Quantum criticality of bosonic systems with the Lifshitz dispersion


We study the quantum criticality of the Lifshitz $\varphi^4$-theory below the upper critical dimension. Two fixed points, one Gaussian and the other non-Gaussian, are identified with zero and finite interaction strengths, respectively. At zero temperature the particle density exhibits different power-law dependences on the chemical potential in the weak and strong interaction regions. At finite temperatures, critical behaviors in the quantum disordered region are mainly controlled by the chemical potential. In contrast, in the quantum critical region critical scalings are determined by temperature. The scaling ansatz remains valid in the strong interaction limit for the chemical potential, correlation length, and particle density, while it breaks down in the weak interaction one. As approaching the upper critical dimension, physical quantities develop logarithmic dependence on dimensionality in the strong interaction region. These results are applied to spin-orbit coupled bosonic systems, leading to predictions testable by future experiments.
Submitted 14 Sep 2015 to Strongly Correlated Electrons [cond-mat.str-el]
Published 15 Sep 2015
Updated 30 May 2017
Author comments: 10 pages, 2 figure

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