Number of generalized retarded functions in quantum field theory.
2, 6, 32, 370, 11292, 1066044, 347326352, 419172756930, 1955230985997140
a(d) is the number of parts into which d-dimensional space (x_1,...,x_d) is split by a set of (2^d - 1) hyperplanes c_1 x_1 + c_2 x_2 + ... + c_d x_d =0 where c_j are 0 or +1 and we exclude the case with all c=0.
Also, a(d) is the number of independent real-time Green functions of quantum field theory produced when analytically continuing from Euclidean time/energy (d+1 = number of energy/time variables). These are also known as "generalized retarded functions".
The numbers up to d=6 were first produced by T. S. Evans using a Pascal program, strictly as upper bounds only. M. van Eijck wrote a C program using a direct enumeration of hyperplanes which confirmed these and produced the value for d=7. Kamiya et al. showed how to find these numbers and some associated polynomials using more sophisticated methods, giving results up to d=7. T. S. Evans added a(8) on Aug 01 2011 using an updated version of van Eijck's program, which took 7 days on a standard desktop computer.
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H. Kamiya, A. Takemura and H. Terao, Ranking patterns of unfolding models of codimension one, Advances in Applied Mathematics 47 (2011) 379 - 400.
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a(1)=2 because the point x=0 splits the real line into two parts, the positive and negative reals.
a(2)=6 because we can split two-dimensional space into 6 parts using lines x=0, y=0 and x+y=0.
Sequence in context: A056642 A001199 A232469 * A067735 A326901 A332537
a(9) from Zachary Chroman, Feb 19 2021