Olive Mill Wastewater Distribution 2024 (Online)

Olive Mill Wastewater Distribution 2024 (Online)

  • 15.10.2024
  • 10:00-11:25
  • Online

Newe Ya’ar – Student day

  • 25.09.2024
  • 9:00-15:00

Food Sec & Tech Israel

  • 14.01.2024
  • No Times Available

Technological Innovation Conference in Plant Protection Services 2024

  • 10.09.2024
  • 08:30-14:25

Cover Crops in Orchards and Field Crops in Israel

  • 16.09.2024
  • Starting 16.9.24 08:20-17:00 ending 17.9.24 08:30-16:30

The Conference on Preserving the Quality of Fresh Agricultural Produce

  • 19.09.2024
  • 08:30-13:00

The 6th Jojoba growers meeting

  • 25.11.2024
  • 08:30-12:00

Soil earth seminar

  • 09.09.2024
  • 09:10-17:00