represents the reliability distribution for a system with components xi having reliability distribution disti, where the whole system is working when the Boolean expression bexpr is True, and component xi is working when xi is True.
- ReliabilityDistribution[bexpr,…] corresponds to a reliability block diagram specification.
- The Boolean expression bexpr is also known as the structure function for the system.
- Typical structure functions include:
series system parallel system k-out-of-n system BooleanConsecutiveFunction[k,n] consecutive-k-out-of-n system - The structure function bexpr can be any positive unate Boolean function.
- UnateQ[bexpr] can be used to test whether a Boolean expression is positive unate.
- The component reliability distributions disti need to be univariate with PDF[disti,t] zero for t≤0.
- For ReliabilityDistribution[bexpr,…] with component indicator variables xi:
xiTrue indicates component xi working xiFalse indicates component xi failed - The survival function at time t for ReliabilityDistribution[bexpr,{{x1,dist1},…}] is given by Probability[bexpr/.{x1->t1>t,…},{t1disti,…}].
- ReliabilityDistribution can be used with such functions as Mean, SurvivalFunction, HazardFunction, and RandomVariate.
Introduced in 2012