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Google Directions Api Problem on optimisation

i am using directions api with some waypoints. the thing is that its not optimized, it goes with the order of my array and not with the most efficient order. i dont want the order of my array to take ...
vasilis tertylinis's user avatar
-2 votes
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Matching Geopoints to road on map

I tried to create an app which track the current user position and I want to display it on a map. The problem is, when I drive by car I get 2 geopoints and if there was a curve between, then it only ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Speed limit does not work, but snap to roads and the other features does [closed]

When I access this link :,-9.03741754643809|38.6896537,-9.1770515|41.1399289,-8.6094075&key=YOUR_API_KEY for google ROADS API it ...
Alec's user avatar
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Google Roads API - HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Context and problem: I am trying to extract the speed limits of some roads using the Google Roads API. When I try to execute the basic example described on the website, I get the error HTTPError: HTTP ...
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Google Roads API "Requested entity was not found" [closed]

I am trying to use the Google Roads API but it is returning an error when I use the example! If I type the following URL into my browser I get the following response:
tim.tub's user avatar
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I am getting "Cannot resolve method 'snapToRoads()' " error for the following to fix it?

I am trying to use Google Roads api, in which want to call a method snapToRoads, but I am facing an issue. I tried to use other method of snapToRoads, but it also shows same error LatLng[] page = ...
Prasad Kawalekar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Names of streets adjacent to a building in Google Places API

I'm retrieving geocoordinates for particular locations (e.g. a trainstation) using the Google Maps Places API. I would now like to get the names of streets adjacent to the building (e.g. on two or ...
tobiasegli_te's user avatar
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How to update marker using live location along a polyline?

My question titles seems to be an existing one, but here is my complete scenario. I have an activity for Map based operations, where am drawing a polyline along a road, lets say a route between two ...
Sanoop Surendran's user avatar
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Draw custom route on map [duplicate]

I have university area and its Google map routing is undefined inside university. I want to define the roads from academic building to parking because inside university the route on the map not shown....
Muhammad's user avatar
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Is there a good way to minimize load on Google Maps Roads API?

I am developing a proof of concept/prototype for an internal tool. The basic premise is, that we have a couple of units that have a GPS on them, and they report their location (with typical GPS ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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How to extract the Lat/Long from Google Maps RoadsApi from a SnappedPoints response?

I am using the Google Maps Java API for the RoadsApi: Docs: API: My request is ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Google Roads API's Nearest Roads function returns more points than given, contains duplicates

I'm sending a number of points to Google's Roads API to adjust them to roads. Note that this is the "Nearest Roads" function and not the "Snap To Roads" one, so the points don't form a path. When I ...
NeonBlueHair's user avatar
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google maps roads api looping - how to stop

I've implemented the code seen at: In each of the examples on this page, the marker animation loops. How are you supposed to ...
Mike's user avatar
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Google Apis Nearest Roads to snap roads

I am new to use Google api nearest roads to snap the roads. I was trying as in the below link: Google api for nearest road If I have to try the
pgman's user avatar
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Roads googleapi: Some places missing and lines passing through edifices

I'm using the Roads Google API passing a list of positions and I want to paint lines in the most probable road driven by a car by these points. Something is going wrong because some points are not ...
NullPointerException's user avatar

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