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GNU Grand Unified Boot loader

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GNU GRUB on MBR-partitioned hard disk drives
GNU GRUB on GPT-partitioned hard disk drives
boot.img has the exact size of 446 Bytes and is written to the MBR (sector 0). core.img is written to the empty sectors between the MBR and the first partition, if available (for legacy reasons the first partition starts at sector 63 instead of sector 1, but this is not mandatory). The /boot/grub-directory can be located on an distinct partition, or on the /-partition.

GNU GRand Unified Boot loader, og kjend som GNU GRUB eller berre GRUB er ein operativsystemlastar for Linux. Denne vert utvikla av Free Software Foundation og er fri programvare lisensiert under GNU General Public License.

GRUB har i dei fleste Linuxdistribusjonar tatt over rolla som standard operativsystemslastar for forgjengaren LILO.