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There is a close systematic relationship between panentheism, as a metaphysical theory about the relation between God and the world, and transhumanism, the ethical demand to use the means of the applied sciences to enhance both human... more
This document (accepted by the Board of Ordained Ministry in 2020) includes some revisions, making it more accessible to the laity. In addition, it may provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned... more
Is Maximus “European”? Is Maximus a “philosopher”? The two questions of our conference also entail the concomitant questions «what is Maximus’ contribution to Europe?» and “what is his contribution to philosophy?”. They might equally... more
I grew up in Mexico and I have been a Christian for 22 years. I have frequent interactions with skeptics and Christian Spanish-speakers alike in the United States. Sooner or later the question of the eternal destiny of the unevangelized... more
Il tema della libertà costituisce nel pensiero ricoeuriano un elemento sorgivo della sua riflessione, che progressivamente diventa un fiume carsico: un che di sommerso che tuttavia riemerge di tanto in tanto nella sua scrittura. Alla luce... more
This collection of essays originates from the 2014 Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity conference hosted by the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary's University, Twickenham. Featuring an... more
Tesis doctoral sobre el mal en Platón. ¿Qué es el mal para Platón? ¿Cuántos tipos de mal existen? ¿Cómo podemos remediar los males que acontecen? ¿Será posible evitarlos? Platón sugiere que mediante la música, la matemática y la gimnasia... more
The problem of evil is not only a logical problem about God’s goodness but also an existential problem about the sense of God’s presence, which the Biblical book of Job conceives as a problem of aesthetic experience. Thus, just as theism... more
Over the course of years, and as of more recently, many followers-friends of the author have been asking questions with reference to the Melchizedeks and their role in humanity-Earth Ascension. Below, you will find a sample of such... more
The issue of evil is one of the serious arguments cited by the atheist movement to prove the non-existence of God. Philosophers and theologians have tried to give an answer to this question throughout the ages. Western philosophy used to... more
One of the curious “properties” of the contemporary Anglo-American discussion of the problem of evil—where by the “problem of evil” I mean the claim that there is something contradictory about the co-existence of God and evil—is its... more
Recent feminists have critiqued G.W. Leibniz’s Theodicy for its effort to justify God’s role in undeserved human suffering over natural and moral evil. These critiques suggest that theodicies which focus on evil as suffering alone... more
مطمعن نیستم که موجودات نامیرا وجود داشته باشند. و همچنین فکر می‌کنم این موضوع محل بحث و پرسش است که آیا امکان دارد کسی مانند آدم‌هایِ بد یا قاتلینِ سریالیِ درون فیلم‌های ترسناک فرا-طبیعی شرور باشد یا خیر. با این حال معتقدم این مسأله که... more
Kann das Böse Gründe haben? Oder geschieht das Böse nicht vielmehr grundlos? Ist das Böse das gänzlich Unvernünftige? Oder besitzt es gar eine rationale Struktur, die sich weiter verständlich machen lässt? Diesen Fragen geht das Buch im... more
O objetivo deste artigo, que se insere no âmbito da filosofia da religião, é tratar o problema lógico do mal e mais concretamente a teoria da defesa do livre-arbítrio de Alvin Plantinga. Quero examinar se esta é uma teoria plausível e se... more
Da sich in den letzten Jahren das Paradigma einer von der analytischen Philosophie inspirierten analytischen Theologie zu einem leistungsfähigen theoretischen Ansatz zur Diskussion religionsphilosophischer und theologischer... more
This collection of essays, in both English and German, focuses on the question of “evil” in religious traditions that may be described as “monotheistic” or for which at least the rule of one main god over all other deities and powers is a... more
Book review of Thomas J. Oord's "God Can't! How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse, or Other Suffering"
This study aims to systematize St. Basil the Great's view of the evil and set it into the larger framework covering similar concerns within the field of religious studies. The permanent reference to the broader scope of this research... more
Whilst the condition of a damaged ethical life has received due scholarly attention to date, only rarely is resistance to it conceived as an actual possibility with the potential of real effects on a macro-social scale. This is not just a... more
While many versions of the problem of evil aim to show that the existence of horrendous or gratuitous evils make atheism more likely than not or render belief in God’s existence unreasonable, this paper will focus on how experiences of... more
In this article, two of Theodore Drange's atheological arguments against the God of Christianity are refuted by what I call the "Expectations Defense." By means of this defense, it is shown that, despite what Drange argues, the existence... more
Dans le récit Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān d’Avicenne, les compagnons du narrateur qui ne le quittent jamais sont qualifiés par le sage de « mauvais compagnons ». Le premier, qui marche devant, représente l’imagination qui « enjolive le faux et forge... more
The Problem of Evil, the bane of theists’ existence for so long, is solvable using Roy Clouser’s formulation. By invalidating the initial premise of the perfection of God using the Cappadocian view, the rest of the problem falls apart.... more
Appel à contributions pour un dossier de la revue Implications philosophiques qui entend mettre en parallèle et croiser les réflexions anthropologiques, de philosophie morale, juridique et sociale avec les réflexions esthétiques sur les... more
A number of Christian theologians and philosophers have been critical of overly moralizing approaches to the doctrine of sin, but nearly all Christian thinkers maintain that moral fault is necessary or sufficient for sin to obtain. Call... more
The problem of horrendous evil is the problem of reconciling the existence of horrendous evils with the existence of a God that is nevertheless good to individuals. A solution to the problem along the lines of that proposed by Marilyn... more
Resumen: Partiendo de la pregunta clásica por el origen del mal y sus determinaciones, se trataría aquí de analizar las representaciones del mal en la obra de aquellos escritores (Littell, Amis, Sebald) que, en nuestros días, mucho... more
The "problem of evil" is a highly topical subject within all world religions, and Hinduism in particular offers an interesting account for the existence of evil. Hindus believe evil does not exist, at least in the same terms as the... more
While philosophy and religion were never sharply distinguished in China, what we now call Chinese philosophy incorporated, theorized, and sometimes opposed practices and views that can reasonably be called religious. These included... more
In this paper, I will present and argue for what I take to be the theodicy of Jonathan Edwards, which is rooted in the Edwardsian doctrine which I am calling Divine Egoism. I will begin by utilizing one of Edwards’ works to define and... more
Nel presente studio verranno indagate le matrici filosofiche della teoria del male formulata da David Foster Wallace nella sua analisi del cinema lynchiano.
Jewish and Christian theologies of suffering respond to human pain in multiple ways. The most popular ones defend God’s goodness and power by ascribing value to the human experience of suffering. Less popular, but equally traditional,... more
Like lovers hiding their forbidden secret, we meet mostly in the night; darkness dominates. We emerged briefly on Good Friday, but even then, at midday, darkness fell for hours " over all the land " (Luke 23.44). As a child I was... more
I argue from Buddhist premises that: 1. evil can be interpreted in terms of dukkha 2. the presence of dukkha is necessarily inevitable for finite beings 3. therefore it is impossible for God to create a world with finite beings but... more
The concept of evil has been an unpopular one in much political and ethical thought of the twentieth century. There are undoubtedly a number of historical reasons for this. However, there has been of late an ever increasing number of... more