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Ana dili olanlarABD, Kanada
Konuşan sayısı6.200 (1997 yılı)  (tarih gerekli)
Dil ailesi
Dil kodları
ISO 639-3lkt

Lakotaca ya da Lakota Siyucası (kendilerince Lakȟótiyapi; İngilizce Lakota, Lakhota, Lakota Sioux, Teton, Teton Sioux), ABD'de daha çok Kuzey ve Güney Dakota eyaletlerinde, daha az olarak kuzey Nebraska, güney Minnesota ve kuzey Montana eyaletlerinde ve Kanada'da Lakota Siyuları tarafından konuşulan Siyucanın bir lehçesidir. Konuşanı 1997 yılındaki rakamlara göre 6.200 [1] kişidir.

Diyalekt ve kabileler

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Lakotaca, diğer bir Siyu lehçesi olan Dakotacadan d sesine karşılık l sesinin kullanılmasıyla tipik olarak ayrımlaşır. Birbirinden ufak farklarla ayrılan 2 şivesi bulunur:

  1. Kuzey Lakotacası
  2. Güney Lakotacası

Örnek metin:[2]

LAKOTACA : Khéya Wíta ikčé wičháša tĥaíyapi kiŋ waníl áye. Hékta waníyetu opáwiŋğe tópa hetáŋhaŋ ikčé wičháša na tĥaíyapi kiŋ hená áwičakĥehaŋ atákuni šni áyapi. Eháŋni theĥíya wóakhipĥa kiŋ čhiŋkéšniyaŋ oyákapi, éyaš iyápi kiŋ tókhel šilwákhipĥa héči hé Mílahaŋska oyáte kiŋ óta slolyápi šni. Aléčhalake s'e iyápi kiŋ hená líla tĥeĥíyela ĥči úŋ. Wašíču kiŋ hípi šni haŋni léčhiya iyápi opáwiŋğe tóna yukĥéya úŋpi na waŋná toná napógna luhá oyákihi iyéčhel čónala tĥokátakiya ní kte okíhiphiča. Lakĥótiyapi na wašíčuyapi kiŋ líla íčhitĥokeča, ičhíŋ Lakĥótiyapi kiŋ eháŋni wičhóuŋ él aíkĥoyagye. Wičhóuŋ kiŋ héhaŋ oyáte kiŋ thiyóšpaye-tĥuŋtĥuŋyaŋ úŋpi, makĥá ikčéya úŋpi, théhaŋyaŋ iglákapi na áwičakĥeya táku wakĥáŋ ohólapi na wačhékiyapi. Lakĥótiyapi kiŋ Lakĥól wičhóĥ'aŋ aíkĥoyake. Lakĥótiyapi kiŋ uŋ oyáte kiŋ tókhel oĥ'áŋpi kiŋ hé tónakiyakel eyápi na kĥápi. Tuwéke č'éyaš táku tókĥuŋ-kapiŋ naíŋš wačhíŋkĥo naíŋš wíyokhiya na ísaŋm óta. Naháŋ nakúŋ Lakĥótiyapi kiŋ makĥá oúŋčha��e na makĥóčhe kiŋ wóilagya wíyačhiŋ. Héčhel owáŋyaŋke eyá makĥá oúŋčhağe uŋ iyáčhiŋpi. Héčhuŋpi s'e tuwá "Pheháŋ s'e tĥamáheča" naíŋš "Khéya s'e upíĥči" eyápi. Nakúŋ Lakĥótiyapi kiŋ él ománi-wičhóiye líla óta. Tuwá léčhiya ú naíŋš hí na héčhiya yá naíŋš í, naháŋ nakúŋ letáŋhaŋ hečhíyotĥaŋ iyáya naíŋš hetáŋhaŋ lečhíyotĥaŋ hiyú; naháŋ kú naíš glí, na glá naíŋš khí, na letáŋhaŋ hečhíyotĥaŋ khiglá naíŋš hetáŋhaŋ lečhíyotĥaŋ gličú. Na wóškaŋ wičhóiye kiŋ hená líla-ĥči ísaŋm óta. Nakúŋ “Taŋyáŋ yahí” eyápi na “Taŋyáŋ ománi yo/ye” naíŋš “Tókša akhé” eyápi. Nakúŋ oyáŋke čhažéyatapi na wičhóoyake kiŋ uŋ iyápi kiŋ makĥóčhe na oyáte kiŋ íčhičaške. Lakĥóta wóksape wóuŋspe na Táku Wakĥáŋ ohólapi kiŋ él hená oyás'iŋ aíkĥoyake. Héčhel wóimnayaŋkel eyápi kiŋháŋ táku óta kĥápi. Tuwá glahéya Lakĥótiyiŋ na haŋwákĥaŋ tĥaŋíŋ waŋyáŋke čháŋnašna heyé. Táku waŋ wówapĥetĥokeča iyéčhel čha héčheča waŋyáŋkapi čháŋnašna iglúhukhuyakel úŋpi na hé wičhóiye kĥápi kiŋ hé é, naháŋ nakúŋ kičhí ówaŋžila úŋpi.
İNGİLİZCE ÇEVİRİSİ : Native languages in the United States are in the throes of a prolonged and deadly crisis. For the past 400 years, Native Peoples and their languages have been steadily and undeniably disappearing. Though the historical fate of Native Peoples has been reluctantly acknowledged, less is publicly known about the associated fate of their languages. In recent years, this expanding crisis has reached a deadly climax. Of the many hundreds of languages spoken in North America before the arrival of Euro-American colonizers, only a handful, perhaps a dozen, can be considered viable enough today to survive. Lakota is unique from languages like English because of the intimate way it is tied to the pre-reservation world. This world was closely associated with living in small groups, living close to nature, traveling a good deal across large areas, and having a rich spiritual life. Lakota cultural attributes are reflected in the language. For example, Lakota is rich in ways to describe the many subtle aspects of social behavior revolving around areas of feigning interest, pouting, courting, and many others. Moreover, in Lakota, nature is used as the primary source for the metaphor models. Physical appearance is often tied to nature, for example, someone could be "Skinny as a crane," or "Ragged as a turtle." Lakota is also very good at emphasizing the finer attributes of travel. A person can be considered to be coming or going to or from specific places in many levels detail. Lakota greetings themselves reflect this tendency, wherein English "welcome" is literally Lakota - "Good that you came," And "goodbye," is "Travel well." The language also closely linked the land to the people through geographical names and stories. Lakota philosophical and spiritual concepts often tie together these realms. A word like woímnayankel, expresses notions of awe, humility, and interconnectedness. A Lakota speaker might use this when describing the experience of the northern lights (aurora borealis). The word expresses the humility that a person feels when confronted by the awesomeness of nature while also feeling intimately connected with it.
  1. ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". 7 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Temmuz 2012. 
  2. ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". 20 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Temmuz 2012. 

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