Tears of Themis Wiki


Abu Simbel Temples[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Marius Investigation 03-02

The Abu Simbel Temples, built by the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II, are two massive rock-cut temples. The most amazing spectacle of the temples is that the rays of the sunlight would penetrate the sanctuary and illuminate the sculptures twice a year. People would gather on those two days to witness the symbol of Ramesses Il's supreme authority and glory. It was later discovered that this "spectacle" was the intended effect and was achieved with the aid of knowledge from astrology, geography, mathematics, and physics.

DAVIS: Believe in the science.

Acropolis of Athens[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Marius Investigation 02-03

Acropolis of Athens, commonly known as "The Acropolis," was the most outstanding ancient architectural complex in Greece. It is located on the Acropolis hill in the center of Athens. Built in 580 BC, the Acropolis is not only a comprehensive public building, but also the center of religious politics, symbolizing the mythology and religion of Greece's prosperous civilization.

Amma Savanna[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Interesting News about Diamonds"

Amma Savanna is the largest savanna in Tambyani, surrounding the Imana Rainforest in the shape of a horseshoe. It is a Tambyani playground for the large animals that roam the savanna. Every year starting from March and lasting until October, the savanna welcomes the rainy season. The dry season starts from November and lasts until February. The luscious green savanna during the rainy season is a stark contrast to the withered vegetation during the dry season.

Many tourists favor visiting the savanna during the rainy season, so Tambyani is offering a round-trip train ride across the country to provide tourists with a sightseeing experience.


Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "The Charm of Grapes"

Barosk is a small country famous for its agriculture and wine making. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, forests cover more than half of the country. This unique terrain creates a pleasant climate that is favored by many tourists.

It is worth mentioning that wine making in Barosk dates back to over a thousand years. As such, wine is deeply engraved into its very culture. Many wineries have retained traditional wine making techniques, creating a unique fragrance that is treasured by wine lovers.


Obtain: Unlock in Vyn "Food for Thought" Story 1

Located in Barosk, Bergandi is known as the "World Wine Center" and is famous internationally for its rich wines. There are over 4,000 wineries and castles located in Bergandi. The Bergandi Wine Association hosts grand international wine tasting events every year, attracting numerous internationally renowned wine critics and wine lovers.

British Museum[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Marius Investigation 02-05

The British Museum was founded in 1753, and opened to the public in January 1759. The museum's collection of some eight million works is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence, documenting the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present.

DAVIS: I can admire its permanent collection anytime I want through the Big Data Lab. But it's much different from seeing it in person!

Cloudbreak Hill[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 01-06

Cloudbreak Hill is one of the municipal administrative districts located in the northwest of Stellis. It is home to the Cloudbreak Mountain Resort, which is a famous 5A natural scenic spot.

The history of Cloudbreak Hill goes back almost a thousand years, since the construction of Cloudbreak Temple. There are modern high-end resort hotels, as well as unique indigenous hotels, catering to over 50 million tourists every year. To protect Cloudbreak Mountain's ecological environment, factories and laboratories are prohibited from being built in Cloudbreak Hill.

Cloudbreak Temple[]

Obtain: Unlock in Artem "Entwined Fate" Story 2

Cloudbreak Temple is a culturally protected structure located in Cloudbreak Mountain Resort of Cloudbreak Hill.

Well-spaced along the mountain side, Cloudbreak Temple occupies an area of 12,000 square meters. Students from all over visit the main temple for prayers that they do well on their exams. Other visitors come and pray for their safety, wealth, career, and marriages. In the backyard of the temple, people come for the wishing tree that is covered all year round with wishing tags.

Dilly Plaza[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Photography Problems"

Dilly Plaza is the cultural center of Lombardia. It's considered a prime shooting location by many film directors for its captivating scenery. Thousand Stars, which won the gold award in the Stellis Film Festival, was shot at this location. Visitors who come here can also visit the largest art gallery and museum, housing Lombardia's enormous collection of treasures and famous paintings.

Djinn Chateau[]

Obtain: Unlock in Vyn "Food for Thought" Story 1

Djinn Chateau, also known as De Luce Chateau is one of the oldest wineries in Bordeaux, dating back to the 12th century. Their wine making technique and management are upheld to the strictest standards. It is famous for its sweet white wine, which is the favorite of many wine lovers. In 1855, when the French wine classification system was introduced, Djinn Chateau was the only winery to be rated as the super chateau.

Dusk River[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Vyn Investigation 02-04

Dusk River is a river on Nosta with strong undercurrents running under it.

Faerie Town[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Faerie Town" (Vyn encounter)

Located in the western part of Skadi Island, Faerie Town was where the faeries originated. Legend has it, if you can collect the seven faeries' blessings representing the seven emotions, you will obtain a magic medicine that can cure any disease. So every year, many people come here to visit, hoping to get the faeries' blessing.

Ferro Winery[]

Obtain: Unlock in Vyn "Food for Thought" Story 1

Situated in Bergandi of Barosk, Ferro Winery is one of the most prestigious first-class wineries in the world. It was cultivated as a vineyard in the mid-sixteenth century, but became famous later in the late seventeenth century. In 1660, Earl James Ferro purchased the chateau. He and his wife managed the chateau together and it eventually became a first-class winery in Barosk.

Their strong partnership allowed them to build the vineyard from the ground up, but they became a symbol of romance for their powerful love of fulfilling their dream together. Ferro wine has become a must-have for special occasions and it is said that one can taste the years of hard work and love they've put into the Ferro Winery.

Fia Estate[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "'Surprise' Souvenir"

Vastly different from the other wineries in Bergandi, Fia Estate offers tourists the chance to live in more than 40 different styles of farm cottages throughout the estate. Visitors can rent the estate, make their own food, and become the master of their own estate in this gorgeous natural scenery.

Floren Palace[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "The Most Beautiful Landscape"

Floren Palace is a palace that was built during ancient times in Lombardia. Today, it has been transformed into a well-known art museum, with numerous art and cultural landscapes surrounding it. It stands as a testament to its history lasting over a hundred years, but is known only to a few.


Obtain: Unlock in Marius' Story 01-04

Florence College of Art is one of the most prestigious higher-education art schools in the world. It is particularly known for its oil painting courses.

Gandi Mountainous Park[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "The Joy of Trying New Things"

Located in the mountainous region of Bergandi, Gandi Mountainous Park is a forest park with natural mountain landscape. Rivers, lakes, and waterfalls weave through the mountains in the park, creating a fairy-take wonderland of natural beauty. Visitors are free to choose from hiking and biking on the main road that runs through the park.

Recently, the park has opened up a cable car experience, offering visitors a new perspective to enjoy the dazzling view.

Gullin Falls[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Strange Invitation"

Gullin Falls is one of the most famous waterfalls on Skadi Island. The waterfall got its name because when the sun hits the water, it reflects a tint of gold.

Hessu Ruins[]

Obtain: Unlock in Secrets of the Tomb Main Story Prologue

The Hessu Ruins are those of a temple from the ancient kingdom of Khaimit, located within the Ita Desert. Archeological research indicates that the order to build the temple was made by the first female pharaoh of ancient Khaimit, Hepharet. A number of Khaimit cultural artifacts have been found there. Following the completion of the protective excavation, it has now been turned into a heritage park, providing free tours for visitors.

Holy Faerie Chapel[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Church Prayers" (Brindisi Lloyd reputation job)

Located in the center of the capital, this pure white chapel is one of the most signature buildings in all of Vikya Capital. Legend has it the faeries bestowed this precious treasure to the people of Skadi.

Imana Rainforest[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Rainforest Invitation"

The Imana Rainforest is a low-lying rainforest basin in central Tambyani surrounded by the Amma Savanna. Tambyani natives call it "Green Pearl", named after its dense forests and diverse animals and plants.

Considered sacred by the natives, the rainforest is home to countless insect species, birds and mammals, and rare endangered plants. However, the rainforest is now in ecological peril due to over-exploitation. Tambyani government has been looking for ways to preserve the rainforest.

Ita Desert[]

Obtain: Unlock in Secrets of the Tomb Main Story Prologue

The Ita Desert runs through the entire western region of Khaimit, occupying two-thirds of Khaimit's total area. Owing to the special climate, many of the ancient relics buried in the desert have been perfectly preserved, and the region is now one of the hottest spots for archeological exploration.

James River[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "The Warmth of a Greenhouse"

James River is the main river that runs through Lombardia. It is responsible for many of the luscious green parks found in the city. In spring and summer, many people can be found lying on the grass while watching the swans glide across the water and listening to the music of the birds.


Obtain: Unlock in Secrets of the Tomb Main Story Prologue

Khaimit is located in the tropical north-eastern region. 90% of the land is desert and semi-desert regions, making it a desert nation.

Sedimentation over the thousands of years that have elapsed since the Ancient Khaimit Empire has given the land a mystical atmosphere. Beneath the golden sand lie buried countless fascinating legends and cultural relics, waiting to be explored by a curious adventurer.

Kingdom of Svart[]

Obtain: Unlock in Vyn "Gentleman's Game" Story 3

Located on a peninsula in northern Europe, the Kingdom of Svart is a constitutional monarchy with a long history.

It has a stable political environment, an affluent society, as well as well-developed aviation, telecommunications, and pharmaceutical industry. Most multinational companies have a presence here, making Svart a hub of international trade.

In Svart, although the King is the nominal Head of State and symbol of the Kingdom while the Prime Minister is the de facto head of government, the aristocracy in power, led by the Duke of Haspran, still exerts a strong influence on the kingdom's politics and economy.

Kulu Mines[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Weight of the Truth"

Situated in the northern part of Amma Savanna, Kulu Mines is the most famous diamond mine in Tambyani. Its mining operations have lasted for hundreds of years, producing tens of thousands of carats of diamonds each year. Many local citizens make their living from the mine, which accounts for half of Tambyani's economy.


Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Gentle Street Performance"

Kylos is a city in Lombardia famous for its food. Countless traditional delicacies attract many tourists here. The influx of culture coming into the city has given rise to a variety of new and attractive dishes. Food lovers and critics from all over come here to find amazing foods that aren't found anywhere else.

DAVIS: Hehe, I have the best foodie guide, but I'm keeping it to myself.

Laide River Canyon[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Warmth of the Palm"

In the northern part of Tambyani, there is a famous tourist attraction called the Laide River Canyon, which is a natural attraction that one cannot pass up the opportunity to visit. Clouds above the canyon move away to reveal the breathtaking scenery underneath, as indigenous villages are located on both sides of the river.

Lange (City)[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Delicious Cheese"

As the capital, Lange is the face of Barosk that is presented to the outside world. There are various memorials built around the wine culture, such as the Wine Museum, Ancient Grape Vines Museum, and the Grape Garden Plaza. There is even a 500-year-old vine that has weathered four centuries of storms, greetings visitors who are stricken with wonder and awe.

Liebe Ranch[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Delicious Cheese"

Liebe Ranch is a famous highland ranch in Barosk. It is a great place to relax and reconnect with nature. Even in the spring and summer, one can make out snow on the mountain peaks in the distance. Visitors can stroll through the mountain pastures or take a cable car to the mountain peak for an even more spectacular view. Passionate herders entertain guests with homemade delights.

DAVIS: M-Mooooo! Drinking milk will help you grow taller!


Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Vacation Invitation"

Known as the "Treasure of Lombardia", Lombard is one of the more prosperous cities. Famous cathedrals, concert halls, opera houses and other cultural artistic buildings are situated here. Every year, many music lovers come here on tour to enjoy the sound of music and enjoy the beauty of art.


Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Vacation Invitation"

Lombardia is a tourist destination famous for its beautiful environment, architecture and art collection. Art critics have commented on its architectural style, art painting, and sculptures having a powerful influence in the world. Lombardia has been hailed by travelers to be the "most artistic country." Countless tourists travel there annually to appreciate the capital's artistic elegance.

Mangrove Park[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Cheerful Intentions"

This natural park is situated between Imana Rainforest and Shanya. Its unique geographical location makes it a great tourist attraction for those that want to see the mangrove.


Obtain: Unlock in Secrets of the Tomb Main Story Prologue

Mien is one of the oldest cities in the world. It's existed as the capital ever since the beginning of the ancient Khaimit dynasty. Thousands of years later, it remains the most bustling city center in the whole of Khaimit.

Because the outskirts of Mien are covered by desert, it's also called the "Desert Capital". If you're planning to travel to Khaimit, stopping by Mien is a must!

Muller's Ranch[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Volunteer Shearer" (Muller Connors reputation job)

Muller's Ranch is located on the eastern plains of the Sakya Fjord. With the rich and superior environment of the Fjord, this area produces the highest quality of sheep and ponies of the entire Skadi Island.

Muller, the owner of the ranch, is a mean-looking but passionate middle-aged man. He greets anyone who visits the ranch with heartfelt hospitality.

Napo Jungle[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "New Plan"

This jungle is located at the edge of the Imana Rainforest and home to natives who have depended on the rainforest for generations. Large areas of it remain unexplored and exotic species of plants have yet to be uncovered.

DAVIS: I get excited just thinking about the exotic plants that might be in the Napo Jungle, waiting to be discovered.

Night Beach[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Memories of Happiness" (Artem encounter)

The Black Desert is located in the southwest coastal region of Skadi Island. Black sandstone and basalt columns from volcanic explosions form a unique black coastline which becomes a magnificent sight when struck by the ocean waves.

And in this mysterious environment, the stories of faeries and trolls were born.

It is said that the black sandstone and reefs are the remains of the trolls after their war with the ancient faeries. The trolls lost and their bodies became giant boulders, forever sitting on the sands of the beach. If you place a seashell found on the beach to your ear, you might still hear the clashes of the two from ancient times.


Obtain: Unlock in Mysteries of the Lost Gold 01-01

The history of Nosta, an island in the Atlantic Ocean, can be traced to over a thousand years ago. However, it was only during the Age of Discovery that there were records of its existence. This island was used by pirates as a transfer port, leaving behind many legends of hidden treasures. After the Age of Exploration, Country A seized this island and built a prison on it to house criminals. As time passed, Nosta gradually faded away from existence. It wasn't until the Great Gold Heist from ten years ago that people remembered this ancient island. Recently, Pax has bought the development rights to Nosta.

DAVIS: I believe Pax will be able to revitalize Nosta.

Nosta Resort[]

Obtain: Unlock in Luke "Iridescent Heartbeat" Story 1

Nosta Resort a large island resort built around Nosta. Its facilities include a resort hotel, theme park, nature sightseeing area, and many other recreational facilities. Among these facilities, the Nosta Theme Park is the most notable.

The theme of Nosta Theme Park focuses on wilderness survival. Many of its recreational attractions, each with its own defining characteristics, are tied to Nosta's special terrain. The most popular of these attractions is the "Dangerous Thrill: A Complete Immersion in Nature," which offers an exciting canyon rafting experience.

With its distinct theme and unrivaled service, Nosta Resort has quickly become a favorite among tourists everywhere, ranking fifth in "Most Anticipated New Tourist Destination" by the Travel the Word Magazine.

Opaline Village[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 05-05

Opaline Village, located on the outskirts of Stellis City, was named because of its proximity to the Opaline River. In the recent years, ethnic tourism has become popular and villagers living there have opened their homes to tourists, providing them with additional income.


Obtain: Unlock in Marius "Dream of Thebes" Story 3

Pi-Ramesses was a city in ancient Egypt. It was the new capital built by the Nineteenth Dynasty Pharaoh Ramesses II at Qantir, in the northeastern region of the Nile Delta, 100 kilometers northeast from Cairo.

Prague Astronomical Clock[]

Obtain: Unlock in Luke's Story 02-02

The Prague Astronomical Clock, located in the capital of the Czech Republic, is a medieval astronomical clock, consisting of three main components: first is the astronomical dial, representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky and displaying various astronomical details; second is "The Walk of the Apostles," an hourly show of moving Apostle figures and other sculptures; and third is a calendar dial, representing the months.

Pouille Village[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Healing Fragrance"

Pouille Village is known for its romantic rolling hills, vineyards, and top-notch cuisine. Tourists from all over the world are here for its unique attraction: a spa built on the site of an abandoned vineyard. The spa provides visitors with the unique spa treatment in a wine barrel, complete with aromatherapy and food that cannot be found elsewhere. It is the perfect place to recuperate your body and soul.

Rodi Castle[]

Obtain: Unlock in Artem "Sunshine After the Rain" Story 3

Rodi Castle was built in the 18th century, 1.5 kilometers off the coast of Kylos.

The owner was the King of Lombardia, King Rodi III. He hated the politics and the people around him that only sought after fame and fortune, so he spent years building this remote sea castle, hoping to live in seclusion with his queen. At first, the castle could only be reached by boat, but during the construction of the castle, the Queen unfortunately fell ill and passed away. In order for the Queen's soul to return home, King Rodi III ordered the construction of a passage, which is still used today. King Rodi III spent the remainder of his life alone in his castle, in which every room was always lit. Fishermen would use it as a beacon of light to find their way home, hence, people named it "The Light Back Home."

Today, Rodi Castle has been turned into a themed hotel that "delves into medieval life." The employees have gone through extensive training to deliver an immersive experience to every guest. This is the reason why Rodi Castle is packed and rooms must be booked at least six months in advance.

Rubis Museum[]

Obtain: Unlock in Secrets of the Tomb Main Story Prologue

Rubis Museum, located on the east coast of Rubis, is one of the world's most famous museums. The precious artifacts held by the museum primarily consist of cultural artifacts originating from ancient Khaimit. The locals call it the Ancient Kingdom's Treasure.

Sakya Fjord[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Pressure Release" (Marius encounter)

"Sakya" means "poem" in the local dialect. It means this region is as beautiful as a poem. Sakya Fjord is located in the northwestern part of Skadi Island. Despite its remote location, this region has beautiful and natural scenery, befitting of its name. It is also home to the island's largest nature reserve and natural pasture. Alone in the exotic scenery, one can truly experience the deep relaxation of being one with nature.

Seti Falls[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Song of the Siren" (Marius encounter)

The Seti Falls is a must-see for tourists that visit Skadi Island. To the north of it is the magnificent Aspakar Volcano, and to the west, the mesmerizing Sakya Fjord. Legends have it that this is a place forgotten by the faeries, with the remains of a Siren buried at the top of the black mountains.

Skadi Island[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Strange Invitation"

An island nation situated where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Arctic, it is home to many active volcanoes. Its borders host a plentitude of sand, lava rocks, glaciers, and black sand beaches along its volcanoes.

Despite its proximity to the Arctic Circle, it has moderate temperatures due to warm currents from the northern Atlantic Ocean. Its particular location allows a spectacular view of auroras.

Due to its low population density and special terrain, the island has given rise to many fantastic legends.

Many of its residents believe they are descendants of a powerful faerie clan. As such, the island possesses a unique faerie culture that has created many faerie legends. Some even believe they can summon faeries. This island operates the world's only Faerie Academy.

Faerie legends and natural landscapes have yielded a flourishing tourism industry, attracting countless visitors to explore the island and its mysteries for themselves.

DAVIS: I want to travel to Skadi Island, but I don't get vacations...

Snowfall Village[]

Obtain: Unlock in Vyn "Snowy Fairy Tale" Story 1

This remote village is named for its long snow-covered field and lush pine forest, with abundant snowfall in winter. It often forms a beautiful scene where verdant pines and cypress stand amid the white snow. Most of the young people in the village go out to work, leaving only the old and children.


Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Rainforest Invitation"

Located near the equator, this tropical country has savannas to the north and south. It also has a rainforest stretching from the central region to the west. Tambyani is rich in natural resources, including gold, diamonds, and other various minerals.

Economic development never took place in Tambyani, primarily because of its heavy reliance on imports and lack of arable land due to its topography and climate. As such, Tambyani has to rely on mining and tourism to sustain its economy.

Tambyani National Park[]

Obtain: Unlock in Romantic Rail Getaway "Haze of the Mines"

Tambyani National Park is the largest public wildlife conservation in Tambyani. Its complete ecosystem and rich biodiversity have attracted interest from zoologists and visitors alike, who can take a round-trip train tour or try hiking in the safety zone to get close to the animals.

Temple of Athena[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Marius Investigation 02-03

The Temple of Athena, built between 449 BC and 421 BC, was located on the Acropolis Hill. In ancient Greek mythology, Athena was the goddess of wisdom, skill and war. The Athenians built this temple in the hope that their country would be victorious in war.

Vikya Capital[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Strange Invitation"

Vikya, the capital of Skadi Island, is located at the southern part of the island. Home to the most beautiful Holy Faerie Chapel and the only Faerie Academy, this is the center for all cultural, economical, and political activities. Government buildings and National Museums are all located here. Every tourist who comes to Skadi Island can experience this bustling city, which is different from the other natural attractions that the island has to offer.

World Entertainment Resort[]

Obtain: Unlock in Artem "Fixated on You" Story 1

Located in the suburbs of Stellis, the World Entertainment Resort is an entertainment center integrating shopping, entertainment, theme park, and much more. The activities and top-notch services make the resort one of the most popular places for tourists to travel.

Gems & Minerals[]


Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 02-13

In Roman mythology, the amethyst is a symbol of Bacchus, the god of wine, also known as the Tear of Bacchus. It was believed that the amethyst could preserve a wine-drinker's sanity, so amethysts were often worn as accessories or used to craft wine vessels.

Animals & Plants[]

Arctic Fox[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Pressure Release" (Marius encounter)

Arctic Foxes, a type of small canine that is commonly seen in cold climate regions. Their thick fur can keep them warm in environments that can fall below 70 degrees Celsius. Due to the preciousness and uniqueness of their fur, it has become a primary target of many hunters.

D.A.V.I.S.: Say no to leather! Promise me that you will protect the wildlife just as you would protect me!

Brown Trout[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Impossible Things" (Artem encounter)

The Brown Trout is a freshwater fish that dwells in rivers and lakes. It is a favorite of fishing enthusiasts as it has a great taste and has very high nutritional values. Tourists can find these fish in the rivers of the Sakya Fjord.

D.A.V.I.S.: Friendly reminder, do not stand too close to the lake when fishing. Safety first.


Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Plane at the End of Time" (Anderson Johnson reputation job)

The dugong is one of the oldest ocean animals today. They have a cute and thick appearance and can be found in the shallow oceans of the tropics. Due to its need to periodically resurface to breathe, they were often mistaken to be "mermaids" by fishermen in ancient times.


Obtain: Unlock in Luke's Story 03-01

Gladiolus, the city flower of Stellis, holds the wonderful meaning of longevity, health, peace, and love. Its name comes from the long leaves in the shape of a gladius. The rose, carnation, gladiolus, and gerbera are known as "the four cut flowers of the world."

Green Mist[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 04-13

"Green Mist" is a green-petaled chrysanthemum unique to one of Stellis' neighboring states.

Moon jellyfish[]

Obtain: Unlock in Luke "Among the Great Blue" Story 2

Aurelia aurita (also called the common jellyfish, moon jellyfish, moon jelly, or saucer jelly.) The jellyfish is almost entirely translucent, found throughout most of the world's oceans, from the tropics to as far north as latitude 70° north and as far south as 40° south. The species Aurelia aurita is found along the eastern Atlantic coast of Northern Europe, the western Atlantic coast of North America in New England, and Eastern Canada.

Noctiluca scintillans[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Luke Investigation 03-03

Noctiluca scintillans is a type of pollutant-resistant marine Pyrrophyta found in oceans from all over the world. As its name implies, its luminous nature, usually caused by an external stimulation, is considered romantic, but its overpopulation may be detrimental to the fishery.

DAVIS: Something so beautiful can always be quite harmful.

Nosta gull[]

Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Luke Investigation 02-02

Nosta Gull is a type of sea bird found only on Nosta. Notorious for being clever and hard to catch, it only lets down its guard slightly while feeding.

Opaline Fish[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 05-05

Opaline fish, freshwater fish native to the Opaline River, is highly recommended by foodies for its tasty meat. Considered a Stellis City delicacy, this fish can be eaten raw or cooked.

Pharaoh Hound[]

Obtain: Unlock in Marius "Dream of Thebes" Story 3

The Pharaoh Hound is a Maltese breed of hunting dog traditionally thought to be from Egypt. Its name in the original language means "rabbit dog." The Maltese government regards the Pharaoh Hound as its national beast and has issued silver coins with a Pharaoh Hound on them.


Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Careless Child" (Brindisi Lloyd reputation job)

Puffins, a peculiar type of bird that likes to gather on cliffs and islands, and dives into the water to hunt for food. The Sakya Fjord is the gathering place of puffins on Skadi Island. Tourists can get up close and personal to enjoy the cuteness of these small birds.

Skadi Pony[]

Obtain: Unlock in A Love Poem to Skadi "Skadi Pony" (Vyn encounter)

The Skadi Pony is a unique horse of Skadi Island. These ponies grow very slowly, but are extremely durable and have a very long life span. These small ponies are stronger and more durable than they may seem. Skadi Ponies are often used for equestrian, horse racing, and other entertainment activities.


Obtain: Unlock in Lost Gold Marius Investigation 02-06

Vultures, part of the Accipitridae bird family, are scavengers that feed on decaying animals and often associated with death in the Nosta culture.

Wine Grape[]

Obtain: Unlock in Vyn "Food for Thought" Story 1

As the name implies, wine grapes are grapes that are cultivated with the sole purpose of making wine. Currently, there are more than 8,000 kinds of grapes in the world, among which there are about 1,000 kinds of wine grapes. However, only 50 kinds of wine grapes are commonly used and popular around the world. Wine grapes can be classified into red, white and gray grapes.

Red grapes are grapes with black, dark blue, purplish red or deep red skins. They are mainly used to make red wine, light red wine, and peach wine. White wine can also be made if the skins are removed first. White grapes are grapes with light green and yellowish skin and are used to make white wine. Gray grapes are grapes with light red or gray skin and are used to make light red wine.


Airport District[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 04-13

Airport District is one of the municipal districts located in east Stellis along the coastline. It was originally named Stellis Harbor and belonged to the Golden Beach Industrial Zone. Stellis Harbor was critical to Stellis' international trade, bringing huge economic benefits. Aside from that, it exposed the city to cultural customs from overseas and changed Stellis into a unique combination of the east and west.

In the late 1930s, Stellis was undergoing massive development and had an airport built in Stellis Harbor, which had been separated from Golden Beach Industrial Zone into its own district. The new century brought about the official change to the district's name, Airport District. Meanwhile, construction had begun on a high-speed railway hub. Its completion would transform the district into a super hub that incorporates all forms of transportation and commerce.

Sometimes, you can still hear whispers of its forgotten name, Stellis Harbor, among the old citizens. Seafood barbecue food carts, agate night markets, and foreign pop songs on tape recorders have all become unforgettable memories from those times.

Golden Beach Industrial Zone[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 01-01

Located in the northern area of Stellis, the Stellis Industrial Zone is the starting place of modern industrialization. The processing industry in Stellis is heavily dependent on the imports and exports of Stellis Harbor. Thus, the industrial zone has been nicknamed the "Golden Beach." After many industrial upgrades, the Golden Beach Industrial Zone has introduced and developed advanced manufacturing and high value-added technology industries. It is now a central manufacturing hub, famous worldwide.

In the beginning, the Golden Beach Industrial Zone was filled with various small industrial parks. The Stellis government, wanting to maximize profits, and pushed large businesses to integrate and expand the industrial parks. Today, many international conglomerates, such as Pax and Crimson Biotech, have set up bases inside the Golden Beach Industrial Zone, which contributes a staggering amount to Stellis' annual GDP.

Due to the industrial boom, many people have also settled in the area, leading to service industries relocating here as well. Many of Stellis' famous bars and restaurants are situated in the Golden Beach Industrial Zone.

Investments are welcome! Great advertising locations for sale!

Hemingway Heights[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 02-02

Hemingway Heights is one of the new municipal administrative districts set up in the 1970s, with the sole purpose of promoting higher education. Hence, not only are there many universities, including Stellis University, but there are other academic institutions and research laboratories located here as well.

The streets of Hemingway Heights are mostly lined with Sycamore trees, creating an elegance and tranquility for which the district is famous. It is for this reason that many professors choose to live here, including Artem's parents and Vyn Richter, who also set up his research center here.

Long Beach[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 05-01

Long Beach is one of the municipal administrative districts in Stellis. Its unique western style and location along the golden beach is the origin of its name. Originally part of Stellis Harbor, Long Beach is home to many foreigners. As such, the architectural style developed in a variety of forms, such as Renaissance, baroque, and gothic styles. This unique combination of classicism and modernism is recognized as a museum of modern and Western architecture.

In the 1970s, the Stellis government made adjustments to the urban planning, upgrading Long Beach to a municipal administrative district. It pushed for new unique tourism projects, transforming eastern Long Beach into a new scenic spot for tourists. However, western Long Beach was very different. Home to mostly foreigners, there are also many consulates from various countries. For that reason, local citizens rarely frequent the area, adding to its sense of mystery.

Manning Palace Hotel[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 02-08

The Manning Palace Hotel sits right by Stellis River, offering its guests a grand view. It is a famous 5-star resort hotel in Stellis and also the venue of choice for business banquets.

North Stellis[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 06-01

North Stellis is an old district next to the Industrial Zone.

During the last century, it was the city center. However, an outbreak forced many of its residents to relocate elsewhere. After the outbreak was over, the government focused its city developments towards the south, rather than the north. As of now, the average income of North Stellis residents is below average. Many of its abandoned buildings are home to those operating outside the law, probably due to the lower police presence there. The city government's primary goal is to overhaul North Stellis, but that cannot be done overnight.


Obtain: Unlock in Marius "All Through the Night" Story 2

Orchidshine is the birthplace of ancient Stellis, which relied on the Stellis river for inland navigation. There are historic and traditional landmarks in the area. Among them, Orchidshine Street is the most famous tourist attraction.

To protect the traditional landmarks and ecological environment in Orchidshine, Stellis opted out of transforming Orchidshine during the recent industrialization. Orchidshine's proximity to Cloudbreak Mountain and Stellis River has made it one of the most popular residential areas. Many real estate developers built numerous villas here and south Orchidshine gradually became the most famous high-end residential area in Stellis. Owning a villa in south Orchidshine is a symbol of status and wealth.

It is also worth mentioning that the von Hagen's ancestral home, a traditional landmark with five courtyards, is situated near Orchidshine Street. It should come as no surprise that the von Hagen Estate is located in south Orchidshine.

Premna Bay[]

Obtain: Unlock in Marius "Vibrant Graffiti" Story 3

This famous tourist location in the Airport District of Stellis is a sight to behold. Every day after dusk, fishing fires light up the bay, leaving light spots on the water. People can step into the moonlight and immerse themselves in the dreamlike scenery.

Pax Group Head Office[]

Obtain: Unlock in Marius "Overtone" Story 1

Pax Group Head Office is the tallest building in the country located in Waterfront. It has been nicknamed the "Skyline of Stellis."

Star Avenue[]

Obtain: Unlock in Artem "Thin Veil" Story 1

Star Avenue, located in the center of the Stellis Movie Museum, is the newly built photography experience. It utilizes the newest VR and optics technology. With accommodating flashing lights, a walk down this avenue will make you feel like you're a superstar, walking down the red carpet. Selected as the shooting location for Blossom on the Wind, this location quickly became a tourist hotspot after the premiere of the show.

Stellis Art Gallery[]

Obtain: Unlock in Main Story 02-04

The Stellis Art Gallery, located on the campus of Stellis University, is the newest art gallery in Stellis City. It frequently exhibits representative artworks from domestic and abroad and holds special exhibitions from time to time.

The Stellis Art Gallery also has three large lecture halls to be used for academic exchanges or small and medium-sized cultural performances. It also offers the most advanced and comprehensive 24/7 digital library, providing services such as information on its catalogues and online exhibitions. The Stellis Art Gallery is also the designated venue for graduation exhibitions for art students of Stellis University.

Special notification: The gallery is closed on Mondays.

DAVIS: Somehow, the online booking is always full...

Stellis Movie Museum[]

Obtain: Unlock in Artem "Thin Veil" Story 1

Stellis Movie Museum, built on the site of the Stellis Studio, was expanded to an area of 40,000 square meters.

The museum interior is divided into four major regions, housing a total of 25 exhibit halls that introduces the history and technological advances of film over the past one hundred years.

In addiction to the collection and display of cultural relics, the museum is also equipped with a holographic film projection hall, creative photography studio experience hall, and other activity areas. The Stellis Movie Museum truly is a symbol of the urban culture, integrating display and experience interaction.

Stellis Public Hospital[]

Obtain: Unlock in Artem's Story 03-05

Located in Stellis' Waterfront District, Stellis Public Hospital is a large, comprehensive teaching hospital that provides a multitude of medical and social services and participates in medical research. It is also Stellis' oldest and most storied hospital.

DAVIS: Humans can't reformat themselves like I can, so please take care of yourself!

Stellis TV Tower[]

Obtain: Unlock in Vyn's Story 03-05

It usually refers to the old address of Stellis TV. Stellis TV Tower is located in downtown Stellis. This location became the most popular dating area after a metropolis love story TV series was shot here a few years ago. The famous "Love Lock" attraction made after the one from the TV series is ranked tenth on the "Places Couples Must Visit In This Lifetime" list by many magazines.

D.A.V.I.S.: Stellis TV Tower Love Lock attraction is open now! All couples are welcome~

The von Hagen Estate[]

Obtain: Unlock in Marius "All Through the Night" Story 2

This residence, built by its ancestors, has a long history of over one hundred years. Because the von Hagens have quite the reputation, people call it the von Hagen Estate.

The von Hagen Estate has undergone many renovations, but it still retains its grand traditional style and is one of the landmark buildings in Stellis.


Obtain: Unlock in Artem's Story 03-10

Tritown, located in North Stellis, is a residential area built and funded by the government. This area has not been included in the plans to reconstruct and reorganize the city. The residential buildings lack modern infrastructure and management. Other than the elderly who have grown used to living here, most residents have chosen to rent out the place to workers from out-of-town for a cheap price. However, it is also because of this that the traffic around the compound has increased and the bustling night markets began to thrive.

Natural Phenomena[]


Obtain: Unlock in Marius "Daytime Aurora" Story 1

Auroras are plasma phenomena that mainly occur in the high latitudes. When a geomagnetic storm occurs, auroras may also be seen in low latitudes. The color of the aurora is dependent on the amount of nitrogen and oxygen in the air. Auroras are commonly found to be red, green, yellow, or blue. They're quite the spectacle!

Polar Day[]

Obtain: Unlock in Marius "Daytime Aurora" Story 1

Polar Day, or Midnight Sun, is a natural phenomenon that occurs at Earth's polar circles where the sun stays on the horizon for 24 hours.
