Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Omicron Theta (also known as Kiron III) was a planet, the third planet of the Kiron system, and the location of a Federation colony.

History and specifics[]

Omicron Theta was class M. (TNG episode: "Datalore", ST website: It was a Federation member world. (ST reference: Star Charts)

The planet was called Kiron III in David Gerrold's novelization of "Encounter at Farpoint."

No indigenous humanoid life developed on the planet, but it did have insects and song birds. (ST - Myriad Universes - Echoes and Refractions novella: Brave New World}

Federation Science Colony 4457-Delta was founded there, where Doctor Noonien Soong created sentient androids. (TNG episode: "Datalore", LUG RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Core Game Book, TNG - Cold Equations novel: The Persistence of Memory, Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Core Rulebook)

FASA described the planet as newly discovered, with Soong founding the colony himself in 2334. Last Unicorn Games reported that the colony was founded without Soong in the late 23rd century.

The colony was attacked and destroyed by the Crystalline Entity one Thursday in 2336, killing all vegetation, insects and even bacteria. The only known survivors were Data and Lore, Soong's creations. Data was found by the USS Tripoli in 2338. Lore remained dismantled and undiscovered until the crew of the USS Enterprise-D found and assembled him. Lore, it was later discovered, had called the Crystalline Entity to the colony. Also, it was later discovered that Soong and his wife had escaped the destruction of the colony. This was discovered when Dr. Soong "called" Data so that Dr. Soong could give Data an emotion chip. (TNG episode: "Datalore", TNG episode: "Silicon Avatar", TNG - Cold Equations novel: The Persistence of Memory, FASA RPG module: First Year Sourcebook)

After Juliana Tainer told Data there were three additional android prototypes left at the colony, Data took steps to have them located and retrieved from the planet. (TNG novel: Immortal Coil)

Starfleet science teams sought additional information on android development in Soong's complex. Later, the Soong Foundation established a research annex on the planet. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many, LUG RPG modules: Star Trek: The Next Generation Core Game Book, The Price of Freedom)


In 2385, Geordi LaForge took over for Bruce Maddox at the Soong Foundation annex and figured out how to reactivate Data's personality matrix within B-4.

Jake Sisko has visited Omicron Theta. In 2408, he interviewed LaForge about restoring Data. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)

Alternate timelines[]

At some point after his friends aboard the Enterprise had passed on, Data returned to reside on the planet. Some time in the next two million years, the Children of Soong erected a monument to Soong on the planet. (TNG - Strange New Worlds II short story: "I Am Become Death")

Notable residents[]

Points of interest[]



Planets visited by the USS Enterprise-D
2364 Earth • Deneb IV • Archaria III • Ligon II • Styris IV • Omicron Theta • Gamma Tauri IV • Delphi Ardu IV • Peacekeepers' World • Parliament • Rubicun III • Quadra Sigma III • Haven • Torona IV • Angel I • Starbase 74 planet • Bynaus • Tigan VII • Syntagus Theluv • Tarod IX • Faltos • Persephone V • Mordan IV • Aldea • Velara III • Relva VII • Minos • Brentis VI • Treva • Vagra II • Ornara • Brekka • Vandor IV • Sarona VIII • Dytallix B
2365 'aucdet IX • Tenara • Epsilon Miranda V • DQN 1196 • Raimon • Feeniks-Denn IV • Himalias V • Thiopa • Gravesworld • Ramatis III • Solais V • Gagarin IV • Elysia • Iconia • Theta 116 VIII • Pacifica • Bringloid V • Mariposa • Drema IV • Yuri • Surata IV
2366 Kavis Alpha IV • Tau Cygna V • Galorndon Core • Acamar III • Orelious IX • Bre'el IV • Cassiopeia Delta VII • Archer IV • Betazed • Vulcan • Rutia IV • Cawley IV • Grindelwald • Jouret IV
2367 Saturn • Earth • Ogus II • Terlina III • Daa'V • Turkana IV • Qo'noS • Alpha Onias III • Domarus IV • Alpha Hydros V • Beta Hydros IV • Lanatos • Gamelan V • Lambda Paz • Adelphous IV • Modala • Ventax II • Harrakis V • Evadne IV • Malcor III • Koorn • Tarchannen III • Cytheria • Tagus III • Torgu-Va • Kaelon II • Peliar Zel • Torona IV • Krios Prime • Qo'noS
2368 Qo'noS • El-Adrel IV • Valo I • Valo II • Qualor II • Vulcan • Galorndon Core • Hermeticus II • Phaedra • Votar VII • Sindar • J'naii • Naia VII • Delta IV • Cogen V • Tau Lee • Tessen III • Rajatha Prime • Earth
2369 Frigis • Hobson Delta II • Bajor • Eloh • Riat • Dyson Sphere • Tagra IV • Deinonychus VII • Epictetus III • Tyrus VII-A • Farisi • Mardion III • Earth • Megara • Capulon IV • Detria II • Detria VI • Lisarion • Arkaria • Buran • Iomides • Bersallis III • Ruah IV • Indri VIII • Loren III • Vilmor II • Ne'elat • Beta Maradi VII • Aklar • Eloh • Nervala IV • Velex • Ohniaka III
2370 Terellian crashsite world • Marijne VII • N'trahn • Dessica II • Barradas III • Calder II • Vulcan • Kesprytt III • Enoch VII • Dyson Sphere • Hera • Atrea IV • Vacca VI • Dorvan V • Hera • Krantin • Syng II • Earth
2371 Sindikash • Thanet • Ntignano • Akavan III • Damiano • Veridian III
2401–2402 Athan Prime • Jupiter



External links[]
