View allAll Photos Tagged flowers
I posted another shot of this flower long ago with the following comment: It´s not really I wild flower I think, but I found it in the jungle. It´s a kind of mimosa with some interesting details. This flower is only open at night and fertilisation occurs by bats. The bats go inside to drink nectar touching the yellow dots with their body and wings and taken the pollen to other flowers. This time I made the picture in the twilight to have more control over the light.
Rudbeckia is a plant genus in the Asteraceae or composite family. Rudbeckia flowers feature a prominent, raised central disc in black, brown shades of green, and in-between tones, giving rise to their familiar common names of coneflowers and black-eyed-susans. Wikipedia
Family: Asteraceae
Scientific name: Rudbeckia
Rank: Genus
Higher classification: Heliantheae
Subtribe: Rudbeckiinae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
A tribute to my dear Mum in Law who passed away a couple of weeks ago after a long struggle with Alzheimers.
Have a good weekend ahead, hoping to be back posting soon
I want to see many kind of summer flowers soon!
This is one of them, it's named Anemonopsis macrophylla.
from my last summer archive
This picture was taken in Dayton, Ohio at Wegerzyn Gardens with my 135mm lens + 20mm extension tube. Better view in Light box.
VanDusen Botanical Garden, spectacular 22-hectare (55-acre) garden in the heart of Vancouver , BC Canada.
Abençoado e Feliz Ano Novo!
Aos meus Queridos Amigos desejo que o Ano Novo seja o início de Novos Tempos, onde possamos cultivar sempre bons sentimentos e possamos ter uma colheita farta de amor, fraternidade, união e muita paz, Abençoado e Feliz 2018!
Deus abençoe a todos com muita saúde, que a Paz de Jesus esteja em cada coração. Muito obrigada por mais este ano de sua preciosa amizade, atenção e delicadeza.
Blessed and Happy New Year!
To my Dear Friends, I want the New Year to be the beginning of New Times, where we can always cultivate good feelings and we can have a harvest full of love, brotherhood, unity and much peace, Blessed and Happy 2018!
God bless you all with great health, may the Peace of Jesus be in every heart. Thank you so much for this year of your precious friendship, attention and delicacy.
Bonne et Heureuse Année!
À mes Chers Amis, je veux que la nouvelle année soit le début des Temps Nouveaux, où nous pouvons toujours cultiver de bons sentiments et nous pouvons avoir une récolte pleine d'amour, de fraternité, d'unité et de paix, Béni et Heureux 2018!
Que Dieu vous bénisse tous d'une grande santé, que la paix de Jésus soit dans tous les coeurs. Merci beaucoup pour cette année de votre précieuse amitié, de votre attention et de votre délicatesse.
¡Bendito y Feliz Año Nuevo!
A mis Queridos Amigos deseo que el Año Nuevo sea el inicio de Nuevos Tiempos, donde podamos cultivar siempre buenos sentimientos y podamos tener una cosecha harta de amor, fraternidad, unión y mucha paz, Bendito y Feliz 2018!
Dios bendiga a todos con mucha salud, que la Paz de Jesús esté en cada corazón. Muchas gracias por este año de su preciosa amistad, atención y delicadeza.
Benedetto e Felice Anno Nuovo!
Ai miei Cari Amici, voglio che il nuovo anno sia l'inizio dei nuovi tempi, in cui possiamo sempre coltivare buoni sentimenti e possiamo avere un raccolto pieno di amore, fratellanza, unità e molta pace, beato e felice 2018!
Dio vi benedica tutti con grande salute, possa la Pace di Gesù essere in ogni cuore. Grazie mille per quest'anno della tua preziosa amicizia, attenzione e delicatezza.
....for sliders Sunday.
I've shot these before too but can't get enough of them. I think I'll try to make them myself though, rather than buying them. How hard can it be?
Stand Out from the Crowd
You saw me when there was everyone else.
I try so hard to stand out from the crowd.
I don't think I do a good enough job though.
That's why it makes me so happy when
you come to me just to talk.
I'll go to you just to be around you.
I have an irrational jealousy.
I try not to show it.
I'm not sure whether I fail or not.
I'm jealous of other people
that makes you smile and laugh.
I wish I could be that person.
The one that stood out from the crowd
for you.
There's a few, the ones I know.
The ones that stand out for me.
You're one, ya know.
I wonder if I could be one for you....
I wish I could.
~Artemis Cullen