Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Sol II shipyard was an otherwise unnamed 23rd century Federation starship shipyard construction facility based in the Sol system at Venus.

History and specifics[]

In the 2280s it principally manufactured 12 Continent-class assault ships and 14 Brenton-class cruisers per year, the only facility where these ships were built.

It also built 8 Liberty-class freighters per year. It shared Liberty-class production duties with the shipyards on Cait, Morena, and Tellar.

The Venusian shipyard also produced 95 warpshuttle/couriers per year. It shared production of the Pulsar-class with the San Francisco Navy Yards, Sol V shipyard, Alpha Centauri and Morena yards, and shared production of the Greyhound-class with the Sol VI shipyard and facilities at Andor, Cait, Salazaar, Merak and Tellar. (FASA RPG modules: The Federation, Federation Ship Recognition Manual)



the planet Venus
cities and settlements New New Orleans Federation icon image.
geography Alpha RegioAphrodite TerraIshtar TerraMount Maxwell
outposts Project Ishtar ground stations (Aphrodite Ground StationHelel Ground StationHesperus Ground StationSukra Ground StationVesper Ground Station) • Starfleet Academy's Venusian CampusVenus North Pole Base
orbital installations Aphrodite Terraforming StationIshtar StationSol II shipyardVenus Flight Range
Federation shipyards
40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction YardsAcamar Prime ShipyardAldea Prime ShipyardAltair Prime ShipyardAndoria Prime ShipyardAntares Ship YardsBaikonur CosmodromeBarcon Prime ShipyardBarisa Prime ShipyardBeta Antares Ship YardsBolarus Prime ShipyardCalder Prime ShipyardCentauri SpaceworksCestus Prime ShipyardCopernicus Ship YardDeneva ShipyardsDenocet Prime ShipyardDytallix Prime ShipyardEarth Station McKinleyErabus Prime ShipyardFinnea Prime ShipyardGalor Prime ShipyardGavor ShipyardsGibraltar ShipyardsIdran Prime ShipyardInvernia Prime ShipyardIyaar Prime ShipyardJanus Prime ShipyardLaikan Starfleet ShipyardsLedonia Prime ShipyardLisbon Fleet YardsMeldrar Prime ShipyardMerak Fleet YardsMinos Prime ShipyardMorena Fleet YardsMoriya Prime ShipyardNausicaa Prime ShipyardNew Aberdeen ShipyardsOyarsa Prime ShipyardProxima Maintenance YardsQualor Prime ShipyardRiverside ShipyardSalazaar ShipyardSan Francisco Fleet YardsSol II shipyard (Venus) • Sol V shipyard (Europa) • Sol VI shipyard (Titan) • Tau Ceti Prime ShipyardTaurus Prime ShipyardTellar Prime ShipyardTessen Prime ShipyardTranquility BaseTri-Rho Nautica shipyardsUtopia Planitia Fleet YardsYard 39
Sol system
orbital landmarks (planets, planetoids, moons & asteroids) Sol (primary) • I. Mercury • II. Venus • III. Earth (Luna) • IV. Mars (PhobosDeimos) • Sol asteroid belt (CeresPallasJunoVesta) • V. Jupiter (CallistoEuropaGanymedeIoAmalthea) • VI. Saturn (EnceladusMimasPhoebeRheaTethysTitan) • VII. Uranus (ArielUmbrielTitania • Miranda) • VIII. Neptune (NereidTriton) • Pluto (CharonNixHydra Elysium) • Kuiper Belt (ErisDysnomiaProserpineMakemakeHaumeaVaruna) • Oort cloud {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
space stations Khepera Chromospheric Solar ObservatoryAphrodite Terraforming StationIshtar StationSol II shipyard (Venus)Spacedock 1San Francisco Fleet Yards (Construction support station 173orbital office complex) • McKinley StationUtopia Planitia Fleet YardsJupiter StationSol V shipyard (Europa)Saturn drydockSaturn Station 1Sol VI shipyard (Titan)Pluto StationStarbase 1Defense Outpost 1426Defense Outpost 1427Defense Outpost 1428
outposts Vostok AcademyVenusian CampusPhobos CampusJupiter Colony VJupiter Outposts (Jupiter Outpost 92Ganymede Station) • Mimas StationTitan OutpostProject Pluto Research StationStarfleet Archives AnnexEridian Vault
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1 (Kelvin timeline)Io FacilityStarbase Zeta {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Mirror Universe Terran Space Defense FortressTerran ControlJupiter StationNeptune Station {{{2}}} icon image.