WooYeong Song

WooYeong SongWYSONG

Aug 05 2024 04:22 UTC
Aug 05 2024 04:20 UTC
Aug 05 2024 04:20 UTC
Aug 05 2024 02:00 UTC
We propose a fault-tolerant quantum computation scheme in a measurement-based manner with finite-sized entangled resource states and encoded fusion scheme with linear optics. The encoded-fusion is an entangled measurement devised to enhance the fusion success probability in the presence of losses and errors based on a quantum error-correcting code. We apply an encoded-fusion scheme, which can be performed with linear optics and active feedforwards to implement the generalized Shor code, to construct a fault-tolerant network configuration in a three-dimensional Raussendorf-Harrington-Goyal lattice based on the surface code. Numerical simulations show that our scheme allows us to achieve up to 10 times higher loss thresholds than nonencoded fusion approaches with limited numbers of photons used in fusion. Our scheme paves an efficient route toward fault-tolerant quantum computing with finite-sized entangled resource states and linear optics.
Apr 25 2024 02:00 UTC
Variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), which combines quantum systems with classical computational power, has been arisen as a promising candidate for near-term quantum computing applications. However, the experimental resources such as the number of measurements to implement VQE rapidly increases as the Hamiltonian problem size grows. Applying entanglement measurements to reduce the number of measurement setups has been proposed to address this issue, however, entanglement measurements themselves can introduce additional resource demands. Here, we apply entanglement measurements to the photonic VQE utilizing polarization and path degrees of freedom of a single-photon. In our photonic VQE, entanglement measurements can be deterministically implemented using linear optics, so it takes full advantage of introducing entanglement measurements without additional experimental demands. Moreover, we show that such a setup can mitigate errors in measurement apparatus for a certain Hamiltonian.
Sep 06 2023 02:00 UTC
Identifying Bell states without destroying it is frequently dealt with in nowadays quantum technologies such as quantum communication and quantum computing. In practice, quantum entangled states are often distributed among distant parties, and it might be required to determine them separately at each location, without inline communication between parties. We present a scheme for discriminating an arbitrary Bell state distributed to two distant parties without destroying it. The scheme requires two entangled states that are pre-shared between the parties, and we show that without these ancillary resources, the probability of non-destructively discriminating the Bell state is bounded by 1/4, which is the same as random guessing. Furthermore, we demonstrate a proof-of-principle experiment through an IonQ quantum computer that our scheme can surpass classical bounds when applied to practical quantum processor.
Sep 24 2021 02:00 UTC
The noisy binary linear problem (NBLP) is known as a computationally hard problem, and therefore, it offers primitives for post-quantum cryptography. An efficient quantum NBLP algorithm that exhibits a polynomial quantum sample and time complexities has recently been proposed. However, the algorithm requires a large number of samples to be loaded in a highly entangled state and it is unclear whether such a precondition on the quantum speedup can be obtained efficiently. Here, we present a complete analysis of the quantum solvability of the NBLP by considering the entire algorithm process, namely from the preparation of the quantum sample to the main computation. By assuming that the algorithm runs on "fault-tolerant" quantum circuitry, we introduce a reasonable measure of the computational time cost. The measure is defined in terms of the overall number of T gate layers, referred to as T-depth complexity. We show that the cost of solving the NBLP can be polynomial in the problem size, at the expense of an exponentially increasing logical qubits.
Apr 26 2021 09:05 UTC
Feb 11 2021 02:00 UTC
We analyze the average fidelity (say, F) and the fidelity deviation (say, D) in noisy-channel quantum teleportation. Here, F represents how well teleportation is performed on average and D quantifies whether the teleportation is performed impartially on the given inputs, that is, the condition of universality. Our analysis results prove that the achievable maximum average fidelity ensures zero fidelity deviation, that is, perfect universality. This structural trait of teleportation is distinct from those of other limited-fidelity probabilistic quantum operations, for instance, universal-NOT or quantum cloning. This feature is confirmed again based on a tighter relationship between F and D in the qubit case. We then consider another realistic noise model where F decreases and D increases due to imperfect control. To alleviate such deterioration, we propose a machine-learning-based algorithm. We demonstrate by means of numerical simulations that the proposed algorithm can stabilize the system. Notably, the recovery process consists solely of the maximization of F, which reduces the control time, thus leading to a faster cure cycle.
Dec 24 2019 02:00 UTC
Studies addressing the question "Can a learner complete the learning securely?" have recently been spurred from the standpoints of fundamental theory and potential applications. In the relevant context of this question, we present a classical-quantum hybrid sampling protocol and define a security condition that allows only legitimate learners to prepare a finite set of samples that guarantees the success of the learning; the security condition excludes intruders. We do this by combining our security concept with the bound of the so-called probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. We show that while the lower bound on the learning samples guarantees PAC learning, an upper bound can be derived to rule out adversarial learners. Such a secure learning condition is appealing, because it is defined only by the size of samples required for the successful learning and is independent of the algorithm employed. Notably, the security stems from the fundamental quantum no-broadcasting principle. No such condition can thus occur in any classical regime, where learning samples can be copied. Owing to the hybrid architecture, our scheme also offers a practical advantage for implementation in noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.
Aug 20 2019 02:00 UTC
Noisy linear problems have been studied in various science and engineering disciplines. A class of "hard" noisy linear problems can be formulated as follows: Given a matrix $\hat{A}$ and a vector $\mathbf{b}$ constructed using a finite set of samples, a hidden vector or structure involved in $\mathbf{b}$ is obtained by solving a noise-corrupted linear equation $\hat{A}\mathbf{x} \approx \mathbf{b} + \boldsymbol\eta$, where $\boldsymbol\eta$ is a noise vector that cannot be identified. For solving such a noisy linear problem, we consider a quantum algorithm based on a divide-and-conquer strategy, wherein a large core process is divided into smaller subprocesses. The algorithm appropriately reduces both the computational complexities and size of a quantum sample. More specifically, if a quantum computer can access a particular reduced form of the quantum samples, polynomial quantum-sample and time complexities are achieved in the main computation. The size of a quantum sample and its executing system can be reduced, e.g., from exponential to sub-exponential with respect to the problem length, which is better than other results we are aware. We analyse the noise model conditions for such a quantum advantage, and show when the divide-and-conquer strategy can be beneficial for quantum noisy linear problems.
May 15 2019 02:00 UTC
Quantum computation requires large classical datasets to be embedded into quantum states in order to exploit quantum parallelism. However, this embedding requires considerable resources. It would therefore be desirable to avoid it, if possible, for noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) implementation. Accordingly, we consider a classical-quantum hybrid architecture, which allows large classical input data, with a relatively small-scale quantum system. This hybrid architecture is used to implement an oracle. It is shown that in the presence of noise in the hybrid oracle, the effects of internal noise can cancel each other out and thereby improve the query success rate. It is also shown that such an immunity of the hybrid oracle to noise directly and tangibly reduces the sample complexity in the probably-approximately-correct learning framework. This NISQ-compatible learning advantage is attributed to the oracle's ability to handle large input features.