Non-Universality from Conserved Superoperators in Unitary Circuits


An important result in the theory of quantum control is the "universality" of $2$-local unitary gates, i.e. the fact that any global unitary evolution of a system of $L$ qudits can be implemented by composition of $2$-local unitary gates. Surprisingly, recent results have shown that universality can break down in the presence of symmetries: in general, not all globally symmetric unitaries can be constructed using $k$-local symmetric unitary gates. This also restricts the dynamics that can be implemented by symmetric local Hamiltonians. In this paper, we show that obstructions to universality in such settings can in general be understood in terms of superoperator symmetries associated with unitary evolution by restricted sets of gates. These superoperator symmetries lead to block decompositions of the operator Hilbert space, which dictate the connectivity of operator space, and hence the structure of the dynamical Lie algebra. We demonstrate this explicitly in several examples by systematically deriving the superoperator symmetries from the gate structure using the framework of commutant algebras, which has been used to systematically derive symmetries in other quantum many-body systems. We clearly delineate two different types of non-universality, which stem from different structures of the superoperator symmetries, and discuss its signatures in physical observables. In all, our work establishes a comprehensive framework to explore the universality of unitary circuits and derive physical consequences of its absence.
Submitted 17 Sep 2024 to Quantum Physics [quant-ph]
Published 18 Sep 2024
Updated 16 Oct 2024
Author comments: 21+12 pages, 5 figures. v2: corrected relation to semi-universality as defined in the previous literature and changed nomenclature, added example of translation invariant gates, and added references

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