Alphabet Lost And Found

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Alphabet Lost And Found"

song name Alphabet Lost and Found
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Here Come The ABCs, TMBG Clock Radio, CD/DVD Sampler
year 2005
first played February 23, 2005 (60 known performances)
run time 2:49
sung by Marty Beller, with spoken intro & bridge by John Flansburgh


  • Music video illustrated & animated by Divya Srinivasan.
  • The video has been slightly modified for the CD/DVD combo release to reduce flashing lights in several parts of the video.
  • In all known live performances of the song, the lyrics referring to the apple and zebra have been changed so that the pronoun referring to them is "its" instead of "his."

Song Themes

Altered Voice, Animals, Bad English, Bells, Food, Hands, History, In Back, Letters Of The Alphabet, Non-John Vocals, Occupations, Questions, Religion, Supernatural, School, Science, Spoken Word, Stories, Streets, Transportation


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Alphabet Lost And Found is currently ranked #428 out of 1017. (59 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.41)