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Data controversies


Over the course of four and a half years (March 2020 to September 2024), there have been many issues with the way the PHAC has collected, disseminated, and presented COVID-related data, as well as the way the representatives of the federal government, and officials representing provincial governments have manipulated official data.

As early as May 2021, a leaked document revealed that the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and the Provincial Health Officer as their spokesperson had only been releasing partial reports regarding new cases and vaccinations in BC.[1] This included hiding certain segments of collected data from the public and cherry picking other data in order to support the official narrative which, at times (with the extensive help of the mainstream media), presented the COVID-19 pandemic as an apocalyptic event even though official statistical data (both PHAC's data for Canada and WHO's global data) proves it was only bout twice as damaging as a regular seasonal flu (which causes up to 650,000 deaths per year globally, while COVID-19 has caused an estimated 7,066,000 deaths over 57 months). Historically, the seasonal flu has always been considered a regular event and a flu that is only twice as damaging as the regular flu can certainly not be portrayed as 'devastating event'. Furthermore, official statistical data proves that COVID-19 caused fewer deaths per year than the Asian flu or the Hong Kong flu (each having caused between 2 and 4 million deaths in just over a year), and that the case fatality ratio was much lower compared to SARS of 2003.

Collection of data


As of September 2024, COVID-19 is still very much present in Canada. All official statistical data is extremely relevant and necessary for understanding the whole picture of the situation in Canada during the pandemic. Thus, it makes no sense that, over time, authorities have chosen to stop reporting on certain data sets. The first instance when updates on a certain data set were discontinued was on December 31, 2021. At that time, the total number of COVID-19-attributed deaths in Canada was 30,319. As of September 20, 2024, that number stands at 60,769. The health authorities, as well as governments (federal and provincial) all considered statistical data very important and based many of their decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic based on that data. If authorities asserted that this official data sets were crucial during the March 2020-December 2021 period, when 30,000+ deaths occurred, then how could these same authorities consider these same data sets as 'less important' during the January 2022-September 2024 period, during which a further 30,000+ deaths were recorded? Below is a summary of most glaring cases. It s worth noting that in each single instance, the PHAC (or Health Canada) stopped providing regular updates on a certain statistical data set abruptly and without an official explanation. It should also be noted that the majority of mainstream media organizations in Canada have completely failed in challenging these government decisions, even though in many instances it was quite obvious that decisions were political rather than scientific.

Date The PHAC stopped providing updates on… This is controversial because…
December 31, 2021 Variants New Omicron variant cases were surging at the time.
Why choose to stop reporting on variants during a surge in one of the variants?
Possible reason: Omicron was officially touted (both by the WHO and the Canadian health authorities) as a 'less lethal' variant.
However, even though it was 'less lethal' and by this point, a large percentage of the population had received two vaccination doses, the number of deaths kept surging,
proving that the so-called COVID-19 vaccinations (as they were 'marketed' to the world) were not truly vaccinations that would provide long-term protection,
instead, they were more like seasonal flu shots which only protect the vaccinated against one or two strains and then further vaccinations are required for new strains.
February 26, 2022 * Deaths correction The total count of previous deaths was reduced by 180 (the death count for that day was 58, bringing the total for the day to negative 122).
No official explanation regarding this reduction has ever been provided. How could as many as 180 people had been reported deceased and then, miraculously, 'resurrected'?
If nothing else, the health authorities should have explained how such a statistical anomaly had occurred and what measures would be taken to ensure such mistakes do not occur again.
March 1, 2022 Infection waves and recoveries XXX
April 16, 2022 Nunavut data
(complete discontinuation)
All data collection for Nunavut (new cases and deaths) was discontinued. No official explanation as to why has been provided.
At the time of discontinuation, Nunavut was registering a sharp drop in new cases, however a complete discontinuation of data collection may have been premature.
June 20, 2022 Northwestern Territories data
(complete discontinuation)
All data collection for Northwestern Territories (new cases and deaths) was discontinued. No official explanation as to why has been provided.
At the time of discontinuation, Northwestern Territories were registering a sharp drop in new cases, however a complete discontinuation of data collection may have been premature.
July 18, 2022 Active cases On June 30, July 7, July 14, and July 16, the daily increase of active cases was 0.29%, 0.33%, 0.36%, and 0.36, respectively - 5 to 10 times higher than the average daily increase from May to July.
Why choose to stop reporting on active cases at a time when there is a clear surge of new cases and this data is more relevant than ever?
Possible reason: The surge of new cases indicated that vaccinations likely had little to no impact on the spread of different variants, proving the official narrative wrong.
November 12, 2022 Vaccinations (exact number of persons
vaccinated with one dose, two doses,
three doses, four doses, or more)
Last official data showed that 17% of Canada's population had chosen not to get any of the vaccines,
while 83% had received the first dose, 82.65% received the second dose, 49.60% received the third dose, and 14.30% received the fourth dose.
Why choose to stop reporting on these details during the time when the fifth dose was being recommended to citizenry?
Possible reason: Dwindling vaccination numbers (2nd: 83%, 3rd: 50%, 4th:14%) indicated the populace had grown weary of the official narrative and had diminished trust
in government recommendations regarding further vaccination doses. By this point, even some government officials who had previously claimed that vaccinations would
minimize the spread of COVID-19 and protect any infected person from dying publicly admitted that these so-called vaccinations are both unable to minimize the spread or prevent deaths.
At that point, the myth that these vaccinations would provide a solution to the COVID-19 pandemic was dispelled and all claims formerly made by the authorities regarding the vaccines lost credence.
Later, the authorities modified the definition of 'vaccination coverage' and published new statistical data (this time for all Canadians aged 5 or older), stating that 84.6% of Canadians (excluding Alberta)
had received at least one dose.[2] Also, a new category named 'vaccinated per recommendations' (as per Canada Immunization Guide) was introduced. These recommendations are largely unknown
to the general public and are also rather complex. The probability that most Canadians had informed themselves of these recommendations is extremely low and since the authorities have been less
aggressive with their recommendations regarding doses five, six, etc., this indicates that the authorities themselves have accepted the fact that their official recommendations are no longer seen as
trustworthy or reliable by the majority of the public.
November 19, 2022 Yukon data
(complete discontinuation)
All data collection for Yukon (new cases and deaths) was discontinued. No official explanation as to why has been provided.
At the time of discontinuation, Yukon was registering the same number of new cases (weekly) as in the previous six months (weekly - mid-May to mid-November),
so a complete discontinuation of data collection made absolutely no sense.
November 23, 2022 Hospitalizations, patients who required ICU,
and age breakdown (cases, hospitalizations, ICUs)
Because most old
December 16, 2023 Manitoba data on deaths Data collection for Manitoba was partially discontinued (deaths only).
At the time of discontinuation, Manitoba was registering the highest number of deaths in 19 months (since May 2022) - 41 deaths in just the first nine days of December.
This discontinuation of data collection is one of the most controversial and inexplicable of them all.
May 25, 2024 New cases (Health Canada's website[3] suggests
referring to provincial and territorial web pages for
regional level information, however XXX
In May 2024, almost 10,000 new cases were recorded across Canada - more than in March 2021, June 2023, July 2023, or April 2024.
Why choose to stop reporting new cases unless they had dropped to a record low (5,000 or less new cases per month)?
The surge in deaths since then (April 2024: 222, May: 237, June: 317, July: 292, August: 431) indicates there has most likely also been a surge of new cases.
Possible reason: XXX

fatality rate 98% of hospitalized double and triple vaccinated

Throughout the pandemic, the public requests had been made for authorities to divulge detailed information on flu cases and flu-related deaths for each Province and Territory for the period 2015-2019, so that a comparison could be drawn with COVID-19.

especially because both respiratory illnesses share many similarities[4]

The most recent updates (for the period ending September 21, 2024) for five of the six largest provinces (excluding Quebec, which no longer provides detailed regional updates, only general ones) reveal that

When first vaccines for COVID-19 were rolled out, the official narrative was that these vaccines would stop the spread of the disease <ref>{{#invoke:cite web|| titl

https://www.vernonmorningstar.com/news/top-doctor-urges-canadians-to-keep-up-with-covid-measures-even-as-vaccines-roll-out-3324092 Top doctor urges Canadians to keep up with COVID measures, even as vaccines roll out

two weeks to flatten the curve

every pandemic has an ending https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.5813812


During what is known as flu season

Debating has been stifled and censored Any deviation from the official narrative labelled conspiracy

Canada - Curent (Provinces & Territories) (Sep 21, 2024)

public health emergency https://www.jccf.ca/court_cases/challenging-british-columbias-covid-vaccine-mandate-for-healthcare-workers/ Challenging British Columbia’s Covid vaccine mandate for healthcare workers Dec 17, 2020   protect people in long term care, it’s going to stop really quickly. So if we can just make it to Easter, and to the spring, we’re going to be in a lot better place https://vancouversun.com/health/qa-dr-bonnie-henry-reflects-on-2020-the-grim-year-that-covid-made-her-a-household-name

bc dashboard https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/a6f23959a8b14bfa989e3cda29297ded deleted % of vaccinated in hospitals (98%) before the page was 'retired'

  1. ^ "Health authorities in B.C. have been withholding detailed COVID-19 data from public, leaked reports show". Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  2. ^ "COVID-19 vaccination: Vaccination coverage". Retrieved 29 September 2024.
  3. ^ "COVID-19 epidemiology update: Current situation". Retrieved 29 September 2024.
  4. ^ "Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19". Retrieved 29 September 2024.