Vishal Katariya

Vishal Katariyavishal-katariya

Nov 17 2022 02:00 UTC
The guesswork is an information-theoretic quantity which can be seen as an alternate security criterion to entropy. Recent work has established the theoretical framework for guesswork in the presence of quantum side information, which we extend both theoretically and experimentally. We consider guesswork when the side information consists of the BB84 states and their higher-dimensional generalizations. With this side information, we compute the guesswork for two different scenarios for each dimension. We then perform a proof-of-principle experiment using Laguerre-Gauss modes to experimentally compute the guesswork for higher-dimensional generalizations of the BB84 states. We find that our experimental results agree closely with our theoretical predictions. This work shows that guesswork can be a viable security criterion in cryptographic tasks, and is experimentally accessible across a number of optical setups.
Jan 06 2022 02:00 UTC
The aim of this thesis is to develop a theoretical framework to study parameter estimation of quantum channels. We study the task of estimating unknown parameters encoded in a channel in the sequential setting. A sequential strategy is the most general way to use a channel multiple times. Our goal is to establish lower bounds (called Cramer-Rao bounds) on the estimation error. The bounds we develop are universally applicable; i.e., they apply to all permissible quantum dynamics. We consider the use of catalysts to enhance the power of a channel estimation strategy. This is termed amortization. The power of a channel for a parameter estimation is determined by its Fisher information. Thus, we study how much a catalyst quantum state can enhance the Fisher information of a channel by defining the amortized Fisher information. We establish our bounds by proving that for certain Fisher information quantities, catalyst states do not improve the performance of a sequential estimation protocol compared to a parallel one. The technical term for this is an amortization collapse. We use this to establish bounds when estimating one parameter, or multiple parameters simultaneously. Our bounds apply universally and we also cast them as optimization problems. For the single parameter case, we establish bounds for general quantum channels using both the symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) Fisher information and the right logarithmic derivative (RLD) Fisher information. The task of estimating multiple parameters simultaneously is more involved than the single parameter case, because the Cramer-Rao bounds take the form of matrix inequalities. We establish a scalar Cramer-Rao bound for multiparameter channel estimation using the RLD Fisher information. For both single and multiparameter estimation, we provide a no-go condition for the so-called Heisenberg scaling using our RLD-based bound.
Sep 27 2021 02:00 UTC
It is known that a party with access to a Deutschian closed timelike curve (D-CTC) can perfectly distinguish multiple non-orthogonal quantum states. In this paper, we propose a practical method for discriminating multiple non-orthogonal states, by using a previously known quantum circuit designed to simulate D-CTCs. This method relies on multiple copies of an input state, multiple iterations of the circuit, and a fixed set of unitary operations. We first characterize the performance of this circuit and study its asymptotic behavior. We also show how it can be equivalently recast as a local, adaptive circuit that may be implemented simply in an experiment. Finally, we prove that our state discrimination strategy achieves the multiple Chernoff bound when discriminating an arbitrary set of pure qubit states.
Jun 22 2021 20:48 UTC
Feb 11 2021 14:28 UTC
Feb 11 2021 14:27 UTC
Feb 10 2021 21:59 UTC
Vishal Katariya scited Quantum metrology and coherence
Feb 10 2021 21:53 UTC
Feb 10 2021 21:52 UTC
Jan 07 2021 20:06 UTC
Jan 07 2021 20:03 UTC
Jan 07 2021 19:52 UTC
Jan 07 2021 19:51 UTC
Jan 07 2021 19:36 UTC