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User:Steve Quinn/Sub page 2

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Indexes versus indicies


English has two plurals for the word index i.e., index and indices. A well written and informative treatment of this issue is this essay

To do list

  1. SNG metamaterials
  2. Metamterial solar cells
  3. Metamaterial absorbers (similar to MMs for solar cells?)
  4. Plasmonic metamterials
  5. Quantum metamaterials
  6. Terahertz something or other
  7. Optical Metamaterials Program Dept. of Energy

Optical Metamaterials Program

  1. Metamaterial coating for improved solar cell efficiency
  2. Nanocrystalline capture in metamaterials for enhanced thermophotovoltaic cells
  3. Metamaterial microlenses and lens coatings for improved efficiency Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
  4. Metamaterial sensors for the emerging SmartGrid
  5. Metamaterials for high efficiency computing and data storage
  6. Wireless energy transfer coupling based on metamaterial concentrators and collectors
  7. Subwavelength optical microscopy
  8. Optical traps and delays for quantum computing
  9. Enhanced reverse Casimir effect for nano-mechanical devises
  10. Basic science advances

Useful constants



conductivity and "optical conductivity".[1]
χe The static relative permittivity of a medium is related to its static electric susceptibility.
is the decay constant for x > 0, with a surface in the y z plane - for example, related to evanescent wave.[1]
is the decay constant for x < 0, with a surface in the y z plane - for example related to evanescent wave.[1]
is the mean electron collision time.[1]
is the electron charge[1]

Index of index

Periodic function
Periodicity Disambiguation page
Electric field screening
Many-body problem
Effective medium theory of left-handed materials
Microwave transmission through a two-dimensional, isotropic, left-handed metamaterial
Nonlinear magnetic metamaterials

Negative refraction materials (Duke)


Negative Index Metamaterials. Duke home page for Negative refraction materials. A selection of publications on negative refraction from other researchers The scientific exploration of negative refraction and metamaterials has developed rapidly, with several hundred papers appearing in scientific journals, conference proceedings and popular articles. This site archives a fairly large selection of these publications, organized by year of publication.

  • Early publications prior to 2000 laid the groundwork for the most recent developments in negative refraction.
  • In 2000, negative index metamaterials were introduced, as well as the concept of the "perfect lens" by John Pendry.
  • In 2001, negative refraction by a metamaterial wedge was demonstrated.
  • 2002 was a controversial year for negative refraction in metamaterials; however, 2002 also saw ideas to realize negative refraction in photonic crystals.
  • In 2003, two more Snell's law experiments helped to decide the controversy in favor of negative index.
  • 2004 saw improvements in fabrication, leading to a negative index lens and higher frequency structures.

Negative refraction Science magazine


Performing your original search, negative refraction, in Science will retrieve these results. These are very interesting results.

I got to this page from "Negative refraction" search with Google scholar.

When I click on the 489 results I get this page, which also relevant. But, I prefer the previous page at the moment.

Veselago and negative refractive index


In 1968 Victor Veselago published a paper theorizing negative index of refraction n occurring in a unique type of material (DNG, NIM, or bacward wave media, etc., etc.) - undergoing plane wave propagation. In such a material, he showed that the Poynting vector is antiparallel to the direction of phase velocity. This is contrary to wave propagation in conventional materials. In the years 2000 and 2001, papers were published about the first demonstrations of an artificial material that produced a negatvie index of refraction.

Two article proposal


First, I propose - we move, the stealth technology stuff into a stealth technology article entitled something like "Limitations of current stealth technology." And second, I propose that we move the four sections (including one sub section) that go with "Scientific background" into another article about the science that is there. Anything left over can merged into other articles. Please indicate below whether you support or oppose this proposal. (This is of course not a vote, but rather a proposal to determine whether we have a consensus. I encourage you to leave comments on why you support or oppose.)- Ti-30X (talk) 14:01, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) Structures: Classifications and Engineering Applications

[http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GWYA_enUS318US318&q=Single+Negative+metamaterials+%28SNG%29 Widening the Negative E®ective Parameter Frequency Band of Resonant SNG Metamaterials]

New Tech in Society

A diagram of the EM spectrum, showing the type, wavelength(with examples), frequency, the black body emission temperature. Adapted from EM_Spectrum3-new.jpg, which is a NASA image. *The butterfly icon is from the P icon set, P biology.svg *The humans are from the Pioneer plaque, Human.svg *The buildings are the Petronas towers and the Empire State Buildings, both from Skyscrapercompare.svg

"There are several possible goals one may have for cloaking an object,” said Schurig, a research associate in electrical and computer engineering. "One goal would be to conceal an object from discovery by agents using probing or environmental radiation." "Another would be to allow electromagnetic fields to essentially pass through a potentially obstructing object," he said. "For example, you may wish to put a cloak over the refinery that is blocking your view of the bay."

By eliminating the effects of obstructions, such cloaking also could improve wireless communications, Schurig said. Along the same principles, an acoustic cloak could serve as a protective shield, preventing the penetration of vibrations, sound or seismic waves.

The group's design methodology also may find a variety of uses other than cloaking, the scientists said. With appropriately fine-tuned metamaterials, electromagnetic radiation at frequencies ranging from visible light to electricity could be redirected at will for virtually any application. For example, the theory could lead to the development of metamaterials that focus light to provide a more perfect lens.

"To exploit electromagnetism, engineers use materials to control and direct the field: a glass lens in a camera, a metal cage to screen sensitive equipment, 'black bodies' of various forms to prevent unwanted reflections," the researchers said in their article. "Using the previous generation of materials, design is largely a matter of choosing the interface between two materials." In the case of a camera, for example, this means optimizing the shape of the lens. New Tech

Inexspensive. SA article

Ordinary materials such as glass lenses bend light so that the refracted ray is on the opposite side of the "normal," the imaginary line perpendicular to the surface of the medium. In a negative index material, also known as a left-handed material, light is refracted back on the same side of the normal

hello duke




veil, envelope, enveloping, optical cloak, visible or invisble to the human eye, make metamaterials that work at such short wavelengths,

Objects are visible in the optical range because they reflect light, a process scientists call scattering. Objects absorb light, too, and what is absorbed is not seen. The sky is blue because the atmosphere scatters blue light more than red. MSNBC article.

The beginning of plasmons? Back in 1998, researchers led by Thomas Ebbesen of the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, France

duke redux


WB to Duke for updates



from david shuring (research associate in electrical and chemical engineering:

"this cloak guides electromagnetic waves around a central region, so that any object at all can be placed in that region so that object will not disturb the electromagnetic field, so there's a reduced reflection and a reduced shadow that you would normally expect to see from electromagnetic waves, iimpinging on an object."



steve cummer (professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Duke U.: with device "you can actually see [the em waves], radio waves in this case, heading towards the object, bending around the object, traveling through the object." 3 steps See:video these are just baby steps video briefly describes the metamaterial used - copper (lines) on fiberglass sheets). Properties are different from pure copper or pure fiberglass.

Military Apps


We're very confident that at radar frequencies, these materials can be implemented..."

Optical camoflauge here: optical camoflauge

We can draw upon the example of a camp fire to understand the phonomennon of light. The electron in the atoms oin a hot campfifre are "thermally agitated," colliding with one another with the light of the campfire itself.

The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses"

World War II

Two improved invisibility devices show themselves


A Berkley team - The team tested the device for red, or visible, light and infrared light and said the prototype bends red light from all angles hundreds of times more effectively than in past attempts.

The other device, reported this week in Nature magazine, relies on 21 stacked grids of silver and magnesium fluoride of similarly small sizes. The researchers found that the device bent infrared light around the grids. Ti-30X (talk) 04:02, 1 July 2009 (UTC)


  1. ^ a b c d e Sievenpiper, Dan; et al. (1999-11). "High-Impedance Electromagnetic Surfaces with a Forbidden Frequency Band" (Free PDF download. Cited by 1,078). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 47 (11): 2059. doi:10.1109/22.798001. Retrieved 2009-11-11. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Explicit use of et al. in: |first= (help)