Classification and emergence of quantum spin liquids in chiral Rydberg models


We investigate the nature of quantum phases arising in chiral interacting Hamiltonians recently realized in Rydberg atom arrays. We classify all possible fermionic chiral spin liquids with $\mathrm{U}(1)$ global symmetry using parton construction on the honeycomb lattice. The resulting classification includes six distinct classes of gapped quantum spin liquids: the corresponding variational wave functions obtained from two of these classes accurately describe the Rydberg many-body ground state at $1/2$ and $1/4$ particle density. Complementing this analysis with tensor network simulations, we conclude that both particle filling sectors host a spin liquid with the same topological order of a $\nu=1/2$ fractional quantum Hall effect. At density $1/2$, our results clarify the phase diagram of the model, while at density $1/4$, they provide an explicit construction of the ground state wave function with almost unit overlap with the microscopic one. These findings pave the way to the use of parton wave functions to guide the discovery of quantum spin liquids in chiral Rydberg models.
Submitted 22 Mar 2023 to Strongly Correlated Electrons [cond-mat.str-el]
Published 24 Mar 2023
Updated 08 Aug 2023
Author comments: 13 pages, 14 figures
Journal ref: Phys. Rev. B 108, 075118 (2023)
Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.075118
Scited by: Mao LIN

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