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Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 1/Wikimedia Nederland/Progress report form

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Metrics and results overview - all programs


The first six months of 2018 were busy! We organised the WikiWomen Techstorm (a hackathon for women and non-binary people), started on a programme to improve content related to the Dutch-Caribbean and encourage participation from the Dutch-Caribbean community, launched an e-learning programme to improve online communication and carried out a full programme of GLAM-activities which covered images of National-Socialist propaganda for Commons as well as French argot vocabulary for Wiktionary.

We want to strengthen our work in lobbying and public affairs and stimulate volunteers to take an interest in this topic. As a first step, we asked FKAGEU coordinator Dimitar Dimitrov to hold a mini-workshop on a Wiki-Saturday.

In our Impact Report 2017, we reported on staff changes and the loss of several very active and skilled volunteers. To a certain extent, this still affected our operational capacity in 2018. Only two staff (out of six) have more than a year's experience in their current job, but we are getting back up to speed.

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. number of total participants 926
2. number of newly registered users 100
3. number of content pages created or improved, across all Wikimedia projects 20,359
4. Items of new/improved content not on NLWP) 987
5. New editors retained 14

In the following sections we describe our activities in detail and provide information on the impact. As usual, we use color-coding to mark progress:

good progress, or activity successfully completed
some problems: delays or disappointing results
activity unsuccessful or abandoned
activity not yet started or no data available as yet





Desidered change (outcome)

  • A resilient community that has a practice of correcting inappropriate behaviour, acceptable levels of conflict and good channels of communication on and off wiki.
  • A welcoming and open community which is more or less representative of wider society with a steady influx of new editors

Activities 2018

Assessing progress

  • Carry out survey among editing community, working with the members of the community in survey design.

Increase skills within community to deal with/prevent conflicts or inappropriate behaviour

  • promote use of the e-learning program developed, evaluate the effectiveness of the program,
  • support individual training requests, especially by moderators and arbcom members aiming to increase their skill-set. Facilitate meetings and workshops of moderators and arbcom.

Strengthen interpersonal relations within the community

  • programme of events which provide opportunities for Wikimedians to meet in real life
  • rethink the formula for the annual Wikimedia Conference Nederland in dialogue with the community and our partners.
  • We will support initiatives that create community spirit and pride

Increase participation

  • structured training-programme for a general audience which we will run at least twice in 2018.
  • set up and support facebook groups and other platforms where new editors can find help and support.

Q1 and Q2


Wikimedia Introduction Workshops

As mentioned in our impact report, we have changed our approach to editor training. We have abandoned one-off writing events for new editors and have started a series of Wikimedia Introduction Workshops. This is a new setup of workshops, in which we first outline a broader picture of the possibilities to contribute to free knowledge within Wikimedia projects. Our expectation is that this will give participants a better understanding of the possibilities and the opportunity to decide which aspect of working for free knowledge most appeals to them Wikipedia? Wikidata? Wikimedia Commons?

The first of these workshops consisted of 3 evenings during which the attendants - 6 in total - were given an overview of the Wikimedia movement and platforms and a more in-depth view of its most important platforms Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. According to the evaluation, the course provided the attendants with sufficient information to contribute to Wikimedia independently.

We have set dates for a second series of Wikimedia Introduction Workshops. This time we will partner up with Volksuniversiteit Arnhem and Erfgoedcentrum Arnhem. (Volksuniversiteiten in the Netherlands provide a range of training courses for the general public, ranging from language courses to computet skills or cooking. This is the first time we cooperate with a Volksuniversiteit). This initiative is a direct result of the work of Wikipedian in Residence Michelle van Lanschot at Erfgoedcentrum Arnhem.

Wikipedia beginners manual

As part of our new approach to editor training and recruitment, we published the first version of the Wikipedia Beginners Guide in December 2017 and asked the community te review it and give suggestions for improvement. A second and improved edition is now being prepared. Interestingly, a commercial publisher is planning to prepare bring this book to the market - and pay Wikimedia Nederland an author’s fee-, even though it will remain freely available via Commons under a CC-by licence.

In real life events

We continue to organise events where editors can meet in real life as these strengthen ties in the community and improve the atmosphere.

Winner of a Wiki Owl

On Saturday, January 20, the New Year's reception of Wikimedia Netherlands took place at the Utrecht University Museum. The famous WikiUilen (WikiOwls) were awarded to the most appreciated contributions to the Dutch Wikipedia over the past year. In total, seven WikiUilen were awarded within six categories. In addition, the winners of the Wikipedia Writing Competition were announced.

Wikipedians at work in the Tilburg public library during the wiki-café

As of 2018, a Wiki Café is organized monthly in the Tilburg Public Library. New and established editors get together to work on Wikipedia or one of the other Wikimedia projects. Two Wikipedia-editors who had not previously been involved in WMNL projects act as hosts and organisers. The public library finds the Wiki Café an interesting opportunity to fulfill its social role and contribute to digital-literacy. This is the second public library to start hosting a Wiki Cafe. The WikiKring Twente continues to meet monthly in Hengelo public library. it is encouraging to see public libraries finding their way to the Wikimedia movement.

E-learning online communication

After testing and some last minute improvements, we launched our e-learning programma on online communication. We first made it available for moderators and arbcom members, and then opened it for the first group of ‘regular’ Wikipedians.

As we expected, Wikipedians are having problems crossing the threshold to this e-learning programme. So far, 5 have started the training. We know from our test-phase in December that Wikipedians enjoy the training once they have started. Our challenge now is to get them to start. The content of the training will not become outdated or obsolete, and Wikimedia Nederland is willing to support it long term. We will continue to bring it to the attention of the community, and also make it part of our own train-trainers programmes.

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
350 editors take part in survey survey will take place in Q3
20 wikisaturday with 200 visitors 29 /  113 visitors 12 / 59 visitors as planned
2 wiki-meets outside Utrecht - (13) Wiki-meets held at public libraries in Hengelo and Tilburg. Descirbed in more detail under GLAM - programme
75 people complete e-learning 5 25 see comments description of activity
2 training sessions for new editors 1 course of 3 evenings, each attended by 6 people 3 sessions
20 new editors trained 6 15
4 trained editors still active not yet available 4
Facebook group for new editors set up - with 30 active members 10 members 30



Desired change and outcome

  • A majority of the community of editors is aware of the material and non-material support programme provided by Wikimedia Nederland and does not hesitate to make use of it.
  • The grants and reimbursements and other forms of support lead to clear and identifiable contributions to the Wikimedia projects.

Activities 2018

  • provide a small-grants programme, including reimbursement of in country travel costs
  • provide non-financial support concerning getting access to data, accreditation, protesting against incorrect use of Commons images etc.
  • support community-led activities through communication and logistics
  • we will continue to provide international scholarships, but will actively encourage applications by community members who have never before attended international events
  • we will continue to organise the training workshops and will reach out to volunteers with special skills to encourage their involvement

Q1 and Q2


Newspaper subscriptions

Following a discussion among editors in De Kroeg (the village pump) WMNL was asked to explore whether quality newspapers would be willing to provide some free accounts for editors. The Correspondent was the first to respond positively to this. We hope to to motivate other newspapers to follow their example


We provided four scholarships for Wikimedians to attend the Hackathon in Barcelona and six scholarships for Wikimania in Cape Town. This year, we particularly wanted to give Wikimania scholarships to some first-time attendees. It turned out that just mentioning this in our scholarship announcement was enough to encourage Wikimania-newbies to apply. Of the six scholarships, three went to first-timers.

Other forms of support

  • WMNL was approached by a very active Wikipedian, who receives social security benefits from the local authority.  In the Netherlands, one of the conditions attached to such benefits is that the recipient carries out volunteer work. At this editor’s request, we wrote a letter to the relevant  local social security department confirming and explaining the editor’s contribution to the Wikimedia projects over many years. The local authority accepted contributing to Wikipedia as legitimate volunteer work, which means that the editor can not be compelled to do other types of volunteering.
  • We revised our reimbursement policy. The policy had not been changed for six years and did not reflect the increased involvement of volunteers in running and supporting events across the country. Also it did not take into account rising costs of travel and subsistence.  We included the possibility to claim a per diem for in-country activities (before this was only possible for international travel),  specified maximum amounts to be claimed for subsistence and overnight stay and allowed a maximum of €6 minor expenses per trip which could be claimed without receipts.  The reimbursement policy also applies to staff and board.
  • As always, we provided volunteers with p.r.-materials, goodies and communicated their activities in newsletter and social media.

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
four trainings workshops organized, with at least 35 participants - 2/ 18 focus in Q1 and Q2 was on training potential editors
10 small grant application received and processed 5 10
20 volunteers claim in country travel expenses 6 13
15 international scholarships awarded, of which 5 for 'newbies' 10 (3 newbies) 15
Other forms of support provided to at least 10 volunteers 3 8
Added or improved content as a result of these activities 79 150



Desired change (outcome)

  • At least 20% of editors are women. There is a steady influx of female editors who are still active after six months.
  • There is an increase in number of editors from recent and established immigrant communities in the Netherlands.
  • Content on Wikimedia projects related to topics concerning or of concern to women and immigrants communities has improved.

Activities 2018

Diversity: gendergap

  • support the gendergap working group in organising editathons, gendergap WikiSaturdays, Atria-WikiFridays and online events
  • establish and maintain partnerships with organisations focussing on gender issues and gender history,
  • stimulate relevant content and data donations.
  • organise a hackathon aimed at increasing participation of women and developing tools in support of the gendergap programme.

Diversity: immigration (pilot activity)

  • develop a programme of activities to increase involvement of recent or established immigrant groups to the Netherlands and improve relevant content
  • approach groups with a recent or historical migration background to motivate them to become active within the Wikimedia projects, and facilitate relevant content donations.
  • reach out to other European chapters and the the editing community of Arabic Wikipedia  to explore the possibility of a coordinated project of activities for Syrian refugees.

Q1 and Q2


Diversity: Gendergap

Gendergap Hackathon / Wikivrouwen Tech Storm

Women tech storm

A grant we received in 2017 from a private grantmaker made it possible for us to organise a WikiWomen’s Tech Storm: an event to encourage the involvement of women and non-binary people in coding and development for the Wikimedia projects. The Hackathon had two target groups: developers with some experience programming outside Wikimedia who would like to learn Wikimedia coding. The other group consists of women and non-binary people who are already acquainted with Wikimedia projects and are interested in learning the coding side of the projects. There was a lot of interest in the event: 20 participants were selected from a total of 99 applications. Even though there were no scholarships, the event drew an international audience with 12 different nationalities.

From 10-12 May the Women Tech Storm was hosted by the Royal Library in The Hague. Five workshops were offered: Commons tools / GWT, Wikidata 101, Wikidata & SPARQL and Mediawiki. In the meantime there was time for collaborating on projects and one could take part in presentations by the collection specialists of the KB about the masterpieces of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek.

Participants and mentors

We are impressed by the enthusiasm of the participants and how they took their first steps within the Wikimedia projects. Participants automatically found each other and started collaborations or were inspired to start up new projects themselves. A small sample of the results presented at the closing session: A broken Wikidata script is working again, new queries have been created on Wikidata, editor 1Veertje has gained reinforcement in her Video-Cat-Bot project, the Sparql knowledge of a large group of participants is enlarged and a nice extra: 1 Wikipedia article was written on the Polish Wikipedia.

The first results of the evaluation among the participants have come in. Many respondents intend to continue with their acquired WikiData knowledge. What was most appreciated was the open atmosphere among the participants, the large gender diversity and the social character of this Women TechStorm.

TechStorm part II is planned for November 2018. This TechStorm part II still needs to take shape. What is already decided is that men, women and non-binary people will be invited for this.

Other gender gap events

  • WMNL supported the Dutch edition of The Women you have never met which ran from March 4 - April 9. We have been promoting the challenge in our newsletter and we have we have made an extra prize available.
  • WMNL and the Swedish Embassy in The Hague teamed up for the International #Wikigap event. In the Hague. Six articles were written, three on Dutch Wikipedia and three in another language version. Online participants wrote 34 articles on Dutch Wikipedia. This is a great result, more than we expected considering the fact that we had 4 new editors at the IRL event in The Hague.” The event got media attention. A radio show from Belgium contacted WMNL for an interview about #Wikigap/Wikimedia gendergap project. Sandra Rientjes was interviewed and the interview was broadcast on March 20th.
    Hard at work adding content about female human-rights activists
  • Scrum board with completed tasks during the Amnesty International Hackathon
    Amnesty International Wiki-a-thon #BraveEdit. On May 19 Amnesty International held on edit-a-thon, which was initiated by an international event that was launched by WMUK and Amnesty. We offered our support to the local Amnesty chapter and we are very thankful for the effort of our volunteers. They have guided the participants that were mainly new Wikipedia editors. Thanks to their help an impressive number of Wikipedia articles were created. We were impressed by the thorough preparation on the part of Amnesty International Nederland, especially the way they provided participants with ready-to-use source material, and will apply this model in our own editathons in future.
  • We have continued organizing our monthly meet-ups; WikiFridays  (Amsterdam) and WikiSaturdays (Utrecht). It is much appreciated by our supporters, the meet ups offer a safe environment and an opportunity to work together and to get connected to like minded people.
  • We have sent out our montly updates to our gendergap mailinglist, we have shared information about upcoming events and updates.

Diversity: working with new or established immigrants
Wiki goes Caribbean

Last year, together with UNESCO Nederland we started a project Wiki Goes Caribbean aimed at improving content related to the history and culture of the Dutch Caribbean, and at stimulating participation from the Dutch Caribbean community. We hoped to repeat the success of the gender gap programme, where a combination of a small active group of editors, a series of easy-to-join on-wiki and off-wiki events, regular meet-ups and clear suggestions of articles to be written and improved has resulted in a dynamic and productive programme.

For the first six months of 2018, UNESCO Nederland made available resources for a part time Wikipedian in Residence who initiated at series of activities:

  • a series of introductory meetings for anyone and everyone interested in improving content related to the Dutch Caribbean, hosted by Rijksmuseum, the National Archive, the World Museum and the Royal Institute for Language, Land and Ethnology,
  • a follow up editor training for people who had attended the introductory meetings
  • a series of online train-trainer classes for the Universities of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire.

The Residency at UNESCO-Nederland has now been completed, and Wikimedia Nederland is taking over the project as part of its work programme. For the next six months we are planning a writing event for new editors, using the Amnesty International format. There also will be a writing month focussing on the Dutch Caribbean and Wiki Loves Monument Caribbean. The plan is to involve education and GLAM-institutions in the Dutch Caribbean as much as possible.

How necessary diversifying the community is became clear when during the introductory meeting at the Rijksmuseum one of the audience members mentioned that she had been unpleasantly surprised by the article ‘Neger’ (Negro) on NLWP. The article was indeed so outdated in its approach and content as to be borderline racist. (It was completely rewritten within days of the event at the Rijksmuseum)

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
75 participants 226 154 as planned
5 new editors 25 55 60
2000 items content added/improved 913 585 1500 we are aiming for more content donations in Q3-4
100 items of new content, not on NLWP 1 19 100
2 new editors retained 7 6 10
immigrant communities
50 participants - 228 228 participants in introductory meetings. Next phase will focus on mobilising editors and increasing content
25 new editors - 2 25
100 items of content added/improved - as planned
10 items of new content not on NLWP - as planned
5 new editors retained - as planned



Nederland and the World


Desired change (outcome)

  • Wikimedians in the global south are aware of relevant Dutch collections.
  • There are direct links between Wikimedia communities in the global south and Dutch GLAM partners.
  • The Global heritage exchange platform operates as an effective go-between.
  • Materials from Dutch collections connected to the global south are regularly uploaded to the Wikimedia projects and are used.

Activities 2018

  • Maintain the platform where demand from Wikipedians and Wikimedia chapters for images or data can be linked to the collections of Dutch GLAM partners.
  • Facilitate and support content donations from these collections
  • In cooperation with Wikimedia communities worldwide, organise writing events, challenges, etc to encourage uptake of donated content in Wikimedia projects worldwide
  • Regularly post updates about project on international project pages

Q 1-2


With a lot of resources needed for Wiki Loves Caribbean, we could not put so much effort into Nederland en de wereld. Still, things happened:

Women on the Dutch-Caribbean island St Eustatius, ca 1900. Donated by the National Museum of World Cultures
  • We are proceeding with our transcription project in partnership with Wikimedia Indonesia. The work focuses on letters (written in Dutch) by education pioneer and revolutionary Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The digitised letters were uploaded to Commons and are transcribed by volunteers in WikiSource. On april 23rd representatives of Wikimedia Indonesia visited WMNL to discuss the common project. They also presented the work during a meeting with staff of Dutch GLAM institutions.

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
150 participants 24 10 25 As mentioned before, we put a lot of efffort into Wiki Goes Goes Caribean
25 new editors 0 1
20.000 items added/improved 3041 2530 10000
2.500 items added not on NLWP 247 144 2500



Desired change (outcome)

  1. Students know how they can and should use Wikimedia projects (including evaluating the quality of content). This includes Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata as well.
  2. Students know why they should contribute to Wikimedia projects. They know where they can find the necessary information if they decide to contribute.

Activities 2018

  • Insert Wikimedia into the curriculum of courses on academic skills through a pilot with the Institute for Social Studies. As many ISS tudents are from the global south, we hope to create synergy with Nederland and the world  
  • Continue/expand existing intern-programs (e.g., ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen, Universiteit Utrecht) and start cooperation with the Amsterdam University Museum/Allard Pierson Museum
  • Outreach: participate in educational seminars/conferences to promote Wikimedia related activities in the curriculum

Q 1 - 2

Education on WIkipedia: the brochure

We published a brochure about the ways in which the education sector can contribute to the Wikimedia projects, as part of our activities to strengthen our education programme. In Q4, we are planning a seminar about this topic, aiming to copy the success of our seminars about Wikimedia and GLAM.

Utrecht University organised an open science wikisprint (#OSWikisprint) on 23 February, to improve articles on Dutch Wikipedia related to open science in general. Several new articles were created and some others were expanded. Around 8 people attended, including staff from WMNL. A second wikisprint was organised on 11 June, this time in the Royal Library in The Hague. 8 people attended.

The partnership with ITV college for translators continues, with students translating Wikipedia articles into Dutch as part of their traineeship. The programme is well-received by the community.

A first (of three) Wikimedia workshop was held at the International Institute for Social Studies (Erasmus University) on April 18. A second Wikimedia workshop (out of three) was held at the ISS on June 20. Many students at ISS come from the global south. As with the previous workshop in April, the workshop was intended to interest ISS staff, students, and PhDs for the Wikimedia movement and to tell them why it is important to contribute and/or support the movement, not only during their stay at the ISS but also afterwards during their professional careers.

Introductions into editing Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement were given as part of ongoing classes at Maastricht University and Radboud University.

An intern at University of Amsterdam uploaded the Atlas der Neederlanden and enriched articles related to this upload on Wikipedia and Wikidata.

Maastricht University organised a #1Lib1Ref meet-up to which 8 people attended and during which some articles on Wikipedia were enriched with references. As part of 2 courses, students either had to write a new article, or expend an existing one. In one case, students contributed individually, in the other case they worked on the articles in small groups. Topics varied from Abortion in Italy to Diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia during his tour through Europe in A.D. 1873.

Image from the Atlas der Neederlanden

NB: we worked with several universities from the Dutch Caribbean, as described before under Wiki Goes Caribbean.

Emerging partnerships

  • Saxion Hogeschool: a preliminary meeting to see if and how Wikimedia could be integrated into the archaeology curriculum. Results were positive; follow-up is expected in Spring 2019.
  • Universiteit Leiden / Campus The Hague: preliminary meeting on incorporating students' work on Wikipedia. The work has already been done; the students have signed off on it being published on Wikipedia. Follow-up includes finding out how this could be published on Wikipedia, and finding out if and how the community would support this.

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
400 participants 223 189 300
50 new editors 35 30 40
500 items added/improved 318 741 1000
100 items added not on NLWP 65 46 100
10 editors retained 10 6 10



Desired change (outcome)

  • The Wikimedian in Residence programme continues to lay the foundation for longer running partnerships with GLAM institutions. GLAM-Wiki coordinators are appointed at more major GLAMs after residencies have ended.
  • Contributing to Wikimedia projects becomes common practice in the GLAM community, also involving smaller GLAMs with specialised collections.
  • GLAMs develop the skills to contribute directly to the Wikimedia-projects, without assistance by volunteers or WMNL. This applies specifically to libraries and librarians, who have the potential to become Wikimedia-ambassadors to their users.
  • A wider group of volunteers has the necessary skills to process content donations, mass uploads etc.
  • In 2018, the European Year of Cultural Heritage and the Cultural Capital of Europe lead to improved content and increased involvement by the GLAM sector.

Activities 2018

  • Continue to work with, and support, Wikimedians in Residence and GLAM-WIki coordinators
  • Encourage new Residencies, also by participating in fundraising efforts by GLAMs. Facilitate involvement of small GLAMs
  • Organise capacity building and training in GLAM-wiki skills, for GLAM staff and volunteers
  • Stimulate and support donations of content to Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource and Wikidata and promote use of donated content on Wikipedia through online events and activities.
  • Continue to work with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in its role as coordinator of public libraries in the Netherlands to promote and support public libraries developing Wikimedia-activities.
  • Develop at least two activities focussing on European cultural heritage, where possible working together with other European chapters
  • Develop at least one activity related to the fact the Friesland/Leeuwarden is European Cultural Capital
  • In consultation with the library sector, explore options for librarians to become Wikimedia-specialists and ambassadors. Raise funds for a longer running library programme, particularly focussing on academic and specialised libraries.




  • Wikipedians in Residence

Erfgoed Gelderland with the support of WMNL obtained funds to prolong their Wikipedian in Residence programme.

UNESCO Nederland also extended their Wikipedian in Residence programme focussing on Caribbean heritage. The residency ended in June. WMNL will continue the programme.

The Stichting Academisch Erfgoed (Foundation for Academic Heritage) with the support of WMNL obtained funds for a Wikimedian in Residence focussing on adding biographical data about Dutch university professors to Wikidata. The project will start after the summer break.

  • GLAM knowledge seminar

We invited Dutch GLAMs to a knowledge seminar about sharing collections for reuse via Wikimedia. Three speakers shared their experiences and we provided information that answered questions like: Where do you start? What about copyright? And how do you actually upload your collection to Wikimedia? 34 participants attended this session and the overall feedback was that 71,6% of the participants were inspired to to share (parts of) the collection of their institution via one or more Wikimedia projects. We will repeat the seminar in Friesland and will run a similar seminar for the education sector

Wikimedian in Residence Michelle van Lanschot presenting her work during the Symposium Open Up!
  • Possible new partnerships CBS (Official statistics office)

A preliminary meeting took place to see if and how the CBS could contribute its datasets to Wikidata. Follow-up includes discussing with the Wikidata community whether their data are of interest, and whether scripting this kind of import on regular intervals is possible and/or preferable. During a second meeting, students from the Haagse Hogeschool presented their results on 2 small studies on (1) the nature and quality of CBS-derived information on Wikipedia, and (2) the possibility to batch-import and update CBS data into Wikidata. The first study indicated that CBS data on Wikipedia are usually correct, although sometimes outdated. The second study indicated that batch updating is possible, but bot permission was not sought so it has not been tested in reality. CBS indicated that they want to continue the process but need to have some internal discussions as well, including on copyright issues. As part of these processes, CBS has put out an application for an intern to support them on Wikidata-related issues. This post has not yet been filled. WMNL has advised on different matters during the entire process, and has helped bringing CBS into contact with the Wikidata community.

  • Wikimedia and Libraries

On March 20 the annual Dutch library conference, organized by the Dutch Royal Library, was held. WMNL’s Denise Jansen visited this conference. We placed an advertorial in the special congres edition of the librarians’ journal Bibliotheekblad. (page 68 of the pdf) This has lead to two potential new public library partnership.

We submitted a funding application to the PICA foundation, to explore the possibility of developing longer running and longer lasting partnerships between Wikimedia and the library sector. We expect to hear in early August whether the application was successful.

WMNL has had a first meeting with potential new partners for our work with Libraries and Educational Institutions in the province of Utrecht. A follow up meeting is planned in august 2018.

Writing events

  • Public Domain Day: symposium and writing call

1 January is Public Domain Day, which "celebrates" the creative works that have entered the public domain because their authors died over 70 years ago. Wikimedia Nederland sponsored a small symposium on this matter, together with Kennisland, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Creative Commons and Circular Content. The symposium was attended by ~60 people. Website with program here. Together with the symposium, a call was launched on Dutch Wikipedia to write about the authors and their works. Page here. This writing week was somewhat experimental in its setup; due to other writing weeks in this period, and due to the short notice on which it was organised, only limited results were expected and indeed only 1 editor participated. Stating the obvious: we need to be review whether this is the right activity for Public domain day.

  • #1Lib1Ref

The annual #1Lib1Ref campaign ran from 15 January to 3 february 2018. Compared to 2017, a number of changes were made: citation hunt became available for Dutch WP and was integrated into the 1Lib1Ref workflow. The project pages on Meta were simplified - no links to separate pages and everything you need right there on the landing page. Instructions were updated to allow participants to add citations in the visual editor. Focus was shifted slightly from librarians toward university students and staff. Results were still relatively low, but improving when compared to 2017: 20 different users made 36 revisions to 34 pages, although not all of these edits seem to have been constructive edits. When setting the annual plan for 2019, we will decide whether an increase in involvement is to be expected. If not, we will consider abandoning the project.

  • Leeuwarden-Fryslân Cultural Capital 2018.

Leeuwarden (the capital city of the Dutch Province Friesland) is European Capital of Culture in 2018. Many cultural activities take place during the year. WMNL wants to celebrate this and we will take the opportunity to organise an online and offline Wikipedia-event about Friesland and Leeuwarden. We have had our first brainstorm on these events and we have reached out to our community for help, ideas and suggestions. Regional archive Tresoar will host this event.

  • Astronomy writing week
    Market Square in Nijmegen, 1900. Donated by the Nijmegen Regional Archive

From 25 February to 11 March 2018, WMNL together with NOVA (Dutch Research School for Astronomy) organised the Astroschrijfweek, a double writing week on astronomy on the Dutch Wikipedia. Under the #Astroschrijfweek hashtag, editors were invited to improve astronomy related content. NOVA kindly made available a number of small prizes, which were raffled among the participating editors. We had a cross-over with the Gender gap project, in that articles related to both astronomy and the gender gap project (e.g. female astronomers) were eligible for a special prize. In total, 185 articles were improved by 15 different editors. This was the first writing event focusing on one of the natural sciences, proving that even such specialised subjects can inspire editing, although on a more limited scale than with other topics.

  • Year of Resistance

The Platform for the Remembrance of the Second World War (Platform WO2) declared 2018 the theme year 'Year of Resistance'. During this year, attention will be paid to the role of the resistance throughout the Netherlands.

We received a small grant to develop activities on the Wikimedia projects. May was Wikipedia 'Month of Resistance'. Editors were encouraged to improve articles on the theme of resistance during this month. We will continue with similar activities later in the year, focussing on the war in Asia and resistance newspapers.

Content donations

  • World War II: resistance and collaboration
Children cutting bark from a tree to use as fuel during the final months of the war, 1945. Foto by Menno Huizinga

Wikimedia Nederland is part of the Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen (Network War Sources), which aims to improve access to sources related to World War II. It is not often that footage from the Second World War is published in the public domain or with an open license. There is not a lot of original footage from 1940-1945, and works from this period are still copyrighted. Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen believes the reuse of war sources is important and has committed itself to collecting and making available rights-free WO2 material. The platform in particular wants to contribute to Wikimedia Commons.

Photographer Menno Huizinga uniquely captured The Hague in the Second World War. Nearly eight hundred photographs of his hand (many taken clandestinely, at great risk to himself) form the largest part of a content donation by our partner NIOD. Huizinga captured poignant images of the hunger winter in The Hague, the demolition of houses for the construction of the Atlantik Wall and fleeing collaborators.

Funeral of Dutch national-socialist activist Hermannus Reydon, 1943.

Our partner Beeld en Geluid donated the collections of the Film and Photo Service of the NSB (the Dutch movement of Nazi-collaborators). Some six hundred propaganda photographs and 170 films have been marked as public domain. The appeal of the NSB - in 1943 the movement counted 100,000 members - is an underexposed theme in historiography that has only been given more attention in recent years. Because this material is still controversial Beeld en Geluid organised a seminar about the context of the images, which was attended by several Wikipedians.

Furthermore, dozens of photographed WO2 objects have been published on Wikimedia Commons. Like the glasses resistance fighter Hannie Schaft used to disguise herself, a camera with which German V2 missiles were secretly recorded, and a capitulation flag used in Rotterdam.

  • Texts about Dutch philosophy free for reuse

The Royal Library (KB) recently made a large part of the texts on Dutch philosophy suitable for reuse on its website. With the release under CC-BY 4.0, the KB wants to make it easier to write articles about Dutch philosophers, or to improve existing ones, without the danger of copyvio. In the past there was sometimes discussion about copyright violations when texts from the KB were too literally copied on Wikipedia. Through the free license, the KB wants to prevent this kind of ambiguity from now on. In the future the KB hopes to be able to release other encyclopaedic parts of its website.

  • Dictionary argot released for Wiktionary

At the last Wikimedia Conference in the Netherlands in November 2017, the writer and publisher of the "Dictionary Popular French - Dutch", Berry van de Wouw, attended the session on Wiktionary. In a conversation afterwards he came up with the proposal to donate the contents of this dictionary, some 5,000 lemmas and 30 illustrations by Ronald Kronenburg, to Wiktionary. It is a solid collection of contemporary French spoken language (argot) with a large number of example sentences and the meaning in Dutch.

The second edition of the dictionary with a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license is available on Wikimedia Commons. In total, 4847 Wikitionary lemmas were improved. See the project page on Wiktionary

After the donation of the dictionary on Jiddish and Hebrew words in use in Dutch in 2013, this is the second major donation of lemmas to Wiktionary. The Dutch-language wiktionary included about 640,000 pages at the beginning of 2018. More information about this project can be found on the project page on Wiktionary.

  • 3000 images from Regionaal Archief Nijmegen

The Regionaal Archief Nijmegen, one of the participating institutions in the 2017 project A Wikimedian in Residence in Gelderland, donated some 3500 images to Wikimedia Commons. The upload was done with Pattypan, using the latest release that makes it possible to upload images from a web URL. The images document the history of the city of Nijmegen and span the last ~100 years. The collection can be accessed here.

  • Miscellaneous

450 portrait photographs were uploaded via Wikiportret.

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
275 participants 189 270 350
200 new editors 42 6 50 new editors mainly come in via photo-contests, we have not yet organised any this year and are not sure whether there will be any in Q3-4
16,000 items of content added/improved 6871 15,931 17,500
new items of content added to other sites than NLWP 312 307 500
2 new Wikimedians in Residence 2 3
Clarity about possible expansion of collaboration with libraries, and financing grant proposal submitted



Desired change (outcome) The thematic topics nature and health function as a focal point for activities of GLAM and education partners, volunteers and editors, leading to substantial increase in content on Wikimedia projects. Ultimately this results in self-sustaining processes of content donation and content processing requiring only minimal support from WMNL.

Activities 2018

  • support the project nature volunteer group in their activities
  • stimulate and support content donations by partners such as the Natural History Museum Naturalis and the Botanic Gardens
  • explore the feasibility of setting up a new thematic priority Health. Of specific concern will be how we can create synergy with and support Wiki Project Med.

Q1 - 2


'Delfin' (dolphin) from 'Der Naturen Bloeme' by Jacob van Maerlant

The project nature working group has taken some time out to regroup and rethink. Some active members left the group and there was frustration at the lack of clear progress. As a result there were no activities in Q1 and Q2. The group is planning activities with conservation NGOs for Q3-4

The Koninklijke Bibliotheek donated a series of miniatures from a medieval manuscript on nature.

We have not yet started work on thematic priority Health.

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
100 participants 60 0 30
20 new editors 23 0 15
5,000 items of content added or improved 31528 493 2500
500 items of content added to sites other than NLWP 2554 471 750
2 new editors retained 0 0 0


Desired change (outcome)
  • Decisionmakers and the media in the Netherland and at the EU level are aware of key issues concerning copyright legislation and its potential impact on projects such as Wikipedia
  • Public sector institutions comply readily with requests for content under the law on reuse of public sector information
  • The general public and crucial stakeholders have an understanding of Wikipedia that allows them to become engaged with the project in an appropriate and constructive manner if they choose
  • Crucial stakeholders (e.g. institutions in the GLAM and education sector) are aware of Wikimedia Nederland and have an understanding of the role of the organisation

Activities 2018

Public affairs

  • Substantive contribution to achieving program objectives FKAGEU:
  • Provide logistical and administrative support to FKAGEU
  • develop a programme of lobbying and information aimed at public sector institutions to promote compliance with the Wet Hergebruik Overheidsinformatie


  • Review and amend our use of social media to reach out to key stakeholders, responding to direct questions and contributing to discussions relevant to the Wikimedia projects
  • Attend important events (annual meetings, conferences, seminars) where key stakeholders will be present to disseminate information Respond to questions from the media about Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement,
  • Reach out to the media when/where relevant
  • Increase outreach to international Wikimedia community
  • Regularly send out a newsletter via email and talkpages, announcing and reporting on WMNL events and activities

Q 1 - 2


Wikimedia and the EU: status of copyright reform and other Brussels affairs

On 9 June, Dimitar Dimitrov and Anna Mazgal of the FKAGEU were guest speakers at the WikiZaterdag in Utrecht. They told volunteers about the work of the group, and about the state of affairs concerning important issues such as the reform of copyright. This is part of our efforts to revive the copyright/legal affairs working group. We aim to put more resources into lobbying and public affairs over the coming years.

Presentations and lectures

  • VOGIN IP congres. Wikimedian Maarten Dammers gave a presentation during the VOGIN-IP conference for professionals in the field of information retrieval. The subject of his talk was Wikidata.
  • Wikimedia Nederland staff, board members and volunteers presented at the Vakconferentie Wetenschapscommunicatie 2018 (Conference for Science Communication Professionals) at Wageningen University on April 16. The theme of the conference was 'Confidence in science communication'. In a series of mini-presentations we addressed how Wikipedia guarantees the quality and reliability of its content, and what tools exist to assess the quality and reliability of Wikipedia. In addition, researchers talked about how they use Wikimedia projects for their own research and how they assess the 'encyclopedia' written by the public.
  • During the Dutch Adlib User Group Spring Meeting (26 April), WMNL presented the case that sharing collections through Wikimedia means sharing collections with the world. The audience consisted of GLAM professionals and (again) expressed an interest in some kind of "upload to Wikimedia" button inside Adlib. Around 100 people attended this meeting.
  • Wikimedia Nederland presented 2 lectures during the Open Up symposium (19 January), the final meeting of 2017’s Wikimedian in Residence project with Erfgoed Gelderland.
  • Permanent Betadag. Wikimedian Andra Waagmeester was a presenter during Permanent Betadag - Bridging Brains, Culture and Tech. His focus was WikiProject Molecular biology

Measurable results

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Public affairs
Participation in Big Fat Brussels meeting 2 1
Substantial contribution delivered to realizing objectives work program FKAGEU restart of lobby working group

involvement in lobby re plenary vote EP

Contact with at least four public sector institutions in the Netherlands concerning release of information no request received from community to approach insitutions ?
At least two public sector institutions release information as a result of requests ?
number of followers on social media increased by 10% Twitter increased 8% (2611 followers)

Linkedin increased 29% (75 followers)

Facebook increased 26% (530 followers)

Twitter increased 5% (2753 followers)

Linkedin increased 24% (93 followers)

Facebook increased 4% (553 followers)




6 events attended and information about Wikimedia projects and movement provided 5 events 8
5 items in the media following WMNL activity, 13 items 20
10 newsletters produced; 10 6 10
number of subscribers to the newsletter increased by 10% subcribers increased 13%(1493 subscribers) subscribers increased 6% (1592 subscribers) 1642 subscribers
revenue WMF banner fundraising up by 10% unfortunately we don't have data

Revenues received during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
WMF APG Euro 340,000 170,000 170,000 404,005 202,003
Membership fees Euro 5,000 4,665 4,665 5,941
local donations Euro 30,000 18,000 18,000 35,647
project grants Euro 46,000 0 54,658 Application for € 27,000 submitted, pending
designated reserve (multi-year project grant from 2017) Euro 37,688 37,688 37,688 44,782 44,782 these are funds raised in 2017, designated for activities over a three year period

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
Programme Community Euro 78,000 16,216 16,216 92,682 19,297 21% major expenses (€42,000) exoected in Q4
Programme Content Euro 57,500 12.340 12.340 68,323 14,685 21% expected in Q3-4: €40,000
Programme Communication Euro 25,500 11,365 11,365 30,300 13,524 45%
Operations Euro 61,900 32,865 32,865 73,551 39,109 53%
Staff Euro 235,788 125,779 125,799 280,170 149,701 53%
TOTAL Euro 458,688 198,565 198,565 544,026 236,316 43%

* Provide estimates in US Dollars



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No". YES

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No". YES





Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling
