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Barbara O'Neill

From Wikiquote

Barbara O'Neill (born 28 July 1953) is an Australian alternative health care promoter, known for advertising unsupported health practices described as dangerous by the corporate scientific community. She presents these claims at alternative medicine organisations, wellness retreats, and Seventh-day Adventist Churches despite not having any recognised qualifications and failing nursing training.

Barbara O’Neill
Occupation: Alternative medicine promoter
Known for: Dangerous and unsubstantiated alternative medicine claims


  • Cayenne pepper is a wonderful healer... you can put cayenne pepper with any other herb and it'll intensify its action.
    • The Life Saving Power of Cayenne Pepper, Home Remedy, HealthTalk180, Published on youtube Dec 12, 2023 [Text is from transcript of a lecture O'Neill gave at Royal Oak Seventh-day Adventist Church, Auckland, NZ in Feb 2016]
  • The best heart herb is cayenne pepper... it stimulates the blood and the blood is the life of the flesh. Anything that stimulates blood is going to be good for the body. Cayenne pepper does three things...[1] It's a powerful blood thinner... if cayenne pepper is going through your through your arteries and your veins and it finds any bleeding [2] it'll seal the bleeding blood vessel. How come it can thin the blood and yet seal bleeding blood vessels? Well God said that he gave herbs for the service of man... [3] It opens the capillaries so you get a more powerful effective flow of blood through the whole body.
    • The Life Saving Power of Cayenne Pepper, Home Remedy, HealthTalk180, Published on youtube Dec 12, 2023 [Text is from transcript of a lecture O'Neill gave at Royal Oak Seventh-day Adventist Church, Auckland, NZ in Feb 2016]
  • In Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss he devotes half a page to every herb and he devotes 10 pages to cayenne pepper.
  • Cayenne pepper not only thins the blood, it strengthens the arterial walls so anyone who has had damage from all the things that we talked about that cause the damage they can be repaired, and cayenne pepper helps to repair that
  • How do you take it? you can begin with a quarter of a teaspoon in a little water, three times daily. If you take it with your meals it'll certainly help your digestion by boosting even more digestive enzymes
    • Cayenne Pepper, Eden Outpost Channel, [Date & location of the lecture unknown] Lecture Published on Youtube Mar 5, 2023

Exercise: The Forgotten Remedy


From a talk at Living Springs Retreat, shared Nov 29, 2023 on Youtube]

  • Today in this lecture we're going to be looking at exercise often called The Forgotten remedy because many people don't exercise and it's one of the reasons I mentioned earlier in the week why doctors have to use mesh because the muscles are so weak and they're weak through lack of use, they're weak through lack of hydration, they're weak through... lack of proper nourishment... through not being able to rest at night... they're weak because we're not getting the sunshine to get the vitamin D to allow all the minerals into the cell... not getting enough not getting enough oxygen.
  • Rebounding is something I believe everyone can do and it's such a powerful form of exercise. You don't have to do it very much and if you've got a rebounder in your house and children visit where are they? They're on the rebounder. I've come to the conclusion that people get old because they stop jumping and one of the old sayings Jump for Joy Jump for life, so start jumping.
  • With the rebounder [mini-trampoline] you've got this shock absorber and then it ricochets you up in the air so running on the ground can be very jarring for your hips. It can be very jarring for your knees and for your for your ankles and also your pelvis your lower back. Whereas there's no jarring on the rebounder.

Quotes about person/work

  • A naturopath has been banned from providing any health service by the Health Care Complaints Commission. Barbara O’Neill has been under investigation by the health watchdog for making false claims about cancer and vaccinations, and for recommending inappropriate substitutes for infant formula... Ms O’Neill claims antibiotics cause cancer and neurotoxins in vaccines have caused an epidemic of ADHD, autism, epilepsy and cot death.
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