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The editorial staff controls and updates the available information on these websites at regular intervals. Despite all care, information, data, or links may have changed in the meantime. There is no liability or guarantee for the currentness, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other websites, which are referred to by hyperlink. There is not responsibility for the content of the websites that are reached as a result of such a connection. Instead, the relevant provider is always responsible for the contents of the linked pages. In establishing the initial link, the editorial staff has reviewed the relevant external content in order to determine that they were free of illegal content at the time of linking. If you detect errors in content or technology, please let us know.

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Ownership, ISSN registration, and image credit

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) and Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (ACPD) are published under licence by Copernicus GmbH (Copernicus Publications). The licenser is EGU – European Geosciences Union GmbH, HRB 222584, county court Munich, Germany.

ACP ISSN 1680-7316 eISSN 1680-7324

ACPD eISSN 1680-7375

Image credit to: Blue planet Earth: