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워마드의 혐오 논쟁이 입장이 되기까지
공명하는 혐오의 키워드 1 : 위험
공명하는 혐오의 키워드 2 : 오염
공명하는 혐오의 키워드 3 : 특권
박탈과 피해의 인정투쟁으로서의 혐오선동
‘비정상’의 경계 만들기 : 문재인 정부에서의 조우와 우려되는 것들

문화과학 2018년 봄호 (통권 제93호), 2018.3, 50-72
보수개신교는 차별금지법을 반대하는가? 이는 너무나 명확해 보이는 사실인데다가 그간의 입법과정에서 이들의 힘은 증명된 것으로 보인다. 보수개신교가 차별금지법을 왜 반대하는지에 대해서도 많은 연구자 들이 이미 다양한 설명들을 제시한 바 있다. 그렇다면 지금 우리에게 더 나은 설명(틀)이 왜 필요한가? 나는 이 글에서 이른바 “혐오선동세력”으로 통칭되는 보수개신교에 대한 보다 분석적이고 내재���인 이해를 통해 어떻게 차별금지법... more
An upsurge in Orthodox anti-ecumenical criticism in 2016 has raised the question of the current state of ecumenism. Examining this topic , the author describes a new form of ecumenical activity associated with the emergence of... more
Since the 1990s, sexual rights, including marriage equality and LGBT education, have become the subject of global cultural conflicts. My research tracks the birth and growth of Christian conservative activism against the sexual... more
Ce texte se propose d’analyser les différents discours que tiennent les acteurs d’un réseau informel d’écologistes autour de l’idée de « démesure » ; dans un premier temps quand ils utilisent directement le mot « démesure » ou « hubris »,... more
An outburst of Orthodox anti-ecumenical criticism in 2016 raised the question of the current state of ecumenism. Examining this topic, the author describes a new form of ecumenical activity associated with the emergence of conservative... more
Initially presented at the "Mennonites and Friends" forum held at the Society of Biblical Literature meetings in November, 2010,this appreciative response questions Seibert's central thesis re: the need to distinguish between the "textual... more
PREVIEW ONLY: According to the most recent demographic datasets, the number of new Christian congregations throughout the world is outpacing the total number of new Christians, suggesting that institutional Christianity has become more... more
The article highlights the discussion on the concept of “conservative ecumenism”, proposed by the author in 2017 to describe conservative Christian alliances in defense of traditional values. Main debates have revolved on the usage of the... more
When one cultural group becomes dominated by another, resulting rapid change and loss of authority may make its original meaning system seem thin, ineffective, and contradictory. The resulting state of deprivation often causes members to... more
Carnegie Mellon University God & Apple Pie: Religious Myths and Visions of America Christopher Buck, PhD November 17, 2017, 7:00 PM Scaife Hall, Room 208 A Spirituality Development Month event Sponsored by: • CMU... more
The congregants thanked God that they weren’t like all those hopeless people outside the church, bound for hell. So the Westboro Baptist Church’s Sunday service began, and Rebecca Barrett-Fox, a curious observer, wondered why anyone would... more