Hierarchy of topological order from finite-depth unitaries, measurement and feedforward


Long-range entanglement--the backbone of topologically ordered states--cannot be created in finite time using local unitary circuits, or equivalently, adiabatic state preparation. Recently it has come to light that single-site measurements provide a loophole, allowing for finite-time state preparation in certain cases. Here we show how this observation imposes a complexity hierarchy on long-range entangled states based on the minimal number of measurement layers required to create the state, which we call "shots". First, similar to Abelian stabilizer states, we construct single-shot protocols for creating any non-Abelian quantum double of a group with nilpotency class two (such as $D_4$ or $Q_8$). We show that after the measurement, the wavefunction always collapses into the desired non-Abelian topological order, conditional on recording the measurement outcome. Moreover, the clean quantum double ground state can be deterministically prepared via feedforward--gates which depend on the measurement outcomes. Second, we provide the first constructive proof that a finite number of shots can implement the Kramers-Wannier duality transformation (i.e., the gauging map) for any solvable symmetry group. As a special case, this gives an explicit protocol to prepare twisted quantum double for all solvable groups. Third, we argue that certain topological orders, such as non-solvable quantum doubles or Fibonacci anyons, define non-trivial phases of matter under the equivalence class of finite-depth unitaries and measurement, which cannot be prepared by any finite number of shots. Moreover, we explore the consequences of allowing gates to have exponentially small tails, which enables, for example, the preparation of any Abelian anyon theory, including chiral ones. This hierarchy paints a new picture of the landscape of long-range entangled states, with practical implications for quantum simulators.
Submitted 13 Sep 2022 to Quantum Physics [quant-ph]
Published 14 Sep 2022
Updated 11 Jun 2023
Author comments: 17+10 pages. 2+2 figures. Published version
Journal ref: PRX Quantum 4, 020339 (2023)
Doi: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.020339

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