本團隊專精於室內、建築、景觀設計,在台北市從事室內設計與3DMAX VRAY視覺模擬。擁有建築與室內相關專業背景 已有多年的繪圖經驗,能將虛擬3D物件化為真實世界。
利用HTC VIVE頭盔,即時更換材質,換家具,如遊戲般的體驗可降低來回溝通的不必要風險,以提供客戶更身歷其境的感受,讓客戶提前走入未來的家。
Our team specializes in interior , architecture, landscape design, interior design and engage in Taipei 3DMAX VRAY visual simulation. Architecture and Interior have relevant professional background has many years of experience in the drawing , can virtual 3D objects into the real world.
And is committed to providing high-quality renderings, animation ; more recently virtual reality (VR) services.
HTC VIVE helmet use , immediate replacement of materials , for furniture , such as a game -like experience can reduce the risk of unnecessary communication back and forth in order to provide customers a more immersive experience, allow customers to advance into the future home.