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Focus and Scope

The journal is dedicated to general linguistics. It publishes contributions from all areas of linguistics, provided they contain theoretical implications that shed light on the nature of language and the language faculty. Contributions should be of interest to all linguists, independently of their own specialisation.

No specific linguistic theories or trends are given preference. Papers accepted for publication are strictly selected on the basis of scientific quality and scholarly standing.

The journal is published online as a continuous volume and issue throughout the year. Articles are made available as soon as they are ready to ensure that there are no unnecessary delays in getting content publically available.

Special Collections of articles are welcomed and will be published as part of the normal issue, but also within a separate collection page.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors of published articles remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to a Creative Commons license agreement. 

One of the benefits of open access publishing lies in others being able to re-use material. We believe that the greatest societal good is possible when people are free to re-distribute scholarship and to create derivative works. This is why we use the CC BY 4.0 license, under which others may re-use your work, on condition that they cite you.  

If a more restrictive licence is required (for example, if you are reproducing third party material that cannot be reproduced under more open licences)please make this request upon submission in the ‘Comment to the Editor’ field or email your editor directly, stating the reasons why.  

Archiving Policy

The journal’s publisher, the Open Library of Humanities, makes content discoverable and accessible through indexing services. Content is also archived around the world to ensure long-term availability.

Glossa is indexed by the following services:

As of 1st May 2020, Scopus has accepted Glossa into their database and is now tracking the journal data. The journal should appear in the public database from Spring 2021.

In addition, all journals are available for harvesting via OAI-PMH.

To ensure permanency of all publications, this journal also utilises CLOCKSS, and LOCKSS archiving systems to create permanent archives for the purposes of preservation and restoration.

If the journal is not indexed by your preferred service, please let us know by emailing or alternatively by making an indexing request directly with the service.

Journal statistics

Core journal statistics for the 2020 volume:

Submissions received1352
Reviews requested21850
Reviews received31069
Total Rejections4220
...of which, Desk rejects5116
Acceptance rate738.2%
Time to first decision885 days
Time from submission to publication9434 days


1Number of new articles received by the journal
2Number of peer review invitation emails that were sent out
3Number of completed peer review reports received
4Total number of articles rejected (including desk rejects)
5Number of articles rejected prior to peer review
6Number of articles that received a 'Accept for publication' decision
7Number of acceptances, as a percentage, against the total number of final decisions
8'Mean' average from submission to first post-review editorial decision (i.e. excluding desk rejects)
9'Mean' average from submission to publication for all publications in the volume

Publication data

All publications include the publication data, and from June 2017 the submission and acceptance dates.

All papers within the journal are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) at the time of publication, providing a more persistent identifier to the article and helping to track citations.

Annotation and post-publication comment

The journal platform permits readers to leave comments on the publication page, via the Disqus service. Readers will need a Disqus account to leave comments. Comments may be moderated by the journal, however, if they are non-offensive and relevant to the publication subject, comments will remain online without edit.

The journal platform also includes in-browser annotation and text highlighting options on full text formats via Readers will require a account to create annotations, and will have the option to make these publicly available, available to a group, or private.

Advertisement policy

The journal does not currently host adverts on the website.