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This set of template is used to generate links for Taxonavigation sections and taxon lists, and occasionally when mentioning a taxon (such as a homonym) on a different page. The generated links are automatically formatted (including line breaks: see below) and abbreviated as appropriate.



The templates are generally found in a list of the form {{template|taxon}} {{template|taxon}} {{template|taxon}} {{templatelast|taxon}}, with the last template usually a "-last" template. If taxa at this rank are typically abbreviated, there will be more than one argument.

Please note that these taxon linking templates should not be used within Taxonavigation templates such as for example Template:Homo sapiens, since that may lead to malformed Taxonavigation sections. There is an exception to this rule: the templates {{Gbr}} (for genera), {{Fbr}} (for families), {{Cbr}} (for clades) and {{Obr}} (for orders) should only be used within Taxonavigation templates, and never in Taxonavigation sections.

Supraspecific ranks (unabbreviated)


These templates are the simplest.

  • In the vast majority of instances, only one parameter is used:
What if my rank is missing?
In truth, these templates use different names for intuitiveness. the underlying wikicode is (mostly, see next question) identical, and you can freely use {{Cladus}}/{{Claduslast}} or whichever closest rank has a template.
Why does this template create a linebreak?
The templates {{Ordolast}}, {{Infraordolast}}, {{Subordolast}}, {{Famlast}}, {{Subfamlast}}, {{Superfamlast}}, {{Splast}}, {{Ssplast}} and {{Subspplantlast}} as originally coded include an explicit linebreak and cannot be used in running text as a result. This may change in the future. The templates {{Fbr}} is a duplicate of {{Famlast}}, while {{Gbr}} is the matching version for genera.
Please note that the {{Fbr}} and {{Gbr}} templates are primarily only used within Taxonavigation templates (example) while the "-last" templates are used in Taxonavigation sections on taxon pages, rather than within other templates (example).
My taxon needs disambiguation!

On the occasion that the name needs to be disambiguated, it is possible to change the displayed name with a second parameter: {{subtrib|Melasina (Melasini)|Melasina}} will generate Melasina –.

Infrageneric ranks (abbreviated)

  • These templates cover subdivisions of genera and are always abbreviated. there is no unabbreviated version.
  • Most of these templates are in use in botany rather than zoology, as Zoology uses only the rank of subgenus.
  • They usually have three parameters in the form {{Template|'''G|enus|other-rank'''}}.

Species and infraspecific ranks (abbreviated)

  • Templates of this category have increasing number of distinct part needing to be abbreviated as they need to account for different display and different possible form of the article, but follow the same pattern as seen above
  • The base templates are {{Sp}} and {{Splast}}: {{sp|P|arus|major}} {{splast|A|nacamptis|sancta}} gives P. major – A. sancta
    • Other ranks, especially subspecies, have several variants based on the presence or not of the subgenus in both the abbreviated form and the linked article title.

Nothotaxa (abbreviated)


The following botanical hybrid ranks have dedicated templates: