In the recent blog post The many strengths of neurodivergence, there are two issues there:

  1. The content of "... Stack Overflow about their experience as ..." is split into two paragraphs, line break is missing here. It is supposed to be in one paragraph.

    paragraph into two

  2. Instead of the word "Cloud", it is displayed as "CIoud". The "l" is replaced with a capital i, "I"

    Cloud typo


1 Answer 1


Both of these issues (plus another minor typo) have now been fixed. This paragraph now reads:

In today’s podcast, Matt and Ceora talk with Wesley Faulkner, senior community manager at AWS Cloud, and Mariann Lowery, Product / UX Research Lead here at Stack Overflow about their experience as neurodivergent individuals and how we can all do a better job supporting our teammates while taking steps to feel more empowered in our own differences, too.

  • 2
    Will there be any proof reading of future blog posts like this? There have been a lot of these seemingly minor, but yet highly annoying issues lately, which could've easily been prevented.
    – Luuklag
    Commented Oct 4, 2022 at 21:45

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