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Victoria Fromkin

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Victoria Fromkin
Nascimento Victoria Alexandra Landish
16 de maio de 1923
Morte 19 de janeiro de 2000
Los Angeles
Cidadania Estados Unidos
Alma mater
Ocupação linguista, académica, professora universitária
Empregador(a) Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles
Causa da morte câncer colorretal

Victoria “Vicki” Alexandra Fromkin (Passaic, 16 de maio de 1923 - Los Angeles, 19 de janeiro de 2000) foi uma linguista estadunidense conhecida por seus trabalhos sobre problemas de produção e compreensão de discurso. Foi presidente da Sociedade Linguística da América e era professora emérita da Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles, onde lecionou por mais de trinta anos.[1][2][3]

Bibliografia selecionada

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  • 1965. Some Phonetic Specifications of Linguistic Units: An Electromyographic Investigation. Working Papers in Phonetics, No. 3. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Linguistics.
  • 1966. Neuro-muscular specification of linguistic units. Lang. Speech 9:170–199.
  • 1966. Com Peter Ladefoged. Electromyography in speech research. Phonetica 15:219–242.
  • 1968. Com P. Schachter. A Phonology of Akan: Akuapem, Asante, Fante. Working Papers in Phonetics, No. 9. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Linguistics.
  • 1970. The concept of “naturalness” in universal phonetic theory. Glossa 4:29–45.
  • 1971. The non-anomalous nature of anomalous utterances. Language 47:27–52.
  • 1972. Tone features and tone rules. Studies in African Linguistics 3:47–76.
  • 1974. Com R. Rodman. An Introduction to Language. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • 1976. Some questions regarding universal phonetics and phonetic representations. In Linguistic Studies Offered to Joseph Greenberg on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Studia Linguistic et Philologica, volume 4, editado por A. Juilland, 365–380. Saratoga: Anma Libri.
  • 1976. A note on tone and the abstractness controversy. Studies in African Linguistics - supplement 6, 47–62.
  • 1977. The phonology of Akan revisited. In Language and Linguistics: Problems in Africa, Proceedings of the VII Congress on African Linguistics, editado por P. Kotey e H. Der-Houssikan, 143–154. Columbia, South Carolina: Hornbeam Press, Inc.
  • 1978. Editora de Tone: A Linguistic Survey. New York: Academic Press.
  • 1981. Com P. Ladefoged. Early views of distinctive features. In Towards a History of Phonetics. Editado por R. Asher e E. Henderson. pp. 3–8. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • 1985. Editora de de Phonetic Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Peter Ladefoged. Orlando: Academic Press.
  • 1987. The lexicon: evidence from acquired dyslexia. Language 63.1–22.
  • 1988. Grammatical aspects of speech errors. In Linguistics: Cambridge Survey. Editado por F. Newmeyer. pp. 117–138. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1988. Sign languages—evidence for language universals and the linguistic capacity of the human brain. Sign Language Studies 59:115–127.
  • 1991. Brain and language: redefining the goals and methodology of linguistics. In On the Chomskyan Turn: Early generative linguistics, philosophy and mathematics. Edited by A. Kasher. pp. 78–103. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • 1994. Com Eran Zaidel. Lexical decision in the two hemispheres or: Why God is not a programmer. Brain and Language 47:386–388
  • 1997. Some thoughts about the brain/mind/language interface. Lingua 100:3–27


  1. «Victoria Fromkin's Homepage». Consultado em 10 de dezembro de 2019 
  2. Hyman, Larry. «This Month in Linguistics History: A Tribute to Victoria A. Fromkin». Linguistic Society of America. Consultado em 10 de dezembro de 2019 
  3. Schachter, Paul; Hyman, Larry. «Biographical Memoirs: Victoria A. Fromkin 1923–2000» (PDF). National Academy of Sciences. Consultado em 10 de dezembro de 2019