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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Note: This article regards the Arcane TV Series version of Jinx. For her video game counterpart, see here.

Sisters, right? You can’t live with them, can’t stuff them back in the old babymaker!
~ Jinx to Silco about Vi.
Jinx: Wanna know a secret? Silco thinks he made Jinx, with all his rants and his hard-won lessons. “Excise your doubts, Jinx. Be what they fear, Jinx.” Like everything was the same as when Vander left him. But he didn’t make Jinx. You did.
Vi: I'm sorry, Powder. I never meant to leave you.
Jinx: You never left. I always heard you. Shadows in the streets, prickles on the back of my neck. Your voice. Pushing me. Picking me up when all the colors were black. You're the reason I'm still alive.
~ Jinx to Vi about how she created her.
I thought maybe you could love me liked you used to. Even though I'm... different. But you changed too. So, here's to the new us.
~ Jinx's final lines to Vi in Season 1 before attacking the council.

Jinx, formerly known as Powder, is one of the two main protagonists (alongside her sister Vi) of the Netflix animated series Arcane, based on the popular online video-game League of Legends.

She is the younger sister of Vi and the adoptive daughter of the crime lord Silco, as well as one of his enforcers. Originally a kindhearted and sweet girl that always wanted to help her friends, a catastrophic tragedy she herself caused left Powder's mind and heart utterly broken. Going by the name of Jinx years later, she transformed into a mentally unstable terrorist.

She is voiced by Ella Purnell as a teenager and by Mia Sinclair Jenness as a child in the English version, and by Adeline Chetail in the French version.


Prior to the events of the show, Vi and Powder were born to two parents in the Undercity, the portion of Piltover disregarded and abandoned by the upper class. In the show's opening sequence, Vi and Powder's parents are killed by Piltover enforcers in a failed attempt at revolution. Upon seeing the cost needed to successfully rebel, Vander, the leader of the revolution, abandons his dreams of revolution, and adopted Vi and Powder. Powder would then grow up under Vi's shadow, desperately wanting to live up to her sister. In contrast with the rest of the group, who were brawlers akin to Vander, Powder was more of a mechanist, building homemade explosives and being proficient in marksmanship.

In the first episode, Powder assists Vi, and Vander's other children Mylo and Claggor, in stealing valuable items from a topside scientist (later revealed to be Jayce). Upon breaking into his apartment, Powder discovers mysterious blue crystals, which would later be used in the creation of Hextech. When Jayce returns home, Powder accidentally lets a blue crystal drop, causing a massive explosion. She then runs away alongside the rest of the gang from enforcers, before being confronted by a man named Deckard, who attempts to steal their crystals. Powder runs away from the ensuing fight and is chased by one of Deckard's thugs. After being cornered, she attempts to use one of her homemade bombs, and throws the group's loot into the nearby river as a distraction when it malfunctions. Upon returning, she is chastised by Mylo, who argues she "jinxes" every job. She is comforted by Vi, however, but feels guilty over her failure. After returning home, she realizes she still has the crystals. Vi brings Powder to the roof to cheer her up, claiming everyone has bad days. She also tells Powder to keep the crystals hidden from Vander.

To hide from the Piltover enforcers, Powder and the group hide out in an abandoned arcade, where Powder defeats Mylo in a shooting game. The group is then attacked by enforcers, barely managing to escape with the help of Ekko. This encourages Vi to confront Vander over his refusal to fight and secret deal with the enforcers. Vander explains that after the fight at the bridge, he realized the price necessary for change was far too great, and that nobody wins in war. Vi then makes the choice to turn herself in to the enforcers, giving Powder her stuffed bunny and telling her what makes her different makes her strong.

Vi is stopped by Vander, who instead turns himself in. At the same time, Vander's former friend and Deckard's boss Silco attacks Vander, having made a deal with an enforcer named Marcus, which leads to the death of chief enforcer Grayson and Vander's friend Benzo. Vi then goes after him alongside Mylo and Claggor, but tells Powder not to come, believing she is not ready and not wanting to lose her. This causes Powder to have a mental breakdown, culminating with her dropping the bag and letting the crystals out. Realizing she can use them to help, Powder arrives at Silco's outpost to see Vi be defeated by a shimmer-powered Deckard. She uses a monkey bomb containing the crystals, which goes off just as Vi, Vander, and the rest are about to escape. The ensuing explosion inadvertently kills Mylo and Claggor, and mutilates Silco's henchmen Singed and Sevika (the former is horribly burnt while the latter loses her arm). The ensuing battle also leads to Vander's death, his last words to Vi to take care of Powder, who goes to Vi, happy in her perceived success, only to realize the gravity of the situation after seeing Claggor's goggles and Vander's corpse. A tearful Powder tells Vi she only wanted to help, but Vi punches her in the face, and calls her a "jinx". Vi immediately regrets her decision and walks off to cool off, as Silco arrives with his henchmen. Vi is captured by a guilty Marcus, as Silco asks Powder where her sister is, only for Powder to jump into Silco's arms, claiming she left her. Silco, sympathizing with the young girl, as he too was betrayed by Vander, embraces her and tells her that they will show them all.

In the following years, Powder adopted the name Jinx, and became one of Silco's most trusted enforcers. She would also master her marksmanship and engineering abilities, becoming an extremely deadly opponent in battle. Despite this, her guilt over killing her original family caused her already unstable psyche to shatter, as she began having hallucinations of Mylo which mocked her for being "weak". She also developed a poor relationship with Sevika, who thought of her as a problem to Silco's operation.

On Progress Day, Jinx helps Sevika and other members of Silco's syndicate smuggle Shimmer into the Undercity on a flying ship. They are then confronted by the Firelights, a group run by Ekko who seek to take down Silco. Jinx initially takes down the Firelights with ease, until she confronts one with pink hair not unlike Vi's, temporarily having a mental breakdown, which allows the girl to burn the supply. Though Jinx kills the girl, she becomes guilty over disappointing Silco, and retreats to her lair, where she is mocked by a hallucination of Mylo, which convinces her to prove herself. To do this, she sets a building on fire in order to draw a nearby group of enforcers, including Caitlyn Kiramman, away before blowing up the building, killing six of them, and leaving Caitlyn injured. She then steals a Hextech gemstone, alongside numerous research papers created by a now famous Jayce and Viktor. She presents her findings to a furious Silco, who is mesmerized by the gem.

Using her intelligence to begin tinkering with the gemstone, Jinx is unable to continue work owing to being traumatized by the explosion that killed her family. She attempts to tell Silco she can't, to which he responds by taking her to the river where Vander drowned him in his youth. He explains that Jinx needs to let Powder die, and gives her a rebirth in the river, allowing her to temporarily overcome her trauma, and correctly utilize the gemstone.

During this, Vi is broken out of prison by Caitlyn in an effort to retrieve the gemstone, neither fully aware of Jinx's true identity and with Vi attempting to save her sister under Caitlyn's nose. After the two end up defeating Sevika, Jinx finds out and ties her up, attempting to discover the truth. Sevika reveals the truth, claiming Vi "replaced" her, and tells her that it will cause her to implode and be rejected by Silco. Jinx responds to this by hanging Sevika from the ceiling, and going to one of the tallest buildings in the Undercity to light a flare that Vi gave her as a kid. Though initially distraught once the flare runs out, Vi arrives and attempts to comfort her. However, Caitlyn arrives and figures out that Jinx is Vi's sister, causing Jinx to have an emotional meltdown. During this, Ekko and the Firelights arrive and fight the three women, capturing Vi and Cait, to Jinx's distraught.

An injured Jinx returns to her lair, where she heals her wounds. She then confronts Silco over him keeping Vi's return a secret from her, to which he responds he wanted to protect her, as the two are only after the Hextech gemstone, and claims that he is her only family. A conflicted Jinx runs away, but later heads to the bridge between Piltover and the Undercity, where Vi, Caitlyn, and Ekko are. Though Vi intends to return to the Undercity to rescue Powder, after Marcus, now a corrupt sheriff secretly working for Silco, shoots Ekko and attempts to grab the gemstone from Caitlyn, she runs back, causing Jinx to have yet another meltdown, and unleash a horde of robotic butterflies which explode, killing Marcus and numerous enforcers, and injuring Caitlyn. She attempts to murder the two, but is stopped by Ekko, who Jinx mockingly refers to as "The Boy Savior". The two then have a fight, paralleling a game they used to play as children. Using his knowledge of Jinx's moves, Ekko wins, but finds himself unable to kill his childhood friend. Wanting to go out as Powder with her friend, Jinx then detonates one of her bombs, leaving Ekko with an injured leg, and Jinx near-death.

Silco and his henchmen arrive at the bridge, where he discovers his daughter's body, having still had the gemstone. Not wanting to lose her, Silco takes Jinx to Singed, asking him to heal her despite the fact that Singed claims the process will be "demanding". During said process, Jinx has another hallucination, envisioning Caitlyn as having corrupted Vi. The process leaves her pale, with pink eyes, and with newfound Shimmer abilities. After awaking, a deranged Jinx breaks into Caitlyn's apartment and kidnaps her.

She later overhears Silco, who has struck a deal with Jayce that should he hand over Jinx, the Undercity will be granted independence, and kidnaps him as well. She then knocks out Vi after her second fight with Sevika, bringing her to Silco's old factory where Mylo, Claggor, and Vander died. She talks to Vi about how in the end, it was Vi that created "Jinx" despite Silco's beliefs to the contrary. She then issues an ultimatum to kill Caitlyn and have Powder back. Vi refuses to, having fallen for Caitlyn, but claims that they will leave and will never have to see Silco again. Silco then claims that Vi is lying, as Jinx is not the Powder she knew anymore, proclaiming himself as the only one who understands her.

During the conversation, Caitlyn breaks out of her binds, and points Jinx's own mini gun at her. Though Jinx puts down her gun in a seeming moment of peace, she uses her new Shimmer-abilities tow grab the gun out of Cait's hands and knock her out. Silco and Vi then begin frantically yelling at Powder, with Silco telling her to kill Caitlyn and Vi telling her to picture Mylo, Claggor, Vander, and their parents. Jinx then suffers a traumatic attack, hallucinating her family as monsters. To shut Vi up, Silco frees himself from his bonds, grabs Jinx's gun and attempts to shoot Vi, to which Jinx instinctually shoots her mini gun at him, mortally wounding Silco.

Upon realizing her mistake, Powder runs to Silco tearfully apologizing. In his dying words, Silco comforts his daughter and assuages her guilt, saying he would never have given up Jinx, and that she is perfect. Realizing she can never go back, Jinx opts to embrace her destructive identity. She tells Vi that while she thought she could love her like she used to, their paths have diverged. Jinx powers her newly made rocket Fishbones using the gemstone, and aims the rocket at the Piltover council, unaware that they are agreeing over the Undercity's independence, and pulls the trigger, launching a missile straight towards them.


As a child, Powder was a little girl with medium-length blue hair. She wore a pink T-shirt over a dark blue tunic, long bracelets and a belt.

As a teenager, her hair grew considerably and she wore it in long braids. She wore a revealing brown outfit revealing much of her stomach and arms, and longer bracelets. After being infused with Shimmer by Singed, her eyes turned violet.


As a pre-teen, Powder was somewhat reckless, as showed when she stolen Hextech gems in Jayce's apartment and disobeyed his sister by joining them in their operation to rescue Vander, and cowardly, showed when she heavily hesitated to jumping to a nearby roof and fled the battlefield where her group confronted a street gang. For these reasons, she was frequently in conflict with her adoptive brother Mylo. Despite these traits however, she demonstrated she was a child prodigy, able to build many (yet mostly ineffective at this time) technologic devices and repair the entire electric system of one of her groups' lairs. One of her main traits, however, was her long-time wish to prove she was a worthy member of the group and especially prove she was as skilled as her sister, which also the main reason of Vander and her siblings accidental death when she disobeyed Vi' order to not following them to the rescue mission.

The weight of Vi's disappointment and anger towards her, and her abandonment of her, unfortunately greatly damaged Powder's mental state, changing to the highly unstable and paranoid terrorist Jinx. As Jinx, she seemingly transferred her desire for approval of Vi from Silco. As Jinx revealed, however, she somewhat despised Silco's advice, and sometimes reacted with annoyance at it. Her unstable mental state has led to her having hallucinatory delusions of missing loved ones, particularly Mylo. Interestingly, she refuses to follow orders/requests as both child and adult, albeit for different reasons; she ignored Vander's request to stop experimenting with explosives because she wanted to protect her loved ones, while she ignored Silco due to being annoyed about feeling repressed - ignoring either resulted in the same destruction and loss of life, but only as a child does she allow herself to feel bad about it, while older she covers remorse with laughter, sadism, and denial.

Her former admiration for Vi became somewhat twisted and possessive, and largely dependent on her emotional state. She both declared that she didn't need her, that she missed her and that she was a "liar". She also had a deep-seated belief that she had replaced her, a fact corroborated by her disappearance from her sister of several years (when no one knew, not even Silco, that she had been secretly imprisoned in Stillwater by Marcus, an Enforcer) and her recent connection with Enforcer Caitlyn Kiramman. However, in her final discussion with Vi, she finally confessed that it was her, that voice in her head, that had kept her going and surviving all those years she'd been alone.

She had an inability to accept the consequences of her actions, with the guilt of her worst mistakes causing her mind to fracture. Along with a desire for a father figure or any familial connection, her connection to Silco was supported by his encouragement to abandon guilt and dismiss pain that one caused by their actions; her decline into sociopathy drove her to repeat her taking of life, but now intentional and lacking any conscious guilt. Despite her original fear of hurting people, eventually she began to enjoy it, while deflecting guilt and blame by an irrational logic of her pain being greater than theirs or a belief in the possibility that her victims may one day hurt her, so she finds it better to kill them first. While her cruelty and bloodthirsty mentality dominated her actions, there was still a sliver of the kind girl she once was that manifests as hallucinations of people she loved but killed, who begin condemning her until she can drown them out with distractions like further destruction.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Shimmer-powering: After being brutally injured by her own bomb, Jinx was infused with the Shimmer drug by Silco. The physical result of this was that Jinx's once grey eyes turned purple, and her skin became grey. In terms of abilities, the only thing Jinx demonstrates in Season 1 is instantaneous speed, traveling extremely fast and stealing the minigun from Caitlyn.
  • Genius-level intelligence:
    • Master inventor and engineer: Even as a child, Powder was a prodigy, maybe rivalising with her former friend Ekko who had similar skills at the same age. She was able to build several machines, mostly bombs, designing mechanical emergency alert of Vander' bar and repair electric system of a hiding place of her group. Years later, her talent increased again, allowing her to design many bombs or weapons which even impressed talented scientifists like Jayce Talis and Viktor, understanding the former researchs despite her initial doubts and even design a heavy weapon using Hextech energy.
    • Strategic skills:
  • Agility and fighting prowess: Though not as skilled as her older sister, Jinx is nonetheless fantastic at hand to hand combat, and even more so when it comes to using firearms.


Jinx: Why did you leave me?!
Vi: Because you are a Jinx! Do you hear me? Mylo was right!
~ Vi calling Powder a "jinx".
It wasn't her. It wasn't. I know, just some wanna-be street trash. I got confused, that's all. Now, he thinks I'm weak. "Sevika will clean it up. Sevika's a regular Johnny-on-the-spot!" I'M NOT WEAK! And I'm gonna show him. Oh, I'm gonna show him, you'll see!
~ Jinx talking to herself before she goes to steal the Hextech gemstone.
I'm a helpless little girl, and I've set the building on fire, by accident. TOTALLY BY ACCIDENT.
~ Jinx's trap at the capitol, which kills several enforcers.
He was like a brother to you, and he turned his back. Blah, blah, blah... Did I miss anything?
~ Jinx to Silco about Vander.
Jinx: I feel like you and I got off on the wrong arm. Maybe we should try the other.
Sevika: No need. It's your sister. She's back. She's looking for you. It's not what you think. She's with some girl enforcer; guess she replaced you.
Jinx: You're lying!
Sevika: Why bother? Her back in town, it's only a matter of time before you implode, and Silco finally gets the message that you're about as good for our cause as you were for your family, Jinx
(sniffles, then sneezes) Ten outta ten, toots! I think I know just how to deliver that message.
~ Jinx to the tied-up Sevika.
Things changed when you left. I changed.
~ Jinx to Vi.
I didn't lose her! They took her! She was there for me, not the enforcer! Why would I remember her name? Well, she's just some stupid topsider! Caitlyn... HAHAHAHAHAHA
~ Jinx thinking about Caitlyn.
Jinx: Let me help you with that.
Silco: Where have you been, Jinx?
Jinx: Oh, you know, here, there, chasing down dead ends, and guess what? They're not all dead.
Silco: I can explain-
(injects Silco with shimmer) Don't move silly, I might hurt you.
Silco: I didn't know. Marcus never told me she was in Stillwater.
(injects Silco again) But you found out she came back. You lied. (injects Silco again)
Silco: I wanted to protect you!
Jinx: From what?
Silco: She and the enforcer are back for the crystal, not for you. Have you forgotten how she left you, who found you, who cared for you, gave you a home? I am your family. Everyone else betrays us. I need you, now more than ever. You have to complete the weapon.
~ Jinx confronts Silco about Vi being alive.
Well, look who it is. The boy savior!
~ Jinx confronting Ekko on the Bridge.
Sheesh. I’m not that crazy.
~ Jinx to Vi.
Finally got the name right, sister.
~ Jinx in the Season 2 trailer.



  • The design of Jinx's rocket Fishbones is implied to be made as a tribute to Silco, as not only does the shark have a scarred eye like Silco, but Silco demonstrates an affinity and love for seamsters in the second episode.
  • For Jinx's model in Acts 2 and 3, Fortiche created a slider, which switches Jinx's face between a more Powder-esque face, and a more adult face.

External Links[]


           League of Legends logo 2019 Villains

Empire of Noxus
Jericho Swain | Darius | The Faceless | Draven | Vladimir | Ambessa Medarda | Sion | Katarina Du Couteau | Samira | Briar | Kled | Boram Darkwill | Crimson Circle | Trifarian Legion | Mordekaiser

The Shadow Isles
Viego | Thresh | Hecarim | Vex | Karthus | Kalista | Ledros | Vilemaw | Iron Order

The Void
Bel'Veth | The Watchers | Baron Nashor | Malzahar | Voidborn (Cho'Gath, Kha'Zix, Kog'Maw, Rek'Sai, Vel'Koz)

The Black Rose
LeBlanc | Vladimir | Elise Kythera Zaavan | Cassiopeia Du Couteau | Talon Du Couteau | Marcus Du Couteau | Briar

Ten Kings (Fiddlesticks, Ashlesh) | Evelynn | Tahm Kench | Nocturne | Raum | Tybaulk | Atakhan | Camphor | Azakana

Aatrox | Rhaast | Varus | Naafiri | Xolaani

Sylas | Mageseekers (Eldred Crownguard, Wisteria, Hesbeth)

Master Kusho | Jhin | Syndra | Ahri | Navori Brotherhood

Piltover & Zaun
Chem-Barons (Silco, Renata Glasc, Corina Veraza, Zarkon Poingdestre) | Camille Ferros | Singed | Jinx (Arcane) | Dr. Mundo | Twitch | Viktor | Warwick | Urgot | Ambessa Medarda | Professor von Yipp | Sevika | Marcus | Deckard | Drake and Vale | Glorious Evolved | The Inx

Gangplank | Pyke | Nautilus | Jack the Winner

The Freljord
Lissandra | Trundle | Volibear | Sejuani | Udyr | Frostguard | Ursine

Xerath | Renekton | Sandthrashers

Qiyana Yunalai | Zyra

Bandle City
Veigar | Minions

Aurelion Sol | Brand | King of Urtis | Shaco

           JustDancelogo Villains

Note: The following throughout the series have their names revealed.

Just Dance series
Waveman | Amanita | Pastaman | Night Swan Army (Night Swan)

Crossover Appearances
Rabbids | Jafar | Stay Puft Marshmallow Man | Piggy | Blinky, Pinky & Inky | Evelynn | Jinx | Dr. Zaun | Monarch | Akumas | Hades
