Changes for version 0.10024 - 2024-10-16
- update to prefer modern Catalyst APIs
- silence expected warnings in tests
- move repository to GitHub
- convert tests from Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst to Catalyst::Test
- don't load unneeded Tie::RefHash
- switch from Digest::SHA1 to Digest::SHA
- switch from Test::Exception to Test::Fatal
- drop unused dependency Class::Inspector
- Don't load password when password_type is 'none', for example when used for authorization
All about authentication stores
All about authentication Stores and Credentials
Authenticate a user without a password.
Authenticate a user with a password.
Let the webserver (e.g. Apache) authenticate Catalyst application users
Base class for realm objects.
Compatibility realm object
Authenticate against multiple realms
Minimal authentication store
Null authentication store
Base class for user objects.
An easy authentication user object based on hashes.
Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework.
Compatibility shim
Compatibility shim
Compatibility shim
Compatibility shim