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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia committees and the translation is 72% complete.
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委員會 章程构成 目的
管理委員會 章程 “确保维基媒体基金会的理事会履行其法律和受托义务,并随着时间的推移提高其治理、效率和效力”
审计委员会 章程 “协助维基媒体基金会的董事会全面监督基金会的年度计划和预算规划、会计和财务报告流程、财务报表审计、内部控制和审计职能。”
人力與文化委員會 章程 “通过实施健全的薪酬、人事政策和实��,协助董事会履行监督职责。”
产品与技术委员会 章程 “评估��索当前和未来的产品开发工作,不断提高维基百科以及其他维基媒体项目作为一个平台向世界各地的社群和用户提供的价值。”
社群事務委員會 章程 “评估、探索和解决当前和未来与社区相关的努力[…],与WMF职员和更广泛的维基媒体社区合作以弥合冲突并提供指导。主要目标是不断改善WMF与其广泛社区之间的关系,共同努力实现维基媒体运动的使命和愿景,同时考虑WMF、社区和世界各地用户的不同需求。”



委員會 章程构成 目的
地方自治體委員會 章程 “整体支持维基媒体运动附属机构(分会、主题组织和用户组)生态的健康,并就附属机构认可和附属生态相关事宜向维基媒体基金会董事会(“董事会”)提供建议。”
语言委员会 章程 “开发及维护:
  • 一个基于定量指标、评估新语言维基可行性,并具有自动化项目开发程序的明确的逐步政策;
  • 对脚本和本地化相关问题的支持和政策制定;
  • 支持新语言社区实现稳定增长的文档;
  • 支持和协调跨语言项目,帮助较小的社区共享资源并最大化其成果;
  • 支持和协调以保持不同MediaWiki安装之间的兼容性,从而在本地化方面减少升级程序库所需的开发量;


维基媒体国际会议委员会 章程 “监督和指导维基媒体国际会议,支持每个会议的个人组织团队,为他们提供资源、经验和建议”


Defined as a committee that is "typically led by a member of the staff and may include representatives from the community, advisory board, staff, board, or outside advisors" by January 2009 Board of Trustees resolution on Wikimedia committees.

委員會 章程构成 目的
通讯委员会 理事会决议(2006) Facilitate communication between the Wikimedia Foundation, the general public, the media, and the communities of the various Wikimedia projects

Movement governance committees

委員會 章程构成 目的
選舉委員會 章程 "assist with the design and implementation of the process to select Community- and Affiliate-Selected Trustees for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees (“Board”) [...] may also assist with similar community-selected positions as determined by the Board."
申诉专员委员会 理事会决议(2015) Investigate complaints about infringements of the Privacy Policy, the Access to nonpublic information policy, the CheckUser policy and the oversight policy on any Wikimedia project for the Board of Trustees
临时案件审查委员会 章程 Reviews eligible Trust & Safety investigations that are appealed either by those who originally requested the investigation or those who have been sanctioned by them.

Movement-wide preparation committees

委員會 章程构成 目的
Movement Charter Drafting Committee 原则 起草运动章程
U4C建構委員會 Art. 4.5. of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines 起草一份章程,概述通用行为准则/协调委员会(U4C)的程序和细节
UCoC drafting committees Board May 2020 statement Drafting the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) and its Enforcement Guidelines (UCoC-EG)


委員會 目的
Conference Support Committee








It was meant to be organized by Angela, but was never really in operation. To be considered disbanded. A sub-meeting (discussion log) of the 11 February 2006 open meeting was used to discuss the setting up of the executive committee and the possibility of an administrative director (or a similarly worded executive position).

  • Selection of and transition to a new Executive Director (2013-2014)


第一次会议于2006年4月5日举行。最初的成员是Delphine Ménard、Arne Klempert、Simon Pulsifer和Frank Schulenburg。最后的更新显示,委员会正在编写一份关于委员会范围的文件。被视为已解散。



Was to be organized by Daniel Mayer and Michael Davis. Status: disagreement between the organisers, original proposals were rejected. Now deprecated after accountant and financial director were hired (see Current staff).

Created June 7, 2006. It was active throughout its first year of operation, but was disbanded in its original description in August 2007. Previous membership list available here: wmf:Resolution:Fundraising committee/Membership. Committee's abandonment is mentioned at wmf:Resolution:Wikimedia Committees.



The original members were Michael Davis, Angela Beesley, Jimmy Wales, and Danny Wool. Status: work in progress to complete applications for board and officers liability insurance and cyber-insurance. Committee de facto disbanded in January after meeting about the forms. D&O active.



最初由Florence Devouard、Jakob Voss和Danny Wool组织。自2007年8月起不再活动。根据理事会决议,该委员会于2009年1月解散。

Established in 2019, to "assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities through helping on special, one-off projects that temporarily require some Board member involvement and input for periods of time". It was dissolved in December 2021.


Was to be organized by Jens Frank, Brion Vibber and Domas Mituzas. Status: was never organized, although the core team of developers constitute a sort of de facto committee.


Created January 2, 2006 by board resolution, intended to oversee the legal process to secure trademarks, make timely reports on the trademark status to the board, make recommendations to the Board about the top priority concerning trademarks (categories, locations and their estimated costs), and was responsible for registering and monitoring domain names for the Foundation.


