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Terraria Wiki
Angler Earring
  • Angler Earring item sprite
Stack digit 1
TooltipIncreases fishing power by 10
RarityRarity level: 1
Research1 required

The Angler Earring is an accessory that provides a +10 boost to Fishing power when equipped. It is acquired as a 2.5*1/40 (2.5%)[1] chance reward for completing a Fishing quest for the Angler NPC.

On the PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version, the Angler will not give you an Angler Earring as a reward if you already have one in your inventory or in any of your Portable Storages.

Only one Angler Earring can be equipped at a time, however the increase in fishing power stacks with that of the Angler Tackle Bag and the Lavaproof Tackle Bag, granting a total boost of 30% if all three are equipped. Due to the aforementioned rule on duplicates for PC version PC version, it could be beneficial to keep your Angler Earring in a chest, out of your possessions (inventory or portable storages), while keeping the other two in, to guarantee getting a second Angler Earring as soon as possible.


Used in[]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Tackle BoxTackle Box
  • Angler EarringAngler Earring
ShimmerShimmer Transmutation
Angler Tackle BagAngler Tackle Bag
Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop



  1. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, function GetAnglerReward() in Terraria.Player.cs. Note that the actual drop rate is actually slightly less than 2.5*1/40 (2.5%), because numerous other rewards are rolled before this item is. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is