULT SCENES..


my heart.... must breath,,,,,,

i swooned sooooooooooo hard.... i haven't swooned like this for sooo long!!!!! <3 <3 <3
other than the s** chapters scenes .. the sweet gestures can kill u..... as for the s** scenes they can be skipped u feel warned before they happen...

where do i start... well the romance predominates, i wanted more action.. but then what the heck i was losing it over my all the romantic sweet sweet gestures.. the letter he wrote her .. i melted.. seriously i died..
OMG!! and when he realized that he loves her... AWWWWW!!!! swoons*
oh and the thing that i really liked is when they teased one another by addressing their title.. like:
“Say it again, Na’Chi.”
“I love you, Light Blade,”
i really have to calm down... okay i can't..

i was swinging on my chair, giggling, and dancing.. <3 <3

It is enjoyable.. the characters are developed and the story is interesting !!
Profile Image for Alexa.
642 reviews242 followers
June 24, 2016
So that took me forever to read.

I just want to clarify something before I go into my brief review of this book. I definitely did not like this book, it lacked character depth and tangibility for me. However, I think this was a case of "it's not you, it's me." I don't really like to read romances, and I didn't realize until I started reading this book that it's a romantic fantasy.

Okay, now with that out of the way...

All of these characters felt like cardboard cutouts/stereotypical characters. Kalan was the softy leader, Annika was the damage damsel, etc, etc. Everyone had a role that just seemed so convenient for the plot of the book. Ex) Kymera being so into supporting the Na'Chi (they are so lucky that the two people with the most amount of power in the city were so willing to help them).

This story did not mesh well with me. Everything just felt fake and convenient and the writing just felt so typical, like I'd read it in hundreds of other books. The world-building was completely underdeveloped and the politics involved in this storey were so one-dimensional.

If you like romantic fantasy I think you would enjoy this book much more than I did, if not I would recommend you stay away.
Profile Image for Bec McMaster.
Author 55 books3,435 followers
January 19, 2013
Wow, was waiting for this for a long time and man, did it live up to expectations! What a fascinating world, full of politics, fascinating cultures, demons, Light-blade warriors and a brewing war that makes me itch to see what's happening next! I loved Annika and will admit to a few teary moments. She had to overcome so much and I liked watching her re-learn how to trust and keep reaching for her 'dream'. Kalan was a strong hero and a true leader. He didn't react in a predictable way. He acknowledged when his actions were wrong and forced himself to rethink the situation, something that was neccessary between people from two opposing cultures, with such inbred hatred. The world building was phenomenal and I loved the big 'secret' at the end. Can't wait to see more of this series! Especially with hints at the next couple and a pair of hunky future heroes.
Profile Image for Summer.
1,382 reviews329 followers
July 7, 2016
The blurb for this caught my eye as Fantasy + Romance = my catnip. However the romance came way too easily and didn't feel believable. The world was also really underdeveloped. I prefer it when the romance is part of the story but equally balanced with an interesting plot. In Vengeance Born while there is some other things going on it's primarily a romance story. It wasn't terrible but definitely underwhelming.
Profile Image for Lyndi W..
2,043 reviews201 followers
January 14, 2019

Edited to add: Holy shit, this is listed as YA? There's some pretty intense sexual activity for Young Adult, folks. New Adult, maaaybe. I'd call this Adult.
Profile Image for Shay | Shaytasticbooks .
233 reviews18 followers
April 14, 2013
Check out review at Shaytasticbooks


Interesting Note: My boyfriend picked out this book after I found both my Kobo and Nexus dead, and so we went to the book store even though I just finished a shift working.

I dont know about you but I love the cover of this book. When my boyfriend first handed it to me I was like "ohhhh thats a kick ass cover". I don't know what it is but I love it when books show strong female characters on the front. Ya she may look like a little pin up but damn I wouldn't complain if I looked like that. So I'm giving it to her.

On to the actual book...

"Her next words, forced from between numb lips, felt like shards of ice slicing her throat. "Tell me, Light Blade, what privileges do you think I inherited being bred as a tool for retribution?""

I loved Annika. From the very beginning you know that she'd had a hard life and you can't help but cheer her on. From her very first kill to helping a Light Blade, who she knows hates her, she has proven herself strong enough to deal with anything. Her relationship with Kalan, the Light Blade, starts off on a rocky start, literally. From getting out from her fathers reach, to running away from rabid dogs and then all the way to the human realm where she is not very welcomed. Let just say she had a rough first night.

My favorite thing about Annika is her innocence. She doesn't have a firm concept on how the world works cause she's never been out into it. But she is smart and skilled in the act of battle and stealth. She enjoys the simple pleasures of life which I can of course connect with.

Kalan on the other hand was a tad bit blah for me. Dont get me wrong I still loved him as a character. He helped Annika on her journey in such a way that he himself learnt a great deal. I think my issue was, I like my men to be assholes and Kalan was so far from that! lol. Big freaking sweetheart. :)

"He'd given her his friendship. He'd accepted her. And by doing so, he'd laid his soul bare. For her."

The story line of the book is what really did it for me. I enjoyed the world that Kylie created. Set back in the time of horses and no running water, and where women wear dresses, but it also included a paranormal twist. Their world involves demons. Or the correct terms "Na'Resih" and "Na'Chi". These demons were ruthless and powerful with otherworldly powers. They also had a thirst for blood, which becomes very important in the story line(Loved it!) I loved how this mixed in with humans and the war that they have going on. It was really fun to read and I want to read more of it.

The only other issue I had is the "She". There was a lot of reference to the humans almighty god. She looks over them and guides them. Which, it doesn't bother me cause I am religious, but my gosh! There was soooo much of it. Could have been toned down a little.


I really enjoyed the world created in this series. If you like a great deal of fantasy set back in olden times, with a mixture of beautiful romance then this is for you. The set up for the next book was perfect so I will be continuing this series :)
Profile Image for Caity.
91 reviews
March 2, 2012
This is not a bad book.
It has action and romance -what more could you ask for right?
But i just did not enjoy it. 2 stars" "it was okay"

The characters' actions felt forced to me.
The protagonist Annika is compassionate with a deep determination to move forward, though she's dealt with some nasty abuse in her past ...BUT her character was so...dimished by her heritage. its very hard to break down the wall of her history because whenever she speaks she's referencing the pain of her past. She is completely defined by this attribute.
- And i understand how much her life with demons devastated her but only because the author told me so. It was only through Annika's dialouge (resembling a monologue at times) that i knew her pain -it didn't really match the rest of her character.
She's very ..paradoxical.
Determined yet utterly terrified of everything.
completely Untrusting yet gives herself completely to Kalan (It doesn't seem quick as you read, but considering their trip actually only spanned 1 week its PRETTY DAMN fast for a supposedly closed-off character)

Kalan's character was sweet and dynamic, but again -it felt forced to me. In the 1st chapters, he was such a pendelum of: She's a demon. She's a sweetheart. demon. sweetheart. demon. sweetheart. and then..BOOM! CHOICE MADE.
I felt like the romance was just appropriatley pasted on the page rather than dreamed.
no spark! no curve balls! no build up!

The minor characters are static and one-dimenstional, but they probably wouldn't benefit the novel much anyway so i can't really complain about that too much.

-Annika's eyes. Her emotions showing through the color of her eyes was an awesome concept.
-Kalan. He's still a sweetheart.
-The hidden history of demons and humans. That idea was intriguing but not focused on at all

This isn't a poor read, it just wasn't for me. It felt rushed IMO but i'm sure others can appreciate it
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
October 25, 2016
Vengeance Born
3 Stars

Imprisoned by the Na'Reish king, Kalan, a light blade warrior, has little chance of survival until aid comes from an unexpected place - Annika, the king's half-blood daughter. Determined to escape her harsh upbringing and find refuge in the human world, Annika releases Kalan and the two set out on a perilous journey toward freedom with only each other to rely on.

While the world building is interesting and compelling, the characters and situations are contrived and unrealistic.

Kalan is a prejudiced jackass and a hypocrite to boot. He condemns Annika for keeping her parentage hidden when he has secrets of his own, and his rapid transition from distrustful enemy to besotted lover is not believable.

Annika's characterization is a contradictory mess. On the one hand, she is strong enough to survive brutal physical torment and social ostracism with her spirit intact, but once she encounters Kalan is constantly hurt, ashamed and undermined by his harsh words and attitude. Where did her spine go?

Given that this is a debut novel, it is necessary to mention the writing. Although the plot and the romance move along at a good pace, there is too much repetition of characters internal dialogue and emotions.

Finally, there is also excessive focus on religious beliefs. The female deity controls all aspects of the human characters' lives either by dictating their actions or confirm/rejecting their choices and decisions. This is supposedly fantasy not Christian or inspirational fiction.

All in all, not a bad read but the plotting is weak and the secondary characters are not appealing enough to continue with the series.
Profile Image for Book Chatter-Cath.
343 reviews54 followers
February 23, 2012
I was immediately drawn to this book because of the absolutely gorgeous cover art *takes a moment to admire*
As I have stated in the past, I am a total cover whore and will buy books based on the covers alone! Shallow perhaps but I am who I am!

However, after following the authors blog and getting caught up in all the snippets and insights into this story, I was gagging to get my hands on it. (made worst by the fact that delivery from TBD was excruciatingly slow!)

Once it finally arrived I went into book hibernation and didn't come out again until I was finished.

Vengeance Born did not disappoint.
Vengeance Born was everything I was expecting and more.
Vengeance Born is a keeper!

Vengeance Born is a fantasy romance wrapped in mystery, intrigue, conflict between races, and mystical powers.
Oh and hot, sexy (and naked) Kalan. Annika is pretty awesome too (hello the cover) but I'm concentrating on my Kalan crush!

The creative world building and attention to detail that has been put into this story is extensive and made it a pleasure to read.

The writing is smooth, the relationships between characters is real and unforced and well worth the 5 hour non stop read.

Not only will Vengeance Born be sitting on my keeper shelf but author Kylie Griffin will be added to my list of favourites along side the likes of Nalini Singh and Jeaniene Frost.
A 5 Star read ~<;]
Profile Image for Sometime.
1,703 reviews155 followers
January 26, 2015
What is wrong with you people? I can usually rely on the ratings and reviews on Goodreads. The whole first page is all glowing 4 and 5 star reviews. Did we read the same book?

Vengeance Born is a book with a great idea. Cool characters. But it is just so badly written I could hardly finish. Predictable. The big secret about Kelen? Easy. The characters have no development. They hate each other then boom they are in luuurve. The plot has great ideas. But it's told in a this happens, then this happens, then someone barges into the council room with a huge piece of plot out of nowhere and drops it on us.

I have to give the author credit for a good story idea and that is why I gave it 2 instead of 1 star. But this book is just bad.
Profile Image for Lily Malone.
Author 24 books176 followers
October 5, 2015
Parts of this were really, really good, particularly the start with Annika's rescue of Kalan and their flight from the Na'Reish to the human lands. For me, once the pair made it to the human city, the book stalled a bit and I'm not sure if it was because I felt too much of a sense of being set up for the next book in the series?
But the concept and the action in the first 2/3rds of the book more than made up for this.
Profile Image for Johanna.
216 reviews26 followers
April 3, 2018
This book was part of my random trashy book phase.
If life tries to get me down, I reach for books like these. It's not the best I've read, it's not the worst either. It was just fun, sexy and angsty at times. Also, I kind of enjoyed the way the love interest dealt with his responsibilities. By the time he did what he did, I was so over it and I could do nothing but applaud him. xD
My only complaint, I could have done without the chapters setting up the love story for the next book.
Profile Image for Christa.
897 reviews76 followers
August 29, 2017
This cover made me realize the importance of good lighting on my cleavage. Seriously the light is coming from behind her but is somehow also on her boobs. Maybe that's also some of her magic powers.

Also the book was good too 😃
Profile Image for Dahlia (yadkny).
940 reviews140 followers
January 17, 2012
A journey awaits them unlike any other, but only if they choose to accept it and learn to trust one another.

Leading a life as a Na’Chi is impossibly frustrating and extremely dangerous. Even worse is being the half-blood daughter of the Na’Reish demon king. In a race where blood purity means everything, your lineage defines you and could mean death. Annika straddles the enemy lines of the demon and human worlds. Her lineage offers nothing but punishment for not being of pure demon blood as well as fear and rejection from humans for being the offspring of their mortal enemy. Deemed too human to be respected by the demons and too demon to be accepted by the humans, Annika is faced with a life of torturous imprisonment under her father's rule. Her Gift is both a blessing and a curse, which must be kept secret or risk it being used for nefarious purposes. Annika's only ally and friend is but an old healer woman who's unending kindness and faith has given Annika the strength to do the unthinkable and strike a deal with the enemy. To end this existence she must be brave enough to risk it all and travel to a new one. Only she must not fail for unbeknownst to her others depend on her success as well.

Centuries old hatred and war between the races has left nothing but bitterness, unrest, and death for humankind. As Lady's Chosen and Light Blade warrior, Kalan has been on the front lines of both the battle on the field and at home as he fights for the survival of his people. When Kalan finds himself a prisoner-of-war, his only light out of the darkness comes with strings attached and from a hybrid thought not to exist. Her motives unknown, her claims make him wary at best, and his confusion grows over his attraction for a woman with the strength of a warrior and the innocence of a handmaiden. Simple kindnesses are foreign to her, but her survival instincts leave little doubt that the best way to proceed until he has answers is with caution. At all costs, he must protect the people he is responsible for, but Kalan cannot deny his instinct to protect Annika even while she challenges his beliefs at every turn. It's only a matter of time until the truth is revealed and the Lady's will becomes clear that change must be embraced. Only not everyone believes that a Na'Chi can be trusted and drastic measures are taken to ensure that the monster is exposed.

I am completely captivated by this fantastical world Kylie Griffin has created. It is a mystical adventure with demons, Vorcs, and prejudiced humans to contend with. The journey is unpredictable, intense, and suspense filled with each scene easily realized. Add to that the strength, compassion, and underlying vulnerability and innocence of Griffin’s two leading characters and this story is an unstoppable read. Annika and Kalan's stories are revealed in parts throughout, so connections can be made with each of them although I'll warn that Annika's story is particularly grabbing. The pacing is perfectly set to deliver maximum impact on both character development and world-building. In short, I believe in the characters and I believe in their story.

I am so impressed by Kylie Griffin’s imagination and writing talents and I can’t wait to dive into the next Light Blade journey! There are plenty of plot twists and characters with stories yet to be told, so it seems that the ending of this story is actually just the beginning. Fantasy and romance fans will be pleased with this new series!

Review soon-to-be posted @ Night Owl Reviews
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
February 16, 2012
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

Vengeance Born is a moving tale about trust, overcoming prejudices and how the actions of a single person can change the world. Annika’s story made me teary eyed on more than one occasion. Her strength knows no limits and will leave you in awe but she’s also incredibly vulnerable because of her upbringing. The sharp contrasts between these two aspects of her personality made this half-blood out to be a remarkably complex character that I immensely enjoyed getting to know. The same can be said for Kalan, although theirs pasts and circumstances are very different, his strong leadership skills and kind heart make him bigger than life and ultimately worthy of Annika’s love. It’s hard not to fall into tired romantic clichés when writing a book about “boy meets girl” but Kylie Griffin managed to keep this story fresh and interesting.

I liked the pacing of the plot line. A good part of this book is about Kalan and Annika running for their lives so, needless to say, the action is plentiful. Even though the daughter of the Na’Reish King is first and foremost a healer she still packs one hell of a punch when push comes to shove. Like all travelers, Annika and Kalan need to periodically stop for rest during their flight which allows them and us readers to learn more about their backgrounds. They start off as enemies and trust doesn’t come easily but when they’re forced to rely on each other to survive the relationship can’t help but change. I am happy that Griffin took pretty much the entire book to build the connection between Annika and Kalan. Had they been able to overcome their prejudices and fall in love by the midway point I would have questioned the credibility of the story.

I was a little disappointed by how little Kylie explores the Na’Reish, Na’Chi and Light Blades’ heritage and politics. There are obvious differences between the various races but she doesn’t really go into too much detail. I sort of pieced together the main characteristics of the half-bloods through Annika but the rest pretty much remain a mystery. Too bad, because I enjoyed what snippets were included and would have loved to have learned more about the Light Blade universe. Maybe Alliance Forged will succeed a bit better in this area.

Kalan surprised me on numerous occasions in Vengeance Born; he’s not your typical leader. Instead of ruling with an iron fist he actually takes the time to listen to others’ suggestions and, believe it or not, learns from his mistakes. Things between him and Annika would have never worked otherwise. As I mentioned earlier, Annika’s story is a sad one but instead of throwing in the towel she continues to fight and to hope. Put in her shoes, I’d want many things with revenge probably being at the top of that list. She doesn’t lash out in anger though; instead she just wants to be accepted and lead as close to a normal life as possible. This doesn’t seem like a lot but in a world where the Na’Reish exist it’s next to impossible.

Vengeance Born has a nice balance of action and romance but it is at its core a love story. Depending on what your genre of choice is, this book may or may not be for you. I for one enjoyed it and the big reveal made at the ending helped to further stoke the flame. Alliance Forged is due out in July and I’ll be among one of the first in line to read it.

1,122 reviews303 followers
February 3, 2012
2.5 Stars

Annika is Na’chi, a half human, half Na’Reish(demons). The Na’Reish and humans don’t get along, but the Na’Reish need blood slaves to live. They are like vampires with all pointed teeth, purple eyes and odd markings on their skin. Because Annika is half-blood, and the Na’Reish like pure bloods she is treated unfairly, and has to deal with abuse from nearly everyone. All but a human slave named Hesia. Hesia shows her the ways of a healer. When the Na’Reish captures a Light Blade warrior, it is Annika who heals him, and makes a deal with him. She will set him free if he will take her to the human lands, and protect her.

It took me a while to get into this one. The first 150 pages slid by slowly. Not because there wasn’t a lot going on, but because our couple was trying to make it out of the demon lands. I knew things wouldn’t heat up until they were in the human lands, and I was right about that. Once there the story becomes much more interesting.

Other than the slow start there is a great deal of narrative from Annika. She constantly recalls the awful life she had lead, and distrusts the Light Blade hero, Kalan. She also constantly tells Kalan how awful her life was, and keeps worrying about how it will be. It was very interesting to watch how she was welcomed within the human lands. To me she wasn’t that strong of a heroine. She has some really neat powers, and grew up in a very hard world, but is all soft. Despite her short comings, by the end of the novel I was rooting for her.

Kalan isn’t much better when it comes to narrative. The story is in third person, but the switch between her thoughts and his is not a smooth one. He fights the Na’Reish, and doesn’t trust Annika at first. In fact he almost knocks her around at the start. Soon he works past his distrust, and comes to understand her. After this point he constantly reminds readers how brave Annika is, which drove me nuts. Despite that there romantic scenes are warm, but by the time they truly got together some of the tension was lost.

There is a side story with the other Na’Chi. Annika doesn’t know there are anymore, but the human slave, Hesia has spirited them away, and they live out in the woods. I actually thought this was kind of silly. Considering how strong the Na’Reish are, and the fact they have demon dogs, it seems like they would have found the Na’Chi in the forest long before. We are not given a true scope of how big the forest is, but Kalan and Annika make it out in around two days on foot. All the same Hesia urges the group of Na’Chi to follow Annika to the human city. Once they do they stir the pot. The city is already coping with Annika being different.

This was a book I was looking forward to, and it is safe to say I was a little disappointed. The narrative bogged me down, and slowed my reading. On the plus side this is a very interesting world, and I love the differences of the Na’Reish from the usual demons or vampires. Annika doesn’t do it for me as a heroine. We are constantly told how brave and strong she is, but we often see her about to break into tears. Considering her life before, I expected a woman with some edge and steel in her back bone. Despite my reservations I look forward to see where the story goes.
- Beth (Guest Reviewer)
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,736 reviews82 followers
September 5, 2016
4.5 stars actually
Na'Chi (half-demon) princess Annika is reviled by her cruel father's people, the Na'Reish (full demon) but that doesn't stop her from dreaming of escape to her dead mother's people (the Light-Blade gifted humans). Annika's dream isn't much more than to live among the Light-Blades, use her healing gift and learn to live without fear in a peaceful society. After hearing that captured Light-Bearer Kalan Taryn requires her services to heal, Annika strikes a bargain with Kalen. In exchange for his protection in the world outside the Na'Reish realm, Annika will help Kalen escape the deadly demon prison which he can't leave without help. Kalen doesn't know enough about demons to tell the difference between Na'Reish & Na'Chi so he is leery of trusting Annika, but decides to take a chance to gain his freedom.

Their perilous journey affords opportunities for both Kalan & Annika to innocently flirt with each other, eluding capture or death as they learn about each other's culture. Both Kalen and Annika were personable leads, fully fleshed, likable, had good chemistry and; they both displayed a lot of growth in their arc. The secondary characters did their bit in sharing the exposition and ensured the varying aspects of the different races were on display. Also I would think that the intimacy scenes and the subtle themes of bigotry, tolerance and acceptance could squeak into the New Adult shelves . But keep in mind the emotional toll is not removed from the themes and there are brutal acts of cruelty. Also, while marketed in the Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy shelves the Sci-Fi/Fantasy aspects are handled with an otherworldly feel but it's never mentioned if the time and place are different from here and now.

At the outset the speech felt rather formal and out of place, though no timeframe was referenced. It became easier to accept the speech as their manner and simplified identification of the characters. This elaborate origin story didn't stint or overdo on the world building and made the story very accessible by having the leads know virtually nothing about their mortal enemies - each other. I appreciated the short chapters, good plotting and the writing style but would have liked a tad more action (maybe later). Glimpses of what future installments could contain was also present with a bit of tension to make you anxious for those threads to continue. With glimpses of a new faction emerging and a re-ignition of hostilities, the next installment promises to be quite the adventure.

Finally, while the beautiful cover caught my eye and initial interest, I thoroughly enjoyed this easy to get into read and never regretted my choice.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews

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