Elizabeth Sandifer
Goodreads Author
September 09, 1982
Member Since
October 2012
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“But there’s a second, blunter approach that perhaps more accurately captures the Basilisk’s stony gaze, which is that in a worldview where legitimate power is defined as power that is successfully applied, there’s no legitimate authority quite like the men with guns who kick down your door in the middle of the night.”
― Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right
― Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right
“The history of the world consists of a lot of wealthy assholes sleeping with each other and killing people”
― Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right
― Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right
“My, what an impressively diverse collection of rhetorical moves you employ” is not, of course, a sentiment regularly expressed to anti-Semites”
― Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right
― Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right