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The author presents a genesis and analyzes the symbolism of the Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Tallinn. It focuses on conceptual assumptions adopted by its authors, but also takes into account later interpretations of the... more
Myten om “den gamla goda svensktiden” och dess betydelse för Estland, Aktuellt om Historia, 1, 2016, pp. 53-66.
The numeration of the protocols of the EC(B)P CC Bureau meetings started in 1940. The first elections to the Bureau that were carried out according to the Articles of Association of the Party, took place on February 8, 1941 at the plenary... more
This is a scanned copy of Jüri Viikberg's very rare paper published in the journal Fenno-Ugrica Suecana, 1992, volume 11, pages 79-90. This reprint at Academia is presented with permission given by the current editorial board of the... more
The first military order in Livonia, founded in 1202 in order to supply the Christian mission with a stable and local military force in addition to the coming and going of seasonal crusaders. In its short history, it was defeated in... more
Artikkel uurib kunstinäituste üldpubliku arusaamade muutumist Eestis stalinistlikul perioodil, kui kunsti ja kultuuri loomine ning hindamine olid rangelt allutatud sotsialistliku realismi printsiipidele. Näituse külalisraamatutesse... more
The main aim of this dissertation is to explore the aspects of femininity and masculinity in the anthology of Estonian folk tales "Eestirahva ennemuistsed jutud" (Old Estonian Fairy Tales in English) compiled by Friedrich Reinhold... more
The article discusses the tradition of Estonian nature writing with the focus on two representative examples, depicting a coastal environment (Vilsandi islet) and a remote forest area (Alutaguse). The study proceeds from an ecosemiotic... more
'Window', a little-known surrealist painting in the collection of the National Gallery Prague, was created by Soviet-Estonian artist Ülo Sooster in the mid-1960s. While taking the form of a trompe l’oeil window, the author argues that the... more
The article provides an overview of marriage and how was it regulated in Estonia and Livonia during the 18th century. An introduction to the social and historical background of Estonian peasant life is given as an aid to understand these... more
Монография издана под грифом Санкт-Петербургского Института истории РАН, в качестве ее рецензента выступил д.и.н., проф. М.Ф.Флоринский (СПбГУ). На основании широкого круга источников как отечественных, так и зарубежных архивов в ней... more
Built in 1980, the Linnahall Concert Hall in Tallinn, Estonia, is a fairly recent but nonetheless controversial Soviet monument. Having been highly praised on its completion for its bold architectural solution, within a decade its close... more
Vooremaa metsaökoloogia jaamas uuriti kolm aastakümmet kompleksselt liigirikka salukuusiku ökosüsteemi. Selles bioloogiajaamas töötanud teadlaste meenutuste kaudu esitatakse raamatus ülevaade ökoloogide rühma elust ja tegevusest. Lisatud... more
This work casts a brief glance at the activities of Vello Vaartnou, the Nyingmapa Buddhist, who has been active in culture, science, Buddhism, art, architecture, politics and social life for decades. Keywords: Vello Vaartnou; Nyingma;... more
'This is a superb ancient Viking braided silver bracelet / Oath-ring, dating to the 9th-10th century A.D. It is formed from rods of silver, twisted about each other in a ropework formation, the terminals welded, forming a double spiral... more
This is the second edition of this translation. Errors present in the 1st edition were corrected and the translation now follows strict chronological order. In addition to being on the Internet... more
In connection with the 800-anniversary celebration of the alleged descent from heaven of the Danish flag, Dannebrog, at Lyndanise [Tallinn] during the Danish conquest of Estonia in 1219 a number of books and articles were written, some... more
A mythical island the size of Ireland in the North Atlantic called Hyperborea by Greeks, Atland by Frisians and Frisland by Mercator, disappeared on October 24, 2194 BC, when it partially slid down the Judd Anticline toward the Icelandic... more
This is a special issue of the Acta Historica Tallinnensia on historical studies in Estonia in the first two decades of the twenty-­first century. The whole issue is open access and available for free:... more
(The thesis itself is in Estonian) In the beginning of the 1990s, the adoption of several important laws led to broad dissatisfaction amongst Estonia’s Russian-speaking population, as these laws narrowed the possibilities of the group to... more
Eesti põhjamaise identiteedi ajaloost. Kõnnussaar, Tiia; Paaver, Triin; Parder, Mari-Liisa; Sutrop, Margit; Veski, Liisi (Toim.). Eesti JA Põhjamaad - Eesti KUI Põhjamaa. Kõned, artiklid, esseed, Tallinn: EKSA, 2017, pp. 31-42.
After a decade of transformation in Estonia, the formerly dominant topics on the political agenda—internal consolidation on ethnic grounds and external security—have given way to an emergency of less conflictual modes of identity policy.... more
This is the account - in Danish - of Axel Ancker life in Siberia, escape after the revolution, and thereafter life in Estonia and escape back to Denmark in the late part of WW2. I work on getting the text translated into English.
Until recently the impact of the Lutheran Reformation has been largely regarded in political and socio-economic terms, yet for most people it was not the abstract theological debates that had the greatest impact upon their lives, but what... more
Der Paradigmenwechsel in der estnischen Musikgeschichtsschreibung am Anfang der 1990er Jahre hat sich nicht vornehmlich von der sowjetischen Tradition der musikalischen Historiographie abgegrenzt, sondern von der nationalen Ideologie,... more
Aasta 2017 on reformatsiooni alguse 500. aastapäeva tähistamise aasta. Reformatsiooniga seonduvad mitmed impulsid, mis on olulised eeskätt õhtumaises kultuuris, aga on ka üleilmselt avaldanud mõju kiriku, usu ja inimese mõistmisele,... more
Katrin Kivimaa "Rahvuslik ja modernne naiselikkus eesti kunstis 1850-2000" põhineb autori Leedsi Ülikoolis kaitstud doktoritööl, mis keskendus sellele, kuidas soolisustatud kujutised ja kriitikamudelid on vorminud kunsti loomist ja... more
De inval van het Rode Leger in de Baltische staten bleek het begin te zijn van een lange lijdensweg van de drie jonge staten. Een samenloop van factoren dreef een grote groep burgers in deze gebieden in het verzet, dat voornamelijk vanuit... more
Conceptualizing of perestroika in framework of Soviet ideology (based on Karl Vaino and Vaino Väljas reports) The objective of this paper is to analyse how Central Committee of Communist Party of Estonia changed their use of language... more