Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Horst Gorshim was a 23rd century Human man. He was a lieutenant who served aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the 2260s under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.


In 2268, Gorshim joined Leonard McCoy and Elva Vigeland on a survey mission to an unnamed planet. The team discovered a city full of centuries-old sleeper units, most of which contained deceased humanoids. In one facility, however, Vigeland discovered one humanoid who was still alive. A monitoring robot grabbed her, and when Gorshim called out to McCoy, he was grabbed as well, and he was inserted into a chamber that once contained a native who'd crumbled into dust. By the time a rescue team arrived, Gorshim had been dead for several hours. (TOS - The New Voyages 2 short story: "Marginal Existence")

Gorshim's role on the landing party was not specified.



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) miscellaneous personnel
original configuration crew (2240s-2260s) Adams • Adamski • Agbadudu • M. Alexander • Alford • Alnas • Anderson • Arbee • Babb • Banalao • Bartholomew • Bates • Beaumont • Bell • Bemis • Boring • Brenner • M. Brenner • Bretton • Briggs • Brizzi • Cable • Calder • Carter • Castanuela • Chang • Chase • Chen • Chesterton • Claire • Cordell • Crandall • Dashiell • Dean • Demick • Denton • Devico • Dick • Eaglestar • Eckert • Elliott • Ellis • Ferriter • Forbes • Foster • Frietas • Fritz • Frood • Gabriel • Garvey • Gorshim • Grogan • Hansen • Hornick • Hoskins • Hunt • Hurchalla • Ix • Jackson • U. Jackson • Jakorski • Jeffreys • Jinz • Johnson • Jones • Jordan • Kent • Kernbaum • K.A.H. Kim • T. Kim • Kingcome • Kleckner • Krad • Kukar • Kulessa • Lancer • Lane • Langely • Laraya • Latrobe • Lewter • Livinger • Loi • Longstreet • Lownds • Makowski • Mancuso • Margolis • Martin • Matson • Maudie • McNair • Medina • M'Gura • Michaluk • Michelli • Miller • Montalvo-Lagos • Moody • M'turr • Nikon • Number Five • O'Neil • Orgill • Padma • Park • Parkinson • Payne • Pineda • Piper • Plummer • Pool • Prescott • Raeger • Rau • Reisman • Remington • Reyes • Richards • Rosen • Sarda • Sawchuk • Sellers • Shafer • Shaw • Shemry • Shum • Sikh • Smith • B. Smith • H. Smith • Smithy • Snead • Solinski • Sparrow • Eric Staaltenburg • Stein • Stillwell • Stoltzfus • Susan • Tanaka • Taylor • J. Taylor • Thomkins • Ti-Chen • T'Khuln • Tomlinson • Trawley • Uyloan • Vuong • Wagner • Wardoff • Washington • Webb • Williams • Willis • Xana • Xiao • Yang • York Starfleet emblem. USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
refit configuration crew (2270s-2280s) Abernathy • Ahrens • Aledort • Austin • Bearclaw • Bischoff • Brand • Brassard • Canfield • Chen • Claremont • Coffey • Conroy • Croy • Deckert • Dennehy • Eisenberg • Feder • Foster • Fredericks • Ibsen • Jacobs • Kelly • Khalifa • Ki'ki're'ti'ke • Konom • Korren • Ky • Langsam • Lihwa • Litt • London • Lucy • Diane Maass • Donald Maass • Malkson • Mathee • Matshushita • Meier • Meshav • Miñambrés • Morris • Muller • Norton • Oranjeboom • Paul • Remner • Rogers • Rotsler • Saavik • Trenjan • Visti • Welkin • Zaand • Zh'Ral UFP emblem. USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)

