Algebraic charge liquids


High temperature superconductivity emerges in the cuprate compounds upon changing the electron density of an insulator in which the electron spins are antiferromagnetically ordered. A key characteristic of the superconductor is that electrons can be extracted from them at zero energy only if their momenta take one of four specific values (the `nodal points'). A central enigma has been the evolution of the zero energy electrons in the metallic state between the antiferromagnet and the superconductor, and recent experiments yield apparently contradictory results. The oscillation of the resistance in this metal as a function of magnetic field indicate that the zero energy electrons carry momenta which lie on elliptical `Fermi pockets', while ejection of electrons by high intensity light indicates that the zero energy electrons have momenta only along arc-like regions. We present a theory of new states of matter, which we call `algebraic charge liquids', which arise naturally between the antiferromagnet and the superconductor, and reconcile these observations. Our theory also explains a puzzling dependence of the density of superconducting electrons on the total electron density, and makes a number of unique predictions for future experiments.
Submitted 15 Jun 2007 to Strongly Correlated Electrons [cond-mat.str-el]
Published 18 Jun 2007
Updated 03 Dec 2007
Author comments: 6+8 pages, 2 figures; (v2) Rewritten for broader accessibility; (v3) corrected numerical error in Eq. (5)
Journal ref: Nature Physics 4, 28 (2008)
Doi: 10.1038/nphys790

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