There's been a push to try to move over more communication to Stack Overflow's blog. There are a few fundamental issues that seem to make it unsuitable for the task, or for that matter, any purpose at the moment
There is no search. The top left link oddly enough traps you in a spiral back to the blog, though I guess that almost makes sense for other pages (maybe add a .blog to the logo to manage expectations). The on the right looks lonely and forlorn, and almost an afterthought for your star product.
There is no pagination.
Practically there is no 'organic' way to refer to an old post, or to find anything but the latest or "popular" posts from the front page.
Fundamentally - folks can't find previous posts easily, which means that referencing old blog posts is nearly impossible.
This might need to be fixed if folks are going to be reading anything other than the latest marketing fluff piece on the blog.
Also the last three items being inexplicably smaller bothers me for some reason.