Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Ceres.

1 Ceres was a planetoid in the Sol system, located in the asteroid belt.

History and specifics[]

It was discovered on 1 January, 1801, and was named for the Roman goddess of mythology. This was the first asteroid to be colonized by Humans.

The planet Ceres was named after this planetoid by a group of Humans who would later become known as the Ten Tribes of Ceres. (TOS novelization: Friday's Child)

Ceres became the site of a UNSF base within 3 years after the founding of the service. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation Sourcebook)

FASA calls it the United Nations Space Forces while the Spaceflight Chronology calls it the United Nations Solar Fleet.

Template image. This article is a stub relating to a planet, moon or planetoid. You can help our database by expanding on it.



Sol system
orbital landmarks (planets, planetoids, moons & asteroids) Sol (primary) • I. Mercury • II. Venus • III. Earth (Luna) • IV. Mars (Phobos • Deimos) • Sol asteroid belt (Ceres • Pallas • Juno • Vesta) • V. Jupiter (Callisto • Europa • Ganymede • Io • Amalthea) • VI. Saturn (Enceladus • Mimas • Phoebe • Rhea • Tethys • Titan) • VII. Uranus (Ariel • Umbriel • Titania • Miranda) • VIII. Neptune (Nereid • Triton) • Pluto (Charon • Nix • Hydra Elysium) • Kuiper Belt (Eris • Dysnomia • Proserpine • Makemake • Haumea • Varuna) • Oort cloud {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
space stations Khepera Chromospheric Solar Observatory • Aphrodite Terraforming Station • Ishtar Station • Sol II shipyard (Venus) • Spacedock 1 • San Francisco Fleet Yards (Construction support station 173 • orbital office complex) • McKinley Station • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards • Jupiter Station • Sol V shipyard (Europa) • Saturn drydock • Saturn Station 1 • Sol VI shipyard (Titan) • Pluto Station • Starbase 1 • Defense Outpost 1426 • Defense Outpost 1427 • Defense Outpost 1428
outposts Vostok Academy • Venusian Campus • Phobos Campus • Jupiter Colony V • Jupiter Outposts (Jupiter Outpost 92 • Ganymede Station) • Mimas Station • Titan Outpost • Project Pluto Research Station • Starfleet Archives Annex • Eridian Vault
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1 (Kelvin timeline) • Io Facility • Starbase Zeta {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Mirror Universe Terran Space Defense Fortress • Terran Control • Jupiter Station • Neptune Station {{{2}}} icon image.


External link[]
