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Frostpoint Field is a location in the northwestern part of the Crown Tundra in the Galar region.


Frostpoint Field is an area separated into two halves that connect Freezington to the west side of Giant's Bed. Both path each contain an item and an entrance to an isolated area of Freezington, but the western one has more Pokémon Dens and a Berry tree.




Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0220Swinub Pokémon HOME Swinub SW/SH 60-65 25%
0439Mime Jr. Pokémon HOME Mime Jr. SW/SH 60-65 25%
0238Smoochum Pokémon HOME Smoochum SW/SH 60-65 25%
0831Wooloo Pokémon HOME Wooloo SW/SH 60-65 25%
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0220Swinub Pokémon HOME Swinub SW/SH 60-65 25%
0439Mime Jr. Pokémon HOME Mime Jr. SW/SH 60-65 25%
0238Smoochum Pokémon HOME Smoochum SW/SH 60-65 25%
0333Swablu Pokémon HOME Swablu SW/SH 60-65 25%
Snowing and Snowstorm[]
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0220Swinub Pokémon HOME Swinub SW/SH 60-65 25%
0439Mime Jr. Pokémon HOME Mime Jr. SW/SH 60-65 25%
0238Smoochum Pokémon HOME Smoochum SW/SH 60-65 25%
0582Vanillite Pokémon HOME Vanillite SW/SH 60-65 25%
Intense Sun[]
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0220Swinub Pokémon HOME Swinub SW/SH 60-65 20%
0439Mime Jr. Pokémon HOME Mime Jr. SW/SH 60-65 20%
0238Smoochum Pokémon HOME Smoochum SW/SH 60-65 20%
0831Wooloo Pokémon HOME Wooloo SW/SH 60-65 20%
0240Magby Pokémon HOME Magby SW/SH 60-65 20%
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0220Swinub Pokémon HOME Swinub SW/SH 60-65 20%
0439Mime Jr. Pokémon HOME Mime Jr. SW/SH 60-65 20%
0238Smoochum Pokémon HOME Smoochum SW/SH 60-65 20%
0831Wooloo Pokémon HOME Wooloo SW/SH 60-65 20%
0574Gothita Pokémon HOME Gothita SW 60-65 20%
0577Solosis Pokémon HOME Solosis SH 60-65 20%


Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0460Abomasnow Pokémon HOME Abomasnow SW/SH 60-65 49%
0832Dubwool Pokémon HOME Dubwool SW/SH 60-65 30%
0124Jynx Pokémon HOME Jynx SW/SH 60-65 10%
0698Amaura Pokémon HOME Amaura SW/SH 60-65 10%
0531Audino Pokémon HOME Audino SW/SH 60-65 1%
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0460Abomasnow Pokémon HOME Abomasnow SW/SH 60-65 49%
0333Swablu Pokémon HOME Swablu SW/SH 60-65 20%
0124Jynx Pokémon HOME Jynx SW/SH 60-65 10%
0698Amaura Pokémon HOME Amaura SW/SH 60-65 10%
0215Sneasel Pokémon HOME Sneasel SW/SH 60-65 10%
0531Audino Pokémon HOME Audino SW/SH 60-65 1%
Snowing and Snowstorm[]
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0460Abomasnow Pokémon HOME Abomasnow SW/SH 60-65 39%
0615Cryogonal Pokémon HOME Cryogonal SW/SH 60-65 20%
0583Vanillish Pokémon HOME Vanillish SW/SH 60-65 20%
0124Jynx Pokémon HOME Jynx SW/SH 60-65 10%
0698Amaura Pokémon HOME Amaura SW/SH 60-65 10%
0531Audino Pokémon HOME Audino SW/SH 60-65 1%
Intense Sun[]
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0460Abomasnow Pokémon HOME Abomasnow SW/SH 60-65 49%
0832Dubwool Pokémon HOME Dubwool SW/SH 60-65 20%
0124Jynx Pokémon HOME Jynx SW/SH 60-65 10%
0698Amaura Pokémon HOME Amaura SW/SH 60-65 10%
0126Magmar Pokémon HOME Magmar SW/SH 60-65 10%
0531Audino Pokémon HOME Audino SW/SH 60-65 1%
Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0460Abomasnow Pokémon HOME Abomasnow SW/SH 60-65 49%
0857Hattrem Pokémon HOME Hattrem SW/SH 60-65 15%
0124Jynx Pokémon HOME Jynx SW/SH 60-65 10%
0575Gothorita Pokémon HOME Gothorita SW 60-65 10%
0578Duosion Pokémon HOME Duosion SH 60-65 10%
0698Amaura Pokémon HOME Amaura SW/SH 60-65 10%
0778Mimikyu Pokémon HOME Mimikyu SW/SH 60-65 5%
0531Audino Pokémon HOME Audino SW/SH 60-65 1%
Please help the Pokémon Wiki by adding info.

Skaing Berry Tree[]

Wild Pokémon
Shaking Berry tree
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0819Skwovet Pokémon HOME Skwovet SW/SH 60-65 70%
0820Greedent Pokémon HOME Greedent SW/SH 60-65 30%


Item Balls[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Focus Sash SW/SH West; by a tree near Freezington, against the west wall
  Max Revive SW/SH East; by a tree near Giant's Bed, against the east wall

Hidden Items[]

Except the Wise Glasses, all hidden items respawn daily and have a rare chance of spawning as a Wishing Piece instead.

Most hidden item spots can have different items respawned. A "^" means that the item can respawn instead of the previous one.

Item Games Location/Method
  Energy Root SW/SH West; by the tree closest to the exit to the isolated area of Freezington with a Bottle Cap
  Big Root SW/SH ^
  Great Ball SW/SH West; by the tree northwest of the north-most den
  Timer Ball SW/SH ^
  Energy Root SW/SH West; by the tree south of the north-most den
  Big Root SW/SH ^
  Snowball SW/SH West; against the east wall and northeast of a den
  Exp. Candy XS SW/SH ^
  Exp. Candy S SW/SH ^
  Exp. Candy M SW/SH ^
  Exp. Candy S SW/SH West; by a tree southeast of the Focus Sash
  Exp. Candy M SW/SH ^
  Exp. Candy M SW/SH West; by a tree south of the stone barrier middle of the path
  Snowball SW/SH West; just next to the previous item
  Exp. Candy XS SW/SH ^
  Exp. Candy S SW/SH ^
  Exp. Candy M SW/SH ^
  Antidote SW/SH West; by the southwest-most tree
  Energy Root SW/SH ^
  Poké Ball SW/SH East; by a tree closest to the exit to the isolated area of Freezington with a Charcoal
  Great Ball SW/SH ^
  Ultra Ball SW/SH ^
  Wise Glasses SW/SH East; by a tree southwest of the previous tree
  Exp. Candy S SW/SH East; by a tree west of the Max Revive
  Energy Root SW/SH East; Just next to the previous item
  Exp. Candy S SW/SH ^

Berry Tree[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Charti Berry SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree
  Liechi Berry SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree
  Micle Berry SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree
  Petaya Berry SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree
  Yache Berry SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree

Pokémon Dens[]

There are 5 Pokémon Dens in Frostpoint Field.
